Wall of Kiss

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Wall of Kiss Page 2

by Gina Ranalli

  She didn’t wait for Wally’s response, just started going through her DVD’s and tossing various titles over her shoulder at the wall. “How about Pirates of the Caribbean? I just love Johnny Depp. No? Ok, what about Slingblade? Beyond the Walls of Sleep? Really? I think that one is so strange, but if you’re really in the mood for it…”

  She turned the television towards the wall and pulled over one of her chairs so she could sit beside Wally. Then she turned off all the lights and they began watching the movie. “Someone gave me this, actually,” she said. “It’s not the kind of movie I would normally buy.” She stopped talking abruptly, then whispered. “Oh, ok. Sorry.”

  Curling into her chair, she absently reached out now and then to touch Wally, and when there was a particularly scary or gruesome scene, she turned her face from the TV and did her best to press it into the wall. Not an easy feat from her arm chair but she still managed it fairly well.

  The movie was intensely bizarre and often she found her mind wandering, looking past the TV and out the window opposite Wally at the night beyond.

  Settle down, girl, she thought to herself. Don’t get too carried away. Remember what happened with the last one. You’re not even sure how he really feels about you yet. Oh, sure, he says he thinks you’re beautiful and he’s never known anyone quite like you before, but isn’t that what they all say when they want a piece and nothing more than a piece? You’ll just have to be patient and see what happens. And see how patient he is. That will be the true test. If he’s willing to get to know you—the real you—if he’s willing to wait. Then and only then will you be able to give him your heart.

  She fell asleep in her chair, hopeful thoughts in her head, and a vague smile on her face.

  * * * * *

  Sun shining through the window into her eyes jolted her awake and she immediately looked at the clock. “Oh my God,” she exclaimed. “I’m going to be late for work!” She leapt out of the chair and faced the wall. “I’m so sorry I have to rush out like this. Will you be okay on your own? You have the TV and of course you can help yourself to anything in the refrigerator. I’ll call you later, ok?” She blew the wall a kiss and then hurried upstairs to shower and get ready for work.

  * * * * *

  As it turned out, she wasn’t all that late, which seemed to make the day drag on and on. Several times from her desk, she called her home phone number, listened to her voice on the outgoing message, and talked to Wally.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” she said. “How’s your day going, baby? Mine is ok. Busy as usual but still dragging. Every minute I’m not with you seems like an eternity. I know how silly that sounds, since we just barely got together, but that’s just me: a silly schoolgirl type. I promise this ridiculous stage will pass soon. You don’t have to get all panicked, thinking I’m trying to snag a husband or something like that.” She laughed nervously. “I mean, come on. You haven’t even met my parents yet! Even though we don’t get along, I’d still like to get their approval, you know.” She burst out laughing. “Oh, calm down! I’m only joking!” She paused, then said, “Well, okay, I’d better get back to work before my boss finds out I’m making personal calls again. I’ll be home a little after five. See you then, sweetie. Bye!”

  When she hung up, she noticed the woman at the desk next to hers watching her. She smiled and said, “I have a new beau. Nothing serious yet or anything, but…” She giggled and showed the woman her crossed fingers. “A girl can hope, can’t she?”

  The other woman, much older and rather stodgy, returned to her work with a slight shake of her head. She never smiled.

  * * * * *

  She returned home that night fairly exhausted from dealing with people all day. Not only were people tremendously boring but most of them rubbed her the wrong way, being so judgmental and self-righteous.

  Wally, of course, was nothing like that. Wally calmly listened to her complaining and never once complained himself. He was always there for her and she was beginning to suspect that he always would be. He was so strong, so loyal. She doubted that he would ever stray; he just didn’t seem like that kind of guy. In fact, the more she got to know him, the more she suspected that the strong silent type was really more of an act than anything else. A way of protecting his own heart. She began to sense that he was actually quite shy and sensitive, deep down. Maybe, like her, he had been hurt one too many times and was cautious about giving himself to someone. Maybe he feared betrayal, just as she did.

  These thoughts made her even more fond of Wally and after spending a week or so with him, she finally decided to call her one friend about him. She hadn’t seen the woman since college, more than ten years ago, but they still kept in touch. Well, truth be told, the friend didn’t actually call her—ever—but the woman understood how her friend wasn’t much for talking on the phone and didn’t hold it against her. She knew a lot of people were like that.

  She brought the cordless down to the living room with her and sat in the chair next to the wall. “Now, normally,” she said, “I’m a person who thinks it’s healthy for a couple to have a few secrets from each other and respect each other’s privacy, but since I know how insecure you are, I’m going to let you listen in on my conversation with her. But—you have to promise to be quiet. No interjecting or interrupting. Deal? You promise?” She smiled at the wall. “Okay, then,” she said and began to dial.

  When the phone was picked up on the other end, she could barely contain her excitement. “Hey, it’s me,” she said. “How are you?”

  Listening, she waited a minute before cutting in. “I have good news,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I met someone special.” She reached out to touch the wall, ensuring Wally that she was indeed speaking of him. “No, no,” she said. “That guy was a loser. This one is amazing. Truly. He’s so kind and gentle and funny! Oh my God, you wouldn’t believe how funny he is.”

  Her friend said something and the woman nodded. “That’s nice. But anyway, his name is Wally and I’d really love for you to meet him sometime.” She glanced over her shoulder at the wall and whispered “Shh!” at it. Into the phone she said, “Yeah, he’s here right now. And very shy. I think he’s afraid you’ll disapprove.”

  She listened again and suddenly frowned. “Really? Well, okay, I guess I’ll let you go then. I just wanted to give you the good news. Say hi to Mike for me.” She paused and smacked her forehead. “Right! Mark! Sorry about that. Say hi to Mark for me. Okay, bye now.”

  Clicking the phone off, she tossed it onto the sofa and then turned to Wally. “See? That wasn’t so bad was it? I told you I’d say nothing but wonderful things about you. And I kept my word, didn’t I? And do you know why that is? It’s because every word of it is true! You honestly are the sweetest thing I’ve ever known.”

  Smiling, she rose from the chair and did her best to hug the wall. Murmuring into it, she said, “I’ll always be honest with you, I promise. I don’t know who hurt you before, but I know what that feels like and would never intentionally hurt anyone, ever. I’m just not that kind of person. You can trust me and on that you have my solemn word.”

  She snuggled up to the wall, pressing the full-length of her body against it. Then, rather unexpectedly, she felt her nipples stiffen against the wall and she let out a low surprised groan. She rotated her chest against the firm surface, relishing the movement. “Mmm,” she moaned. “That feels good, baby.” She turned her face against the wall and kissed it softly, her lips barely parted. Her hands clenched into fists and tentatively, her tongue slipped out from between her lips and ever so gently tasted the wall. “So sweet,” she whispered, and abruptly kissed the wall with more force, probing it with the tip of her tongue before opening her mouth wide and lapping at it, gyrating her entire body against it, grunting loudly.

  “Oh my God,” she cried suddenly, pushing away from the wall and turning her back to him. She folded her arms across her tingling breasts and said, “I don’t think I’m ready for this. It’s not tha
t I don’t want to…it’s just…” She trailed off, unsure of how to explain herself. “I just don’t think we should rush into it.” Facing the wall once more, she said, “I mean, don’t you agree? Anything worth having is worth waiting for, right?”

  She watched the wall expectantly with more than a little fear in her eyes. This was the test after all. The test to see if Wally was, in fact, everything she imagined he was. If he was worth her time…her trust…her love.

  A tense moment passed and the next thing she knew she was weeping with relief and gratitude. She rushed back to the wall and hugged it once again. “Oh, Wally. I’m so glad you feel the same way. We’ll have plenty of time for all that other stuff. Right now, we need to get to know everything about each other and not be too hasty, no matter how strong the attraction is.”

  She let her happy thankful tears stain the wall until they ceased falling and her breathing returned to normal. Taking a step back, she winked at the wall and poked it with her index finger. “And on that note, you big stud, I’m going to bed Alone!” Laughing joyously, she turned and ran from the room, knowing what a dirty tease she was and loving every second of it.

  It became harder and harder for her to think of anything but Wally. From the office, she took to calling him as much as eight times a day, leaving demure messages of love on the machine, sometimes being sinfully flirtatious, hoping it turned him on as he stood there listening. It certainly turned her on.

  She knew the time was rapidly approaching when neither of them would be able to wait any longer. Their lust became more undeniable with every passing day, and their make-out sessions grew longer and more intense. Breaking apart became increasingly difficult and, she knew, would soon be impossible.

  * * * * *

  The night they finally made love was not exactly spontaneous. Maybe to the wall it seemed that way, as she did feel a sense of surprise from him, but she had the entire thing planned. She had wanted to call the shots, to be the one in control, the one who decided it was time.

  The whole thing made her feel empowered and delightfully naughty.

  Together, she and Wally had shared a meal, as had become their custom and then watched a movie, this time of her choosing. She’d picked one of her favorites: Sleepless in Seattle. Wally didn’t seem all that interested and she knew that he thought he was being forced to watch a ‘chick flick’ but he perked up when she compared him to the ever-so-romantic and sweet Tom Hanks. After that, he paid close attention and the woman could tell he was even amused at the funny parts.

  She sighed contentedly, munching popcorn in the dim glow of the TV, her big strong man beside her. And even if he didn’t care that much for the movie, she didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it because she knew that afterwards she was going to give him something he would like very much indeed.

  When the end credits began to roll, she muted the TV and politely excused herself. “I have to use the ladies room to…” She smiled mischievously, “…to powder my nose.”

  Leaving him to wonder, she went into her bedroom and changed into a lacy black teddy bought just that afternoon for this very occasion.

  She returned quickly enough, pausing at the top of the stairs to let him take all of her in. “Like what you see?” she asked in her most sultry voice. “It’s all for you.”

  Barefoot, she slowly made her way down the three steps and crossed the room towards the wall, doing her best to swing her hips the way women in the movies did.

  Once she arrived at the wall, she tried to glare at it fiercely, imagining herself as a large jungle cat in heat. She jabbed it with a finger. “You have to do as I say, is that understood, mister? I’m the one in charge around here. I call the shots. You just stand there and be a good boy.”

  Fighting against a smile, she could tell her words excited Wally to the point where he was close to bursting. She briefly considered toying with him some more, prolonging his agony, but in doing so, she would be prolonging her own as well, and frankly, she just couldn’t wait another single moment to have him. To taste him. To feel his rough touch down there.

  She threw herself into the wall hard enough to cause bruises but all she felt was the electricity between them. She ravished the wall with her tongue, clawed at it, tried to climb it, sunk to her knees and licked and lapped and sucked and scraped against it until there were gouges in it and clumps of white paint between her teeth.

  Panting, she rose to her full height, a smoldering gaze on her face as she slipped the teddy off her shoulders and let it fall to her ankles. Very lady-like, she stepped out of it and then kicked it forcefully across the room and resumed fucking the wall.

  She raked her bare nipples back and forth until she cried out in pleasure and pain. Pulling back a little, she slid her hand over one breast and down her body, over her slightly rounded tummy, before dipping it into her moist aching pussy. She slid her fingers inside, groaning loudly, before pulling them out and smearing her juice on the wall.

  “You like that?” she growled. “You like the taste of that, don’t you? Who’s the bitch now, huh, big boy? Who’s the fucking bitch now?”

  Ramming her crotch against the wall, she had to reach down and spread herself open to get the full effect. She ground her body against Wally, moving up and down on the balls of her feet, the side of her face smashed into the wall, her hips pumping faster and faster as her voice rose and rose until she was nearly screaming.

  Her body exploded into an orgasm so intense that she could no longer keep herself standing. She crumpled to the floor and curled into the fetal position, her hands between her legs, coaxing out every last little spasm, her bare ass against Wally’s baseboard.

  It was a long time before she was able to speak and even longer before she could move her body. She felt as though she’d turned to jelly right there; a puddle of jelly.

  “Jesus,” she finally said, chuckling a little. “I told you it would be worth the wait, didn’t I?”

  She smiled at Wally’s response and made a soft cooing sound. “You’re the best I ever had too, darling. The absolute best.”

  A little while later, she went upstairs to fetch her pillow and a few blankets. She came back down and made her bed at the foot of the wall, sighing contentedly.

  Finally, she felt brave enough to say the words, though they were barely above a whisper: “I love you, Wally.”

  She fell into a blissful afterglow sleep and in the morning felt the happiest she’d ever been in her life, despite an aching back and a badly bruised pelvic bone.

  * * * * *

  Weeks passed and the woman could not believe her good fortune. She felt blessed. Who knew that true love would ever find her? She’d long ago resigned herself to the fact that she would be one of those people destined to spend their lives alone, sometimes having a few meaningless flings here and there, but always ultimately ending up alone and unsatisfied.

  In the past, she had often wondered if she was just being too choosy or perhaps she had no concept of what love really was. Now she knew that was wrong. She was neither too choosy nor too ignorant. She just hadn’t met the right guy. But now she had. Wally was the right guy. The perfect guy. Oh, sure, maybe not perfect for just anyone. But definitely perfect for her. They were perfect for each other.

  No one had ever understood her the way Wally did. No one had been as patient, as kind, as loving, as sweet, as strong. He was everything she’d ever hoped to find in a man—but she had become convinced that such a man didn’t exist except in her imagination.

  God, how wrong she’d been!

  Now she had finally found him and she had no intention of ever letting him go. They would build a happy life together, with a deep foundation of love and trust and friendship above all other things. Of course, the fact that the sex was fabulous didn’t hurt either. She was no fool! Every couple has to have an element of attraction in order for the relationship to work. Otherwise, like it or not, you’re really nothing more than best friends.

sp; But that was not a worry for her and Wally. They could talk and listen to each other, appreciate and respect the other’s feelings and therefore, they had all the right ingredients to make a long, happy, healthy relationship.

  And happy she was.

  More than once during this idyllic time, that old dirty word had crossed her mind: marriage.

  The thought made her happier than she could have ever imagined, but, as aggressive as she could be sexually, she was an old-fashioned girl at heart. She would wait for Wally to pop the question and she was quite certain he would and sooner, rather than later.

  She grinned to herself, fantasizing about their wedding day. What a handsome groom he would make. And she would, at long last, be the beautiful blushing bride.

  Oh, what a wondrous day it would be!


  One day that summer, the woman came home to find an odd patch on Wally. She regarded him with suspicion at first, wondering just what the hell he’d been up to while she’d been toiling away at the office, but upon closer inspection, she saw that the patch was greenish-black and somewhat fuzzy looking.

  A fungus of some kind.

  “Oh my God,” she said, pressing her hand to the wall a little higher than her own forehead. “Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? You don’t look well at all.”

  She noticed that the fungus was right around the same level as her own crotch and her heart skidded momentarily, but then she remembered that she and Wally hadn’t had sex for a few days so whatever it was, she had a pretty good feeling that she was safe from it.

  To make light of the situation, she said, “You haven’t been fooling around on me now, have you, sweetie?”


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