THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1)

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THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1) Page 12

by Tracy Lorraine

  He places his hands on his knees and sucks in a few breaths but even still, my legs stay put refusing to listen to my head and get the hell out of there.

  It’s not until he stands and turns that his eyes find me standing beside a tree like a stalker.

  “What the fuck?” he barks, his eyes widening in fright and his hand coming up to cover his heart.

  It’s only now that my feet agree to move and I take a step back just as his eyes narrow in anger.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at school?”

  My eyebrow quirks up. “Shouldn’t you be at school drinking in all the praise from your posse after showing me for what I really am?”

  “And what’s that exactly?”

  “A whore who sucks off anyone for the right price.”

  His chest swells as he sucks in a deep breath before releasing it on a growl. Then he’s stepping forward toward me. I should probably be scared but for some reason I know that he’s not going to hurt me. Not physically anyway.

  “What did I tell you about calling yourself that?”

  “It’s a little late to be concerned about what people think of me, don’t you think? The whole school is probably back there talking about what a slut I am while wanting to congratulate you on being able to get me on my knees mere seconds after meeting you. I hope you achieved whatever it was you were aiming for with that little stunt.”

  “Nowhere fucking near.” His voice is so quiet that I’m not sure I actually hear right.

  “What exactly is your problem with me, Jake? I’ve done nothing to you. All I did was turn up after having my life turned upside down. I don’t deserve any of this bullshit from you and you know it.”

  “My problem. Oh, Brit, I have so many that I don’t know where one ends and another begins.”

  Placing my hand on my hip, I jut it out, waiting because what he just said is nowhere near enough for me to back down.

  “You didn’t do anything, okay? It’s what you stand for, where you’ve come from that I’ve got an issue with.”

  “London?” I ask, lines forming on my forehead in confusion.

  “No, not London,” he says, mimicking my accent. “Your world full of fake, plastic, privileged assholes who think the world owes them something just because they’re beautiful.”

  “How’s that my fault? I was born into that.”

  “It just is.” His voice is so low and menacing that it makes my mouth go dry.

  He takes one more step toward me and I’ve no choice but to step back if I don’t want us to collide, only when I do, I crash into a tree.

  His eyes drop from mine and take in my barely covered chest. My breasts swell under his intense scrutiny and my nipples pucker against the thin fabric, much to his delight.

  “So what are you going to do about it, Brit?” He closes the space between us, and I fight to drag some air into my lungs.

  “I have a name, you know.” My voice is a breathy whisper and I chastise myself for falling under his spell. He knows he’s hot and damn him for using it to his advantage.

  “I know. You have a lot of other things too.”

  “Wha—” My words are cut off as his nose runs along the line of my jaw. I drag in a shaky breath and he chuckles.

  “You love how much you hate me.” It’s not a question, so I don’t bother responding, not that I think I’m capable right now.

  He continues toward my ear and when his warm breath breezes past the sensitive skin, my entire body shudders.

  “I bet you’re so fucking wet for me right now. Just like you were in the pool. Shall I find out if I’m right?”

  His words are enough for the fog to clear for a few seconds. He must sense the change in me because he pulls back and his dark, dangerous eyes find mine. “You don’t touch whores, rem—”

  I don’t get to finish the sentence before his lips slam down on mine and they get lost. His tongue sweeps into my shocked, open mouth and finds mine. My head screams to pull away from him, to slap him for being so presumptuous but my body, that sags back against the tree, my knees damn near giving way. Thankfully, he pushes his knee between my legs and presses his body tight against mine, keeping me in place.

  His hands skim up my sides. The gentleness of his touch causing goosebumps to erupt across my entire body.

  A low moan vibrates up his throat and I swear I feel it down to my toes. Lifting my arms I place them over his shoulders, my fingers twisting in the short hair at the nape of his neck and I fall further and further under his spell.

  My lungs are burning for air when he eventually pulls away from my lips but he by no means stops. Kissing down my neck, his fingers run down the edge of my bikini top, slipping inside to pinch my pebbled nipple.

  A loud gasp fills the air around us, but I don’t realise it falls from my lips. “Oh fuck,” I moan when his fingers are replaced by his hot mouth and my sensitive peak is sucked deep, his tongue circling and sending a strong bolt of electricity down between my legs.

  Knowing exactly what I need, his fingers brush the skin of my stomach and slip inside my shorts when they find the waistband. There’s no hesitation in his actions, he knows exactly what he wants and exactly what he’s doing.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” I chant, focusing on what’s about to come and forgetting every ounce of reality that I should be focusing on right now.

  We’re just two young adults, hidden under the darkness of the trees in a moment of unadulterated passion. Just two bodies taking exactly what they need and forgetting the consequences of real life and what could happen when this is all over. Regrets mean nothing as my body races toward finding the release I didn’t realise I was desperate for until his hands landed on me.

  His fingers push inside my knickers and almost immediately find my clit.

  “Jesus, Brit,” he moans, finding me totally ready for him. He kisses across my chest, pulling the other side of my bikini away and giving that breast the same treatment as his finger delves deeper to find my entrance.

  Dropping my hands, I run them down over the muscles of his stomach reveling in the fact they dance under my fingertips. When I meet the top of his shorts, I slip them inside but slide my hand around to his arse, squeezing tightly and pressing his erection harder into my hip. He moans, his hips thrusting against me to find some friction.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” he moans, slipping another digit inside me and bringing my release almost within touching distance. “Fuck, yes, Come on my fingers, Brit.”

  His lips find mine once again, his tongue slipping past my lips to explore everything he can, his thumb presses down on my clit and my muscles tighten down on him. He groans. The sound along with the vibrations is enough to push me over. He swallows down my cries as pleasure races through my body. His hand grips my waist and his body presses me harder into the tree to keep me upright, the pleasure threatening to floor me.

  I’ve just barely come down from my high when he pulls back slightly. His usually dark blue eyes are black with his desire, his face pulled tight, and it’s enough to have little aftershocks shooting around my body.

  Jake looks down at his hand where he’s just pulled it from my shorts, I’m not sure if he’s considering cutting it off after touching me or what, but what I’m not expecting is for him to lift it to his lips and suck them deep into his mouth.

  I can’t help myself. I reach for him, not ready for this truce between us to be over. I run my hands up his chest and wrap one around the back of his neck. Lowering his hand, he stares down at me. His eyes run over every inch of my face, it’s almost like he’s seeing me for the first time which is crazy.

  “Jake, I need—”

  My words are cut off by a loud shout from the other side of the trees. “Thorn, you in there, man?”

  “Fuck.” Releasing his hold on me, he backs away. I hate the disappointment that races through me, but losing his touch causes a coldness to hit me that I wasn’t expecting.

Jake?” His name is merely a plea on my lips, and I hate how desperate I sound for a boy I hate.

  “Don’t,” he snaps, looking toward where the shout came from.


  “Yeah, I’m coming. Wait in the trailer, yeah?”

  “Sure thing, man.”

  Trailer? What?

  Turning his hard eyes on me, I swallow as a little fear creeps up my throat. “This never happened.”


  “Just forget it,” he barks, leaving no argument. “Take it as an apology for that fucking picture.” Reaching out, he takes my chin in his hand, his grip stings but I’m powerless to pull away. His lips crash against mine for one more knee-weakening kiss before he pushes away with such force that I stumble on something and tumble to the ground.

  His eyes flash with concern as I moan in pain, but he does nothing. Without another word, he picks up his shirt that’s been discarded on the dirt and disappears from my sight.

  “Fuck,” I grunt, falling back to the ground. What the fuck did I just do?



  My chest heaves and my head spins as I make my way out of the trees and away from her. Confusion runs through my veins. I shouldn’t have touched her, I should have just left the moment I found her watching me, but I couldn’t fucking resist. The tempting swell of her small but perfect breasts hiding behind those tiny scraps of fabric, the smooth, toned skin of her stomach that had my mouth watering and the pathetic excuse for a pair of shorts. I didn’t get a chance to check from behind but I’m pretty sure they did a shit job of covering her ass.

  As I emerge into the afternoon sun, I can tell myself as much as I like that I shouldn’t have done it, but the reality is that my body is demanding that I turn around and finish the job I started. No, if I’m really honest then I want to go back and make sure she’s okay after I pushed her away. The little squeal of pain she let out when she hit the ground rings in my ears. I know she hurt herself and I’m a total asshole for leaving her. But isn’t that what you want her to think?

  Shaking the thought from my head, I focus on what I’m about to walk into. Holding my t-shirt in front of the raging hard-on she caused that’s still tenting my sweatpants.

  Ethan and Mason’s voices rumble through the thin walls of my trailer. I’ve not spoken to Mason since Dash so I can only assume that he’s here to give me another asswhipping for my recent actions.

  Pulling the door open, I make sure I’m covering my lingering excitement, although I’m fairly sure it’ll vanish the second my eyes land on those two.

  Their conversation stops the moment I step inside the trailer and two narrowed pairs of eyes turn to me.

  “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “Just working out.”

  “Really? Wanna try telling us that when you haven’t got girl all over your face.” Panicking, I lift my shirt to rub at my lips. “Fucking hell, Thorn, really?”

  “What the fuck ever. I’m going to shower.”

  “I don’t want to hear you sorting that little situation out, man.”

  Flipping them both off, I head toward the bathroom, turn the shower on and drop my sweats. My cock bobs between my legs, taunting me with memories of how I ended up in this state in the first place. I can still taste her sweetness on my tongue, the softness of her skin, the soft moans and mewls that fell from her lips as I brought her to orgasm.

  My cock’s hard as fucking steel again but nothing short of her touch will relieve it and that pisses me off more than anything. Not only can I not get her out of my head but now I need her, and I never want to need anyone in my life, ever. Needing someone means handing a part of you over, a part that can be smashed to pieces without a second thought. I will not allow anyone to have any part of me, no matter how small.

  Turning the water to cold, I stand there thinking about anything but her body that might allow my cock to return to normal so I can go out and face whatever those two have come to talk about.

  “Who was she?” Mason snaps the second I reappear.

  “Oh... uh... Chelsea?” I don’t mean for it to come out like a question, but it’s the only name I can think of without revealing the truth.

  “Fuck off, do you really think we’ll believe that?”

  Shrugging, I grab a couple of beers and toss them over to my pissed off friends.

  “One…” Mason starts. “Chelsea was in my class last period, so I know she wasn’t here. And two, you don’t kiss, and you certainly don’t kiss sluts like Chelsea. So come on, out with it before we start jumping to conclusions.”

  “It was no one.”

  “It was her, wasn’t it?” Ethan asks.

  “Enough,” I bark. “Did you two just come here to give me a hard time about who I kiss or was there a point to your visit?”

  “We came to knock some sense into you.”

  Placing my bottle down on the counter, I look between my two best friends. I take a step forward, hands by my side. “Go on then.”

  “We didn’t mean literally, Jake.”

  “No? I probably deserve it.”

  “Fucking right you do. That stunt you pulled today was unforgivable.”

  She didn’t seem to have a problem with it a few moments ago. The words are right on the tip of my tongue, but I somehow manage to keep them in. No one aside from the two of us needs to know what happened in the trees this afternoon.

  Shrugging once again, I grab my beer and fall down onto the couch now that I know they’re not going to take a swing at me.

  “This is fucking ridiculous, Thorn. You’re ruining her fucking life. How can you not care? I know you’re an asshole, but this is insane.”

  “I care. I care about her dragging up stuff that I’d rather was left in the past.”

  Ethan’s face twists in confusion, but Mason knows more than most.

  “None of that is her fault,” he fumes. “Just leave her to get on with her life.”

  “You want her?” My voice comes out calmer than I’m feeling as the realization hits me as to why he’s always trying to defend her.

  “What? No, I don’t fucking want her.”

  “You sure? You seem to be on her side a lot of the time.”

  “Yeah, because you’re acting like a prick and I’m ashamed to be your friend right now.”

  “No one’s forcing you.” Taking a swig of my beer, I look away from him so he can’t see how I really feel about that suggestion.

  “Fuck you, Jake. You won’t listen to my advice, then carry the fuck on. Ruin that girl’s life just to spite yourself. All you’re doing is trying to cover up how much you want her, we can all see it. I’ve no problem allowing you to fuck all this up so badly that she’ll never look at you again, let alone touch you.”

  “I don’t fucking want her,” I seethe, standing like Mason so I can stare right into his eyes.

  The fucker has the audacity to laugh. He full-on chuckles in my face. It makes my blood boil.

  “So that wasn’t her lipstick smeared all over your face when you walked in then? Don’t forget, we also know where she lives.”

  My hands clench with my need to wipe the smug look off his fucking face as he prepares to continue.

  “What if I were to tell you that I did want her? What if I were to tell you that I’d already invited her to Shane’s party Saturday night and she’d said yes? What if I told you that I intended to fuck her into next—”

  “Argh,” I roar, flying at him and slamming my fist into his cheek.

  “Enough,” Ethan demands from behind me, his hands wrapping around my upper arms to pull me from my best friend.

  Turning me, his hands slam down on my chest, forcing me to back up and away from Mason.

  “You need to pull your head out of your ass, Jake. You want her, so stop fucking around before you screw things up so badly that you regret it.”

  I push forward against Ethan, but his hold is too strong.

  “I might not wa
nt her, but there are enough guys at school who do. You put her front and center of their thoughts today and all of them want a piece of her, none more so than Shane. You need to make her yours before someone else does.”

  “I don’t fucking want her,” I lie, the words falling seamlessly from my lips.

  “I give up,” Mason says, his hands up in defeat before disappearing from sight, the door slamming and the trailer shaking with his departure.

  Ethan lets up his hold, walks back over to the couch and pulls a pre-rolled joint from his pocket. Flicking his lighter, he takes a drag before offering it to me.

  I take it from him and take a long hit, my muscles immediately start to relax. “So what have you got to say about all this?” I ask, realizing for the first time that he mostly sat there silently while Mason went off on me.

  “I feel like I’m missing a huge part of this picture, but I also agree with Mase. You just need to fuck her and get it out of your system.”

  “Is she really going to Shane’s party Friday night?”

  “Fuck knows, man. But if he has anything to say about it, then she’ll be there, he’s been following her around like a lost fucking puppy since she arrived. And if you ask me—”

  “I didn’t.”

  “If you ask me, at the rate you’re going, she’d be better off with him.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “Really?” he asks, his eyebrows practically hitting his hairline.

  “Yeah, I won’t allow it though.”

  A small smile twitches at the corner of his mouth and my stomach drops. I may as well just have admitted how badly I want her.



  “Shit, what happened?” Camila asks the second I drop down into her car the next morning. I’m not surprised, the huge bandage on my arm is kind of impossible to miss.

  When Gran got home and found me trying to patch it up with gauze, she was insistent that she took me to the ER and get it looked at properly. I tried arguing but stood little chance against her, especially when she started going on about how it would be what my parents wanted.


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