Fuel to the Fire

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Fuel to the Fire Page 7

by Kait Gamble

  They walked along the sand for a while as they headed back to the hotel and walked into the nearest restaurant for breakfast and the mimosas they had been talking about. Which led to masterfully prepared Bellinis.

  By the time the glasses were empty and the plates cleared away, Caroline’s concerns had evaporated and so had a few of Jackie’s.

  Caroline stood a little unsteadily but managed to stay upright. “I have a few things I should see to. You’re welcome to join me, if you’d like.”

  “I don’t want to get in the way. Besides, I still have the pool to check out.”

  “I won’t get in the way of that again.” Caroline pulled her in for a hug. “Thanks for coming down and talking to me.”

  “What are friends for?”

  Caroline tittered nervously. “Well, I hope you feel that way the rest of the week because I can’t guarantee that I won’t have another minor freak-out.”

  “And I’ll be here for you. I’ll see you later.” Jackie squeezed her friend in another hug.

  As she walked away, Caroline stopped and turned and teetered back. “Remember all the bridesmaids are meeting in the spa later.”

  She had forgotten. With everything going on, Jackie could stand a little pampering to get her mind off things. “I’ll be there.”

  Caroline pecked her on the cheek and, doing her impression of a newborn fawn, carefully picked her way up the path farther into the building.

  Not feeling any steadier than her friend, Jackie opted to stay by the aquarium to watch the fish. Taking the closest chair, she sat back and watched the rainbow-hued fish streak past the glass, darting in and out of the coral and dodging the streams of morning light. It was something she could easily lose herself in for hours.

  “So you go running to her and she just leaves you here?”

  Jackie sighed at Logan’s voice. “It’s not like that. I chose not to go with her.” She turned to glare at him. “And why do I have to explain myself to you?”

  “You don’t. I just want you to think about how people treat you.” He sat next to her and stared at the fish. “Twice now, I’ve seen people take advantage of you, talk about you like some toy, and you just take it.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but it’s none of your business. Once we leave this place, you’ll forget all about me again and how people treat me.”

  Logan grasped her hand in his, prompting her to meet his eyes. “If you think I could ever forget about you, you’re wrong.”

  The sensation of his warm skin against hers, as he used to do all the time, brought forth some powerful emotions. Jackie severed the connection by quickly yanking her hand out of his. She wobbled a bit in her chair from the force of her movement. “We both know that’s not true.”

  He eyed her angrily before it turned into something that looked like amusement. “Are you drunk?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I only had a couple of mimosas…and Bellinis.”

  “Geez, Jackie. It’s not even nine a.m.” He caught her when she listed a little too far to the right. “Still a lightweight, huh?”

  “Caroline had cold feet. A few cocktails with breakfast seemed in order.”

  His smirk turned into a beaming smile. “For you, half a glass is more than enough.”

  She knew he was thinking of the time she’d gotten drunk off a single glass of champagne. It had been Christmas, and Logan had bought a bottle to celebrate. He’d even made dinner—or something that he’d called dinner. It had been one of the sweetest things he’d done. And she had promptly ruined it by downing the glass too fast and falling asleep almost immediately after the alcohol had worked into her system. Logan had teased her about it for months afterward, not to mention kept a close eye on her whenever they’d shared a drink.

  “Want to walk it off?”

  Walking probably wasn’t a good idea just yet. “I think I’m good here for the moment.”

  “Need anything to eat?”

  She let out an amused breath. “Believe it or not, Caroline and I had something to eat with the drinks.”

  He chuckled. “So we’ll just sit and stare at the fish.”

  “You don’t have to. I’m sure you have better things to do. Doesn’t Charles need you for anything?”

  “I’m sure he can survive without me. He’s got, what, five other groomsmen?”

  Jackie giggled. “Who needs that many?”

  “I agree. Why would anyone want to put on such a big show? It’s a commitment between two people. They’re the only ones who should be there.”

  Once upon a time, Jackie had daydreamed about marrying Logan. All different scenarios had flitted through her mind. Grand weddings with dozens of bridesmaids, groomsmen and flower girls all the way to an intimate affair with just the two of them and someone to officiate. She had to admit that the small, quiet one had appealed to her more than any other. Jackie had pictured the two of them marrying on a beach at sunset the most often.

  Logan’s deep voice broke through her reverie. “Imagining something nice?”

  “Just thinking.”

  Thinking about what? Or whom? Jackie wouldn’t have that dreamy look on her face if she was thinking about him. Would she?

  Did she have another man in her life?

  No. Jackie would never have gotten into bed with him if she had. She’d never been that kind of girl. At least she hadn’t in the past. She couldn’t have changed that much, could she?

  The thought of her with someone else gnawed at his gut. Logan knew he had no right to feel that way, but there was a primal part of him deep down that coveted Jackie and probably always would. She had been his everything, once. And was still incredibly compatible with him in bed.

  The idea of her being just as willing and wonderful in bed with another man dropped a red haze over his vision.

  “Logan? Is something wrong?” Jackie watched him with a strange expression on her face. All at once quizzical, amused and a little bit tipsy. “You look like you want to strangle someone.”

  “Do I?” Logan ran his fingertips over her cheek, dragging them down her neck the way he knew she liked. “Because I was thinking you owe me a morning after.”

  Color instantly flushed her cheeks, so he knew she remembered their mornings together. It might not have happened as often as he’d liked, but they would most often share breakfast after—sometimes before—making love again. One thing he had wished they could have done was spend all day in bed, but with classes, his work and her family, it had been a struggle to find time to be together.

  It wasn’t too late to realize that wish to spend the day together naked now.

  “There was one thing I wanted to do while we were together that we never got to do.”

  Jackie’s eyes had a mischievous glint to them when she looked at him. “Just one?”

  He chuckled as he traced her collarbone. “Okay, one of the big ones.”

  “Well? What is it?”

  Jackie looked open to whatever he would say so he went for it. “Spending the day with you. Naked.”

  He watched as the pupils of her eyes dilated almost as if she could see what he was imagining.

  “So are you game?”

  Jackie weighed his question carefully. It was like a blow to the gut as he thought about how she would have leaped at the chance when they were together.

  “I should keep myself available for Caroline…”

  It pissed him off that she was still putting Caroline’s needs over his.

  The resentment evaporated when Jackie smiled at him as she wound her arms around his neck.

  “It’s my vacation too, so I don’t see why we couldn’t. She can call if she needs me.”

  He couldn’t help the grin. “Want some help?” He held out his hand to her.

  Jackie slipped hers into his and hopped down from the chair.

  Logan kissed the back of her hand as they started walking. He made sure to keep the pace slow, even though all he wanted to do was run straight back
up to his suite. He wanted her to work the alcohol out of her system first. That and he wanted to get a handle on the emotion that burned in his chest. He didn’t want it, but having Jackie spend time with him was like a blessing. It shouldn’t have felt that way.

  Logan didn’t want to dwell on it now. Not while he had her with him and willing.

  Jackie was far from being utterly incapacitated, but he wanted her fully aware and able to enjoy. The perfect place to take her came to mind.

  “Why don’t we take a little detour?”

  Curiosity lit up her features. “To where?”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t had a chance to explore the hotel and its facilities yet.”

  “You’d guess right. Between arriving and… Well… I haven’t had much of an opportunity to check this place out.” Jackie looked up at him quizzically. “I’m guessing you have?”

  “You could say that. It’s a bit of a walk, though. Do you think you’re up for it?” He hoped it was enough of a trek to help burn off the alcohol by the time they got there.

  “I am if you are.”

  Jackie had always had an adventurous streak. It was one of the things they’d had in common and was the reason for the large number of unusual places they’d had sex.

  They’d had quite a list. And now they’d be able to add to it.

  The only tough part was deciding where first.

  He was sure they’d figure it out as they went. “How long are you here for?”

  She carefully kept her eyes on the scenery. “Just a few days.”

  There was something Jackie wasn’t saying. She could stay as long as she liked. Obviously, she had something more important to get back to. Or she wanted to limit their time together.

  It annoyed him that he wanted to know which. And that he wanted to know more about her life. More about her. Where had she been? What had she done? Who had she done it with? It was enough to drive him crazy.

  After she’d left that morning, he’d thrown out the breakfast and burned out his frustration with laps in the pool.

  It hadn’t helped. He wanted her so badly his entire body ached. Logan’s assumption that she felt the same way was obviously wrong. Yet another thing that pissed him off.

  Chapter Six

  Jackie studied Logan with covert glances. He was angry, but then what else was new? Since she’d first seen him in the hotel lobby, he’d looked incensed. The only time he hadn’t was when they were naked. Or directly afterward.

  But then who could look angry while they were having the kind of sex they were?

  She absentmindedly rubbed her hands over the goosebumps the images brought to her arms. Everything between them might have been different, but—if anything—the sex had only gotten better. Though it could have been the fact that she had endured a really long dry spell after Logan.

  It didn’t change the fact that just thinking about him and what he could do to her got her wet.

  He led her outside along several pathways that ran farther into the lush greenery. Jackie felt as though she was trekking through a dense jungle. Well, almost. The carefully constructed passageway they followed certainly helped facilitate their trek.

  It dawned on her that they had been skirting the outside of the mountain quite high. Where on earth could he be leading her?

  She trusted him enough not to take her somewhere dangerous and to give her what she needed in bed, but that was about as far as it went.

  They continued to walk in silence, as he brooded over whatever it was he was focused on, meanwhile, she did her best not to give into her curiosity and ask. It was one rule she wasn’t going to break. She didn’t need to know, nor did she care.

  Except she did, a little.

  Jackie wanted to know more about where he’d been the past few years. After blocking the mere thought of him from her mind for so long, she realized there was so much about him that she wanted to know. So much she’d missed out on.

  Gritting her teeth, she forced her focus onto everything but him.

  The scents from the exotic plants were sweetly strange and wonderful. Flowers blended with the smell of the rocks, the moss and the other vegetation to create an intoxicating mix that she never wanted to forget. The cloying humidity thickened the air and clung to her clothes and skin, but whenever a breeze blew over it, the sudden chill would bring welcome respite, if only for a little while.

  The physical activity cleared her head, however. The air and the scenery helped as well.

  The incredibly long pathway led farther up and around the mountain peak until it leveled out for a few feet. Then the sloped turned into stone hugging stairs that seemingly descended into the mountain itself.

  “Are you steady enough for this?”

  Jackie studied the steps. On the one hand, she was slightly concerned at not knowing where they were going. On the other, the mystery had her itching to find out. She nodded brusquely. “If we take it slow. I’ll let you know if I get into any trouble.”

  Logan nodded. “Right. I’ll go first. You can use me to break your fall if it comes to it.”

  So nice that he had such faith in her abilities. She kept the sarcasm to herself and followed. He would make a suitable cushion if she needed it.

  With each step downward, Jackie could almost feel a perceptible drop in temperature. Too bad they didn’t have that far to go.

  Logan stopped her while the route was still enveloped by vegetation.

  “What is it?” Had he spotted something dangerous?

  “Close your eyes.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” After making sure to be so careful with her, now he wanted her to follow him blind?

  “I’ve got you. Don’t worry. Just keep them closed until I tell you.”

  The hopeful little smile on his face was the impetus she needed to follow directions. With a sigh and what she hoped was a withering last glance at him, she let her eyes fall closed.

  Logan linked his large hand with hers securely before he slowly led the way.

  “Careful, there’s one last step.”

  But instead of letting her take it, he lifted her in his arms and navigated it himself.

  Sunshine warmed her skin as her feet touched the softest sand she’d ever encountered and sank into it. Logan carefully turned her around and whispered, “Open your eyes.”

  When she did, her gaze immediately fell upon crystalline blue water and pristine white sand, only on a much smaller scale than the hotel’s beach front. The horseshoe-shaped beach curved, almost meeting where sea water entered through a gap in the mountains.


  Jackie immediately strode to the water. Kicking off her sandals, she let the little waves lap at her toes.

  “This is incredible.” She watched the tiny ripples on the almost still surface.

  “It is. There’s a volcanic spring on the other side of the island as well. We could check that out sometime.”

  Jackie grinned at him. “I’m guessing this is hotel property?” She looked up and down the little beach, but aside from a few tables and lounge chairs, she couldn’t see any other signs of life. At least not human. Birds sang, unseen in the vegetation, but there was nothing else.

  “It is. And if you’re expecting to see other people, you won’t find any. They don’t usually open this up until the evening.” He pointed to a little alcove not too far away. “There’s a bar in there and a sound system.”

  “So this is a party beach.” It was amazing how pristine they managed to keep it. “I’m impressed with how well they maintain the area. It’s practically untouched.”

  “That’s the idea. They work hard at it, I’m sure.”

  She raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. “How do you know so much about this place?”

  Logan smiled teasingly. “No questions, remember? Just accept that I know and use it to your advantage.”

  “And how would I do that?”

  He tapped his fingers to his lips. “Well, if I were
you, I would ask the incredibly handsome man you’re with how long we’d be alone.”

  Rolling her eyes, she played along. “So how long before the partying hordes descend?”

  “We have more than enough time to do this.”

  Without another word, he peeled off his shirt. Before she could protest, he dropped his shorts as well, giving her an unabashed view of his stunning body.

  Logan really wasn’t playing fair.

  A wicked grin on his face, he turned and dashed for the water. He dove into the clear lake, disappearing for a long while before he resurfaced with the wide smile still on his face.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  Shaking her head, Jackie tugged off her clothes then ran in after him. It was surreal, but it felt great to be so reckless and carefree.

  The warmth of the water surprised her. It was like diving into a giant, beautifully staged bath. When she broke through the surface again to refill her lungs, she found Logan smiling back at her. For the first time since they’d been reacquainted, he looked truly happy.

  “So all it took to put a smile on your face was to go skinny dipping with you?”

  “I could say the same about you.” Logan splashed her. “Though you do seem to lose the scowl whenever I get naked.”

  She splashed him back. “I was going to say.”

  “Can you blame me? Look at you. Why wouldn’t seeing you naked put a smile on my face?”

  Jackie fought the urge to sink a little lower, not that it would help, since she could see straight to the bottom. She was more interested in seeing him naked.

  “Will you explain to me the purpose of skinny dipping?”

  He smirked. “To get the girl naked.”

  “I guess that’s that then.” Jackie turned to head back toward the shore.

  Logan lunged. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and dragged her back.

  “Not so fast. That’s the initial intent. After that, it’s a crap shoot. Things might happen, things might not. There may be begging involved. It all depends on the situation.”


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