Love Spells and Other Disasters

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Love Spells and Other Disasters Page 10

by Angie Barrett

  “She was part of the homeschooling community so everyone knew her.” He shakes his head. “I probably should have picked a different place for us to go tonight.” His smile fades and he looks upset again.

  “No, it’s okay.” I lean forward, too. “I get it.” Well, not really but he looks like he feels bad, so…

  “I wanted them to move on.” He grunts. “We broke up months ago and they just won’t let her go. I thought I’d bring you here so they could meet you, see that I’ve moved on.”

  So I am a rebound. I slump a bit in my seat.

  “I always wanted to talk to you.” He reaches across the table and slides his fingers over the back of my hand. “You’re not like the other girls.”

  Compliment or…?

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at one of the games.”

  I bark a laugh. “Nope, you haven’t. That’s totally not my thing. No offense.”

  “It’s only my thing because I’m good at it…was good at it.” His smile fades again. “Shelley couldn’t understand my decision to leave the game. She thought I should stick it out to get the scholarships. Stop playing once I got my free ride.”

  “But you didn’t want to do that?”

  “No, I’d be lying. My doctor said he wouldn’t put my medical situation on my workup for the scholarships but it all seemed so wrong to me.”

  I nod.

  “So I said no. Walked away from that money. Shelley didn’t like it.”

  It does seem a little unreal that he’d give up a free ride like that. “And your family?”

  He looks around. “They understand. They would rather I’m healthy than dead.” He rubs the back of his neck like he’s got tension there, like he’d rather be doing anything other than talking about this right now. “But I think they were holding out on Shelley coming to her senses or something. She’s not going to change her mind and I’m over it.” He curls his hand over mine. “Like I said, I wanted to talk to you for a while now, but I couldn’t because I was in a relationship. I knew if we talked, it’d be more than just talking.”

  “Oh.” My body is all-aquiver once again. First of all, I respect his loyalty to Shelley and their relationship. It’s kind of a turn on, honestly. Second, is this for real? I’ve had a hard enough time believing he noticed me, and yet he’s saying there was more?

  I feel like an Alice who’s just crash landed in a seriously upside-down Wonderland.

  “So…” He gives an awkward chuckle. “Maybe this isn’t the best first date ever, but I’ll make it up to you. I mean, if you’re interested in a second date…?” He smiles hopefully.

  The night has barely started, but holy heck yes I’m interested in a second date. The good has outweighed the bad by a mile so far. “Maybe I’ll pick the place next time.”

  He laughs, visibly relieved. “Yeah, probably a good idea. Let’s eat and get out of here.”


  Okay, so the pizza was pretty damn good and looked cool as hell. The crust was black, which makes sense since it was made with actual charcoal. With the vivid red tomato sauce on top, well, it looked like it belonged at an Addams’ family dinner. It tasted like a normal pizza though, maybe a little lighter, not so doughy. I’m glad that Luca had the same thing because what I wasn’t expecting was all the black flecks that stuck to my teeth after we finished eating. After deciding we looked like pirates with missing teeth, we stopped at the restrooms and fixed ourselves up.

  Things weren’t weird after Luca filled me in on why they were weird in the first place. I get wanting your family to look at you differently. Sometimes I really wish Mom would accept that I’m not into her otherworldly stuff. I understand why she is, though. I wish I remembered my Dad. I have no memories of him, only things my mom has told me. Also, the videos. They took endless videos and so I feel like I know who my dad was, but it’s sad that I never really got a chance to know him for real.

  Still, I don’t believe he’s a ghost or that he can hear my mom, or that his presence is in our house protecting us or whatever.

  I wish Mom would understand that. I’m tired of responding to her fan mail, and I’m not totally keen on the idea of having fan mail myself. Sometimes I just wish she was a normal mom with a normal mom kind of job.

  I doubt bringing Luca home will change anything. She’ll forever be weird no matter how much normal I throw at her.

  And Luca is so very normal, and kind, and smart, and hot.

  “We don’t have to go to the party you know,” Luca says as he looks out the front windshield. We’re parked near the end of the driveway at Malcolm’s house and it’s lit up like there’s a mega party going on, which of course, there is.

  “It might be cool to check it out.” Ethan expects me to show up. He promised not to call or text incessantly as long as I touch base with him at the party. Abby expects me, too. Normally these things wouldn’t impact my decision but all of a sudden, having expectations to show up to a raging party…well, it feels good. Like I’m important.

  And walking in there with Luca? Priceless.

  “Yeah, I guess I have to make an appearance anyway.” He laughs. “People are expecting me.”

  I smile at him. It’s like he’s reading my mind.

  “I’d like everyone to see who my girlfriend is, too.”

  He leans toward me. I lean toward him.

  My heart flutters uncontrollably. Is he…are we…?

  He grips the back of my head—not hard, but with enough force that I know for certain we’re going to kiss. There’s a good chance the anticipation is going to give me a heart attack. I stare at his lips, wonder if my breath is disgusting, but then lose that thought completely when he does it…he kisses me…like really, really kisses me…and my body detonates like a glitter bomb.

  Holy wow. Kissing has never felt like this. I don’t know if it’s Luca or some sort of chemical reaction that happens when we’re together, but I’m pretty sure kissing him is the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. His free hand slides up my arm to the other side of my face, cupping my cheek like I might shatter in his palms, and I want to say screw the party and climb into his lap. But that would be too forward on our first date. I think.

  He moans a little against my lips and electricity zings through me. Or is it flames? I must be on fire. That’s what it feels like. All I know is I, Rowan Marshall, just made Luca Russo moan.

  When he pulls away, I realize I’ve been holding my breath. I gasp in some much-needed oxygen, then sigh, and I know my loopy smile must make me look drunk.

  He sucks in a shaky breath. “Is that a yes?” he asks. His eyes are dark, like the sea after a storm, and his fingers are still wrapped around the back of my head.

  “Yes?” I’m not sure what he’s talking about. My brain feels like it’s underwater.

  “To being my girlfriend.” He gives me a nervous smile. “You know, officially or whatever.”

  “Oh, yes, of course!”

  His answering grin is something I may never forget for the rest of my life. Like this is the best day ever, but only because I said yes.

  “So, let’s go make an appearance and then find somewhere quiet to hide out.”

  Anticipation blasts through me. More kissing! There’s definitely going to be more kissing. “Okay.”

  Malcolm’s house is massive. It sits at the top of a hill, at the end of a driveway that’s packed with cars. Every light appears to be on, the music pumps with a loud and heavy beat. People are dancing, drinking, laughing, playing games, and yes, also making out.

  Luca has been holding my hand as we walk up the driveway but now as we’re going inside, he drapes his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer. I wrap my arm around his waist to keep my balance and we move together as he greets his many fans…I mean, friends.

  “Hey, Luca! Nice of you to show up!”
A burly Black guy with the coolest looking tiger tattoo on his massive forearm gives Luca a high five before turning to give me a once-over.

  “This is Rowan,” Luca says, but the burly guy doesn’t care. He just hands us each a red plastic cup, then disappears.

  Luca raises the cup to his nose, sniffs it, then grimaces. “Smells like stale beer.”

  I cringe and set the cup aside. “I’m not a fan.”

  “Agreed.” He sets his cup down next to mine and we keep moving.

  The bodies in the room—and there are a lot of them, moving and thumping to the music—are creating quite the storm of heat. I tug myself away for a minute so I can take my coat off.

  “Here, I’ll stash our stuff.” Luca looks around as he takes his coat off, too.

  “I can’t believe I found you!” Ethan sidles up next me and slips his arm around my waist. “This party is totally sick!”

  I look up at him—way up—he’s got to be wearing six-inch heels, he’s so tall. My best friend is positively glowing…and I can’t stop staring. He’s somehow made his cheekbones pop with a silvery purple streak that fades the closer it gets to his gorgeous eyes. His lashes are tipped with shades of pink and his eye shadow is all black and gray. Add his silver, sparkling lips, slicked back hair, and baggy parachute pants, he looks like he belongs on the cover of a sci-fi book…set in a 90s rap video.

  I instantly love everything about it.

  “You”—I poke him in the chest—“look amazing. Seriously.”

  He gives me a smug grin. “I know.”

  I crack up. I adore Ethan.

  His eyes light up. “Hey. Malcolm just took me on a tour of the house. It’s got ten bedrooms, Ro! Ten!”

  I absently wonder if they’ve found a use for them all. My mom and I don’t go in like half of the rooms in our house. I glance over my shoulder and watch Luca stash our jackets in some kind of utility closet.

  Ethan follows my gaze and squeezes my waist. “How the date going? You need a bail out or anything?”

  “No, I’m having a perfect time so far.” And I totally am. It’s not just Ethan’s radiated excitement that has me feeling giddy right now. “Luca is a great guy.”

  Ethan grins above my head and removes himself from my side. My boyfriend—I inwardly giggle at the amazingness of the word—must be back. “Hey. Luca, right?” Luca extends a hand but Ethan waves it away and goes in for a hug. “It’s so good to meet you!”

  I wince a little, not sure how Luca will handle being bear-hugged by my best friend. He catches my eye over Ethan’s shoulder and smiles with eye crinkles and everything. That’s when I know Luca is more than just a great guy.

  “Whoa, Eth, give him some room.” I pry Ethan off.

  “Sorry, sorry!” He laughs as he pats Luca’s chest and then turns to give me a thumbs-up. “Holy muscles,” he mouths. “Well, I must be off to find a drink. Ro, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Ethan kisses my cheek, then slips into the crowd and disappears.

  “That’s Ethan, I take it?” Luca asks as he takes my hand.

  “Yeah. He’s a little excited to be here.”

  “Seems like it.” He smiles, and then we’re moving through the crowd. And the crowd does part for him, without him having to do much more than nod here and there. Everyone seems happy to see him. Lots of “Hey Luca!” and slaps on the back. A few hugs—some of them from girls. Luca is polite, but doesn’t linger in any one place. I’m looking for Ethan, trying to catch sight of him again, but it’s impossible. There’s got to be at least two hundred people here.

  “There’s the man!” Another big guy greets us, this one I recognize from a class or two.

  “Hey Arlo,” Luca says as he gives some kind of handshake shoulder bump thing. “This is Rowan.”

  “I know you,” Arlo says as he looks me up and down. “We’re in math together, aren’t we? You sit with that guy…er…what’s his name? Ethan something?”

  “Yep.” I know Arlo. He’s big and loud. He’s failed junior math twice and is always looking over my shoulder to check out my work. “You sit behind me I think.”

  “Right, yeah, you’re the girl who gets all the questions right.” Arlo turns back to Luca with a nudge. “Got yourself a smart one, huh?” He snorts as he takes a drink from his red cup. “So it’s official, eh? You’re out for real? Not even coming to practice anymore?”

  Luca stiffens a little, his grip on my hand gets tighter but only for a second and then the tension is gone. “Doctor’s orders. Have another drink, man.” He pats Arlo on the back before tugging me along once again.

  “Ro!” I turn expecting to see Ethan but instead I find Abby pushing through the crowd to get to me. “Why don’t you have a drink?” Her cheeks are pink and her eyes glassy. She’s got this comical smile on her face that’s telling me the two drinks she’s fisting are not her first.

  “Be right back.” Luca lets go of my hand and I glance over my shoulder to see him disappear into the crowd.

  “Here take one of these.” She shoves one of her cups at me.

  I take it, look at the foamy yellow swill and hand it back. “I’ll get something else. I’m not much of a beer drinker.”

  Abby’s still smiling as she shrugs and takes the beer back. “So, I’ve been telling everyone about our business.”

  Great. Hopefully no one asks me to write a spell tonight.

  She leans closer to me, her breath smells rank, like garlic and alcohol. “Amanda and Will are here,” she slurs. “And they’ve been totally making out all night!”

  I pull back a bit to get some distance from her breath and raise my eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Yes! We totally hooked the right people up. I mean, think about it—those two would never have even spoken to each other if it wasn’t for our spell, and now they can’t keep their hands off one another. We’re geniuses. We’re going to make a killing!”

  It seems far-fetched that we’d be able to connect two random people and have it work out, but maybe Abby has some kind of weird sense about relationships or something. Or maybe it’s like Ethan said and they secretly had feelings for each other. Either way, I’d have never thought to pair them up.

  “We’re doing these people favors with our prices so low.” She downs one of her cups. “We should think about a price increase.”

  “Right, good idea, I think—”

  “Abby!” A group of girls descend on us like a pack of wolves. All seniors. All beautiful. All more than a little drunk. I check over my shoulder for Luca but all I can see are people I don’t really know and I’m slapped with the reality that under normal circumstances I wouldn’t be here.

  “Hey Eva,” Abby says as she and Eva do some fake cheek kissing. “I didn’t think you were going to be able to come. Didn’t your dad take your car away from you this week?”

  Eva rolls her eyes. “Yeah, he did.” She’s got a red cup in her hand and I swear, with the way she’s sloshing it around, it’s totally going to end up on my head. “But he’s out tonight on a big date so I got a ride.”

  “Hey, I know you,” one of the other girls says to me. Her eyes narrow and I’m totally sure she’s about to say something nasty, but instead, she says, “You’re that girl that lives in the cool old mansion on Baker street, right?”

  All of the girls zero in on me now. I feel the burn of my cheeks revving up for a full-on blush and I wish I had a cup or something in my hand so I could hide behind it. “Yep, that’s me.”

  Abby wraps her arm around my waist, which totally catches me off guard. “Girls, this is Rowan Marshall.”

  “Hey Rowan, I’m Bella.” She tips her red cup toward me. “I like your halter top. It looks hot!”

  “Thanks,” I mumble.

  “Rowan Marshall…hey isn’t that the name of that lady who talks to ghosts or whatever? Dr. Marshall, the ghost hu
nter.” Eva’s eyes go super wide. “Wait a minute, I remember you! I saw you on TV around Halloween this year! You and your mom were talking about ghosts and stuff.”

  I clamp my mouth shut to keep myself from correcting the ghost hunter comment. Mom really hates it when people say that about her. She’s not hunting—she’s helping.

  “That is totally cool!” one of the other girls says, which is the exact opposite of what I’d expect a bunch of Abby’s friends to say.

  “Rowan is my economics partner. The one I’ve been talking to you about.” Abby makes a face and suddenly all of the girls clue in.

  “No way! You’re the one writing the spells?” Eva grips my arm. “So freakin’ cool! You must be just like your mom, right? All into magic and stuff. Abby told us all about the spells that are working. I’m totally going to need one of those.”

  “Me, too!” Bella says. “Mel told me what happened with that college guy. I’m convinced! I want a spell.”

  Abby smiles brightly. “There’s plenty of spells for everyone.” She shoots a look my way and I can practically see the dollar signs reflected in her eyes. “But not tonight.” She tips one of her red cups back and drains it to nothing. “Let’s get this party going!”

  “Hey, babe.” Del Anderson comes up next to Abby and slips his arm around her waist, hoisting her up so he can kiss her neck. He nods at me. “You’re Rowan, right?” Del has got to be at least 6’3” and next to Abby he looks like a giant. His skin is dark, his eyes a rich brown, and I swear, if he wasn’t the captain of the football team, I’d assume he was a pro-wrestler or something because he’s ripped.

  “Here.” Luca slips back to my side and passes me a bottle that’s cold. It’s some kind of rum cooler. Much preferable to warm beer. “Thanks.” I give it a try. Fruity. Not overly alcohol tasting.

  “Hey man, how’s it going?” Luca and Del do their shoulder bump thing and me and Abby almost collide as the guys move us along with them.

  “Missed you at practice today.” Del takes a gulp of his drink. “Coach says you’re out for the rest of the season.”

  “You knew I was headed there. Can’t take the chance of hitting my head again.”


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