Mother of Wolves

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Mother of Wolves Page 6

by M H Soars

  Chapter 9


  “No!” The scream that erupts from my throat is almost not human. I halted the shift, but my wolf is still churning.

  I cut the distance between myself and the van at breakneck speed. I don’t have a visual of Dante anymore, which only makes my fear ten times worse. The driver is already out of the vehicle before I get to him. I only catch a mop of white-blond hair, but it’s enough to recognize Zeke. I leap on him, sending the imp and myself to the ground. I’m going to kill the motherfucker. With fangs bared, I growl, straddling him.

  “Get off me, Tristan!” He grabs my arms, trying to dislodge me.

  A woman screams nearby, and that gives me pause. I look over my shoulder and see Kenya standing not too far from us.

  “Stop it, Tristan! It wasn’t his fault.” She turns, dropping in a crouch next to an unmoving white form. Dante.

  I jump off the imp and veer toward my brother. But when a new scent reaches my nose, I freeze. It’s familiar and foreign at the same time, and it ignites something in the pit of my stomach. I only catch Sam’s scent a second later. He appears from behind the van with his arm wrapped around a blonde woman’s shoulder.

  I suck in a breath as the sense of familiarity increases. I know her. But from where?

  A whine catches my attention, and I force my gaze from the mysterious woman in Sam’s arm and turn to Dante. Crouching next to Kenya, I touch his pelt. “You stupid wolf.”

  “I think Zeke only nicked one of his hind legs,” Kenya says. “He came out of nowhere.”

  “Why were you speeding inside the compound like that?” I peer over my shoulder to glower at Zeke.

  “Because I like to pretend I’m a Formula One driver in my spare time. What do you think? We have an emergency.” He approaches, returning the angry stare.

  “Congratulations. You just added another one,” I snap.

  “Is he going to be okay?” the girl with Sam asks, sending chills down my spine. God, I’ve never reacted like that in the presence of any wo—

  Wait a second.

  I take another deep breath and realize she’s not human. She’s a wolf.

  Dante springs back on his four paws—well, three—and stares at the unfamiliar shifter. He then turns his nose up and howls.

  Kenya unfurls from her crouch, eyeing the girl with worry. “Red, are you okay?”

  “I’m fi—” She hisses, closing her eyes.

  “Shit. What is it? Are the babies okay?” Sam stares wide-eyed at her protruding belly. Not only is she a wolf shifter but a knocked-up one. My heart squeezes painfully at the sight. I want to take her in my arms and protect her at all costs. What a bizarre reaction to a mere stranger.

  “I told you to buckle up, silly girl. Sam, take her inside ASAP. We need Dr. Mervina,” Kenya states.

  “I’m fine, Kenya. One of the babies just kicked me in the ribs.”

  As if she hadn’t spoken, Sam picks her up in his arms and strides toward the manor. Dante follows close on their heels, hopping a little thanks to his injured leg. I want to go with them, but I fight the urge because it’s damn crazy.

  “What’s the emergency?” I ask Kenya instead.

  “We’d better go inside. There’s no telling who’s listening.”

  Her reply is ominous, and it only adds to my growing alarm. I think about Dante’s erratic behavior and the witches’ emergency that took Mom away from the compound.

  Shit, that’s right. She’s not home. What if Red needs medical attention?

  Before I know it, I’m sprinting toward the house.

  “It took him long enough” I hear Zeke say, but his comment isn’t important right now.

  Once inside the house, Sam’s already set Red down on one of the couches and is now fawning over her.

  “Can I get you something? Food, water?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  Now that I can have a good look at her under proper illumination, I notice she’s not wearing much in terms of clothing. I’m irritated in an instant. “You went out like that? It’s freezing.”

  She levels me with a glare, and it hits me straight in the chest. It also makes my libido skyrocket. For fuck’s sake. Now is not the time for an unwanted erection.

  “I didn’t have anything to wear.”

  “What do you mean, you didn’t have anything to wear?” I ask.

  “It means this”—she points at her pregnant belly—“is a new development. Like less than twenty-four hours new.”

  “Come again?”

  “Whoa.” Kenya raises her hand. “Everyone take a chill pill and let me explain what’s going on.”

  Dante begins to shimmer and shake, drawing Red’s attention to him. “Oh my God. What’s happening to the wolf?”

  “He’s shifting. Why are you acting like you don’t know? You’re a shifter,” I say.

  She blinks fast, almost as if she’s having a hard time processing my words. Then she turns to the sheriff’s daughter. “Kenya? What is he talking about?”

  Dante finishes his shift and stands naked in front of our visitors. Not that shifters care about that, but Kenya averts her gaze just the same.

  “Oh my God,” her friend murmurs.

  “Dude. Put some clothes on.” Sam tries to push Dante away, but he ignores our brother and drops into a crouch in front of Red.

  “It’s you. The woman I’ve been trying to paint for the last three weeks.”

  “Why were you trying to paint me? I-I don’t know you.”

  Zeke turns to Kenya. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “Jeez, I don’t know, Zeke. I’m not a Vulcan. I can’t read minds.”

  “Dante is a psychic of sorts. Maybe the Furies’ spell doesn’t quite work on him.”

  “Wait a second. Whose spell?” I ask.

  “The Furies, the three goddesses of vengeance. They’re here in Crimson Hollow, and they’re after you,” Red replies with fear in her eyes.

  “Why would some crazy-ass goddesses be after us?” Sam asks.

  Dante sits on the balls of his feet and sags his shoulders. “I used to know the answer to that. Why can’t I remember now?”

  “Because the Furies wiped everyone’s memories. Well, everyone’s besides mine and Zeke’s,” Kenya answers.

  “Okay, let me get this straight. So, I got my memory wiped clean. Then how come I remember every single thing that happened to me in the last week? Month?” I ask.

  “The memories you have right now aren’t real,” Zeke replies.

  I turn to the blonde woman on the couch again. It seems I can’t keep my eyes off her for too long. A nagging suspicion presents itself.

  “And who are you exactly?” I ask her.

  She takes a deep breath before she replies, “Apparently, I’m your mate.”

  “My mate?” My voice rises a fraction while my heart jumpstarts. It seems the stupid muscle agrees with that notion.

  “Not only your mate. The three of you.” She lowers her gaze, almost as if she’s embarrassed.

  “But that’s impossible,” Sam chimes in.

  “Okay, we don’t have time for you to process the news. Red is mated to the three of you, and she’s expecting a few pups. The most important thing to focus on right now is the fact that you have three psycho deities hell-bent on getting revenge on your asses,” Kenya interjects.

  “And how do we stop them and get our memories back?” I ask.

  Zeke opens his mouth to reply, but the manor’s front door explodes inward, sending shards of broken wood everywhere. On instinct, I jump in front of Red to protect her from the blast. My brothers are overcome with the same instinct, and together we end up forming a human cocoon around the girl.

  But as much as I’d like to keep protecting her, I need to face whoever burst in through the door like that. I turn around with fangs bared and clawed hands.

  Two tall women stand in front of the gaping hole where the door used to be. They’re dressed like Am
azon warriors with plated bodices and metal harnesses around their forearms. Even if they weren’t dressed like that, it would be impossible to miss the power rolling off their frames in waves. They must be two of the Furies.

  “How dare you invade my home?” I growl while my brothers stand on each side of me. I don’t fucking care if they’re goddesses or not.

  “Silence, mortal! You won’t speak to us like that.” The woman with long ebony hair and dark skin flicks her wrist and there’s a sudden pressure around my throat. I try to speak, but nothing comes out.

  What the fuck!

  “He’s not one of her wolves. Let’s just turn him into dust,” the second Fury says with glee.

  “You’re not turning anyone into dust. I won’t allow it.” Red walks around us and positions herself as a protective barrier. Her shoulders are squared back, her chin lifted high.

  Is she crazy?

  My brothers and I all move forward to get Red out of harm’s way when her entire body begins to glow a blue light.

  “Oh, look at that. The she-wolf thinks she can use her puny magic to fight us, Tisy.”

  “Come on, ladies. There’s no reason to get carried away.” Zeke moves forward with his hands up. “You had your fun. Now why wo—”

  The dark-haired Fury waves her hand and sends the imp flying across the room. He hits the far wall and drops like a sack of potatoes. Kenya gasps, covering her mouth with her hands.

  The glow around Red intensifies, and I sense she’s about to do something foolish. I’d tell her to stop if I had a voice.

  “Red, don’t do it,” Dante pleads.

  “Listen to the little wolf, Red. Unless you want to truly piss us off.”

  “Leave my friend alone,” Kenya warns. “Your beef is with Artemis, so why are you here?”

  “We don’t answer to the likes of you, demon spawn,” the second Fury sneers.

  Demon spawn? What is she talking about now?

  Kenya freezes completely, and it takes me a moment to realize she didn’t do it out of fear. Red runs to her friend, stopping in front of her to clutch her shoulders. “Kenya!” She shakes the girl, but she’s stiff as a board.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Sam asks.

  “She was annoying,” Tisy replies. “Hmm, but I’m not happy with her punishment.” She flicks her wrist, and Kenya shrinks into a small plastic figurine.

  Red covers her mouth and suppresses a sob.

  “I’m bored. I think it’s time we crank things up a notch.” The second Fury raises her hand, fingers poised to snap. Instinctively, I know the moment she does, our situation will change from bad to worse.

  Out in the distance, I hear the sound of several wolves howling. The pack’s enforcers are approaching. Both goddesses turn toward the gap they made, taking their eyes off us for a moment. Red drops into a crouch and swoops miniature Kenya into her hand. Without stopping to think, I grab Red’s arm and run in the opposite direction. It’s clear we can’t fight those deities alone, and my instinct is to protect Red at all costs.

  My brothers follow us, but we don’t get far.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” one of the Furies asks, and then Red is yanked from my grasp.

  She screams. I whirl around just in time to watch her disappear into thin air.

  “No!” my brothers yell at the same time, while my scream gets stuck in my throat.

  “You bitch,” Dante grits out, already in midshift as he charges

  The Furies smile wickedly, but there’s no sense trying to stop him. It’s too late. He leaps and then the entire scene vanishes.

  I jolt into a sitting position in bed with my heart thundering. I rub my face while I grasp at the tendrils of the most vivid nightmare I’ve had in days. The room is still dark, and a quick glance at my cell tells me it’s only three in the morning.

  The sound of sheets rubbing together catches my attention. A hand touches my arm. “Tristan? Is everything okay?”

  The lamp turns on, revealing Lyria’s worried face staring at me. My heart clenches so tightly it hurts. Why is looking at her giving me such chest pains? We’ve been dating for a while, but I can’t remember when we got together.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a nightmare.”

  She runs her hand over my abs. “Why don’t you lie down and I’ll make you forget all about it.”

  Goose bumps spread all over my skin, and not the good kind.

  “I think I’m going for a run.” I jump out of bed.

  “Right now? It’s the middle of the night and it’s snowing.”

  I look out the window, getting a full view of the main square. Not a soul in sight. “You know the cold doesn’t bother me.”

  “Do you want company?” She makes a motion to get out of bed too.

  “No, go back to sleep. I won’t be long.”

  Her eyebrows furrow together, almost as if she doesn’t like my answer. “Tristan, you’re worrying me.”

  “Nothing to worry about, babe.” The endearment feels sour in my mouth. “I just need to clear my head.”

  Before she can offer another argument, I slip out of the room. All I grab before I head out is my coat hanging by the front door. I don’t even put my shoes on. The need to get out of my own apartment is urgent and disturbing at the same time.

  Chapter 10


  The first thing that comes back to me is my hearing. Too bad all I can hear is the sound of my pulse beating in my ears. Then comes the freezing cold, but not the regular low temperature of a winter’s night. This sensation is different, soul deep.

  I finally open my eyes, and it’s not the sky of Crimson Hollow that greets me. It’s something foreign. It’s not night, but it’s also not day. There’s no sun or moon, only an endless number of clouds in a gray sky.

  I’m lying on rough ground, and when I try to move, I end up piercing my palm on the hard surface. I sit up and realize I’m surrounded by small pebbles that are as sharp as razors. Looking around, I see nothing but a bare landscape stretching out before me. My stomach bottoms out and my heart clenches tightly in my chest. I have no idea where I am, but I’m definitely not home anymore.

  On unsteady legs, I get up. At once, my bladder complains. I guess mortal peril doesn’t mean shit to Mother Nature. I amble toward the trunk of a lonely, dying tree. I don’t see a living soul for miles, so I do the only thing I can at the moment—I pull my leggings down and squat, using the tree as support.

  Once that’s taken care of, I pull my jacket closer together and begin to walk in a random direction. I’ve never felt so lonely in my entire life, but I can’t succumb to the urge to cry. I have to be strong, if not for me then for the babies I’m carrying.

  I cover my belly with my hands, needing to feel a kick for the first time since I woke up without my memories. But the babies are quiet now. I hope they’re okay. If something happens to them, I’ll tear the Furies limb from limb, even if I have to die in the process.

  The feeling of protectiveness fills me with much-needed motivation. A warmth concentrates in my chest before spreading throughout my body. It helps against the chill, and it also gives me physical strength. Suddenly, my senses are enhanced; I can hear sounds that I couldn’t before. It’s faint, but I catch the constant clattering of metal and the murmurs of a crowd. There’s some type of civilization ahead, over the hill.

  I take a big whiff and catch several scents in the air, none pleasant. Whatever is waiting for me might not be what I’m hoping for. But I don’t have a choice. Sitting here in the desert won’t get me home.

  The picture of the house Zeke took me to, the Alpha Manor, comes to the forefront of my mind. That’s what my brain immediately produced when I thought about home. Could I be recovering my memories already? I can’t deny my connection to the three Wolfe brothers. The pull was there, and the feeling that I knew them was strong.

  They’re my mates.

  The realization hits me at once. It’s a certainty that
can’t be refuted or ignored. And yet I can’t remember them. I have no memory of when we met, when we fell in love. Sadness immediately washes over me, followed swiftly by anger. Those damn Furies erased my life, separated me from my mates, and because of what? Their petty vendetta against Artemis, another asshole deity.

  I’m so wrapped up in my fury that I don’t realize how fast I’m going. Only when my breathing begins to come out in bursts do I return to the present moment. I’ve reached the top of the hill, and from my new vantage point, I have the visual of a great market. Hundreds of dark brown tents are clustered together, and crisscrossing the area are narrow walking paths filled with creatures. Instinctively, I know they aren't humans. From where I stand they look like tiny ants moving at a snail’s pace.

  At the edge of the market, shoddy-looking buildings stand precariously. They're one storm away from collapsing. This is the closest to civilization I’ll get, it seems, so I might as well head down there and find help.

  I tense as soon as the idea enters my head. My body freezes.

  Come on, Red. Now is not the time to get a panic attack.

  The inner pep talk does little to dissuade the fear that entered my heart. I don't know where the sudden emotion is coming from. The hill is much steeper from this side; I bet that’s the reason. I search for a path to go down but find nothing. Great. I guess I'll have to climb down the hard way. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't about to pop out a litter of puppies.

  I snort inwardly. I'm already starting to think about them as little wolves. This is crazy. Couldn't those fucking goddesses at least let me keep the knowledge that I'm a wolf shifter? The guys know who they are, after all.

  Wishful thinking, of course. The little I know about deities is that they're all a bunch of psychos.

  Careful not to lose my balance, I bend my knees and lean against the rocky surface sideways. At least the hill isn’t made out of razor-sharp material like the place I landed. Slowly, I slide down, careful where I place my feet. I'm glad I'm wearing snow boots with non-slippery soles.


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