Love Beyond Boundaries (A Scottish Time Travel Romance): Book 12 (Morna's Legacy Series)

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Love Beyond Boundaries (A Scottish Time Travel Romance): Book 12 (Morna's Legacy Series) Page 15

by Bethany Claire

  I winked in jest and reached for the television remote, intending to veg out for a bit to try to alleviate my sadness until Ross texted that he was back at his apartment. Instead, Georgie grabbed the remote out of my hand before I could actually turn the distraction mechanism on.

  “You’re really going to mention that you were upset about something else and then not tell me what that something else is? I don’t think so. Spill.”

  I frowned at her as I crossed my arms. “Why is it that I’m the only person in this family that isn’t entitled to keep things to myself?”

  She shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know, but the precedent is already set, so it’s not like you can start hiding things from us now. What’s up?”

  I sighed and shifted as I reached for a blanket to drape over myself as I spoke. “Ross’ mother is dying, and she’s in Scotland. He told me last night that he’s leaving. He’s going to be gone for months. While we haven’t officially decided anything, it pretty much means that it’s the end of whatever this is, and I’m just rather sad about it, okay?”

  She frowned and shook her head in what appeared to be frustration. “I’m sorry, but why is that your obvious conclusion? Why would his leaving to take care of his mother mean that things have to end?”

  I raised my brows as the absurdity of her asking such a question rose in my mind.

  “Oh, come on, Georgie. You know as well as I do that long distance rarely works even when you’ve been with someone for a long time. Just think about the boyfriend you had when you decided to set off on your years’ long travels. You guys had been together for three years and it ended within three months. This is still new. It would fizzle out with frustration and anger in three weeks, if we tried to keep things going, and neither one of us wants that.”

  She crossed her arms, mimicking my position. “Then go with him, stupid.”

  “What?” My voice climbed to an uncomfortable pitch.

  “You heard me. Go with him. You work for yourself, Sue. You told me just the other day that this is the easiest work has been for you in a while. Most of your patients have almost completed their therapy regimens, and your new patient needs only minor rehabilitation. You might not be able to leave with him in the next few days, but you could follow him in a week or two.”

  I started to protest, a thousand excuses of why that wasn’t possible popping up in my mind, but she held out a hand to stop me before I was able to utter a word.

  “I can argue any excuse you throw up. The apartment? I’ll continue to stay here and tend to it. Work? I’ll reiterate the fact that you are your own boss and can rearrange your schedule and either finish with your current patients or refer them to another doctor for the remainder of their therapy. You did it once when you were taking care of Gramps during his treatments. I guarantee that you can do it again. Money? Don’t try to pretend that it’s an issue. I know how frugal you are, and I saw your last bank statement lying on the kitchen counter last week. You’re more than covered for the amount of time you would need to be in Scotland. You know you want to go. Just do it.”

  I did want to go. Of course I did. But my desire to go didn’t mean that Ross would want me to. The few times he'd mentioned Scotland had clued me in on the fact that returning to his homeland was going to be difficult for him. Add to it the fact that he was going there to say goodbye to his mother made it even more so." Ross was private. There was no reason why he would want to share his grief and pain with me there to watch him go through it.

  “What if he doesn’t want me to go?”

  “Then things end like you thought they were going to five minutes ago. You really don’t have anything to lose by making the offer. If the last few months have taught you anything, surely you’ve learned that we need to hold on to the people we love while we have them.”

  I startled at her words, embarrassment flooding my cheeks with color.

  “I don’t…I don’t love him, Georgie.”

  She ducked her chin and looked up at me, knowingly. “Whatever. Of course you do. You’re picky, but once you’re in a relationship, you fall easily. It’s just that soft, open heart of yours. Should you tell him that yet? Probably not. But you don’t have to pretend with me. You love him. That’s great. Just don’t let him leave without you when there’s no reason for it.”

  My phone pinged in my pocket and I glanced down at to see a message from Ross:

  “I’m driving out of the city with Caleb to pick up the girls. Should be back for dinner. Want to meet me at my apartment at six for Chinese take-out and that talk we should’ve had this morning?”

  Nerves churned in my stomach as the truth of everything Georgie had just told me settled in. She was right. I shot back my response as the decision cemented in my mind.

  “Sounds good. See you tonight.”

  If Beth were here now, she would’ve been sitting right next to Georgie urging me to do the exact same thing. At dinner, I would ask him. And if he wanted me, I would go to Scotland, too.

  Chapter 27

  “All right. We’re out of the bulk of the traffic now. Time for you to tell me the real reason you wanted to ride with me to pick up Hannah and Maggie. I know you don’t really care about whatever Georgie and I are doing, so that’s not what you want to talk about.”

  Ross ran both hands through his hair with a sigh. The entire day was already shit, surely it would be better to tell his news to Caleb now when his mood couldn’t really get any worse.

  “I have to leave, Caleb. My mother is verra sick. She has been for some time. I received news yesterday that she’s asking for me. She doesna have much time left, and I have to go to her.”

  “Ah, man.” Caleb shook his head, his eyes remaining on the road. “I’m so sorry. Of course you have to go. Don’t worry about a thing in regard to work. Things are a little easier now. I have my feet underneath me more than I thought I would at this point. I can manage while you’re away. I know a handyman I can keep on call to help with maintenance issues. How long do you think you’ll be gone?”

  He frowned, dreading the answer he knew he must give. “Mayhap months. I feel I must stay until the end, and I doona know how long that will be.”

  Caleb hurried to reassure him. “It’s not a problem, Ross. You stay gone as long as you need to. The marathon is over, so I’ll be able to get back to walking Hannah to school on the days you and Sue were doing it for me. Your job is not in danger at all.”

  “Thank ye. I also thought I should come so that I can say goodbye to Hannah. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “Good call. She would’ve been furious if you’d left without saying anything to her. She will miss you. We all will. But we will be fine. What about Sue? Have you told her yet?”

  He nodded. “Aye.”

  “And? What does that mean for you guys?”

  Ross shrugged. All day he’d tried to find a way to not do what he knew he must. He’d come up with nothing.

  “It means that we are over before we’ve truly had a chance to begin. ’Twould never work long distance. My mother lives in a verra remote part of Scotland. Any means of communication will be difficult to find.”

  “Do you want things to be over?”

  “O’course not. She has been a bright spot in many months of darkness.”

  Caleb surprised him by slowly pulling the car over to the side of the road and shifting into park before turning to look at him. “Then don’t be a moron, Ross. Don’t let her go if you don’t want to. Ask her to come with you!”

  He laughed, dismissing the notion without question. Of course he wanted her to come with him, but that wasn’t possible. Far too many of his secrets lay buried in Scotland, and that was precisely where he intended to keep them.

  “’Tis not possible.”


  “I have a full and varied past in Scotland, Caleb. Much of it I doona wish to revisit. I have done unforgivable things. I couldna bring Allanah there without her finding out about all of it.
She would then truly despise me. I would rather it end now, while she still cares for me, than for it to end with her despising the man I once was.”

  Caleb stared at him hard for a long moment before speaking again. “I think you’re glazing over the most important thing you just said there, Ross. The man you once were is not the man you are today. None of us can do anything about our past. Sue knows that. And while I don’t know what supposedly horrible actions you’re referring to, if you explained it to her—if you were honest—I know she wouldn’t think any less of you at all.”

  If only Caleb knew how deeply he’d hurt the last woman he loved, perhaps he would understand. How could any woman trust him with her heart after what he’d done with the last one that was placed in his care?

  “No. She would. Now place the car back in drive. I doona wish to talk about this a moment more.”

  Without a word, Caleb did as he bid, and together they sped down the road.

  To even order take-out with Allanah would be a mistake. Best to rip off the bandage quickly.

  He would end things as soon as she arrived at his apartment.

  Chapter 28

  I arrived at Ross’ apartment at two minutes before six, my nerves so high that I had to keep bending to put my head between my legs so I wouldn’t vomit right in his doorway. I didn’t want to feel the embarrassment that I knew would flood its way through my whole system if he turned me down. I knew it was forward for me to ask him, but I also knew that I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.

  Keeping my left hand against my stomach, I took a breath and reached to knock on the door. It flew open, and the expression on Ross’ face did nothing to ease my nerves. His mouth was tight, and he didn’t smile at me or reach to pull me into a hug as I stepped inside.

  The only warm welcome I received was from Tink who began to yap at my heels as she jumped excitedly up on my leg. I bent to pet her, her happy excitement helping to calm my nerves. As I rose, I steeled myself to speak before I had a chance to talk myself out of asking.

  “Ross, you and I both know that the entire purpose of this dinner is to somehow politely end things, but I really don’t want to do that. What if…” I hesitated, the absurdity of my suggestion giving me pause. But then I thought of Beth, and how I would do just about anything to have more time with her, and I knew that I had to—at the very least—ask him if he wanted me while I still had the opportunity to do so. “What if I came with you to Scotland?”

  His brows rose as his tight mouth parted just a little, and it pleased me to see that his expression softened as my question sank in. When he finally spoke, his voice was unsure.

  “Do ye wish to do that, lass?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I couldn’t leave with you tomorrow, but I could probably make it there within the next two weeks. I would have to do some rearranging with my work schedule, but yes, I could go with you.”

  He smiled then and I audibly exhaled as my nausea subsided.

  “Aye. I would love for ye to come. Now, come here and let me kiss ye.”

  I found myself in his arms, our lips meeting with a familiarity that shouldn’t have been possible with our limited time together.

  I moved my lips to his ear as he slowly backed me toward the bedroom. “Promise me you’re not going to stop this as soon as I get halfway undressed this time.”

  He laughed and gave my earlobe a quick nibble before huskily answering me. He pushed his erection into my stomach to emphasize his answer. “I doona think I’m physically capable of it this time, lass. I’ve denied myself of ye too many times now.”

  Tingles rushed down my spine as his warm breath tickled my neck and I grew slick in anticipation as his erection pressed into me.

  He closed the door quickly behind us, stepping away to remove his shirt while he quickly bobbed his head in a silent plea for me to do the same.

  There would be no foreplay—not this time. I could tell by the urgency of his movements, his ragged breath. The intensity of his gaze caused my own breath to hitch uncomfortably.

  I hurried to pull my sweater up over my head, pausing on the way to quickly undo my bra. Together I removed the two pieces of clothing, my nipples hardening in response to the sudden rush of cool air on my skin.

  He groaned as his eyes raked over my breasts, and his hands moved to his belt as he pulled and tugged to undo his buckle. He pulled the belt off in one swift motion, his fingers deftly unbuttoning his jeans as he kicked off his shoes and lowered his pants. As he rose, his cock sprang free, rising in all its glory, causing me to blush as I took in the sight of him naked.

  It had been so long since I’d been touched by a man. My lovemaking drought aside, I was certain I’d never wanted anyone inside me so badly. I ached in anticipation of the delicious stretching I knew I would feel the moment he pushed himself inside me. The muscles in my stomach tightened as I waited for him to enter me.

  “Take me, Ross. Please….” I gasped and my lower lip began to shake as I spoke. “Please take me.”

  He groaned again, stepping forward to undo the button of my jeans as his lips lowered to my right nipple, biting as I cried out in so much pleasurable that I grew embarrassingly close to climaxing right then and there. I threw my head back at the delight of feeling his lips on my breast, his fingertips causing my stomach and thighs to break out into goosebumps as he pulled my jeans to the floor.

  “Get on the bed, Allanah, and for God’s sake, open yer legs.”

  I scrambled to the bed, climbing on top and then lying back on the propped up pillows, obeying him without question.

  I’d dreamt of this moment for months, each time imagining how shy and embarrassed I would feel in front of someone so exquisite. But none of that anticipated self-consciousness existed as I brazenly opened myself to him, grinning as I watched him swallow and his breath catch.

  “No one should be so beautiful, lass.”

  I snorted. The heat of the moment dissipating a little as the hilarity of what he’d just said hit me.

  “Ross, have you ever actually looked in a mirror? You are in no position to give such a compliment.”

  He laughed. It was a dark, raspy, almost threatening sound. Slowly—his manhood still hard and protruding out so far from his body my legs nearly closed themselves together in reflex—he crawled on top of me.

  “Allanah.” He whispered my name against my ear, goosebumps spreading across my neck as I squirmed underneath him. “Kiss me.”

  I obliged him, rising up to meet his lips as he leaned away from my ear. As I rose he moved his right hand behind my head, combing his fingers through my hair, until he got a handful of my long locks and pulled ever so gently.

  I gasped and grinned into his mouth.

  “Do ye wish me to let go, lass? I doona want to hurt ye.”

  “No.” I gave my answer with a little too much enthusiasm, and he laughed in response.

  “Ye are a little more adventurous than ye let on, aye, lass?”

  I shrugged, trying my best to mimic his trademark gesture. “Maybe. Why don’t you find out?”

  He groaned again, giving my hair a harder tug this time, my head falling back as his mouth dipped to my breasts again. He quickly plunged himself inside me.

  I’d expected my body to put up some slight resistance to the unaccustomed intrusion. Instead, I was wet and ready for him. He slid in all the way to the hilt as we both cried out in pleasure.

  I squeezed him, and he groaned so loudly that his lips pulled away from my nipple in ecstasy. I smiled at watching something I’d done elicit such a reaction from him.

  “Ach, lass.” His lips were shaking as he drew in a breath. “Ye are…ye are so tight.”

  I squeezed him again, causing him to jerk and moan.

  “Have mercy on me, lass. I doona wish to finish until I’ve made ye do so.”

  I smiled and reached for him, digging my nails into the back of his head as I pulled his mouth back to mine.

  After kissing him, I trailed my lips
to his ear and whispered. “Then make me come.”

  A low, almost growling noise escaped him, and he began to move in and out so slowly and deeply that the feel of him began to swirl up from my stomach, radiating through my body until I was writhing underneath him, my hips bucking up with each plunge. I moaned and gasped as the sensation grew.

  Sensing I was close, he shifted his weight to his left palm, and moved his right fingers to touch my sensitive center. His fingers easily found just the right place, and with a few strokes, I was overcome. I cried out as I orgasmed and lay shaking beneath him.

  He removed his hand, but continued his slow pumping motion, ducking to kiss me as he picked up speed. Before I even had time to cool down, the sensation built again, and as he neared his own climax, I found myself on the precipice once again.

  “I don’t think I can do it again, Ross.”

  He laughed against my mouth and began to move his hips with even more intensity.

  “Aye, ye can. And ye shall.”

  As if his words had drawn it from me, I spiraled up once again, and together we found release.

  Chapter 29

  It had taken no time for sleep to find Allanah, but worry and regret plagued Ross as he held her.

  How could he have allowed himself to be so easily swayed? The moment she asked him if she could come with him to Scotland, all his previous worries had vanished. In that moment, it was as if his past hadn’t existed and all he felt was the joy of knowing she wanted him. The joy of knowing that someone didn’t believe him to be the selfish, life destroyer he believed himself to be.

  There was no backing out of it now. He’d already said she could come, and the truth was, he wanted her to. But she couldn’t find out about his past. Allanah was too good, too kind and pure to understand the mistakes he’d made. Knowing would ruin all that she felt for him, and he wasn’t sure he could survive having his heart broken again in such a way.


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