Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  TODAY HAS BEEN the worst and best day of my life. Last night Knight made me feel loved, sexy, and protected. He showed me how I can please him and make him feel the best I can with my body and was so patient with me even though I know it was killing him to do it. Last night made me fall harder for the man I’ve only known a short time.

  This morning I woke up in bed alone. Knight’s side of the bed was cold, and I didn’t hear him moving around in the hotel room. My body is sore in all the right places and I groan as I stretch out the used muscles in my body. I have slight pain between my legs, and I know I need to get up and shower to help ease the ache.

  I grab my phone off the nightstand and see missed calls and messages. Most of them are from Knight with one or two from Isabella.

  Isabella: Don’t worry about the meet and greet. It’s been cancelled. You don’t need to show up to the venue until sound check.

  Knight: Are you okay? Where are you? We’re on our way to the meet and greet.

  Knight: Onyx, I’m starting to get worried. I left you to sleep and didn’t get a chance to make it back to the room because of Isabella. I’m sorry baby. Let me know you’re okay.

  Once again, Isabella has lied to me. Tears fall from my eyes as I pull the blankets over my head and let them silently fall down my face. Am I ever going to catch a break when it comes to the band? Or am I going to continually mess things up and cause them more headaches than I’m worth?

  I’m not sure when I passed back out, but I did. Waking up again, I pull the blankets from over my head and take a quick shower. As soon as I’m dressed, I head out of the hotel room in search of food. Sabotage, Zeus, and Razer are waiting outside the room for me.

  Sabotage takes one look at me and I know he can tell I’m upset and have spent the morning crying.

  “We going to head to the venue?” Sabotage asks.

  “No. I’m going to go get something to eat and then head back to the room. I’m not sure what I’m doing after that yet,” I answer him.

  “Okay. Let’s go eat then. I’m starving,” Razer says, not wanting me to linger in my head.

  The four of us make our way down to the restaurant in the hotel. Sabotage tells the hostess we want a booth in the back and that’s where she leads us. She never once takes her eyes from the men surrounding me. It’s actually nice not to have eyes on me from people wondering if I’m the one in Wicked Angels or not. No, the women in the restaurant are blatantly eye fucking the men surrounding me while the men are looking at them with mixed reactions. Some of them look as if they want to be them while others are looking at them as if they’ll piss their pants if any of the men look at them wrong.

  I have to stifle my laughter as the waitress tries to rub up against Sabotage. He quickly moves away from her and glares at her.

  “What do you think you’re doin’?” he gruffly asks her.

  “I-I-I’m sorry,” she stutters out.

  Sabotage is a very good-looking man. He’s got long dark blond hair with the sides and back shaved. His eyebrow is pierced, and I’ve caught the hint of a tongue piercing as well. I can see tattoos peeking out from the sleeves of his tee-shirt. He’s tall, well over six feet tall, and his body is full of muscles. I can only take a guess, but he seems to have those washboard abs that drive women crazy. If I weren’t already falling for Knight, I’d probably be up for taking Sabotage on a ride. Just for a night because he doesn’t seem like the type of guy to commit. He’s too much of a flirt when he’s not working.

  All the guys are hot as hell. I’ve never been surrounded by so many sexy men. Honestly, if I were any other woman, I’d probably be drooling over my company. Instead I’m me and shy as hell. Even when the guys playfully flirt with me, I don’t have any response for them. I swear they say things to me just to try to see how bad they can make me blush.

  When the waitress comes back over, she sets coffees in front of all of us along with water.

  “Do you know what you want to order, or do you need a few more minutes?” she asks, keeping her gaze from the men at the table.

  “I think we’re ready,” Sabotage says. “Onyx, you go first.”

  “I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries, brown gravy on the side, and a chocolate milkshake,” I tell her as the guys look at me.

  “Where the hell do you plan on putting all that food?” Razer asks.

  “I’ll eat every single bite,” I answer with a small laugh.

  The guys all laugh before ordering their own food. I’m not surprised with the amount of food they all order. These are some big guys and they need to nourish their bodies to get through the day and everything they have to do. Especially now that they’re protecting me. Well, for as long as I’ll be here. I’m not sure what I’m going to do for now about the tour or the band.

  We sit in silence as thoughts of Isabella sending me the message about the meet and greet being cancelled today. She’s deliberately trying to sabotage me being in the band. It’s nothing she hasn’t been doing. I just don’t know why. It could be because of whatever is going on with Knight and me. Or it could be something else entirely. I can’t work out exactly what her angle is and I don’t know if I want to.

  After we eat, the guys lead me back to the room. As we’re getting on the elevator, the manager calls out to me and rushes toward us. He hands me a stack of mail with my name on it and I thank him before the doors close. Sabotage goes through the stack of mail and makes sure there’s nothing threatening in there before handing it back to me. Yeah, they take their job guarding me seriously.

  Sabotage pulls gloves from his back pocket before even touching the mail. That way, the only fingerprints on the envelopes are the managers, mine, the senders, and whoever delivered it to the hotel. At least that’s what they hope. As soon as the mail’s back in my hand, he puts the gloves back in his pocket and tells the guys they can head to check in with Lash and he’ll walk me to the room.

  As I pull the key card out of my pocket, I look down and see something white sticking halfway under the door. Bending down, I pick it up and see it’s an envelope. I don’t think anything of it as I add it to the small stack and go inside. Sabotage follows me and does a walkthrough of the room before taking up his post just inside the door.

  I sit on the couch and begin to open the letters. The first one I open is the one I found on the floor of the hotel room. It’s another letter from like the first threatening one I got. This time there’s no picture, but it’s still threatening.

  I warned you to stay away from him. Now, you see I know where you are and I can get to you. I don’t think you want the men brought in to help you to get hurt. Do you? Stop being a greedy whore and get the fuck away from Knight and out of the Wicked Angels. This is your last warning!

  I gasp and tears instantly fill my eyes. Sabotage is by my side in an instant. He takes the letter from my hand and I can feel the anger pouring through his taut body.

  “Motherfucker!” he yells, startling me. “I’m sorry Onyx. I’m not mad at you and I’d never hurt you. I can’t believe I didn’t see this.”

  “It’s the letter that was on the floor at the door when we got here,” I tell him, my voice shaky and small sounding.

  That was the wrong thing to say as Sabotage leaves the room, slamming the door on his way out. Sitting in the living room of the hotel room, I make a decision. This isn’t going to stop until I leave the band. I don’t want to be in the spotlight anyway, so I may as well just give whoever this madman is what they want and slink back home.

  With the decision made, I go to the bedroom and begin to pack my belongings. Once the bags are packed, I set them by the door of the hotel room and walk through to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind. Every room is checked over and I pick up anything that’s mine before placing them in my bags. I’ll let Knight know what’s going on when he gets back.

  The day has dragged on and on with nothing to do but get lost in the tho
ughts in my own head. Sabotage hasn’t been back, and I’m not surprised. Hell, I won’t be surprised if Knight and the band know about the letter already. It’s the MCs job to alert them to anything concerning me right now. At the very least Martin knows and he’ll have told them what to do about things.

  Now, I just need to get out of my head about my feelings for Knight. He’s the best person I know and it’s going to be hard for me to let him go. But I’m going to have to. I don’t see another way around this mess. And I can’t let Knight try to persuade me and keep me here when people obviously don’t want me to be here. It’s not in my nature to stay where I’m not wanted. The guys in the band don’t count. Especially not when I’m letting them down by not showing up to interviews, meet and greets, shows, and everything else the band has scheduled. It’s not fair or right to them.

  I won’t be responsible for dragging down Wicked Angels when they’ve worked so hard and for so long on getting and maintaining their fan base. The work they’ve put into the songs they write and sing and what those songs mean to the fans who love the band. I’ll be just a fleeting memory of someone who tried to follow their dreams and stepped up in a band when I had the chance to. Even if I fought it tooth and nail.

  Finally, as I’m sitting on the couch, I hear the door of the hotel room open. Turning my head, I see Knight walk in. He looks exhausted and he’s covered in sweat. His head turns down toward my bags sitting by the door before looking around the room for me.

  Knight stalks toward me much like an animal stalking its prey. I’m not scared. I’m nervous, but I know he’ll never hurt me. Once he’s in front of me, Knight pulls me up into his arms and crushes me in a hug. I wrap my arms around his middle and lay my head against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat in my ear is calming and so very painful at the same time. How am I going to walk away from this man?

  “What’s going on?” he asks, pushing me back slightly so he can look into my eyes.

  “I’m leaving, Knight. I, um, I got another letter today. It was left under the door of the hotel room when I went down to eat. Sabotage has it. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there today. I got a message from Isabella about the meet and greet being cancelled, so I ended up falling back asleep. Then I got the letter and didn’t want to leave the room. I can’t be here any longer,” I tell him honestly with tears streaming down my face.

  “The hell you can’t. Onyx, you’re staying in the band and on this tour. Sabotage and the guys have been working on finding out who brought the letter all afternoon. They’ll find out who is responsible and make them pay. Onyx, we’ll deal with Isabella. Do you still have the message on your phone?” he asks me.

  Nodding my head, I pull my phone out and show him the message. Knight swears up a storm and takes a screen shot of the message on my phone before sending it to himself. I begin to protest but he stops me.

  “Onyx, this shit has gone on long enough. I’m not going to have Isabella tear you the fuck down because she doesn’t want you here. You are part of the band and we’ve all been worried as fuck about you all day long. The guys will be here soon to see you for themselves. From now on, I won’t ever leave the room without you,” Knight tells me. “You’re mine and I’m not letting you go. Ever.”

  Knight kisses me and it’s a deep, all-consuming kiss that sends sensations flowing from my head to my toes. I want him more than my next breath of air. He picks me up and carries me into the bathroom with him. After setting me on my feet and making sure I’m steady, he begins to strip my clothes from my body.

  “I need a shower and I don’t want to let you out of my sight. I’ve missed you all day, baby. Right now, we need one another and we’re gonna shower together. Nothing is gonna happen. The guys will be here soon,” he tells me.

  Nodding my head, I help Knight strip his sweat soaked clothes from his body and we get in the shower. After Knight gets wet under the water of the shower head, I wash his hair for him. He has to bend down so I can reach his head, but we make it work. As Knight rinses the shampoo from his head, I grab the body wash and a loofah and lather it up before washing his body. I make sure to pay special attention to his cock. Yeah, I’m teasing him right now and I can’t even be sorry about it.

  “Baby girl, you keep that shit up and I don’t care if the guys are here or not. You’ll be riding my cock and they’ll all hear you scream as you come all over me,” Knight says, his voice low and hoarse.

  I quickly move my hand away from his dick and continue washing his body. Once I’m done, Knight does the same for me. He washes every inch of my body and lets his fingers slide in my pussy. He gets me off before the water turns cold and we get out of the shower. As he helps me from the shower, Knight dries the water from my body and wraps the towel around me.

  We head to the room and get dressed. By the time I have my long hair brushed, there’s a knock on the door. I’m not sure if it the guys from the band or the guys from the MC. Knight answers the door while I grab us bottles of water from the refrigerator. Heading into the living area, I see it’s the guys from the band. Each man wraps me in a hug and sits down to hear Knight tell them what’s going on now. He even shows them the screen shot of Isabella’s text to me.

  “She has to go. This is getting ridiculous,” Memphis says, his voice never raising but you can the anger on his face.

  “Onyx, please tell me your staying?” Diesel asks.

  “Knight won’t let me leave. He says I’m his and he’s never letting go,” I answer, looking at my man.

  “Thank fucking God!” Damon says. “’Bout time you told her she was yours. Now we just have to get Isabella to back the fuck off and we’ll be golden. Onyx, tomorrow, we’re leaving a little later than planned. You have a fan who is waiting to meet you. Knight heard her story and it’s important you meet her.”

  “Oh, okay,” I tell him.

  The rest of the night we sit around and talk. While the guys laugh and have fun, I sit in my own world. I do participate in the conversation, but I can’t find it in me to have fun. There’s someone out there wanting to harm me and I know the guys are taking it seriously, but at the same time, they’re trying to cheer me up. To make me forget about the person who wants to destroy me.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  LAST NIGHT ONYX broke down after the guys left. She’s scared about the person sending the letters to her. Honestly, I think it’s someone we know— Isabella or her dad. I haven’t told her my suspicions, but I have talked to Martin and the MC about my thoughts. Lash thinks I may be onto something and is getting his tech guy onto looking into both of them.

  Lash told me they didn’t find anything on the video cameras from the hotel. They saw someone deliver the letter, but the person must have known where the cameras were because their face was never captured. Sabotage is pissed because you can’t even tell if the person is a male or female. He wants to find this person as bad as I do. Honestly, I’m a little worried about what his intentions are toward Onyx.

  Today, Onyx is with Sabotage, Lash, and a few of their men to meet the fan I talked to yesterday at the meet and greet. Her name is Jade, and I know Onyx is nervous to meet her one on one. But I strongly feel this is something she needs to do on her own. She needs to see she has fans out there and her presence in the band is changing lives. It’s not just enough to hear us tell her we want her with us anymore. Onyx needs to feel connected to the people who pay their hard-earned money to come see our shows.

  They’re going to meet at a local restaurant for lunch. While Onyx is out with the young girl, I’m making my own plans for the day. First up, I’m confronting Isabella with Diesel, Damon, and Martin. This shit is going to stop. I’m also having a label rep on the phone with us while we’re talking to her. They need to know what she’s doing and it’s going to come from her mouth and not me relaying to them what she’s said. Diesel has it all set up already.

  Leaving the hotel room, I meet Diesel and Damon in the hallway. He’s already go
t Mark, our rep, on the phone and we’re going over everything that’s happened. Mark wants to get Isabella’s side of things and he’s agreed to remain muted once we get in the room so she doesn’t know he’s on the phone. It’s the only way he’s going to hear what she has to say without putting on an act because of him hearing her.

  We get to her room and I knock on the door. When she opens the door, a smile graces her face until she sees my best friends with me.

  “Hey guys. What’s going on?” she asks, standing back so we can go in her room.

  “We need to talk to you about yesterday,” I tell her, trying to remain calm while I walk in her room and lean against the counter in the small kitchen area.

  “What happened yesterday?” she asks, trying to act innocent.

  “Why did you send a message to Onyx telling her the meet and greet was cancelled?” Damon asks her, standing his full height and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I didn’t. Is she telling stories again?” Isabella asks.

  “So, this didn’t come from you?” I ask her, showing the screen shot I sent to myself.

  Isabella visibly pales before us. She knows she was caught and Onyx isn’t hiding shit from me anymore.

  “Look, I don’t think she belongs in the band. It’s not a secret. She didn’t even come to the show yesterday. Or anything else,” Isabella says, her voice dripping with venom. “How do you think that makes you guys look?”


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