Bad Boy Dom

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Bad Boy Dom Page 8

by Holly Roberts

  “I’m imprinting this snapshot of you on my brain.” The sexiness of his words accelerated my breathing even more.

  “You’re weird, Sir.” His weirdness made me feel wicked, dirty, and sensuous, all at the same time. I could only imagine how strange the flash of my white teeth must look surrounded by this avocado green mud.

  “I know, but you’ve made every girl mud-wrestling fantasy I’ve ever had come true.” His eyes smoldered.

  His hands dropped to mine and then he pulled, bringing me to my feet. “I want you washing my cock and then taking it in your hot, snappy mouth.”

  I barely remembered the last time I was in this shower. Then, I didn’t appreciate the dual shower heads or the bench seat.

  We used soap and slowly lathered every inch of the other’s body. His breathing grew ragged by the time the drain swallowed the last of the mud. I, Angela, fucked up mental case, felt the power of shattering this man’s control. He saw me—just me—and for the first time that I could remember, I felt beautiful.

  He directed me to the bench seat and placed his palms flat against the tiled wall above my head. His cock jutted before my eyes; erect, large, and incredible. I licked drops of water from my lips in anticipation and watched his hunger intensify.

  “Take me deep.” He said on a groan, focusing on my mouth.

  I was his to command and I worshiped his cock; learning every ridge, every sweet spot that made him groan, and each move that drove him crazy. My hands slipped over his ass, digging in, and feeling the powerful muscles harden beneath my grasp. Finally, his hands tangled in my hair holding me while he fucked my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I took all of him, knowing I was made for this, made for him. My power became his.

  The muscles beneath my hands bunched further, and an animal moan tore from his chest. Hot spurts of semen shot down my throat and I swallowed with relish. My fingers and tongue squeezed and licked every last bit of cum from his cock. His hips shuddered long and hard then the taut skin in my hands relaxed and he collapsed to his knees. Pulling me from the bench, my now-limp body cushioned against his as we let the water spray over our sensitized flesh.

  He was perfect.

  He was more.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The next morning, lying in bed, the world seemed brighter.

  I checked in with Barry, my AA sponsor, and assured him I was in control. Bending his ear about Angela, he sounded happy but cautious. I understood.

  Then, I called Wade, the young man I sponsored who was now working for me. We spoke for over an hour. The twenty-two year old man somehow survived life on the street after becoming a runaway addict at age fifteen. He received his ninety-day chip before I left for Houston. We made a good pair and he was no longer star struck by my larger than life persona. He had no problem giving me shit and I pushed his buttons right back. I ended the call after giving him the schedule for my return flight back to LA for a benefit concert.

  The unwanted thought of leaving Angela after coming so far drove me to approach Lydia. I needed to know her feelings about taking Angela with me.

  “I don’t know, Krispin. She doesn’t handle society well.”

  “This is a short gig, and both you and Damien tell me she’s stronger than she seems. Let her prove it. We’ll be together the entire time with Matt and Stephon protecting her, too.”

  Lydia looked at her husband and then back at me. “She takes medication. We keep her life here simple and she doesn’t become stressed. Your concert will be total chaos.”

  “What the hell does she take medication for?”

  Lydia hesitated. I knew she had cared for Angela for many years, but I needed answers. I needed to understand the woman I was falling for. “Lydia, please.”

  “Depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety; they have her down to two pills a day. But, she still doesn’t handle life like you or I.”

  “I’ll make sure she takes her pills. Jesus, she’s not a child.”

  “No, but she came damn close to killing herself two years ago and I don’t want to pick up those pieces again. Talk to her first and see how she deals with what you’re asking. I know I’m protective but she’s placed herself in my hands. As her Mistress, it’s my responsibility.”

  All my anger deflated. I had been in Angela’s life for a very short time. Even with my drug and alcohol addiction, I had no understanding of things like depression and anxiety. I knew nothing about OCD except what the acronym stood for. “I’ll talk to her. We’ll only be gone three days.”

  I let Angela sleep in and didn’t wake her for our usual morning breakfast. Instead, I invited her to my suite to sit with me while I wrote music.

  The sun was shining through the windows, so I turned the air conditioner on to counteract the heated intensity that came over me when I worked.

  Having her near brought out my increasingly dominant side. “Undress and I’ll give you a blanket.”

  She gave me a short striptease and then placed her arms around herself, shivering. I lay a pillow on the floor in the sunlight and handed her the blanket.

  The sun stroked her exposed flesh causing me to groan and briefly close my eyes. “You’re killing me, and I need to work.”

  Her Cheshire smile, combined with her silky voice, thrummed across my skin. “You invited me. I’m just doing as I’m told like a good little sub.”

  “Hmm, then I didn’t paddle your ass hard enough last night because there’s nothing good about you.”

  “Says the bad boy.”

  Bending down, I kissed her adorable little nose. “The bad boy wants you to be quiet and stop chirping, Little Bird.”

  After a short giggle, which went straight to my dick, she settled down.

  I fell into work and actually forgot about the dreamy eyes resting on me as the music called. My guitar had a mind of its own and went through riff after riff; changing, tweaking, and adding scat vocals. I never stood still when I created and didn’t realize when my shirt came off. Using a pencil, I scribbled note after note, filling up blank sheets with music, completely mindless of my surroundings.

  The world tumbled back into the present as I stopped long enough to pour water into my glass. While I had been jumping and pacing around the room, my angel had been sleeping peacefully cuddled inside her blanket. I pulled the guitar strap over my head and thought about grabbing a quick shower to rinse the sweat from my body but my cock had other ideas. She was too damned hot laying there waiting for me to sink into her heat.

  I went to my knees and pushed a stray piece of her hair from her face. Her eyes opened, and stunning green shimmers slowly focused. Soft, sensuous lips tipped into a sleepy smile.

  “Push the blanket back.” I whispered.

  “It’s still cold.” Her throaty voice went straight to my cock.

  “I’ll keep you warm.”

  She pushed the material away from her body and my hand ran over her arm and then circled the outline of her breast before lightly squeezing her nipple.

  “I like the way you smell.” That dreamy rasp in her voice was my undoing.

  “It’s sweat. I should have showered first but my cock aches to be deep inside you.”

  “Hmm, I love sweat.” Her arms lifted and sunlight kissed our bodies as I made love to this incredibly beautiful woman.


  We missed lunch, but I ordered an early dinner. Sitting across the small ottoman on the floor, sharing each other’s food, I broached the subject of the benefit concert.

  Her eyes grew huge and her hand trembled before sitting her water glass down. “I’m not sure.”

  “I know it sounds scary but this isn’t the normal crazy rock-n-roll venue. I’ll be with you the entire time.”

  It hurt to have her look away, and I couldn’t help but tip her head back in my direction. Seeing the fear in her eyes had me reaching under her arms and pulling her across the short space between us. The dishes and water glasses went flyi
ng as I leaned back and brought her on top of me. Salad dressing trailed across the t-shirt I gave her to wear while we ate. She looked down at her chest and then to the floor at the mess I made.

  “You’re weird.”

  “All the better to eat you with, my dear.”

  I rolled us over and pushed her legs apart, burying my face in my favorite corner of the planet. Then, I feasted.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I could feel Mistress’s apprehension but she released my hand and placed it in Krispin’s. “I know you can do this, Little Bird. Damian, Abigail, and I will be waiting when you return.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.” She leaned into me and took my lips in a deep kiss.

  “God, Lydia, that’s damn hot.” Damian looked from me to his wife and we all laughed.

  “I don’t want her to forget who owns her.” Lydia looked hard into Krispin’s eyes and didn’t give an inch.

  Krispin wouldn’t back down. “You’ve staked your claim but I agree with Damian. Will you kiss her again when we get back? It’s damn hot.”

  “Get out of here before I drag you to the dungeon and tie you both up.”

  “Promises, promises.” He laughed.

  The wicked redheaded Domme slapped his ass when he grabbed my hand and walked me out.

  Carl drove us to the airport and Krispin took us quickly through the VIP security and then into a private lounge to wait for our plane. Damian offered his private jet but for some reason Krispin wanted to fly on a commercial airline. He wore dark sunglasses and his favorite baseball cap, but I noticed quite a few eyes following his every move.

  His strong, warm hand took mine again after we sat down in first class. He pulled my fingers to his mouth, kissing each knuckle and causing shivers across my skin.

  He gave me an odd look. “Too many musicians die on private planes and it’s bad karma. I take commercial flights or use my private bus on tours. And before you say it, I know I’m weird.”

  “Perfectly weird.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Your paranoia’s safe with me.”

  “How do you feel?” I knew what he meant and I couldn’t help my sigh. I promised Mistress I would be honest with him but it wasn’t easy, even after he shared his phobia.

  “I need a Zanax for the flight. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” He pushed the button and had the steward bring a bottle of water. He stood, removing a pill from the side pocket of the carry-on bag stored above us.

  I dutifully swallowed and couldn’t help my sigh of relief. He held my hand until I fell asleep.

  Light kisses woke me up as the pilot announced our arrival at LAX. My groggy mind took a minute to comprehend where I was, but, more than anything, I needed to pee.

  “Come on, sleepyhead. My driver will be waiting.”

  His favorite guitar was in a front compartment of the plane because he liked keeping it close. He gave me that illuminating tidbit with a lopsided grin when we boarded. His other guitars traveled with the remainder of our baggage.

  The driver waiting outside the terminal was young but gave a cocky, knowing grin when meeting me. I knew this was Wade, the man Krispin sponsored. He was tall and boyishly lean with sandy-colored, too-long hair that he continually moved out of his eyes with a flick of his head or swipe of his hand. He reminded me of the perfect surfer dude and I was sure the girls fell at his feet. I couldn’t help but notice that his eyes were too old for his youthful face.

  Krispin kept a tight hold on my arm while we waited for the luggage. The busy hustle and bustle of LAX was stretching my nerves past their limits. A crowd began converging, begging Krispin for autographs and asking questions about the next Blood Rights album. He circled his arms around me and signed scraps of paper while leaning protectively over me. I concentrated on my breathing and the musky smell of his body.

  Wade left to retrieve the car as soon as the bags rested on a cart, and finally Krispin pulled away from the circling crowd and we made it outside into the hot Las Angeles sunshine. A gentle kiss on my ear turned the forced smile on my face into a real grin. I could do this.

  Moving to Houston to work at Club El Diablo saved my life. Up until that point, I barely held it together and only my weekly trips to the skanky BDSM club where Lydia worked gave me any semblance of control at all. Even before Damian, she loved me. I was now traveling far beyond my comfort zone, determined to be strong.

  Krispin propelled me into the car while Wade loaded the trunk. I leaned back into his arms but squirmed as the car finally pulled away from the curb.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes… no. I need to pee.” I whispered.

  “And you knew this when?”

  “When you woke me on the plane.”

  “Wade, pull up to the next terminal.” He said stiffly.

  “No really, I’ll be fine.”

  “This is LA and we could be stuck in traffic for hours. You should have said something.” His irritation was apparent.

  The car pulled over to the busy curb.

  “Wade, please take Angela to the ladies room so we’re not mobbed again.”

  Wade opened the door and I followed him inside, through the crowds, and to the closest restroom. I could feel the flush on my cheeks but the people scrambling around terrified me and I stayed as close to Wade’s side as I could without holding onto him. I closed the stall door and took deep long breaths trying to get myself under control. The last thing I wanted was to start crying. The relief in my bladder didn’t make up for the sweat coating my body or my trembling hands. Wade waited where I left him.

  “I’m s-s-sorry. I don’t mean to be a problem.”

  His easy smile helped me gain control of my racing heart. “It’s okay, it took me a month before I would ask for a break so I could use the bathroom. Bodily functions seem to be stifled when you’re around a rock star legend.”

  I followed close to his side while we walked back to the car. “Is he really a legend?”

  “Yes. He told me you had no idea who he was when you met.” His tone sounded completely incredulous.

  “I think his fans at the baggage carousel clued me in.”

  “That’s nothing, wait until you see him perform. All the women go nuts.”

  When we reached the car, I practically jumped inside. My body shook uncontrollably and I gave a small sigh of relief when Krispin pulled me close.

  “Are you okay now?” There was no longer angst in his voice, only concern.

  “I’m fine.”

  He took my chin, tilting my face up, and then kissed me hard on the lips.

  He finally pulled back, leaving me gasping for air. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I…it’s the crowds. I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I told Lydia I would take care of you. But Angela, I need you to be honest with me. I’m sorry I sent you back inside without me but you should have told me you needed to pee on the plane and we would have stopped before we ever left the terminal.”

  “I was just told it’s hard to discuss bodily functions in front of a rock star legend.”

  He snorted. “This legend will redden your ass so you can’t sit for a week if you do it again. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Try, yes, Krispin.”

  “Yes, Krispin.”

  The traffic wasn’t too bad for LA in the afternoon but it took over an hour to get to Krispin’s home. The ten-foot high wrought-iron gate slid back after Wade entered the code. Swooping trees lined the long curved driveway. The gorgeous two-story home had large oak double doors and a wrap-around balcony on the second floor.

  “There’s a pool in the backyard. Matt and Stephon live next door. They seem to prefer my pool and swim naked even when I threaten to call the police. They’ll try to talk you into skinny dipping but don’t fall for their tricks.” His stern eyes looked into mine but I could see the small tilt of a smile at the corner of his mouth. “You’re only a
llowed to skinny dip with me.”

  I managed to smile past my nervousness. “Your home is beautiful.”

  “Liberace owned it for a short time. It has a sound room with phenomenal acoustics. I can’t wait to lay down a few tracks I’ve been working on. I also added a playroom in the basement. After traveling, you need to rest but I’m hoping you’ll join me there tomorrow.”

  “I would rather not rest.”

  “Then it’s too bad I’m in charge because you’re going to relax this evening. We can watch a movie or even take a nice swim, but we’re not playing until tomorrow. That’s your punishment for not telling me you needed to pee.”

  “I don’t like that punishment.”

  “That’s the whole idea behind the word ‘punishment.’ You aren’t supposed to like it.”

  “What about vanilla sex?” I pushed but he kissed my hand and winked.

  “No, and you aren’t touching yourself either. If I’m feeling especially cruel, I’ll be sure you suck my dick and get me off.”

  “That’s no punishment at all.”

  “Maybe I’ll throw in Matt and Stephon’s dicks then.”

  For a moment, his words terrified me. We never discussed sharing me with his friends and I was no longer in my world with protection around every corner.

  “Sorry, that was a joke in very poor taste. I don’t share.”

  My relief was palpable. I needed to lighten up.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I remained pissed about the bathroom incident knowing I was completely to blame. Lydia told me to watch Angela closely. Her squirming around in the car shouldn’t have been my first clue.

  It was a relief to get home and I loved showing off my LA home. I owned a penthouse in New York and thought seriously about renting a permanent suite in Damian’s Houston hotel. Depending on how Angela did with this trip, I was ready to sign the papers and make it happen sooner than later.

  “You have your own movie theater?”

  “Yes, but the popcorn isn’t nearly as good as the Cineplex.” She was like a child at a candy shop. It felt wonderful to see my house through her eyes. “What would you like for dinner? Wade can run and pick us up anything you’d like.”


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