Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2)

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Immortal Highlander (Immortal Protectors Book 2) Page 21

by H. M. McQueen

  Unlike him, she moved faster and was not gentle. Just as he liked it. Her blunt teeth bit his throat, but not hard enough to break his skin. He moaned as she nipped a path down to his chest. Her hot tongue flicked over his nipple sending a wave of heat straight between his legs.

  Her fingers traced circles in the most sensitive places. He thrust his hips in response. “Steady love, I’m not done yet.” Emma’s husky words did not help.

  Nips and bites from his chest down his stomach left a heated trail on his skin. Emma pushed his legs open and her hot mouth suckled his inner thigh.

  “Fuck,” Cyn hissed. “I’m going to lose it Emma.”

  His breath caught at the sight of her wicked smile. “Do it.”

  Her lips wrapped around him and she suckled him so hard that he did.

  When he stopped shaking, she let him slip from her mouth and moved to lie on his chest.

  “I love you Cyn,” Emma told him. “I never thought I could be so happy.”

  “I’ve felt that way for as long as I can remember,” Cyn replied. “This is a dream I never dared to have.”

  They lay for several minutes in silence.

  She wrapped her hand around him and began to stroke his length. When he became aroused again, Emma purred. “This time I want you inside me.”

  A FEW HOURS later, the buzz of the cell phone on the nightstand woke Cyn. He reached for it and looked at the display.

  It was Roderick.

  Something was wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  CYN TOLD RODERICK he’d call him right back and hung up. He slid from under Emma, who continued to sleep soundly. He carried his clothes to the living room and got dressed.

  Once in his truck, he called Roderick back. The Spartan was tracking a group of high-level demons. A rare occurrence that didn’t sit well with Cyn. High-levels never hunted as a group, their bloodthirsty nature made them lone predators.

  As he drove into the dark Atlanta night, he couldn’t deny a sense of well-being despite the nature of his trip. He still couldn’t believe he’d found his life-mate. With Blue and another child on the way, his life couldn’t get much better.

  He had a lot of reasons to be thankful.

  CYN ARRIVED TO find Roderick leaning on a crumbling brick wall. The Spartan motioned him over.

  “Interesting choice of street gear,” Roderick scanned over his tunic, linen pants and sandals. “At least you’ve got your jacket.”

  “High-levels, I can sense them,” Cyn replied, ignoring Roderick’s fashion critique.

  “Yeah, this doesn’t feel right – I watched several go to the empty lot back there. Why would high-level demons hunt together?”

  “Bigger prey than usual?” The thought troubled him as he peered into the shadows. He didn’t get a chance to ponder further. A blood-curdling scream filled the air.

  Swords in hand, they rushed into the darkness.

  Cyn stopped dead in his tracks when they came upon four high-level demons with their swords drawn surrounding a human male. The human didn’t look hurt or distraught. By the expectant look on the man’s face, it was obvious he was there of his own free will.

  The hair on the back of Cyn’s neck rose.


  The Master demon stepped from behind the group.

  He and Roderick were the prey.

  Cyn held back the urge to shove through the demons and attack Gerard. He clenched his jaw and glanced at Roderick. By the tautness in Roderick’s stance, it was obvious that he restrained himself as well.

  As usual Gerard made an elaborate entrance, he walked between the four demons and stood with his arms relaxed at his sides and smiled at the Protectors. “Again, I have to say, I’m surprised at how easily I can get you two to come to me.”

  Cyn spit on the ground and glowered at Gerard, barely able to contain his fury. “What the hell do you want this time?”

  Gerard let his head fall back as he laughed. “Two things actually—the freedom of our Supreme Ruler and you two dead.”

  “How about no and no?” Cyn answered with a smirk.

  No other words were exchanged as the Protectors moved as one and attacked. The ringing of metal clashing against metal echoed into the night.

  The demons fought aggressively. Something seemed off. When Cyn had cornered one and swung his sword for the killing strike, the demon evaded with extraordinarily quick movements. Their lightning speed gave away the fact that they weren’t ordinary high-levels.

  They were Warrior Fae.

  Cyn hadn’t seen a Warrior Fae in over a hundred years.

  “Kill them!” Gerard yelled.

  A BUZZING SOUND startled Emma, in a sleepy haze she tried to figure out what the sound was. She stretched her arm and looked for Cyn but found his side of the bed empty. When her cell phone buzzed again, she reached for it and answered.

  The voice on the other end jolted her awake. “Emma, I need you. I’m in trouble.” It was Briana. She sounded terrified. “Please hurry. Come and get me.” As soon as she gave Emma an address, Briana disconnected.

  Emma leaped from the bed and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering with underwear.

  She ran through the house to look for Cyn. Where could he have gone at this hour? She pushed his number into her cell with shaky fingers. It went straight to voicemail. She left a short message, along with the address that Briana had given her.

  Did Briana change her mind? Was she ready to come back? Maybe everything would be perfect now. She would finally have her family complete with Cyn, Blue, the baby, and now Briana.

  Car keys in hand, she ran out of the house.

  CHECKING FOR ADDRESSES at night, in an area with few streetlights made for slow progress. Emma drove at a snail’s pace until she spotted the correct numbers on a dilapidated mailbox that leaned at an awkward angle. She turned her headlights off and coasted closer.

  It was a small abandoned print shop. Through the cracked windows, Emma could see movement inside. She clenched the steering wheel and tried to figure out how to let Briana know she’d arrived. Emma slid out of the car leaving the door open. She didn’t want to close it and make any noise, in case someone else was in there with her sister.

  At that moment, a door on the side of the building opened. Emma crouched behind the car door and peeked around it to see who it was. A hooded figure stepped out.

  Emma heaved a sigh of relief when she recognized Briana in the shadows. Her sister walked toward the car and she motioned for her to hurry.

  A cold breeze hit her right before she realized that someone rushed up behind her. Emma turned and kicked at the bulky male when he lunged for her. But he grabbed her around the neck and yanked her off the ground. Emma flailed wildly while being dragged over to the side of the building where Briana and another demon waited.

  “Briana what is going on?” Emma stammered, out of breath. She attempted to push away from the demon that held her. He didn’t release her, but loosened his hold on her.

  “What are you hoping to accomplish?” Emma asked her sister.

  Briana ignored her and spoke to the demon beside her, “Where do we take her?”

  The demon shrugged. “Gerard told us to stay here and wait for word.”

  “We can’t just wait around here!” Briana hissed at him. “The Protectors could be following her. They will kick our asses.”

  “Briana, listen to me!” Emma brought Briana’s attention back to her. “Please listen to me. Nothing good is going to happen if you stay with Gerard. He’s pure evil. Can’t you see that he isn’t interested in anything other than freeing the Supreme demon?”

  “Shut up Emma. You don’t know what the hell you are talking about. The Supreme ruler has to be freed. Don’t you see? Only then will we be in control. The world will be ours, not the stupid humans’ who persecute us and make us feel like monsters.”

  Gerard’s words, Briana was parroting the bastard. Did her sister really believe what she was saying

  “A world of death and desperation, is that what you consider a good outcome?” She looked into Briana’s black eyes, and didn’t see much of the little sister she had shared so much with. She almost lost her resolve as an enormous sense of loss overcame her. “Are you even Briana anymore?” she whispered.

  “Emma, just shut up. You’ll come with us and accept your fate. You are a demon and as such, you will embrace your true self—what you were born to be.” Briana looked at her with disdain. “Personally, I would rather leave you with the humans, but for some reason Gerard wants you.”

  “I can’t Briana. I will die first. Please don’t do this. I’m going to be a mom.”

  She wasn’t sure, but thought she saw uncertainty flicker in Briana’s face but it was gone the next second. “It’s already been decided Emma. A child changes nothing.”

  When another demon arrived, Briana tensed. Her sister’s hand went to the hilt of her short sword.

  None of them seem to recognize the newcomer. There was something different about the demon. Emma saw Briana send a questioning glance at the demon who held her.

  “Warrior,” the demon replied. “They are as strong and fast as the Protectors.”

  The demon’s arrival gave Emma a chance to fist the hilt of a small dagger she kept in her jacket. She held it inside the pocket, waiting for an opportunity.

  Briana walked toward the Warrior with confidence. “Who sent you?”

  “Gerard,” the demon grunted back.

  “We have to go back before Protectors come. One of them considers my sister his mate.” Briana informed him.

  The Warrior’s eyes were flat and emotionless. “Gerard sent me to kill you. Both of you.” He glanced toward Emma.

  The energy in the air changed as Briana drew her sword and began to battle the demon.

  Emma jerked away from the grasp of the demon holding her and managed to take a few steps before he grabbed her again.

  The soft swish of his sword changed the air around her. In a terror filled motion, Emma stabbed him.

  She missed his heart.

  Emma managed to back away until she reached the wall of the building.

  With desperation, she threw the dagger at the demon.

  He grunted and stumbled back grabbing at the dagger planted on the right side of his chest.

  Emma’s heart plummeted. She’d missed again.

  With little effort, he yanked it out. The demon snarled and rushed toward her.

  His sword sliced through the air headed straight for her heart.

  At that precise moment, Briana fell backwards and bumped into him, knocking the demon off balance. The Warrior’s sword, initially aimed at Briana, sliced the demon’s shoulder.

  Her attacker hissed in pain and cursed at the Warrior, “You fucker, you’re here to kill them, not me.”

  Without replying, the Warrior beheaded him.

  Taking advantage of the Warrior’s distraction, Briana plunged her sword into him, but he was fast and she only managed to cut his arm.

  He charged and sliced Briana across the chest.

  Briana collapsed onto the ground.

  “No!” Emma cried. “Oh my God!”

  She ran to her sister, but just as she touched her, Briana evaporated.

  Emma’s scream pierced the night, “Nooo!”

  My baby sister.

  Drawing energy from the need to protect her child, Emma grabbed Briana’s sword and managed to block the Warrior’s next slash. But she was inexperienced with a sword so within seconds, her sword flew out of her hand and clanked heavily on the ground.

  Before the Warrior demon could stab again, Emma scrambled away from him. But she soon ran out of options and backed herself into a corner.

  He lifted his sword one last time and Emma almost laughed at the irony of it all. Here she was again in the shadows, about to die because she was half-demon.

  She crumpled to the ground wrapping her hands protectively over her stomach and waited for the fatal blow.

  In those few seconds, she thought of Cyn and their last night together. She ached knowing he’d hurt at the news of her death. She wasn’t ready to die, but would face death with bravery, her eyes locked with the Warrior’s fixed stare.

  The Warrior froze with his sword halfway down. A shocked look came over his face, as he fell onto the ground next to her with a stomach-turning thud. She scurried away from him as he vanished.

  A Protector came into view. Kieran.

  Lines of distress crossed his face as he reached for her.

  In a daze, Emma heard other sounds of swords clashing. Fallon had come too. He was battling another demon that had just arrived. She collapsed against Kieran and tried to contain her sobs.

  “Are you hurt lass?” Kieran’s soft Scottish burr grounded her. “Let’s have a look at you.” He held her away from him and assessed her for any injuries.

  Emma pushed away from him and ran to where Briana had fallen. She sunk to her knees as a wave of grief struck.

  Kieran picked her up. She began shaking uncontrollably as he carried her to his car. Since Fallon was already behind the wheel, Kieran got into the back seat still holding her.

  “Cyn, please, I need Cyn.”

  Kieran stroked her back and assured her they were on their way to him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  But he didn’t even register any pain when a sword sliced into his side. If anything, he felt a surge of adrenaline. After he forced the Warrior demon to retreat, he turned and stabbed at one behind him. It leaped back surprised.

  Cyn noticed that Roderick was having better luck, as he fought just one warrior demon now.

  He lifted his sword with both hands and aimed for the demon once more. Unfortunately, the demon blocked him again.

  Cyn shoved him and the Warrior stumbled back.

  He grabbed a dagger out from his coat. Before he could throw it, he was forced to block a strike from the other warrior.

  Hissing between clenched teeth, Cyn forged ahead through sheer willpower. Finally, he had enough room and he let the dagger fly, striking one of his adversaries in the heart.

  The angry growl from the other Warrior demon was enough warning to block the sword aimed to cut his head off. Cyn stumbled slightly before regaining his balance. Now he was furious, and losing a lot of blood.

  Fueled by his anger, Cyn rushed forward and swung his sword with all his strength.

  This time he didn’t miss.

  Injured and bleeding from a deep gash to his shoulder, the Warrior demon stepped back. He snarled at Cyn and ran away.

  Cyn went to follow but stopped. It could be another trap. Roderick’s opponent fled as well.

  The Warrior demons were gone and so was Gerard. Cyn finally felt the throbbing from the gash on his side. He held a hand over it and applied pressure.

  Roderick walked over. “Where the hell did they come from?” he shouted shoving Cyn’s hand aside to inspect the wound. Cyn leaned back on an abandoned vehicle and winced as Roderick poked in the wound.

  “Shit Roderick, why don’t you just stick your entire hand in there while you’re at it?” Cyn grumbled.

  “Don’t whine,” Roderick said as he tore a strip from the bottom of Cyn’s shirt and wrapped it around his torso. “It’s not cool for a Protector to whine.”

  “You want to know what the fuck is totally not cool?” Cyn yelled, taking his anger out on his friend. “Those damn demons ruined my first night with my wife. That’s what’s not cool! Why didn’t Julian warn us about those damn things being back?”

  Roderick shook his head as they walked toward Cyn’s truck. “That is a question I plan to ask our fearless leader. But first let’s ensure Fallon and Kieran know about the newest crap in town.”

  Once he was seated in the truck next to Cyn, Roderick pushed the button on his earpiece and talked to Fallon for a few minutes.

  When he disconnected, Cyn got his atten
tion. “Look, I am going back to Emma’s house and wash off the stench of demon. Then I’m going to wake Emma up and make love until I forget all that hurts.” He wagged his eyebrows at the Spartan. “You should go home too. However, what you do when you get there is your own damn business. I’ll drop you off at your car. It’s around the corner. Right?” He let out a weary sigh. “Tomorrow is soon enough to call Julian.”

  Cyn’s gut reacted when Roderick’s worried gaze met his.

  “Cyn, we need to head to your house.”

  THE FRONT DOOR burst open crashing against the wall. Cyn rushed through the living room headed to his bedroom plowing past Fallon.

  Kieran stepped in front of him to block his path and held his hands up. “Don’t go in there scaring her Cyn. She’s all right. Everything is fine. Calm down.”

  “Get the fuck out of my way.” Cyn tried to shove him aside, his focus on Emma alone.

  “Move out of his way Kieran. I’m surprised he hasn’t flattened your ass,” Roderick spoke up. “If he hadn’t been driving and in a hurry to get here, he would have shoved his sword up mine.”

  “Fine.” Kieran shook his head and stepped aside. “See that’s why we shouldn’t get married. That’s why I can’t believe Julian allowed it. Brother, you cannot expect us to ignore the damn rules.” He called after Cyn’s retreating back.

  Cyn raced to the dimly lit room. Emma sat on the bed and rose when she saw him. Satisfied that she was alive and unharmed, Cyn crushed her against his chest. She began to cry and clung to him.

  “Calm down sweetheart, you’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you.” He pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her teary face until she calmed.

  It wasn’t until after she finally lay against him, sniffing softly, that he began to feel relief. However, he was so angry with her that he couldn’t keep quiet.

  “Emma, why did you go out by yourself?” Cyn asked her in a quiet but stern voice. “I explained to you that from now on you should not go anywhere without the body guards. You said you understood and accepted.”

  “I know. I really am sorry, but when I heard Briana’s voice, I didn’t think. I tried to call you. I forgot you told me you could only communicate with other Protectors while on duty. Maybe if I hadn’t gone out there, Briana would still be alive.” Emma began crying again.


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