Appendix 5
Summary of Corrected Dates of Letters
L38 about Dec 1850 just before 2-27-1851 above, p. 268
L143 11-23-1853? just before 11-25-1852 p. 692
L161 spring 1854 soon after 5-10-1852 p. 259
L173 about 1854 shortly before 8-4-1854 pp. 323, 701–2
L180 10-16-1855 10-17-1855 Leyda 1:336
L185 early Aug 1856? early Aug 1858? p. 707
L189 about June 1858 summer 1859 Him 2; pp. 709, 710
L193 late Aug 1858? last half of Aug 1859 pp. 709, 710
L196 about Dec 1858 ca Dec 1859 Him 9; Var 1575
L199 about 1-4-1859 between 12-9-1859 and 1-7-1860 (12-29-1859?) pp. 388, 712
L205 early Apr 1859 Sept–Oct 1859 Him 2; p. 710
L216 1860? soon after 11-7-1860 pp. 422, 717
L219 about 1860 about spring 1861 Var 251
L220 about 1860 early 1861 Var 1575
L230 early March 1861? between Oct 1879 and summer 1883 pp. 673–74
L234 (Your letters are all real) 1861? late Oct or early Nov 1861 Leyda 2:37
L250 early 1862 spring 1861 Var 1275
L251 early 1862 spring or early summer 1861 Var 1275; p. 717
L252 early 1862 ca Christmas 1861 p. 717
L264 late May 1862 May or June 1863? p. 713
L267 mid-July 1862 mid-July 1863? p. 713
L283 about 1863 about 1862 Var 302
L298 1864? late Dec? 1862 Leyda 2:72
L299 about 1864 May? 1861 Leyda 2:28
L300 about 1864 soon after 6-8-1861 Leyda 2:28; p. 718
L317 spring 1866? soon after 4-12-1862 Imagery 25, 27; p. 416
L322 1866? soon after attempted robbery of 7-2-1867 Leyda 2:124; Ackmann 229; p. 512
L442 summer 1875 May 1875 pp. 545, 729
L465 about 1876 soon after Thanksgiving 1874 p. 569
L478 late Oct 1876? Sept 4, 5, or 6, 1880 pp. 587–88, 734
L526 Christmas 1877 between Dec 9 and 25, 1876 p. 564
L559, L560, L561, L562 (see Werner 287) about 1878 after Aug 1880? pp. 587–88
L563 about 1878 spring 1881? pp. 587–88
L591 early 1879? early 1878? p. 732
L600 about 1879 after Aug 1880? pp. 587–88
L643 about June 1880 early Apr or early Aug 1880 pp. 581, 733
L750 (second half, beginning “Door either”) 4–30–1882 11-11-1882 pp. 598–99, 610, 736
L888 early 1884 soon after 4-8-1884 WAD’s diary for 4-8-1884
All sound scholarship on Emily Dickinson rests on a vast amount of laborious and even heroic work by distinguished predecessors, chief among whom are Mabel Loomis Todd, George Frisbie Whicher, Millicent Todd Bingham, Thomas H. Johnson, Theodora Ward, Jay Leyda, Richard B. Sewall, and R. W. Franklin. Occupying a special niche on the short list is Martha Dickinson Bianchi, in spite of questions about her veracity and care. If I had space to acknowledge in detail what I have learned from these and later workers, certain names—particularly that of Leyda, a matchlessly resourceful explorer—would flood my notes. As it is, in those cases where I have gone to primary sources, I cite them without mentioning the scholarly forebears who pointed me toward them.
As a further space-saving measure, abbreviations have been adopted for a number of persons, libraries, named papers and collections, designated manuscripts, and publications.
AOT Amelia O. Tyler, 1819–1904
CDS Catharine Dickinson Sweetser, 1814–1895
CW Charles Wadsworth, 1814–1882
DWVF Deborah W. Vinal Fiske, 1805 or 1806–1844
EBW Elizabeth Wooster Baldwin Whitney, 1824–1912
EdD Edward Dickinson, 1803–1874
ED Emily Dickinson, 1830–1886
EDC Elizabeth Dickinson Currier, 1823–1886
EFF Emily Fowler Ford, 1826–1893
EH Jr Edward Hitchcock, Jr. (Ned), 1828–1911
ELN Emily Lavinia Norcross, 1828–1852
END Emily Norcross Dickinson, 1804–1882
FHB Frances H. Boltwood, 1807–1881
FN Frances Lavinia Norcross, 1847–1896
HHJ Helen Fiske Hunt Jackson, 1830–1885
HP Hannah Porter, 1797–1869
HVE Henry Vaughan Emmons, 1832–1912
JAS Joseph A. Sweetser, 1809–1874
JFJ John Franklin Jameson, 1859–1937
JGH Josiah Gilbert Holland, 1819–1881
JL Joseph B. Lyman, 1829–1872
JN Joel Norcross, 1776–1846
LDB Lucretia Dickinson Bullard, 1806–1885
LGD Lucretia Gunn Dickinson, 1775–1840
LMB Lucius Manlius Boltwood, 1825–1905
LNN Lavinia Norcross Norcross, 1812–1860
Lord Otis Phillips Lord, 1812–1884
Loring Loring Norcross, 1808–1863
MCW Mary C. Whitman, 1809–1875
MDB Martha Dickinson Bianchi (Mattie), 1866–1943
MDN Mary Dickinson Newman, 1809–1852
MGS Martha Gilbert Smith, 1827 or 1828–1895
MLB Mary Learned Bartlett, 1824–1893
MLT Mabel Loomis Todd, 1856–1932
MTB Millicent Todd Bingham, 1880–1968
MW Maria Whitney, 1830–1910
Ned Edward Dickinson, 1861–1898
SB Samuel Bowles, 1826–1878
SCB Samuel Colcord Bartlett, 1817–1898
SFD Samuel Fowler Dickinson, 1775–1838
SFD Jr Samuel Fowler Dickinson, Jr., 1811–1886
SJL Samuel J. Learned, 1823–1892
Sue Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson, 1830–1913
SVN Sarah Vaill Norcross, 1788–1854
TDG Thomas Dwight Gilbert, 1815–1894
TWH Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 1823–1911
Vin Lavinia Norcross Dickinson (Vinnie), 1833–1899
WAD William Austin Dickinson (Austin), 1829–1895
WDW William Dwight Whitney, 1827–1894
WON William Otis Norcross, 1806–1863
A Amherst College Library, Archives and Special Collections
AAS American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts
BPL Boston Public Library/Rare Books Department
C Special Collections, Tutt Library, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado
CL Congregational Library, Boston
D Special Collections, Dartmouth College Library
H Houghton Library, Harvard University. Citations followed by this letter only, with no shelf mark, are to the Dickinson Family Papers, bMS Am 1118.95. *209
J Jones Library, Amherst, Massachusetts
LC Library of Congress
M Monson Free Library, Monson, Massachusetts
MA Arch Massachusetts Archives at Columbia Point, Boston
MH Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections
MHS Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston
NEHGS New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston
NYPL New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City
P Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia
PTS Library of Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
RD Registry of Deeds
RP Registry of Probate
Y-BRBL Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Library
Y-MSSA Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library
Alumnae Alumnae Biographical File, MH
Ames Papers Mary Clemmer Ames Papers, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, Fremont, Ohio
Amh Coll Ch Records of the Church of Christ in Amherst College, A
Andover Alumni Alumni Files, Andover Theological Seminary Archives, Franklin Trask Library, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton, Massachusetts
AP Papers Andrew Porter Papers, MH
Bianchi Coll Martha Dickinson Bianchi Papers, John Hay Library, Brown University
Bolt MS/Boltwood Family Papers, Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
Bowd St Ch Records of the Bowdoin Street Church, Boston, CL
Bullock Papers Alexander H. Bullock Papers, AAS
CT Headstone Connecticut Headstone Inscriptions: Charles R. Hale Collection, Connecticut State Library
CT Misc Connecticut Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection, Y-MSSA
Doc Hitch Edward (AC 1849) and Mary Judson Hitchcock Family Papers, A
Dun R. G. Dun & Co. Collection, Baker Library, Harvard Business School
Earle Papers Pliny Earle Papers, AAS
EDR Dickinson family books, Emily Dickinson Room, Houghton Library, Harvard University
EFF Papers Emily Fowler Ford Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, NYPL
Emerson Emerson, Ellen, to Edith Forbes (transcriptions). Emerson Family Papers, bMS Am 1280.235, box 30, vols. 13–14, H
FF Papers Ford Family Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, NYPL
GLF Papers Gordon L. Ford Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, NYPL
HHJ Papers Helen Hunt Jackson Papers, C
Hills Papers Hills Family Papers, A
Jameson Papers J. Franklin Jameson Papers, LC
JGH Papers Josiah Gilbert Holland Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, NYPL
Lyman Papers Lyman Family Papers, Y-MSSA
MCW Papers Mary C. Whitman Papers, MH
ML Coll Mary Lyon Collection, MH
MLT Papers Mabel Loomis Todd Papers, Y-MSSA
Monson Ch Records of the First Church of Monson, Monson, Massachusetts (documents at church; microfilm at M)
MTB Papers Millicent Todd Bingham Papers, Y-MSSA
MVR Massachusetts Vital Records (microfilm at NEHGS)
Olmsted Papers Frederick Law Olmsted Papers, LC
SB Let Letters of Samuel Bowles to Austin and/or Susan Dickinson, bMS Am 1118.8, H
SB Papers Samuel Bowles Papers, Y-MSSA
SCB Papers Samuel Colcord Bartlett Papers, D
Seelye Papers Julius H. Seelye Papers, A
Summit Summit or Mountain House Registers, Historic Northampton, Northampton, Massachusetts
Sumner Papers Charles Sumner Papers, bMS Am 1, H
Taggard Papers Genevieve Taggard Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, NYPL
Tyler Papers William Seymour Tyler Papers, A
WDW Papers William Dwight Whitney Family Papers, Y-MSSA
Willard Papers Emma Willard Family Papers, A
Ackmann Ackmann, Martha. “The Matrilineage of Emily Dickinson.” Ph.D. dissertation: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1988.
Address Dickinson, Samuel Fowler. An Address Delivered at Northampton, before the Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin, Agricultural Society, October 27, 1831. Amherst: Adams, 1831.
Allen Allen, Mary Adèle. Around a Village Green: Sketches of Life in Amherst. Northampton, Mass.: Kraushar Press, 1939.
Amh Acad Tuckerman, Frederick. Amherst Academy: A New England School of the Past 1814–1861. Amherst: Trustees, 1929.
Amh Rec Amherst Record (newspaper, 1868–).
Andover General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary Andover Massachusetts 1808–1908. Boston: Thomas Todd, Printer, 1909.
“Annals” Dickinson, Susan Huntington Gilbert. “Annals of the Evergreens.” H.
Austin & Mabel Longsworth, Polly. Austin and Mabel. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1984.
Baym Baym, Nina. “God, Father, and Lover in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” In Emory Elliott, ed. Puritan Influences in American Literature. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1979. Pp. 193–209.
Bench Davis, William T. Bench and Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2 vols. Boston: Boston History Co., 1895.
Benfey Benfey, Christopher E. G. Emily Dickinson and the Problem of Others. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.
Bernhard Bernhard, Mary Elizabeth Kromer. “Portrait of a Family: Emily Dickinson’s Norcross Connection.” New England Quarterly 60 (Sept. 1987) 363–81.
Bio Rec Amherst College Biographical Record 1973. Amherst: Trustees, 1973.
Bliss Bliss, Daniel. The Reminiscences of Daniel Bliss. New York: Revell, 1920)
Brocades Bingham, Millicent Todd. Ancestors’ Brocades: The Literary Debut of Emily Dickinson. New York: Harper, 1945.
Buckingham Buckingham, Willis J., ed. Emily Dickinson’s Reception in the 1890s: A Documentary History. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989.
Bullard Bullard, Asa. Incidents in a Busy Life. An Autobiography. Boston: Congregational Sunday-School & Publishing Society, 1888.
Burgess Burgess, John W. Reminiscences of an American Scholar. New York: AMS Press, 1966.
Calvary Wilson, Carol Green. Calvary through the Years. San Francisco: Calvary Presbyterian Church, 1929 (copy at P).
Capsule Ward, Theodora Van Wagenen. The Capsule of the Mind: Chapters in the Life of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.
Carlyle’s Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Carlyle’s Laugh and Other Surprises. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1968.
Carp Carpenter, Edward W., and Charles F. Morehouse. The History of the Town of Amherst, Massachusetts. Amherst: Carpenter and Morehouse, 1896.
Cody Cody, John. After Great Pain: The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971.
Comic Power Juhasz, Suzanne, Cristanne Miller, and Martha Nell Smith. Comic Power in Emily Dickinson. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.
Conant Conant, Frank P. God’s Stewards: Samuel and Emily Williston. Easthampton, Mass.: Williston Northampton School, 1991.
Conforti Conforti, Joseph A. Jonathan Edwards, Religious Tradition, and American Culture. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.
Cooke Cooke, George. “Reminiscences of the North Parish, Amherst, Mass., from Oct. 1838 to March 1858” (1883). AAS.
“Country Girl” Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. “Recollections of a Country Girl 18 to 1900 (1935).” Bianchi Coll.
Craik, Head [Craik, Dinah Mulock]. The Head of the Family. A Novel. New York: Harper, 1852.
Craik, Olive [Craik, Dinah Mulock]. Olive. A Novel. 3 vols. London: Chapman & Hall, 1850.
Cullum Cullum, George W. Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. New York:
Van Nostrand, 1868.
DAB Dictionary of American Biography
Dall Lavinia Norcross Dickinson to Caroline H. Dall, Jan. 29, 1895, Emily Dickinson Collection (no. 7658), Clifton Waller Barrett Library, The Albert H. Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia Library.
Dandurand Dandurand, Karen. “Dickinson and the Public.” In Martin Orzeck and Robert Weisbuch, ed. Dickinson and Audience. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996. Pp. 255–77.
Desc Smith, Elinor V., comp. Descendants of Nathaniel Dickinson. N.p.: Dickinson Family Assoc., 1978.
Diary Lavinia Norcross Dickinson’s 1851 diary. H.
Discourses Discourses, and Speeches, Delivered at the Celebration of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., July 18th and 19th, 1854. New York: Gray, 1855.
Dobson Dobson, Joanne. Dickinson and the Strategies of Reticence. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Eberwein Eberwein, Jane Donahue. Dickinson: Strategies of Limitation. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1985.
EDE Eberwein, Jane Donahue, ed. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998.
EDIS Bull Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin
EDJ Emily Dickinson Journal
Endow King, Stanley. A History of the Endowment of Amherst College. Amherst: Amherst College, 1950.
��s Bible Edward Dickinson’s family record in Emily Norcross Dickinson’s Bible. New York: Daniel D. Smith, 1825. EDR 1.6.6.
England England, Martha Winburn. “Emily Dickinson and Isaac Watts: Puritan Hymnodists.” Bulletin of the New York Public Library 69 (Feb. 1965) 83–116.
“Evangel” Habegger, Alfred. “Evangelicalism and Its Discontents: Hannah Porter versus Emily Dickinson.” New England Quarterly 70 (Sept. 1997) 386–414.
FF Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. Emily Dickinson Face to Face. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1932.
The following ledgers from the Dickinsons’ church are at J, under MS:Amherst–First Church:
First #1 Records, 1820–1855.
First #2 Records, 1854–1890.
First #3 Directories (“Catalogue of the Pastors and Deacons and Members . . .”).
First #4 Records, 1840–1881 (Parish Record Book).
First #5 Membership, ca. 1830–1880 (“A Register of Families and Individuals in the Parish . . .”)
FN Jenkins, MacGregor. Emily Dickinson: Friend and Neighbor. Boston: Little, Brown, 1939.
FN/ED Frances Norcross’s transcribed excerpts from Emily Dickinson’s letters to her and Louisa Norcross, MLT Papers 69:19. (This item forms part of MLT/ED, listed below.)
Funeral Funeral Services of the Rev. Charles Wadsworth...of Philadelphia, April 4, 1882. Address by the Rev. John DeWitt. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Printing Co., [1882].
Gelpi Gelpi, Albert J. Emily Dickinson: The Mind of the Poet. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Gillett “Early Recollections of Mrs. Edward Bates Gillett” (transcript). Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield, Mass.
God’s Culture Wadsworth, Charles. God’s Culture. Extracts from a Sermon. Philadelphia: Bradley, 1876.
Graves Graves, Gertrude M. “A Cousin’s Memories of Emily Dickinson.” Boston Sunday Globe, Jan. 12, 1930, p. 41.
Green Green, Clara Bellinger. “A Reminiscence of Emily Dickinson.” The Bookman (New York) 60 (Nov. 1924) 291–93.
Hammond Hammond, William Gardiner. Remembrance of Amherst: An Undergraduate’s Diary 1846–1848. George F. Whicher, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946.
Hart Hart, Ellen Louise. “The Encoding of Homoerotic Desire: Emily Dickinson’s Letters and Poems to Susan Dickinson, 1850–1886.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 9.2 (fall 1990) 251–72.
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