Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1) Page 22

by Erin Osborne

  “No. I just want to lay here with my man,” I tell her.

  She nods her head and leaves the room making sure the door is closed tight behind her. I sigh when it’s just Knight and I in the room again.

  “Are you sure you don’t want anything?” he asks me.

  “No. What if it hurts the baby?” I ask him.

  Yeah, we found out when I was admitted that I’m pregnant. It’s not like we’ve really thought about birth control or anything since we started having sex. Knight wasn’t upset about it and there’s no way in hell I’m upset about it. The only thing that entered my mind is waiting until everything is calmed down and I know what’s going to happen with my dad, Isabella, and everything before we took that step.

  “They wouldn’t give it to you if they thought it was going to put the baby in danger,” Knight tells me.

  He’s been a voice of reason since I woke up to the beeping machines monitoring me. When the technician came in with the ultrasound machine and showed us our baby, he held my hand and wiped the tears sliding down my face. He sat by my side when the Detectives came in and took my statement. And, he was my rock when they assured me they were going to make sure my dad, Isabella, and everyone else involved would pay with prison time for what they’ve done to me.

  Detective Michaels got a few pictures since my face wasn’t touched and some autographs from all of us in the band because his daughter is a huge fan. We’ll be putting our show on in town since we missed it when I got kidnapped. His daughter has free tickets and will be coming backstage to meet us. Once I’m cleared that is. They’re going to be our first stop on tour.

  “I don’t want to wait until the baby’s born to get married,” I tell Knight. “As soon as I can I want to marry you. Something simple and us. No tabloids or pictures other than what our friends take or anything else.”

  “Are you sure? I want to give you everything you want on your big day,” he asks me.

  “I already have everything— I have you,” I answer him, pressing a kiss against his lips.

  I never truly thought I’d make it out of the warehouse alive to see the love of my life again. Now, not only do I get to spend the rest of my life with him, but we’re having a baby. I don’t care what we have as long as he, or she, is healthy. I’ll love them like I was never loved and they’ll never know the pain, loneliness, and fear that I grew up living with. Knight will be an amazing father too.

  There’s a knock on the door before I see Sabotage poking his head around the door. He asks with his eyes if he can come in and I nod my head. Knight doesn’t leave my side on the hospital bed as he walks in and takes the lone chair in the room.

  “How are you feelin’, mama?” he asks, a smile lighting up his face.

  “I’m okay. Mama, huh?” I answer.

  “Yeah. We all know about the baby. Happy as fuck for you,” Sabotage tells me.

  That’s not really a surprise. Knight was happy as fuck when the doctor told us I was pregnant. He’s been touching my stomach and placing kisses there often since we found out the news. It’s no surprise he told everyone here at the hospital our news. I laugh and lay my hand on my fiancé’s cheek as he leans into my touch.

  “So, when are you gettin’ outta here?” Sabotage asks me.

  “Tomorrow. They just want to make sure I’m okay before they release me. With the head injury and all. I should expect some headaches for a while, but they said they’d get easier and better as time goes on,” I answer him.

  “Are you goin’ back out on tour?”

  “Absolutely. I don’t have to worry about Isabella now so the rest of our stops should go smooth. We don’t have that many left,” I tell him.

  Sabotage nods his head and stands up from the chair.

  “I’ll let you rest. Just wanted to check on you and let you know I’ll be in the hall. Not gonna give anyone a chance at anythin’,” he tells us, leaving the room once again.

  I know the rest of the guys are in the waiting room so I’m not worried about anyone getting past any of them. They’ll stop them as soon as they see anything going on and no one will get close to my door. If they do, Knight will take care of them when they walk in here. He’s gotten even more protective since finding out about the baby. It’s going to be a long seven and a half months if this is what I can look forward to.

  “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” Knight tells me as I stifle a yawn.

  “I love you, Knight,” I murmur as my eyes drift shut.

  “I love you too,” he responds, kissing my temple.

  Sleep claims me and this time I don’t have nightmares. I dream of the future and the life Knight and I are going to have with our child. One I’m thankful I’ll get to experience.

  I’ve left the hospital and we’re on our way back to the bus. Isabella isn’t there— they’ve sent in Jagger Hughes. He’s been wanting Wicked Angels as one of his clients and now he’s got his chance because Isabella is a psychotic bitch. Jagger also has ties to the MC. His sister is with one of the guys. I guess it’s brand new, but he seems to think it’s going to last, from what I hear.

  Jagger will be at the buses by the time we get back there. It’s going to take us a few hours to get back, but we have a police escort. Detective Michaels insisted they escort us back. While I’m sure Lash and his guys aren’t comfortable with it, we all know it’s the quickest and safest way to get back.

  “Knight, are you happy?” I ask him suddenly as Martin drives us in one of the SUVs.

  “I am now,” he tells me, placing a kiss on my lips. “Never letting you go again.”

  “And you don’t care that I want to get married as soon as possible?” I ask him.

  “Hell no! I’ve wanted you since I saw you in the laundry room at the complex. The second I got a taste of you, I knew you were gonna be mine,” Knight tells me, never once looking away from me.

  “Good. When we get back, I want to go get my hair done. Something just for me. I’ll take Sabotage and a few guys with me,” I tell him.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks.

  “Nothing. I just want to be pampered a little after everything. I know they’ll have to be careful because of the knots on my head, but I want to get a little time for me without the worry or being stuck on the bus,” I answer him, trying to make my face as innocent looking as possible.

  The rest of the way to the bus, I doze on and off. Knight and Martin spend time talking when I’m awake and Sabotage, who’s riding with us, puts his two cents in every now and then. I’m sure their conversations are more in-depth and things when I’m not awake, but I don’t to hear anything about my kidnapping so I don’t care.

  “Baby, it’s time to get up,” Knight says, wrapping his arms around me to keep me close to him.

  “Huh?” I ask groggily.

  “We’re almost to the buses. I thought you’d want to be awake when we get there,” he tells me.

  I slowly sit up and look around. We’re riding down Main street and I see the little shop I bought my dress in. Instantly, I look to Martin and he nods his head knowing where my mind went somehow. A small smile forms on my face as we pull up to the bus and get out of the SUV.

  “I want to change real quick and then head out. Martin, are you taking me?” I ask as we stretch for a minute.

  “Yeah, Onyx. Do what you need to do and I’ll be out here waiting on you,” he answers me.

  Without waiting for anyone, I head to the bus and make my way to our room. The bed is mussed up as I look around and see Knight’s clothes haphazardly lying in a pile on the end of the bed. A smile forms as I think of how quickly he changed to go in search of me.

  Changing my clothes, I have on a pair of shorts and one of Knight’s tee-shirts. There’s no point in dressing up since I’m just going to change into the dress I bought to get married in. With that thought in my head, I rush from the bus and make my way to the SUV where Martin, Sabotage, Lash, and Lock are waiti
ng for me. I don’t know why I need so many guys with me, but I’m not going to complain. Until I know for sure this is all over with, I’ll still be looking over my shoulder for people coming after me.

  We head out and Martin asks me where we’re heading. I ask him to take me to a salon and do me a huge favor while I’m getting my hair done. Hopefully, since it’s later in the day there won’t be a lot of customers and I can get in and out. It’s not like I want a lot done to my hair. Just a trim and them to put it up for me. My arms hurt still and it’s going to be easier for someone else to do it for me.

  I’m left at the salon with Sabotage and Lash while Martin and Lock go take care of business for me. I hope they can find what I want and we can get everything taken care of tonight. I don’t want to wait a second longer.

  My hair has been trimmed, I’ve changed clothes, and my make-up has been done too. The hairdresser, Tina, has done my hair the way I envisioned, half up and the rest left down. After she put it up, she curled it all so it flows down my back in curls. I’m ready to go back to the bus and see what Knight has to say about what I’ve done.

  As I climb back in the SUV, Sabotage is in the backseat with me while a different man sits up front with Martin.

  “He’s onboard with keeping everything secret?” I ask Sabotage.

  “Yep. This is between the people who are there and him. No one else will find anythin’ out from him,” he responds to me. “Justice of the Peace Reynolds, this is Onyx. She’s the one putting this all together.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Onyx. Please, call me Frank,” he tells me, turning around in his seat and looking at me.

  “Are you ready for this?” Martin asks, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

  “More than ready,” I answer.

  No one says anything else as we’re pulling into the venue. I see the guys sitting around in the chairs by the bus. They’re all talking and laughing, exactly the way I want to see he men in in my life on a daily basis.

  I’m the last one out of the SUV as Knight stands up so fast, the chair he was in falls backward to the ground.

  “Who the fuck is that?” he growls out.

  “Knight, it’s okay,” I tell him as I climb out of the SUV finally. “He’s with us.”

  “What’s he doing here after what just happened?” he asks.

  “Well, I told you I didn’t want to wait to get married. So, Frank here is a Justice of the Peace and he’s going to marry us. Right now,” I tell him.

  “What are you talking about? I thought you’d want to get married in a church or something,” he says.

  “Not at all. I don’t have any family, and if you want anyone else here, then we can get married tonight. Martin even arranged for us to get a license so everything is legal,” I tell him.

  “If you’re sure this is what you want, then let’s do it,” he finally tells me, a grin breaking out over his face.

  Knight goes onto the bus to change really quick while I get everything else set up. It’s not much, but there are flowers for me to carry down to meet Knight and Martin is going to walk me to him. Other than that, I don’t want or need anything else. In fact, I get to keep my bouquet of fake flowers because I won’t be tossing it to anyone. I’m the only female on tour.

  Within minutes, Knight and the guys are back out and Martin is leading me down to him. Someone has turned on music from their phone as I make the short trek to my man. Martin stops with me and turns to face me.

  “You may not have a father who loves you, but you have me and I’ll step in to take that spot. Love ya kid,” Martin tells me. “Knight you treat her right or you’ll be dealing with me.”

  We all laugh a little and I have a few tears in my eyes as Martin steps back with the rest of the guys witnessing our marriage.

  “You wanted the condensed version of this, so, Knight, you can say your vows if you’d like,” Frank says.

  “Well, I don’t have a damn thing written or anything so this is straight from my heart, Onyx. You came into my life and made me want to be a better man. A man who didn’t pick up a different woman in every new town or at the bars back home. You’re the first, and only, woman who’s made me dream of a future and about how I truly want to live my life. With you I find my peace, balance, and home. You’re giving me the greatest gift a woman can give a man and I love you with all of my heart. I can’t begin to imagine my life without you in it and I’m happy as hell you’re giving me this, becoming my wife,” he says as tears slide down my face.

  “Onyx, it’s now your turn,” Frank says, looking at me.

  “Knight, I love you more than I ever thought possible. I’ve never been shown love before so this is all brand-new to me and I’m happy to experience everything with you. All of my firsts are yours and only yours. You’ve shown me a side of myself I didn’t think I had in me and give me the courage to get on stage and sing when I’ve always been hidden in the shadows. You show me love every single day in your actions and taking me on adventures that mean something just to us. Your faith and belief in me is more than anything I’ve ever experienced and I’ll never be able to tell you how much I love you,” I say, meaning every single word.

  “Do you have rings to exchange?” Frank asks.

  Sabotage steps forward and hands us over rings. The one for me matches my engagement ring perfectly. Knights is platinum and has sapphires in it around the band. I’m not sure if it’s something he’ll like, and if he doesn’t, I’ll buy him a new one when we get done with the tour.

  “Repeat after me,” Frank says.

  We exchange rings and repeat the words Frank tells us to say. When he’s done, he pronounces us husband and wife before telling Knight he can kiss me. And kiss me he does. Knight devours my mouth and doesn’t care who’s standing around us to witness it.

  “Now, you fuckers do what you want. Go to dinner and celebrate our wedding while I take my wife to bed,” Knight calls out as catcalls and whistling begin to fill the dusk air.

  “We’ll bring you back somethin’ to eat. You’ll need your strength,” Lash says, causing a round of laughter to break out amongst the guys. “First, let us snap a few pictures just for you guys to have. Go behind the bus and we’ll take them over there.”

  Knight and I head to the field beyond the bus. Lash, Martin, Diesel, and Memphis all use their phones to take pictures of us. After more than a half hour, Knight loses his patience and picks me up in his arms.

  “We’re outta here,” he informs them as I hear the shutters click on a few phones as we rush past.

  My husband gets us on the bus and locks us in our room. While I’m on the bed, he stares at me for several minutes. I look my fill of him at the same time. He’s got a dark pair of jeans on with a white button-down shirt. His hair is windblown now and the smile he wears lights up his entire face. I’ve never seen him look so sexy.

  “I love you, Mrs. Wheeler,” he growls out.

  “I love you, husband,” I tell him.

  Knight spends the entire night showing me just how much he loves me. Neither one of us worry about the guys on the bus hearing us as they bunker down for the night. The only thing consuming me is my husband as we spend hours worshipping one another’s bodies.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I CAN’T BELIEVE I’m married to Onyx. And it was all her planning and idea to get married without any pomp and circumstance. She wanted something simple and completely us with just the guys on tour sharing our moment with us. I know we agreed we didn’t want to wait, but I still thought we’d wait until we got home.

  My parents would’ve been here, but they’re on their own second honeymoon and I didn’t want to interrupt them. If they have a fit about me getting married, we’ll have a ceremony just for them and Onyx can have it any way she wants it.

  Our wedding night was filled with promises made to one another and intentions I plan on keeping. We talked about our child and how happy we are to be starting our family now.
I don’t want to wait so we’re young enough to enjoy our children and have more if that’s what we choose to do. Onyx is on the same wavelength I am.

  The next day, we played the show we missed and we have one more show to perform before we can head back home. Jagger is doing amazing and knows we want some time off after this tour. Isabella never listened to us when we said we need a break.

  The album we recorded before coming out on tour is set to release shortly after we get home. Onyx and I are going to work on writing songs for the next album while we’re home and Jagger will set up another tour to go on after a few months. I’ve already talked to him and Someday Never Comes is going to come out with us again. They’re ready to drop their first album and I can’t wait to get it.

  Today isn’t about any of that though. It’s all about making sure Isabella, Mr. Carrington, and the rest of the assholes involved in all the shit with Onyx will be going to trial. Onyx has to testify and so do I. I’m not looking forward to putting my wife through all this shit again, but we won’t be able to make sure they go to prison if we don’t tell our story.

  Detective Michaels has been in touch with us and assured us no one from the press or anything will be at the trial. The judge doesn’t want all the fanfare and bullshit going on if they show up. He can’t do anything about outside the courtroom, but he can control who’s allowed in to see the scum sucking bitches go down for what’s been done to my wife. And I plan on being there every single step of the way.

  They’ve actually pushed everything because of the evidence and they want to get the matter resolved as quickly as possible. It helps that Isabella sang like a songbird when they interrogated her. Her thought process was she’d get a deal because she was cooperating. That’s not what’s going to happen though. Not with all the charges she’s about to be facing.

  While the rest of the band will be heading to the next show, Onyx and I will be staying in town until the trial is over with. It shouldn’t be more than a few days because we’re the main witnesses. Lash and his guys are staying with us while the rest of our security detail is going on ahead. Martin’s pissed he can’t stay with us, but he has to go with them and he understands it.


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