Mother of Wolves

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Mother of Wolves Page 2

by M H Soars

  Nadine comes through the door, bringing with her a flurry of snow, followed by Billy. But whereas Nadine is bundled up from head to toe, Billy is only wearing a leather jacket that does nothing to protect him from the unmerciful cold outside. He shakes his head, sending snow all over the floor.

  “Hey, you’d better clean that up before it turns into mud,” I warn. “I just cleaned the floor.”

  “Sorry, Red.”

  He goes in search of a mop while Nadine retraces her steps and wipes her boots on the rug outside. Not that it’ll do any good, but points for trying. She removes her coat, draping it over a chair, and then proceeds to check what I’m cooking on the stove.

  “It’s Bolognese sauce. The babies are in the mood for some Italian.”

  Nadine signals fast with her hands, saying she’s starved. It took me a while to learn sign language, but I was determined to master it so I could communicate with her while in human form. I can only talk to her telepathically when I’m a wolf, and since it’s not safe for me to shift during the pregnancy, sign language is the only way we can connect.

  Billy comes closer, eyeing the pan I’m cooking in, and asks, “I know you’re eating for four, but damn, girl. That’s a lot of sauce.”

  “First, I’m not a girl. Second, we’re expecting company tonight.”


  “Jared, Armand, Leo, and—”

  “Oh, Leo is coming?” Billy’s voice sounds hopeful. No doubt he’s planning to grill the guy about his sister, Nina. I can’t believe Billy hasn’t forgotten the fox spy after all this time.

  “That’s what I said. Oh, and Xander is coming too.”

  Nadine freezes on the spot, her eyes turning as round as saucers. She always reacts funny every time the bear alpha is mentioned, igniting my protective instincts. Xander wasn’t the friendliest of people toward Nadine in the beginning. He’s better now, but I can’t put down my shield around him when it concerns her. She’s part of my family now, just like Billy is.

  “Shouldn’t he be hibernating?” Billy asks.

  “His sleuth is, but Xander isn’t completely at ease yet, so he decided to sit this hibernation season out.”

  “Hello, anyone home?” Xander’s booming voice sounds from the entryway, almost as if we’d summoned him by speaking his name.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” I answer.

  Nadine glances at the door she just used to come in, then at the one connecting the kitchen to the living room. Her deer-caught-in-headlights gaze clues me in that she’s considering running out into the cold again.

  Xander comes into the kitchen, making the room seem half its size. Tall with broad shoulders and a wild mane that matches his personality, he’s a sight to behold and fear. But that didn’t stop me from challenging the bear shifter last year when he attacked Tristan.

  “Hi, Xander. You’re early,” I say.

  “You have no idea how difficult it is for me to step outside in this weather.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. Bear shifters usually keep to themselves, and it shows. He has the social skills of a spoon.

  “Ah, sorry. Hi, Red. How are you?” he adds.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” I smirk at him.

  His gaze moves to Nadine, who is now standing in a corner, trying to appear smaller. “Hey, kid. What are you doing there? I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Her expression turns into a glare. She signals with her hands, fast and furious, before she stomps out of the kitchen.

  “What was that?” Xander asks.

  “She said she’s not a kid, and the last part was ‘bite me, asshole,’” Billy replies with amusement.

  “Maybe you ought to teach that kid some manners, Red. Jeez.”

  I scoff. “Like she said, she’s not a kid. But maybe you’re the one who needs to curb your wild nature a bit.”

  “I’m a shifter! How am I supposed to do that?”

  “What’s going on? Ah, I see Xander is here.” Dante walks into the kitchen, veering to my side to kiss me on the cheek. “Is he misbehaving already?”

  Squinting, I glance at the bear alpha. “Only a little.”

  “I was not.” He takes his leather jacket off in a jerky manner.

  “He already managed to piss off Nadine.” Billy chuckles.

  “You have a big mouth, kid,” Xander grumbles and takes a seat by the table.

  “Who has a big mouth?” Sam comes in through the kitchen door, letting cool air and snow in. He’s followed by his bandmates: Jared, Armand, and Leo—aka the druid, the vamp, and the fox. Man, that sounds like the start of a bad joke.

  “Hey! I just mopped the floor.” Billy glares at the foursome.

  “Oh, look at that, honey. You’ve successfully domesticated the pup.” Sam laughs.

  “I’m not a pup. I’m nineteen!”

  “Sam,” I say in a chastening tone.

  “It’s not my fault he can’t handle the truth.” He shrugs.

  “I’m only two years younger than Red. If I’m a pup, so is she, which means you’re a perv.”

  Jared and Armand whistle while Sam’s easygoing expression turns murderous. “What did you say, Billy?” He takes a step toward the former omega, a position the pack no longer has.

  No doubt sensing the change in Sam’s demeanor—who is now projecting his alpha dominance to the max—Billy’s face blanches.

  “Never mind. Call me when diner is ready.” Faster than lightning, he swirls around and bolts from the kitchen.

  “What a brat.” Sam glowers at the door for a second before turning to me. “Our kids won’t be like that.” He kisses me on the lips before I can reply.

  “Like what?” Tristan asks from the kitchen’s entrance. “And what happened to Billy? He took off like the devil was after him.”

  “He ran his mouth,” Xander replies.

  Tristan rolls his eyes. “What’s new?”

  “It’s all your fault for being too easy on him.” Sam crosses his arms.

  “I’m not too easy on him.” Tristan walks across the kitchen and not too gently pushes Sam out of the way so he can hug me from behind. “How was your day, my love?”

  “Good. I had lunch with Kenya.”

  Mentioning my lunch date with her brings the blond stranger to the forefront of my mind. I tense without meaning to.

  “What’s wrong?” Tristan asks.

  “Nothing. I’m a bit tired.”

  “Step away from the stove immediately and let us finish prepping dinner.” Tristan takes the wooden spoon from my hand and passes it on to Dante before he steers me to a chair.

  “I can finish cooking,” I protest, but it’s half-hearted. I’m glad to be off my swollen feet.

  At once, all the guys start buzzing about in the kitchen, even our guests. I lean back in my chair and watch as seven powerful supernatural creatures work in synchronized harmony.

  A warm and fuzzy feeling spreads through my chest. I smile and place my hands on my belly.

  “See, little ones? This is what love is all about.”

  After dinner, I let the guys take care of the cleanup while I head for the babies’ nursery. I’m staring at nothing in particular, thinking about the man from the diner again, when Sam walks in carrying a huge box.

  “Hello, my love. We got a package from your folks.”

  “Another one?” I smile, but it’s not completely genuine.

  He sets the box down. “This is one of three.” He looks at me and frowns. “What’s wrong?”

  Darn it. I can’t really hide anything from my mates.

  “It’s nothing.” I drop my gaze to the box.

  Sam approaches and holds me by the shoulders. “Red? You know you can tell me anything, right?”

  I lift my chin to meet his gaze. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re sad.”

  “It’s probably pregnancy blues,” I say, even though I know it’s not that.

  Sam caresses my cheek with the tips of his fingers. “I
know a way I can make you feel better.” He beams, showing off the dimples I adore.

  Desire immediately curls around the base of my spine and spreads throughout my body. My libido increased tenfold when I became a wolf shifter, but it’s tripled now that I’m pregnant.

  “Oh yeah? How?” I smile lazily, my gaze dropping to his mouth.

  Sam slides his fingers to the back of my head, grabbing a chunk of hair in the process, and forces me to look into his eyes again. “I have several ideas, but we can start with this.” He lowers his mouth to mine, searing my lips with a panties-dropping kiss.

  I’d melt completely into his arms if it weren’t for my huge belly in the way. Sam’s tongue is incendiary, even when he’s taking things slowly. I throw my arms around his neck, needing to be as close to him as possible.

  A throat clearing brings a premature ending to our kiss. Tristan and Dante are now standing near the door, each carrying a similar box to the one Sam brought in.

  “I suppose they sent one for each baby,” Dante says by way of explanation. He sets the box down and, using his sharp fingernail, cuts the packaging tape. He then pulls a large object from within, which was buried under little pieces of packaging foam.

  “Oh my God.” I cover my mouth with my hands.

  Dante, Tristan, and Sam are all staring at the white wolf rocker my parents sent me.

  After a moment, Dante turns to me. “Are you sure your parents don’t know you’re a wolf shifter?”

  “Of course not. Mom doesn’t even know that supernatural creatures exist.”

  “Do you think the other rockers are all the same?”

  “If they’re all wolves, I’ll say we have a traitor in the midst,” Tristan replies with a smirk.

  It takes less than a minute to unveil that, indeed, my parents sent wolf rockers to all babies. It would have been hard to pinpoint who gave them the suggestion if it weren’t for the wolf with the pink bow. Only Dante knew I was expecting a girl.

  “It was you!” I point accusatorily at him.

  “Me what?” His eyes are widely innocent, but the corners of his lips twitch up.

  “Wait, Dante told your parents to send wolf rockers?” Sam looks at us. “How do you know?”

  “The bow.” Tristan chuckles.

  Dante gives up his attempt to hide his smirk and lets a full smile blossom on his handsome face. I shake my head, trying to downplay the effect his expression has on me. The sense of doom I was feeling only a moment ago is gone. In its place, the most immense feeling of peace and love has taken over.

  Out of the blue, I begin to cry.

  Dante’s smile wilts to nothing. “Red? What’s wrong?”

  I wipe away the fat tears that are rolling down my cheeks. “I’m not sad, I promise. These are happy tears.”

  Immediately, my mates form a cocoon around me, hugging me from all sides. Their warmth washes over me, making me feel like I’m the most cherished woman on the planet. I feel our babies move, almost as if they can sense their dads’ love too.

  “We’re happy too, my love. Beyond happy,” Tristan says.

  “I know,” I reply.

  “I think maybe we should head for bed.” Sam places a kiss on my shoulder.

  “I agree. I’m feeling bone-tired all of a sudden.” Dante runs his hand down my arm, sending a shiver down my back.

  “Let’s go, then,” Tristan replies tightly.

  My nipples become as hard as pebbles, and heat pools between my legs. I know exactly what we’ll be doing in bed, and I’m already shaking with anticipation. “Sleeping sounds absolutely divine.”

  Chapter 3


  I wake up with a start. My heart is pounding against my rib cage, wrapped in a sense of anxiety and fear. I reach for the lamp’s switch. With a click, a soft orange glow spreads throughout my room, but even the light can’t make me feel less agitated. I try to throw my legs to the side of the bed, but something bulky on my middle prevents me. I glance down, meeting a mountain instead of my flat belly.

  What the hell!

  With a hard yank, I push the sheet aside. It takes me a few seconds for my sluggish brain to comprehend what I’m seeing. When it finally does, I yell.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. What’s this?” I roll my large T-shirt up, revealing a round and tight belly.

  The main lights to the room turn on, and Grandma is standing by the door with Elliot at her heels. “Amelia, what’s wrong?”

  I’m frozen, unable to speak as I glance at the bizarre pregnant belly I didn’t have yesterday.

  “Grandma, please tell me this is a nightmare.”

  Her eyes round as she focuses on my midsection. “Oh my.”

  “‘Oh my’? Is that all you have to say?”

  She walks in and stops by the side of the bed. “I don’t know what you want to hear, hon.”

  “Is this some kind of practical joke? This belly can’t be real, right?” I poke my side, and holy shit, I feel a kick. I gasp. “There’s something alive inside of me.”

  Grandma flattens her palm over my belly, furrowing her eyebrows. Then she looks at me. “What do you remember about yesterday? Did you do or see anything strange?”

  “No. Grandma, you’re scaring me.”

  Without a word, she walks out.

  “Where are you going?” I get up fast and almost end up falling forward. Damn, this stupid belly weighs a ton. Also, I have to pee. Badly.

  I make a beeline to the bathroom and relieve myself, then peer at my reflection in the mirror. With shaking hands, I lift my T-shirt again. I look like I’m about to pop. And honestly, I do feel something pressing against my rib cage. I check my boobs as well, and holy fuck, what happened to my nipples? They’re twice the size they used to be and three shades darker.

  No. Shaking my head, I walk backward. This must be some crazy nightmare.

  When I return to my room, Grandma is back, carrying a book and a branch of burning sage.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Shh, child. I’m trying to concentrate.”

  Several questions are on the tip of my tongue, but I wait. She begins to mumble words in a strange language and walk around me, swishing the burning sage from side to side. The smoke stings my nose and gives me a fit of sneezes.

  After ten minutes of crazy mumbo jumbo, Grandma stops and closes the book in her hand with a loud thud.

  “A spell has been cast,” she announces like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  “Uh, a what?”

  “No time to explain. Get dressed. We need to visit some friends of mine. The magic is too strong for me to undo it by myself.”

  Okay, I’m definitely having a nightmare. But then why the hell am I not waking up?

  Since I’m stuck here, I do as Grandma told me. But to my dismay, I don’t own any clothes that fit. The T-shirt I’m wearing now barely does, and only because it’s three times larger than my regular size. I keep it on and force myself into a pair of leggings. My ass is also much bigger than it used to be. I hope I don’t bust a seam.

  On my way out, I grab my cell phone. If by some bizarre occurrence this isn’t a dream, I need to be able to reach Kenya. Grandma is ready to go when I join her in the living room. The clock mounted on the wall shows it’s only thirty minutes after midnight. I glance at the phone screen. It’s Friday, so Kenya must be out. The question is, why am I not with her?

  Elliot barks and wags his tail, thinking we’re going on a field trip.

  Grandma turns to him. “I’m sorry, buddy. You can’t come with us.”

  She heads out into the freezing January weather, but one glimpse at my coat hanging from the peg makes my heart sink. No chance in hell I’ll fit that.

  “Are you coming or not, Amelia?”

  Shit. What happened to my sweet grandma?

  This must be a nightmare. She’s acting like she doesn’t care that her granddaughter woke suddenly pregnant in the middle of the night.

  I put the
coat on, leaving it unbuttoned, then wrap myself with the thickest woolen scarf I own.

  The moment I step foot into the ice-cold weather, my bladder complains. I gotta pee again. Are you freaking kidding me? I turn around.

  “Where are you going?” Grandma asks.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are we going?” I brace against the door when the road becomes rough.

  “I already told you, child. We’re going to see some of my friends.”

  “Grandma, are you a witch?” I ask.

  She doesn’t answer right away. We hit a pothole in the road, and I feel it all the way up my spine. I also sense a kick, which only serves to freak me out more.

  “Grandma?” I press.

  “Yes, Amelia. I’m a witch.”

  Okay, deep breaths, Red. Deep breaths. “Am I a witch too?”

  She glimpses quickly at me. “Possibly.”

  Blinking fast, I stare at the dark road ahead. I wait for another freak-out moment, and when it doesn’t come, I know the reason. I’m most certainly dreaming. I must be in deep slumber since there’s no signs I’m going to wake up any time soon, so I might as well feed my imagination.

  “Okay. Cool.”

  “Cool?” Grandma replies.

  I shrug. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Many things. I certainly didn’t expect you to be so blasé about it.”

  “Does Dad know?”


  “Is he a witch too?”

  “No. Our power can only be transferred to female born.”

  We arrive at the sad-looking shack in the woods. It kind of reminds me of Grandma’s house, only this one is covered in twisty vines, granting it a freaky appearance. The car’s headlights aren’t helping the case much either.

  Grandma kills the engine and the lights and slides out. I follow suit, wrapping my body to try to keep warm. The front door of the shack opens, and out come four women dressed in dark cloaks. I can’t see their faces, but I can sense the strange energy surrounding them.

  I wait by the car while Grandma strides forward to meet them. She speaks in hushed tones and then glances over her shoulder. Her friends turn to look at me as well, and on instinct, I cover my belly with my hands. Shit. I’ve been pregnant for less than an hour and I’m already protective of my baby.


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