The Blush Factor

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The Blush Factor Page 20

by Gun Brooke

  “I might have been able to if you’d told me right away. You had plenty of opportunities to let me know. Or did you think I’d crumble because there was an administrative issue?” Addison tugged at her hair. “And then that room we stayed in. I might just have gratefully accepted so I could be close to Stacey, if you’d just told me.”

  “I see.” Eleanor finally began to understand where she’d misjudged Addison’s reaction. “I apologize for lying. I did it for a reason, but even so, I was wrong.” She pulled up her legs and made sure the robe covered her, suddenly remembering she was naked underneath. “I would never want you to feel unqualified or inferior in any way. I happen to admire how you lead your life on all levels. You should remember I find you amazing.”

  “I believe you,” Addison said quietly.

  “You practically called me a tyrant, said I was trying to take over your family, had ulterior motives for my transgression.” Eleanor’s throat hurt as she swallowed.

  “I know. I shouldn’t have said all that because it’s not true. I know I screwed up everything during our phone conversation, and I’ll be paying for it every single day of my life. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I’m here to ask if you could please not abandon Stacey.” Standing up, Addison held up her hands, palms toward Eleanor. “Please. She loves you. She thinks the world of you as a person, as a mentor. A family member.” She whispered the last words and they skewered Eleanor’s heart.

  “And you? How do you regard me?” Eleanor rose and stopped in front of the shaking Addison, having to forcibly restrain herself from wrapping her arms around her. She just couldn’t risk it.

  “I love you.” The words came with such honesty and without any drama. “I should apologize for telling you this way, but you asked, and I’d promised both Stacy and myself no more lies, no screaming, no more accusations. No more protecting myself, because, really, it’s too late for that.”

  “Tell me again.”

  “I love you.”

  “You love me, but you don’t have any faith in me?”

  “I love you and I have very little faith in myself. I don’t deserve you. Even from the beginning I knew I didn’t. Or, rather, I thought you deserved better than me. And I thought, if I could understand that, it’s clear that you, being so much more worldly and experienced, had to see that too. When you used your money in the manner you did, it made some sort of cruel sense.”

  “And when I tried to protect you in bed by taking a step back, I ended up hurting you instead.” Eleanor spoke slowly as her mind began finally to focus again. Her heart picked up speed as well, when things started to make sense. “You, who took the blame for your parents’ accident, who assumed blame for Stacey not having the surgery sooner…you assumed I saw all these perceived flaws and thought I needed to take over and that you weren’t—what did Stacey call it—‘girlfriend material’?”


  “You seem to have forgotten something here. You haven’t even asked.” Trying to keep her voice stern now was almost impossible.

  “What?” Addison’s swollen eyelids blinked slowly as she clearly couldn’t keep up. She looked exhausted.

  “You haven’t once taken into consideration how deeply I love you.”

  Addison’s knees buckled and she began to topple sideways.

  “Fuck.” Eleanor barely caught her but then held Addison close.

  “Oh, why did you tell me that? You shouldn’t have. I may have screwed up so badly, but telling me that is just cruel. Too cruel. You should’ve let me just go and think you might have cared for me a little bit for a while, but…you can’t tell me that and expect me to just be able to go on without—”

  “If you for one second think I can let you go one more time, you’re sorely mistaken, Addison.” Eleanor held onto her, though she was struggling. “We both made mistakes. I wasn’t forthcoming but was overly protective. I’m so very sorry. I really am.” Eleanor hoped her words got through to Addison. “Now listen to me, darling. I love you, and now that I know you love me back, you’re not leaving. Stacey is safely in Maureen’s home with her parents present, right?”

  “Yes?” A surprised, tiny smile appeared on Addison’s face.

  “And you will text her in just a little bit and tell her you’re staying here with me this weekend, and then we’ll figure out how to proceed with who stays where, but you are not going anywhere. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Addison flung her arms around Eleanor’s neck. “Yes. Oh, yes, I do.”

  Eleanor could barely fathom that Addison was now in her arms, clinging to her as if her life depended on it. Heat erupted in her belly and spread throughout her system. “You’d better text her. Now.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “Or there might not be time for quite a while.”

  Eleanor could see exactly when Addison realized what she meant. “Let me get my phone.”

  “Tell Stacey I said hello.” She wanted to talk to her and assure her how much she cared for her, but she’d do that in person, not via Addison’s cell phone. Instead, she enjoyed watching Addison punch in letters with trembling fingers. She looked flustered and her swollen eyes sparkled. She’d never been more beautiful.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Addison tapped the screen of her phone with unsteady fingers.

  At Ellie’s house. Communicating. Took your advice. Staying the weekend.

  Stacey’s reply came within seconds.

  GREAT! Did she forgive you? And have you forgiven her? Are you happy?

  Addison thought for a moment before responding.

  It seems so. I have. Yes, happy and nervous. Will text you tomorrow.

  Answering with a simple “OK,” Stacey seemed satisfied at her end. Addison wished she felt as confident. Riding these emotions like a bucking horse was nerve-wracking, but Eleanor was worth every effort, even the ones that intimidated and frightened her.

  “Is Stacey all right?” Eleanor murmured from behind her.

  “She wanted to know if we’d forgiven each other.” Addison turned after placing her phone back in her tote bag.

  “I have,” Eleanor spoke slowly. “What about you? Have you forgiven me for using my wealth the way I did?”

  “Yes. Once I realized why and that you were acting the only way you knew how, because you wanted to protect us, I forgave you.”

  “Thank you.” Eleanor smoothed Addison’s hair back from her face. “God, you’re so lovely. Even when you’re exhausted with dark circles under your eyes.”

  “Guess the concealer I’m in the process of evaluating doesn’t do the trick for very long.”

  “No, I guess not.” Lowering her head, Eleanor pressed her lips gently to Addison’s. “I don’t care.” She drew a line along Addison’s jawline with her fingertips. “Hungry? Thirsty?”


  “I’d suggest a hot bath then.”

  “All right.”

  Eleanor shivered. “Let me draw one for you. Or would you prefer a hot shower? I just had one.”

  “As you can tell, I’m a bit wobbly. Perhaps a bath is better?”

  “Bath it is then.”

  Addison followed Eleanor through the large rooms, all of them perfectly designed but a little lifeless, somehow. The fact that it was very late and she was exhausted might be changing her perception. In the bathroom, Addison stood watching as Eleanor opened the faucet in the oval soaking tub. As it quickly filled with water, she turned to Addison and began undressing her with gentle hands.

  “The bath will have you nice and warm in no time.” She peeled back Addison’s shirt, tugging it from her arms. Addison wore only a spaghetti-strap camisole underneath. Leaving that for now, Eleanor unfastened the button and unzipped the fly of Addison’s jeans. Pushing them down Addison’s legs, Eleanor pulled her sneakers off, together with her socks, and then helped her take off her jeans. She frowned as she cupped Addison’s knees.

  “You’re very cold. Better get you in that hot tub right
away.” Unceremoniously, Eleanor removed Addison’s camisole and boy-briefs. Then she seemed to falter, her eyes raking up and down Addison’s body, which kick-started the heating process quite nicely. She was pretty sure she didn’t imagine the hunger in Eleanor’s eyes.

  Addison tried to get into the tub, but it wasn’t easy to move; her legs felt like they were about to give in. Standing naked in front of Eleanor made her tremble, and she had to forcibly try to not imagine those hands exploring her more thoroughly. She made another attempt to get into the tub, which proved more successful. The water was hot, but not scalding. She sat down with a groan. “Thank God. Oh, this is so nice.”

  “Here. Let me help you keep all that hair dry. Once you’re out of there I have other plans for you that don’t include blow-drying that mane of yours for hours.” Eleanor used a large hair clip to keep the long auburn curls out of the water. “Not too bad. A good look for you.”

  Addison smiled and sank into the tub, water up to her chin. “Heavenly.”

  “Can you manage not to fall asleep and drown as I take care of a few things?” Eleanor raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “I think so. You have me way too curious about your ‘other plans.’” She teasingly raised her eyebrow.

  “Good.” Eleanor rose and left the bathroom.

  Addison could hear Eleanor walking in and out of the rooms of her penthouse. What was she doing? Afraid she might become sleepy after all, Addison perused the long row of body washes and bubble baths sitting on shelves along the inner rim of the tub. Choosing one based on ginger, she rubbed it all over herself. Only when she was massaging the body wash into her legs did she realize just how close to the surface her arousal was. What if she’d misunderstood Eleanor and her “other plans”?

  Jittery now, she stood as the bathwater began to drain and rinsed herself off with the handheld shower. Stepping out of the tub, she took a towel from a cabinet with glass doors over by the sinks. As she wrapped it around her she noticed absentmindedly that her clothes were missing from the bathroom floor. She padded back into the bedroom and met Eleanor carrying a tray of what looked like juice and fruit.

  “Already done?” Eleanor put the tray down on one of the nightstands and came up to her. Stroking her arm and neck with the back of her curled fingers, Eleanor nodded. “You’re warmer. Good.”

  “You’re standing this close to me in what has to be the sheerest looking robe known to mankind. I’m amazed I’m not bursting into flames.”

  “Oh, give it time, darling.” Eleanor tugged her closer. “That might still happen.”

  “Wow.” Swallowing against the sudden dryness of the back of her throat, Addison let go of her towel and held on to Eleanor’s shoulders for balance. The towel began to slip and only their closely pressed bodies kept it in place.

  Eleanor wasn’t having any issues with being cold. Addison registered the massive amount of heat radiating from her silk-clad body, and it proved Eleanor right. It was setting her aflame.

  “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.” Eleanor ran her hands over Addison’s back. “I have no defense against this…against you.”

  “You don’t need any defenses.” Addison pulled back enough to lose the towel. Standing there naked, she held out her arms. “I’m yours.”

  “Oh, damn,” Eleanor whispered. “You’re so beautiful. I—I…”

  “All right if we get rid of this?” Addison tugged at the belt at the front of Eleanor’s robe. “I want to see you, feel you, so badly.”

  “By all means.” Eleanor stood very still as Addison untied the belt and pushed the robe off her shoulders.

  “Holy smokes.” Addison slid her hands up and reverently cupped Eleanor’s breasts, unable to wait a second longer. She’d dreamed of holding her, of touching and caressing her like this for so long. She kissed a trail down Eleanor’s neck, took a detour around her shoulder, and followed her collarbone to her sternum. Tracing it down between Eleanor’s breasts, she flicked her thumbs over the rock-hard pink nipples.

  “Addie.” Moaning, Eleanor gripped her shoulders, holding on so tight Addison could feel her blunt nails make indentations in her skin.

  Addison straightened and pulled Eleanor into a firm embrace as she kissed her thoroughly, probing her mouth with her tongue, inviting its counterpart to play.

  “Bed, Addison. Now.” Eleanor was clearly trying to issue orders, but they came out sounding more like begging.

  Addison didn’t want Eleanor to beg, or to believe she needed to resort to giving orders, so she kept kissing her, changing angles as she explored the sweetness of those lethal lips. Moving toward the bed, Addison wasn’t sure how, she found herself straddling Eleanor’s thighs, their lips still fused. Even more interested in what other places of Eleanor’s body there were to explore, Addison let her lips slide down Eleanor’s neck.

  “Mmm. Addie…yes.” Eleanor pushed her hands into Addison’s hair, fisting them at her scalp and tugging gently. “Like that. Your mouth, darling.”

  “Here? Like this?” Addison kissed down the gentle slope to a hard, puckered nipple. Running the tip of her tongue around it, she made Eleanor whimper, a sound she already was addicted to. As she closed her mouth around the nipple and sucked it in against the roof of her mouth, Eleanor’s whimper turned to a faint wail. She could easily get hooked on that sound too.

  Addison worked Eleanor’s left breast until weak hands pushed at her, as she begged for mercy.


  “I can see that.” Addison looked with glowing eyes at the now bright-red nipple. “Let’s see if the other one can become just as sensitive.”

  “Oh, God.”


  Eleanor arched, moaning loudly, encouraging Addison to just barely sink her teeth into her right nipple. So aroused now, she was perspiring enough for the bed sheet to stick to her back, Eleanor knew it was her time to act. Addison had feasted on her enough to nearly send her hurtling into an orgasm. Not yet. She needed more.

  Taking a fortifying breath, Eleanor pushed her fingers into Addison’s hair again and cupped the back of her head. She pressed down with her left leg hard enough to roll them, which probably only worked because Addison was preoccupied with devouring her.

  “Ellie!” Addison was on her back, hair spread over the pillow and looking up at Eleanor with her mouth half open.

  “My turn.” Eleanor kissed that surprised mouth and ran her tongue over Addison’s lower lip. “My turn now to be the one in charge.”

  “But you’re always in charge.” Addison pouted, her eyes glittering.

  “Yes, I know,” Eleanor said casually, “and there’s a reason why I’m always in charge.”

  “Oh, there is, is there?” Addison crinkled her nose at her. “And why might that be?”

  Leaning down, Eleanor kissed the soft spot just behind Addison’s earlobe, smiling against the skin as she did so. “Because,” she murmured into the nearly transparent shell of Addison’s ear, “I’m that good.”

  “Oh, yikes. At everything?”

  “Sooner or later I make sure I master whatever I decide I want to do.”

  “And now?” Addison was gasping for air.

  “And now I want to do…you.” Eleanor chuckled at how her words made Addison squeak.

  As it turned out, Eleanor was barely able to get past Addison’s breasts. Those perfect globes with the dark, maroon tips were simply too delicious, too wonderful. When she finally let them go—and by now, Addison was actually purring—she kissed her way down a slightly rounded stomach. She saw the pierced belly button up close for the first time, and somehow, as it was Addison’s pierced belly button, it was the most adorable and the sexiest thing she’d come across. She tugged at it gently with her teeth, making Addison yelp before this act of nibbling eventually made her spread her legs and make room for Eleanor.

  Eleanor hadn’t been sure how she’d feel when she was in close contact with Addison’s sex. As it turned out—and this she hadn’t
expected—she had the urge to touch and taste every inch of the drenched folds; in other words, she wanted to devour Addison right back. Still, she was wary of doing something that might hurt Addison, which to her was unthinkable, so she approached her lover slowly. Starting with the supple thighs, she wasn’t very surprised to find them slick halfway down to Addison’s knees, as she was just as wet herself. Eleanor licked and kissed her way along Addison’s thighs up to the junction of her legs.

  “Ellie, oh, God, Ellie, you’re driving me crazy. You know that, right? Absolutely insane. I can’t…oh, fuck…” Addison parted her legs farther and pulled her knees up. “Your lips, your mouth…oh, God, your mouth!”

  “Where do you want my lips? My tongue? Here?” Eleanor tried flattening her tongue against the hard clit. Pressing it in little circles seemed to work well, as Addison cried out and pushed her fingers into Eleanor’s hair.

  “Yes. Yes!” Her hips undulating beneath Eleanor’s mouth, Addison wailed louder with each caress. “Yes, like that. Like that. Oh, you’re going to make me come. Please. Please!” After that, Addison’s words became unintelligible as she dug her heels into the mattress and pushed up against Eleanor’s mouth.

  Eleanor could feel the flutters begin against her lips and knew Addison’s orgasm was happening. Carefully, she pushed first one finger and then two into her lover, wanting to experience Addison’s pleasure with her as much as humanly possible.

  “Ellie!” Addison cried out and squeezed Eleanor’s fingers in a passionate rhythm that pulled her farther in.

  Eleanor moved slowly up Addison’s body, kissing her way, trying to show with each kiss that she had forgiven her, that she hoped Addison had done the same in return. She was quivering with unbridled arousal, but she was prepared to wait for Addison to regain enough strength to touch her. She wanted her lover to enjoy every second of the blissful, overwhelming pleasure, and she didn’t want to miss a second of how Addison looked and sounded and felt as she trembled in her arms.


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