Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2)

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Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2) Page 5

by H. M. McQueen

  A different, more methodical side of the man became evident as he asked her questions about locations and descriptions of everyone and everything she saw while at the compound. He questioned her about the types of buildings and any landmarks, how many demons, and where they were positioned when they transported her. The thoroughness of his questioning and the speed that he entered the data into the computer amazed her. His fingers literally flew over the keys.

  Emma studied his profile as he typed. The man didn’t seem real—no way a human could be so perfect. His plush lashes matched the perfectly arched eyebrows that framed his ice-blue eyes. Those eyes, they were a most disconcerting color. She’d never seen the like. When they locked with hers, it was as if he could peer into her soul. The slight indentation on his chin caught her attention. What would it feel like to press her lips there?

  When her eyes rose to his, he was staring at her. She almost groaned, chagrined at being caught making a fool of herself yet again.

  His eyes leveled on her lips and she gulped. Was he going to kiss her again?

  She jumped when his intercom beeped.

  Again, he cocked an eyebrow at her and his lips twitched.

  Cyn relaxed back into his chair and pushed the talk button.

  Emma leaned closer and peeked at the computer screen. She couldn’t make out any of the information on the screen. It was some type of code. She wondered if he used it because he didn’t trust her or if it was out of habit.

  Blue’s voice came over the intercom, “Hey Dad, when are we leaving?”

  “Give me ten minutes,” Cyn told him and pushed the button again to disconnect.

  He stood up and stretched, his movements reminded her of a sleek tiger as he walked toward what she assumed was the bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Then we’re going to a friend’s for dinner.”

  He grabbed a small dirk off his dresser and walked away from her, did he plan to have to protect himself from her? She wondered if he’d forgotten she was locked in the room with him. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out when he pulled his shirt off over his head. His wide back was ripped—muscular and smooth. His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist.

  She started to say something again, but then he dropped his pants and underwear at the same time. His butt was strong and good-looking, not flat at all, but well-shaped and muscular. His long lean legs had a light fuzz of blond hair that glowed on his golden skin. Mouth dry at that point, Emma had no choice but to remain silent and take full advantage of the scenery before her.

  She knew the Protectors were stunning males, but this was her first time seeing one up close and fully nude at that. As Cyn continued into his bathroom, Emma’s mouth watered. She dug her fingernails into her hands to keep from following behind him so she could keep watching.

  The swish of the shower told her what he did now. She listened to the sounds, and closed her eyes. Emma pictured his hands as they lathered that body under the spray of hot water. Were his foamy hands slow as they stroked over that strong chest and then down his flat stomach? Did his wet fingers trail to his muscular thighs? She would die happy if she could watch the hunk take a shower.

  Emma shook her head at her repeated distraction and stood up.

  She needed to concentrate on what was important right now. She should consider her options, not sit there drooling over the man in the shower. Rational thoughts evaded her when near him. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and began to formulate a plan of action.

  First, she would convince Cyn to take her on her sister’s rescue mission. Next, she’d talk Gerard out of his plan to capture Cyn. She had to come up with a plan to save Cyn, her sister and maybe even herself from certain death. To accomplish all of that, she needed to stay focused.

  “Okay, that is a hell of a list,” Emma muttered and paced around the room, while she waited for Cyn to finish in the bathroom.

  If only she didn’t have to involve anyone else in all of this. Emma had considered confronting the demons on her own, right after they took Briana. But she knew she didn’t have a chance against so many. She’d even considered approaching higher-level dark Fae serving in local government offices and asking for their assistance. But she was sure they wouldn’t care about the demise of a half-demon girl. They were well aware rogue demons killed innocent humans yet did nothing about it. Scared of humans discovering their own demon identity, they used the media and fed reporters and the police fake evidence to cover up the deaths.

  The Master demon incited a large amount of the needless violence. Oh how she hated that male.

  One look into Gerard’s soulless black eyes and it was obvious that he was pure evil.

  Chapter Seven

  DEEP IN THOUGHT, Emma didn’t hear Cyn turn off the water in the shower. She started, when she noticed him at the dresser. His back to her, he dug through a drawer wearing only a towel that was wrapped low on his hips. Her breath hitched at the sight of his still damp bare skin. Droplets of water clung to his muscles and glistened on his tanned skin as he hunted for clothing.

  He turned. Cyn was definitely a perfect example of pure masculinity. Her eyes traveled slowly from his muscular broad chest down to his sculpted abdomen. When her gaze trekked further downward, Emma noted a slight movement under his towel. Mortified, she turned away.

  Would she ever stop making a fool of herself?

  Cyn cleared his throat and went to the control panel pushed a code in and the shields rose.

  “Did you forget the security shields were still in place?” Emma asked.

  “Nope,” he replied without hesitation. “Couldn’t leave you unescorted with my son here in the house.”

  He’d undressed in front of her on purpose. If he’d meant to entice her, it worked.

  His towel slipped dangerously low and she caught a glimpse of the trail of hair descending from his navel to a place she had no business thinking about. “Are you taking me to my car on your way to your dinner?” Emma asked, trying hard not to stare. If only the damn towel would fall already.

  When he looked at her, Emma pressed her lips together and feigned a sudden interest in the wall behind him.

  “No. I am not letting you out of my sight until after I figure out what is going on,” Cyn told her as he lifted his towel and secured it around his waist. Emma’s annoyance at his words did not stop the pang of disappointment.

  “If we aren’t going to rescue my sister tonight then I want to go home. I have a life you know. A cat to feed, bills to pay,” she snapped. “I can’t just hang out with you until you decide what to do.”

  He came closer. A tantalizing hint of musky spice teased her nostrils.

  The anger in his glare caused a shiver to run through her, not from fright, but from another emotion. Desperate for space between them she attempted to move back. Trapped by the chair behind her legs, she had no choice but to endure his proximity.

  When he spoke, his voice held a dangerous edge. “You need me to save your sister right?” Emma bit her lip and nodded as he continued. “Then you play by my rules. I suggest you call and find someone to feed your damn cat.”

  With that frosty stare and the lethal tautness to his body, he was intimidating. Even naked, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he was a frightening sight. Yet somehow, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

  “I don’t have my cell phone here with me,” she said, giving him her best glare.

  At his fierce scowl, Emma understood what any demon confronted by him felt. She studied the pattern on the carpeting, not sure what to do next.

  He went to his bed, picked up his cell phone and handed it to her. “Call someone—we’re leaving in about two minutes for dinner.” His voice had softened.

  She squared her shoulders and tried to give him a superior look. “Fine.”

  Cyn stood close by and peered over her shoulder as she pushed Wendy’s number into the cell phone, probably to make sure she didn’t dial 9-1-1 or something. Emma was disap
pointed when Wendy didn’t answer. She left a message, making up some random excuse so that Wendy would stop by her place and feed her cat. When she turned around, Cyn walked out of the room fully dressed.

  How did the man move so fast?

  Emma walked into the living room where Cyn waited to blindfold her again. With a resigned sigh, she turned her back to him. She didn’t want him to touch her. He affected her too much. So, she stood very still as he tied the suede wrap around her face.

  Blue snickered then abruptly stopped. No doubt Cyn had given him the same lethal glare she’d received earlier. Strong hands guided her to the garage.

  “We’re taking my truck,” Cyn told her as he helped her climb up into the elevated vehicle. His hands on her waist, he helped her get into the vehicle.

  Unsettled by his touch, she tried to relax into the lushness of the leather seat and waited.

  On the way to dinner, Cyn told her about Roderick’s family. They were to have dinner with Rachel, Roderick’s wife and Brock, his teenage son. He instructed her not to say a word about Roderick’s current situation.

  Emma’s curiosity peaked. She couldn’t wait to see who the huge Protector’s wife was.

  “I didn’t think Protectors were allowed to marry,” Emma said.

  Damn blindfold, she couldn’t see his expression when he remained quiet. She leaned back against the headrest, and figured he wouldn’t answer.

  “We are not banned from marrying. But if we want to marry, our superior must arrange it. Or, we can marry, if we meet our destined life-mate on our own. We risk expulsion from the Protector force if we choose to marry without our leader’s permission,” he spoke matter-of-factly, without any hint of emotion.

  “Was Roderick and Rachel’s marriage arranged?”


  “Is Rachel is his life-mate?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She persisted. “So Roderick is no longer a Protector?”

  “He is a doctor. But he still helps us out on occasion.” Cyn cranked up the music—effectively letting her know the subject was closed. Questions still swirled in her head, but she tried to relax as hard rock filled the air.

  A few minutes later, the truck came to a stop and Cyn removed Emma’s blindfold. The bright moonlight showcased an impressive log cabin home. Tall evergreen trees surrounded the giant home, completely blocking any views of the surrounding area.

  Cyn placed his hand on a small security screen and the front door unlocked, allowing them in.

  The inside of Roderick’s home shocked Emma. It was elegant yet welcoming. The family room showcased a pair of plush suede camel couches accented by pine tables and shelves brimming with books. A huge flat screen flanked one wall. On it, an animated battle game played.

  A teenage boy sat on one of the couches absorbed with the action. He acknowledged their entrance with a slight bob of his head, while keeping his eyes glued to the screen. The boy appeared to be about the same age as Blue—definitely Roderick’s son. He had the same startling silver hair. The boy motioned Blue over, immediately shoving a controller in his hand. Blue plopped down; his eyes widened at the screen even as he began to push buttons on the hand piece.

  Emma turned just in time to watch Cyn walk through the archway and settle his large frame onto a high barstool.

  “Hello Rachel,” Cyn greeted the sleek brunette beauty as he rested his elbows on the counter.

  Emma entered the kitchen and gaped at Roderick’s wife. The statuesque woman was a good match for Roderick who was enormous, a good four inches taller than Cyn.

  Rachel’s glossy hair was tied back from her face in a loose ponytail. Even in a casual red blouse and tan slacks, she resembled a runway model.

  Emma felt dowdy in her crumpled clothes and mussed hair, which was in desperate need of a trim. Rachel was human, but with a gift of some sort. Emma sensed a powerful energy from her.

  Roderick’s wife studied her intently, as if to take in as much as she could. Emma cleared her throat and smiled. Rachel seemed oblivious to Emma’s discomfort as she crossed the room and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Rachel Crogan. The teen gamer in there, staring at the big screen, is my son Brock.”

  Emma shook Rachel’s hand and wished she could have done more about her appearance. “Hello, I’m Emma.”

  “Please sit down.” Rachel gave her a bright smile and motioned for Emma to sit on the stool next to Cyn’s.

  Emma eyed the proximity of the stool to where Cyn sat and discreetly slid it away from him and sat. As soon as she did, the heat from Cyn’s body blasted her side and she resisted the urge to get back up. Feeling as if she were dragging herself away from a magnetic force, she leaned as far from him as she could.

  “So what have you two been up to?” Rachel asked them as she poured wine into crystal glasses.

  Did Rachel assume they were a couple? Emma shifted and their thighs touched. She jerked away and Cyn turned to her, his lips curled up in a sly smile.

  “I am providing protection for Emma, for a few days,” Cyn replied to Rachel’s question. “She has a high-level demon after her.”

  “Well Emma, don’t worry.” Rachel gave her a reassuring smile. “You are in good hands. Cyn is a great Protector.”

  Emma nodded, preferring to keep quiet and the odds of saying something wrong as low as possible.

  Cyn gave her one of his wide smiles. “I intend to keep her very safe.”

  Damn him.

  Emma tore her eyes from his mouth. The urge to reach out and touch him became so strong that she balled her hands into fists.

  What the hell was wrong with her? The awareness of him overwhelmed her and it was beginning to annoy her.

  She slid off the barstool and walked around the counter toward Rachel.

  “Can I help you with anything?” Emma asked, already reaching for the wine glasses in Rachel’s hands.

  “Not really. Everything is ready,” Rachel replied as she reached for her own glass and took a sip of wine.

  Emma went to place Cyn’s glass on the counter in front of him, but he reached out to take it from her. When his fingers brushed her hand, a tingle raced up her arm. She snatched her hand away hoping that he didn’t notice.

  She backed away and spoke to Rachel, “The food smells delicious.” Which was the truth, it did. After only a grilled cheese sandwich to eat all day, Emma looked forward to a full meal.

  Rachel placed the dish onto a tray and then carried it to the dining table.

  “I’ll call the boys. Why don’t you two go ahead and sit?” Rachel told them. As they sat, Rachel studied Cyn for a moment. Emotions flickered across her beautiful face. Her eyes shimmered as she glanced toward the living room before she spoke, “Any news?”

  “No, sorry,” Cyn replied.

  Emma knew they referred to Roderick and her gut twisted.

  Cyn did not meet Emma’s eyes when Rachel went to get the boys.

  Why didn’t Cyn want to tell Rachel Roderick was alive? Sure that he had his reasons, Emma remained quiet.

  Dinner was delicious. The wine along with Rachel’s easy-going nature and the boy’s chatter throughout the meal helped Emma relax some.

  During the meal, Emma caught several glances between Cyn and Rachel. In all probability, they tried to figure out if she was a friend or foe.

  She was neither—just desperate.

  As the adults finished up dessert, the boys announced they were done and ran back to the living room to continue playing the video game.

  Throughout the meal, Cyn was subdued. He would just answer a question and return to his food without elaboration. When his cell phone rang, he left the room to talk in private.

  Rachel swirled the wine around in her glass, her face pensive. “Earlier when Cyn called me, he told me you could see demons and knew about the Protectors. How do you know these things? How did you get in trouble with demons?” she took a sip of wine and leaned back in her chair, waiting for Emma to answer.

; A strong surge of energy moved through her, Emma stilled and blocked Rachel’s reading of her. The source of her power became clear to Emma. Rachel was an empath. She could read emotions and feelings.


  Emma ensured her thoughts and emotions were blocked. Since she wasn’t sure what all she was supposed to tell Rachel, she decided it was easier to stick as close the truth as possible. “I can see demons for what they are, I am not sure why, but I have always been able to see them. I learned about the Protectors overhearing demons talk at a bar, The Inferno, where my sister and I went a couple of times. I sought out Cyn because I need his help. The demons have my sister and I need him to help me rescue her.”

  “I’m sorry Emma.” Rachel turned away but not before Emma saw her anguished expression.

  She must be thinking of Roderick.

  Emma wanted to tell her about her visit to the demon complex, but she’d given Cyn her word. “I don’t know what to do,” Emma told Rachel. “I can’t just sit around. I know Cyn has a plan, but I wish we could go now.”

  Rachel’s voice was flat. “They can’t just go without a plan. Demons are strange creatures. They take humans as slaves by force. I don’t understand why when they have so many that go to them of their own accord. I just hope they are not doing this to get to Cyn. I’m afraid they’ve decided to get proactive and are laying traps for the Protectors.”

  The comment hit too close to home, a wave of guilt almost made her confess everything to Rachel. Instead, she forced a calm façade. “I don’t know what the demons are planning. I just know I have to get my sister. She’s all the family I have.”

  Emma really didn’t know if, other than Cyn, Gerard wanted more Protectors, or why. Even though demons hated Protectors, it didn’t make sense. Of course, according to what her father told her, Roderick and Cyn were two of the most powerful Protectors alive and a huge threat to high-level demons. But there had to be more to it. Most likely, a vendetta or some kind of purpose was behind it. Other than making demon life easier, that is.

  Rachel stood up. “If you will excuse me, I need to speak to Cyn for a minute. Please help yourself to more wine,” she told Emma as she left the dining room.


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