Hacking Politics: How Geeks, Progressives, the Tea Party, Gamers, Anarchists, and Suits Teamed Up to Defeat SOPA and Save the Internet

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Hacking Politics: How Geeks, Progressives, the Tea Party, Gamers, Anarchists, and Suits Teamed Up to Defeat SOPA and Save the Internet Page 1

by David Segal, Patrick Ruffini

  All essays © 2013 by the various authors. All essays in Hacking Politics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

  Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at [email protected]

  Assistant editor: Joshua Bauchner

  Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

  British Library Cataloging in Publication Data: A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.

  Typeset by Lapiz

  Printed by BookMobile, USA, and CPI, UK.

  The U.S. printed edition of this book comes on Forest Stewardship Council-certified, 30% recycled paper. The printer, BookMobile, is 100% wind-powered.

  Black cover: paperback ISBN 978-1-939293-04-6 • ebook ISBN 978-1-939293-06-0

  Visit our website at www.orbooks.com

  First printing 2013.

  The following honorary co-publishers made substantial contributions to the funding of Hacking Politics via the Indiegogo crowd-sourcing platform. We’re grateful for their support.




  Anthony Aiuto

  Kelly Birr

  Rosario Dawson

  Eric Decker

  Luke Gotszling

  Jim Lastinger

  Marian Maxwell

  Robert R Miles II

  Maxim Nekrasov

  Daniel R Quintiliani

  Michael Sriqui

  Eric Usher


  A Moment for Aaron

  Foreword by the Editors

  Hacking Politics: TLDR

  PART 1: The World Before SOPA/PIPA

  AARON SWARTZ For Me, It All Started with a Phone Call

  CORY DOCTOROW The History of the Copyright Wars

  JOSH LEVY Before SOPA There Was Net Neutrality


  PART 2: The SOPA/PIPA Battle

  DAVID SEGAL Now I Work for Demand Progress

  PATRICK RUFFINI Beginning on the Right

  DAVID MOON Demand Progress Needs a “Washington Guy”

  GABRIEL LEVITT SOPA’s Elevation of Profits Over Patients: The Online Pharmacy Story

  PATRICK RUFFINI Lobbying Republicans Through the Summer

  DAVID SEGAL The Tea Party Enters the Fray

  DAVID SEGAL AND DAVID MOON Gamers and Justin Bieber Join the Cause

  DAVID MOON Clashes With the Big Guns

  DAVID SEGAL Labor Sides with the Bosses

  JONNY 5 Turning the Tide on SOPA

  DAVID SEGAL What Was Lamar Smith Thinking?

  PATRICK RUFFINI A Punch in the Gut

  TIFFINIY CHENG Waking the Sleeping Giant

  AARON SWARTZ Who’s Crazy Now?

  DAVID SEGAL Nearing the Point of No Return


  ANDREW MCDIARMID AND DAVID SOHN Bring in the Nerds: The Importance of Technical Experts in Defeating SOPA and PIPA

  ERNESTO FALCON People Powered Politics


  DEREK SLATER On the White House’s Statement

  OCCUPY WALL STREET Proposal to Reach Consensus on Statement Against the Stop Online Piracy Act


  DAVID SEGAL Congress Says: “This Can’t be Happening”

  SUICIDE GIRLS I Live, Work, Play, and Love Online

  OPEN CONGRESS Blowing Congress Wide Open

  ALEXIS OHANIAN Why Reddit Helped Kill SOPA

  DAVID SEGAL If Reddit’s Turned Off, Maybe They’ll Leave the House That Day

  PATRICK RUFFINI Internet 1, Congress 0

  ZOE LOFGREN Championing Technology and Free Speech in Congress Was Lonely … But Not Anymore

  AARON SWARTZ After the Blackout

  LARRY DOWNES Who Really Stopped SOPA—and Why

  EDWARD J. BLACK Legislative Fights Are Like Icebergs

  CASEY RAE-HUNTER Not in Our Names: Artists Stand Up for Expression

  ELIZABETH STARK I Stopped SOPA and So Did You

  BEN HUH Why Did the Anti-SOPA/PIPA Movement Go Viral So Quickly?

  DAVE DAYEN The Internet Beat SOPA and PIPA: And Mean the Entire Damn Thing

  DAVID MOON A Political Coming of Age

  PATRICK RUFFINI This Time, the System Actually Mostly Worked

  PART 3: Some Activism Since SOPA

  DAVID SEGAL AND DAVID MOON Cyber Security and Party Platforms

  DEREK KHANNA Fallout from the Copyfight

  JOSHUA BAUCHNER The Seizure of Dajaz1

  NICOLE POWERS An Interview with Julia O’Dwyer

  DEMAND PROGRESS Raps with Megaupload Founder Kim Dotcom

  PART 4: What We’ve Learned

  YOCHAI BENKLER ET AL Glimpses of a Networked Public Sphere

  DAVID KARPF Reflecting on the SOPA Blackout: Why Did It Work, and What Does It Mean?

  DAVID SEGAL That Was Amazing. Can We Do It Again Sometime?

  PART 5: Where Do We Go from Here?

  RON PAUL The Battle for Internet Freedom Is Critical for the Liberty Movement

  ERIN MCKEOWN A Case for Digital Activism by Artists

  BRAD BURNHAM On the Freedom to Innovate

  MARVIN AMMORI SOPA and the Popular First Amendment

  CORY DOCTOROW Blanket Licenses: One Path Forward in Copyright Reform

  LAWRENCE LESSIG The Internet Can Help Strike at the Root


  Aaron Swartz speaks at the New York City anti-SOPA rally on January 18th, 2012

  A MOMENT FOR AARON: 1968-2013

  This book was constructed over the course of the fall, and we intended to release it earlier this winter, but then tragedy struck: our friend and colleague Aaron Swartz committed suicide on January 11th, while under federal indictment for downloading too many academic articles housed by the online cataloguing service called JSTOR. The shockwave was powerful: thousands have attended memorial services across the country, hundreds of news stories have been written. As of the writing of this foreword, there are at least a dozen long-form articles being drafted about Aaron’s life and his death, and multiple documentary films being edited. A swarm of events that were to commemorate the anniversary of the January 18th Internet blackout became bittersweet remembrances of our fallen ally.

  Aaron has largely been memorialized as an advocate for copyright reform, information access, and Internet freedom. He was indeed such, but he was also so much more. He probably first cared about those causes for their own sakes, but his work on them provided a window into politics that made it impossible to ignore broader systemic corruption and injustices. He wasn’t a techno-utopian who believed that open access and an open Internet would alone fix all that ails humanity; he came to believe that a constant, directed, ideologically left-leaning layer of activism needed to be built on top of these platforms.

  This transformation is perhaps best elucidated by Aaron himself in his own words, from a talk he gave at the Freedom to Connect conference in 2012. Here’s how he reacted when his close friend Peter Eckersley of the Electronic Frontier Foundation first told him about the bill that would become SOPA:

  “Oh, Peter,” I said. “I don’t care about copyright law. Maybe you’re right, maybe Hollywood is
right, but either way is it really such a big deal? I’m not going to waste my life fighting over a little issue like copyright. Health care. Financial reform. Those are the sorts of issues I work on. Not something obscure like copyright.”

  I could hear Peter grumbling. “Look, I don’t have time to argue with you. But it doesn’t matter for right now. Because this isn’t a bill about copyright.”

  “It’s not?”

  “No, it’s a bill about freedom of speech.”

  You can see that his focus, more and more, was on matters of economic and social justice—but these new passions were synthesized with the old, as neither was enough on its own: to realize one’s vision of a better world, one must know how the world works (open access) and be able to share that information (freedom of speech) and be able to organize towards those ends (freedom to connect, online and off).

  Rather than enriching himself—rather than assuming that he alone was responsible for his genius or deserved to benefit therefrom—he chose to employ his intellectual prowess and the modest fortune he achieved upon the sale of reddit to make the world a better place, for everybody. I’ve been fumbling for the precise words since his death, but he once told me something like, “Segal, I might seem a little cynical or misanthropic sometimes, but don’t worry: whenever I encounter a problem, I always try to identify the utility-optimizing solution to it.” He’d taken to calling himself an “applied sociologist.” And—always wearing a white hat—he was trying to hack the whole world.

  It’s through social justice work that I first got to know Aaron, and that our organization Demand Progress came into existence: Aaron co-founded the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which endorsed my run for Congress in 2010. The day after I lost that election he emailed me to say, “We should talk some time. Need your help to fix the world.” So we joined forces to build Demand Progress and fight against that very bill whose import Aaron nearly dismissed.

  Much has been and will be written about Aaron’s state of mind, why he did what he did. We can’t purport to know what he was thinking down to the final detail, but it is unambiguous to those of us who knew him well that the stress and anxiety that followed from the draconian prosecution were the proximate causes of his decision to take his own life.

  While there is indeed a mental health crisis upon us, it’s important not to pathologize all those who despair. Therapists, medicine, and lifestyle changes will benefit many—presuming one can afford them. But Aaron’s way to allay others’ misery and reduce the likelihood that they might suffer the fate that befell him would be to focus on what could have saved his own life: he’d aim for the root causes of so much human anguish. He’d strive to upend a system that hangs a lifetime in prison over the head of an activist who harmed nobody, or destroys people’s lives over petty drug offenses, or forces millions of workers to spend decades slaving away at poverty wages without access to adequate healthcare.

  We are sorrowful and we are angry, but we’ve found some solace in the vast public outcry at the injustice of his predicament—and in lawmakers’ demonstrated willingness to take on Aaron’s cause, and ours, as their own by addressing some of these structural problems.

  Aaron was an ideologue, but not a partisan. He was definitively progressive, but didn’t care much about party stripe, and was willing, or even excited, to work with conservatives and right-libertarians when he agreed with them. The familiar left-right, single-axis paradigm sometimes breaks down, frequently so in the civil liberties and Internet freedom space. As was the case during the SOPA fight, as described in detail in this book, some of our staunchest allies will be on the right, inclusive of Republican lawmakers, and we are pleased to have an opportunity to work in common cause with them.

  As of this writing the House Government Oversight Committee led by Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) has initiated an investigation into his prosecution. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) have drafted legislation called Aaron’s Law, to reform the statute under which he was prosecuted. Legislation to provide open access to publicly funded research has been introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)—it was already planned prior to his passing, but Demand Progress and others are excited to support it.

  It’s hard to know exactly what Aaron would make of all of this: he seemed not to always understand how much he mattered, to his friends and family, to hundreds of people whom he worked with over the course of his short life, and to millions across the world who never even met him. But he’d be hopeful that something positive might emerge from the tragedy of his passing.

  And he’d be happy that so many care to learn more about the SOPA fight that was one of the highlights of the last year or two of his life. One of the hallmarks of his particularly humble brand of brilliance was that he didn’t assume every idea he had was superior, just for being borne of his own mind: he developed hypotheses, and he tested them. He exhorted us, “Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. I think a lot of what people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity.” He was adamant that “the revolution will be A/B tested.” So read what follows critically, and let’s try to gain a sense of what worked and what didn’t, so that we can put up an even stronger effort the next time we need to come together to save the Internet.

  —David Segal

  February, 2013



  The SOPA/PIPA battles brought together a coalition that may be unprecedented in the diversity of viewpoints and backgrounds of its members. But those who came together shared in common that they could all say: “I’m pro-Internet” – This photo was taken at an emergency protest organized by the New York Tech Meetup community on January 18, 2012. Photo by Craig Cannon. http://www.meetup.com/ny-tech/photos/5468462/86976852/

  Between the fall of 2010 and early 2012, untold millions of Americans urged lawmakers to protect the Internet and oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act and its predecessor and companion bills.

  It’s quite possibly the largest single, directed form of (non-electoral) activism as far as number of American participants—and that’s fitting, as the legislation would have undermined the greatest facilitator of the democratic impulse that’s ever been known to humankind.

  Together, we used the Internet to save the Internet, and registered a resounding victory against all apparent odds and in direct contradiction of the intuitions of the most seasoned establishment political actors and lobbies like the Chamber of Commerce and the Motion Picture Association of America. This is that story.

  Most Americans are familiar with the extraordinary Internet Blackout of January 18th, 2012, but to get to that moment took months and years of toil by dedicated activists, online, in the streets, and in the halls of power. In an age of polarized partisan politics, it took an alliance between the far left, the far right, and countless concerned Americans whose proclivities span the vast spectrum in between. We looked past differences and came together to uphold values shared by the overwhelming majority of Americans—and people from around the globe, for that matter. In so doing, we cast a spotlight on much of what can still be good about our political processes, but also helped illuminate the underlying structural decrepitude that made it possible that politicians would blindly push legislation that so clearly controverted the will of so many of their constituents.

  In order to win, the Internet would turn the SOPA/PIPA battle into a testing ground for activists’ tools, messages, and techniques—and all manner of viral satire, meme, and webcam ranting you could possibly imagine. Countless developers, websites, organizations, and even businesses tried to outdo each other in their activist creativity. But behind the scenes and beneath the seeming chaos of the public disruption, there were very real conversations happening between groups that do not usually play together. The “white shoe” lobbyists, the “white paper” policy advocates, technologists, venture capitalists, bloggers, and activists were in regular contact to disc
uss timing and strategy considerations. The participants in these dynamic coalitions often held wildly divergent viewpoints, but all shared an interest in defending Internet Freedom.

  Essentially, anyone with a web presence (and who could therefore steer impressions to SOPA/PIPA content) could participate in the advocacy battle. It was decentralized, but it was organized, as we were actively trying to orchestrate a calculated mayhem.

  Contained herein are essays written by dozens of people who were involved in those efforts. Authors of the essays that comprise Hacking Politics don’t necessarily endorse each other’s opinions—and, in fact, their opinions vary widely and often contradict one another. That’s precisely part of the point of this book: to demonstrate the ways in which people of distinct backgrounds, ideologies, and interests joined together in common cause to fight legislation that would’ve censored the Internet.

  We don’t claim this to be a comprehensive accounting of everything that happened during the anti-SOPA/PIPA fight. Far from it. But it does represent the vantage points of an important group of activists who were invested in this fight for months or even years. The following pages are an account of their perspectives on the effort to beat SOPA/PIPA, and so necessarily elevate these viewpoints. Countless others who aren’t represented here also played critical roles in that fight, and surely have intriguing stories to tell as well. We are aware that this book is United States-centric. There’s critical work being undertaken in support of Internet freedom the world over, but we operate predominantly in the domestic sphere and that’s where the SOPA/PIPA fight was won, so it’s where we’ve focused. Would that we had the resources to engage more deeply with our brothers and sisters around the globe!

  Demand Progress and Don’t Censor the Net—the organizations that the co-editors of this book help manage—are new groups without a longstanding institutional structure. We are well aware of the debts that we owe to longer-standing organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Knowledge, the Center for Democracy and Technology, Free Press, and others, as well as many key academics and myriad rank-and-file activists who care passionately about the issues at hand. Without their years (sometimes decades) of work, our organizations wouldn’t exist, and we wouldn’t have been able to play the roles we took over the course of this glorious effort. In fact, without the toil of so many conscientious groups and people, we’d surely have lost the fight for an open Internet long ago. We’re honored that many activists and organizations for whom we have so much respect have contributed essays to this book, though it’s impossible to do justice to their longstanding work over the course of just a few hundred pages. A stark indicator of the depth of the gratitude that we owe the longer-standing organizations: While most readers of this book will be well aware of the 2012 Internet Blackout, far fewer remember—and several were probably not yet alive for—the 1996 blackout to oppose the Communications Decency Act (which was later found to be unconstitutional).


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