Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series

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Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series Page 10

by Anita Lawless

  Mickie leaned forward and grabbed a handful of the blonde’s curls. She yanked the woman’s ruby lips to hers and kissed lightly, teasing her at first. The woman unzipped Mickie’s shorts and tugged them down her hips.

  Mickie deepened the kiss, and she heard Hunter give a little moan beneath her. She wiggled in his lap to up the torture, trying not to giggle when he groaned again.

  The woman’s fingers slipped under the hem of her panties. The tips of her nails stroked over her lover’s clit, making her gasp. The scraping sent erotic sparks through this tiny bead of flesh.

  She pulled the blonde closer, deepening the kiss. Her tongue flit out over those ruby lips, tasting traces of sweet cherry lip gloss. She yanked down the woman’s halter top, exposing her tiny, pert breasts to the cool air. Her nipples became hard pebbles as she stroked and plucked at them.

  “It’s kinda cramped in here,” the blonde said, almost breathless as she pulled from the kiss. “Let’s go outside and fuck.”

  Mickie and Hunter followed the blonde vixen as she got out of the car. They gathered on the side not facing the road. The blonde told them both to get their clothes off and get busy pleasing her. She braced herself on the trunk of the car, jutting her smooth, pale ass high in the air as she posed for them.

  “You,” she pointed to Mickie. “Get on your knees and lick my pussy. And you,” she pointed to Hunter. “Fuck me from behind while she does.”

  Hunter briefly hesitated. “Then you’ll take us where we need to go?” He squinted at her, frowning.

  She gave him a saucy look. “Yup. But the longer you take to please me, the longer it takes you to get to the city.”

  With a growl, he drew near, and so did Mickie.

  Mickie went to her knees in the cool mud. Wet earth squished up around her. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, since the moist ground was smooth and free of debris. More like a cool mud bath she’d had when she’d treated herself to a spa day.

  She watched Hunter position himself behind the blonde while she urged the woman’s legs wider apart.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d been with a woman. She’d tasted, pleasured, Sally, Hunter’s patrol partner, at the big orgy she’d engaged in with her stepbrothers. She wasn’t shy about trying this a second time. She just wanted to get it over so they could get into town, notify the chief, and get that Trent bastard in jail. So, she figured she’d better make this good as well as quick. Give the blonde what she wanted and get where they needed to go.

  Her tongue traced the blonde’s outer labia first. The woman hissed air between her teeth and murmured words of encouragement. Next she licked the woman’s velvety inner lips then up the length of her wet slit. Now the blonde moaned and arched her hips closer to her mouth.

  While she circled the woman’s clit with the tip of her tongue, Hunter worked on pleasing the woman from behind. He didn’t fuck her yet, but the woman whispered her desires to him. He massaged her breasts, plucked and played with her nipples, kissed her breathless. Then the woman told him to get to his knees and please her ass the way the girl between her legs pleased her pussy. He did as he was told.

  She slipped two fingers inside the blonde’s dripping pussy while she continued to nibble on her clit. With a man also licking and finger fucking her asshole, the blonde had orgasm number one quickly.

  She went to get off her knees, but the blonde said, “Wait! We aren’t done yet. There are condoms in my purse. He has to fuck me while you keep eating my cunt.”

  She and her stepbrother complied. She lavished attention on the woman’s pussy while he went to the car to grab protection.

  She sipped the woman’s juices from her hole, pulled her clitoral hood back and flit her tongue rapidly over the bead of flesh beneath. The woman let out shrill cries of pleasure, and she had to dig fingers into the blonde’s legs just to keep her in position. Her hips rocked forward rapidly as she face fucked her lover.

  Her stepbrother assumed the position behind the blonde once more. She saw him tear open the foil wrapper and slide the condom on. Then she watched him spread his big hands over the woman’s shoulders. He ran wide palms up and down her spine before he grabbed a hank of her hair, yanked her head back, and nibbled a trail from her ear along her jaw and collarbone. Her own pussy was throbbing and wet from the erotic interaction and display.

  He tilted the woman’s hips then slid his meaty cock all the way in. She “ooohhhh” and “ahhhhh” from the deep penetration. Her pussy glistened with juices and spit as he pumped in and out of the blonde. She reached between the woman’s legs to fondle his sac while he fucked her.

  The sound of his cock squishing in and out of the blonde’s tight pussy only turned her on even more. Shit, but this was a bad time to get horny. She couldn’t waste more time demanding the two of them satisfy her before they left, nor would she in this crisis situation. But the need to have that thick cock stuffed inside her next was almost too much to bear. Her pussy pulsed strong at the thought. Like a nagging itch that would drive her crazy until she scratched it. She promised herself, when she got through this, she would fuck the ass off him.

  She nibbled on the woman’s clit, watching her stepbrother’s cock glide in and out as she did so. She squeezed and plucked at his balls, making him moan loudly too. Soon the woman writhed and thrashed between them, juices trickling down her inner thighs as she came again.

  “Pull out and cum all over my ass,” the blonde said in a ragged voice.

  He did just that, yanking his cock from inside her, tearing off the condom, and shooting his pearly seed all over her smooth, round bottom. She arched her ass higher to meet his spray.

  When he was done, the woman told them to lick her clean. So they lapped up his creamy seed, every drop, before they got dressed and piled in the sports car once again.

  “Thank you for the afternoon thrill,” the blonde quipped as she turned the car around. “Now, where can I take you?”

  They were just pulling onto the main highway when Hunter saw it. A grey sedan moving very slowly toward the property he and Mickie had just escaped from. He caught a glimpse of the driver and passengers, and he saw enough to know it was Chief Pritchard and Sally sitting in the front, and it looked like his twin brother Shane was in the back.


  Sally raced into the police station with Shane following close behind.

  A patrol officer gave her a weird look as she zipped by him. “Hey, I thought you were suspended?”

  She didn’t acknowledge him as she headed straight for Chief Pritchard’s office door. She didn’t even knock. She just went right in with Shane.

  “Rollins!” The cigar the chief covertly smoked—there was a no smoking policy indoors, which he always broke—fell from his mouth. “What the hell are you doing here? I told you—”

  “Chief Pritchard, Trent has kidnapped Mickie and Hunter.” She cut him off just as he swiped up the burning cigar and threw it in a ashtray he kept in a drawer. “I think I know where he took them, too. Get some men on this, and come with me now.”

  “Why you little insolent bitch…”

  Shane spoke up. “She’s right, sir. I saw the evidence, too. There’s no time to waste.”

  The chief sighed, scowled, ran a hand through his silvery hair. “Okay, sit down and tell me where you think he’s headed. I’ll call my team.” He picked up the phone and pointed to the chairs in front of his desk.

  Sally sat down and detailed the location. She was sure Trent had taken Hunter and Mickie to the woods on his father’s old property. The land had been in his family for generations, until his father gambled it away. Trent still went there to do target practice, though, and she knew he used to keep some guns in an old shack that still sat on the property. It would be the perfect place to hide a couple unwanted bodies, and that was just what Sally was afraid of.


  “That’s Chief Pritchard, with Shane and Sally!” Hunter pointed at the car creeping closer to the property they’d just

  Mickie looked in the direction he pointed. “Shit, they must be going to find us!”

  Hunter looked at the blonde. “Follow that car.”

  And she did. She floored the corvette, roaring out onto the highway. They pulled up on the property a second after the grey sedan did.

  Mickie hopped out and Hunter vacated just after her. The blonde stayed in the corvette and kept the engine running. Hunter leaned into her window and said, “Get out of here. You don’t need to be part of this. Police business can get messy.” He didn’t know why he was cutting the blonde some slack after she’d exhorted sex from him and Mickie, but he had more important matters to attend to right now.

  “Consider me gone.” The blonde slammed it into drive and peeled out of there.

  Chief Pritchard emerged from the sedan just as she left. Shane and Sally exited soon after. They all walked toward Hunter and Mickie, but everyone stopped when Pritchard pulled his gun and said, “Nobody move. Put your hands high in the air. No funny business.”

  “What the fuck?” Hunter went to move toward the chief, but he stopped and put his hands in the air when Pritchard aimed the gun at him.

  “It all comes down to this.” Pritchard sneered. “You kids are a bunch of stupid punks. I was in on this whole thing with Farrow. You fed me the evidence, I fed it through the shredder. Case closed.”

  Hunter blurted, “You’re dealing coke? This can’t be happening.”

  Pritchard’s sneer became a cruel smile. “I’m not just dealing. I’m head of operations.”

  He moved closer, sweeping the gun back and forth over them all as he did so. Hunter was sure he was about to shoot, but it was at that moment he noticed another man, tall and thin, skulking out of the trees behind Pritchard. Hunter was careful to look away from the approaching man, so he wouldn’t alert the chief to this stranger’s presence.

  Just as Pritchard aimed the gun at Hunter’s head, the man came up behind him. He moved to the side in one swift motion, taking down Pritchard’s gun hand just before he tackled him to the ground. A shot went off, but it went wide, zinging the bark of a pine but missing human flesh entirely.

  “Dad!” Sally ran to the man who was binding Chief Pritchard’s hands behind his back with a thick piece of rope.

  The man stood and smiled at her. Mickie also came close and slapped the man on his shoulder. “What the hell are you doing here, boss?”

  Hunter cast a confused look at Shane, and Shane cast one back at him. In unison, they said, “Dad? Boss?”

  The women turned to them, grinning while the tall, sinewy man stood up between them.

  “Guys, I’d like you to meet my father,” Sally said, hugging the man. “Edward Monroe.”

  “And editor in chief of the Saint John Gazette,” Mickie said, her eyes still open wide in surprise. “How did you … How did this happen?”

  Chuckling, Edward pulled a cigar from his jacket pocket, lit it, and explained. “Pritchard and I go way back. I saved his life when we were in the Gulf War together. But lately something happened to the man. He’d gotten greedy. He approached me with this trafficking racket in the spring. Said we could live like kings and no one would ever find out.” He paused to take a long drag off his cigar. “Let’s just say I went to higher ups in the RCMP. We hooked up with some contacts in the FBI and I went undercover.” He winked. “That’s all I can tell you.”

  “But how’d you know to find us here?” Hunter asked.

  Sally hugged her dad as she spoke. “Because I texted him just before we left the station.”

  “So, you knew?” Hunter felt confused and a little betrayed.

  “I went to Dad when I found out about Trent. This was just after I told you. I knew I could trust him. He brought me to his contacts, who brought me in on the investigation. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you, Hunter. They wanted me to keep up the ruse with you so Chief Pritchard wouldn’t get wise. I hope you understand.”

  He did, and this was no time for holding grudges. They were alive, and Sally’s dad had saved their asses. “No worries, partner.” He walked forward and gave her a hug.


  Moments after Edward Monroe saved them, a team of police arrived to back him up. The chief was hauled away, and apparently Trent Farrow was picked up, too, just outside of Moncton. Mickie got her exclusive on the whole story, but the investigative team working on the case did require approval of any piece she and Monroe planned to print. Everything worked out aces.

  To celebrate, Mickie, Hunter, and Sally headed to Moncton for Decadent and Deadly’s second concert before they hit the road on tour. Shane and the band had also received good news that weekend. They were offered a lucrative recording contract by a newer studio that was already producing chart topping successes. Life was looking good.

  Mickie and Hunter were near the front of the stage. Hunter held Mickie in his arms as the lights went low and the band broke into a ballad. She had her back pressed into his chest, and he hugged her tighter against him as they swayed to the music. Sally was backstage watching from the wings, where she could see Shane better.

  “So how does Ed feel about Sally dating a rock star?” Mickie grinned up at Hunter.

  He grinned back. “He seems okay with it. I just wonder how he’ll take the news she’s going on the road with Shane. Trading in her badge to be a band manager. I’m sure that’ll be a shock.”

  They shared a laugh at that. Then Mickie turned in his arms, brushed a hand down his cheek. “Hunter, I … I love you.”

  He blinked in obvious surprise then his face went serious. His eyes seemed to shine with intense emotion. “I love you, too.” He pulled her close and hugged her. Before she could say another word, he tipped her chin up and his tongue darted out over her lips.

  All around them, bodies bathed in colorful lights and sweat writhed to rock ’n’ roll. Someone brushed up against Mickie as Hunter deepened the kiss, but she barely noticed. She was lost to lust, and love, in the arms of the man she wanted to be with.

  His tongue skimmed over her bottom lip as his hands caressed between her shoulders, down her back. She flit her tongue out to meet his when his fingers molded to her ass and squeezed. Their mouths met hungrily again and again, tongues dueling, as they caressed each other through clothes.

  She shivered when he whispered in her ear, “Let me fuck you right here, right now.”

  She thought of the couple she and Hunter had seen at the last Decadent and Deadly concert. The one they’d all went to it Saint John. The pair had performed an erotic dance right in front of Hunter and Mickie, though Mickie didn’t think the couple had noticed them watching. Or maybe they hadn’t cared? Hell, she thought, maybe they enjoyed the exhibitionism. And why not? She’d certainly gotten a thrill out of her own wanton exposure during the orgy in the hotel room.

  So she pressed her lips close to his and said “Yes” against his skin.

  That was all he needed. Slowly, seductively, he pulled her mini up over her thighs then up over her ass. He massaged her firm, round cheeks, now fully exposed to him since she wasn’t wearing panties.

  She parted her legs for him, not caring if any of the people surrounding them saw what they did. He ran a hand up her inner thigh, tickling her with the tips of his fingers as he teased. She leaned back into him and whispered, “Please … touch me.”

  His fingers skimmed closer to her clit, stroking her outer labia but still refusing to touch that bead of throbbing nerves. When she moaned out her torment, he chuckled and pressed his lips to her cheek.

  Finally his thumb smoothed over her clitoral hood. She let free an ‘ooohhhh’ of satisfaction. He swirled the pad of his thumb over this sensitive flesh, first in light circles and then harder, until she gasped and rocked her hips back and forth. His growing erection swept over her ass as it strained against the front of his jeans.

  She reached back to fondle his cock, making it twitch harder still. While he slid two fingers down the length of her wet slit, s
he unzipped him and freed his ramrod stiff shaft from his pants. While he played with her, bringing her closer to orgasm, she pumped her hand up and down his cock.

  His other hand slipped down the top of her mini to tease her nipple. He kneaded the fullness of her breast, then pinched and plucked at the tingling peak until it hardened so much it hurt. She groaned and wiggled her ass, pushing it tight against his erection when she did so. He gave a throaty moan in return.

  He masturbated her until she came. She shivered against him as she still worked his cock. The orgasm shot through her, making her bite her lip hard so she wouldn’t cry out loudly from the pleasure.

  “Fuck me now,” she begged. “I can’t wait any longer. I need you inside of me.”

  She dug in her purse and grabbed the pack of condoms she kept inside. She handed him one discreetly, and he wasted no time ripping it open and sliding it on. Soon his thick, slippery cock nudged its way inside of her. She cooed and tilted her ass higher to give him better access to her pulsing cunt.

  People milled about and brushed against them as they fucked. The scent of sweat, perfume, and lust filled her head and, along with the second orgasm building inside of her, made her feel giddy.

  Her cunt walls gripped him tight, milking his penis for all the bliss it had to give. She closed her eyes and focused on how the thumping beat of the drums matched the thumping pace of his cock thrusting in and out of her. She focused on his fingers still manipulating her clit. Her pussy constricted as much as it could, then released and stretched to take in all it could. Her clit throbbed with delicious fire.

  She loved how his slick cock stroked her g-spot just right as it pistoned in and out of her. The curve near its glans made it perfect for finding this erogenous zone.

  “Faster,” she begged. “Rub and fuck me faster.” Her pleas grew loud.

  Hands other than her lover’s stroked her now. A man and a woman had noticed their carnal display and joined in. The woman kneeled before her and lapped at her pussy with a warm, wet tongue. Her man stood behind her, almost as if he guarded her while he watched.


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