THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1)

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THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1) Page 18

by Tracy Lorraine

  He snorts and I rear back.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Come off it, Brit. You’ve got supermodel written all over you, just like your mother. You’re worth too much money not to force you into that world.”

  Pushing the chair out behind me with a loud screech, I stand and place my palms on the table. My breath races past my lips as I fight to keep control of my anger.

  “For your information, my parents were good people. Yes, the industry they were in can be questioned a million ways and trust me when I say that I’ve done so, many many times. And yes, I might have the right look, but my parents would never, ever push me to do something I didn’t want. I have always refused to be a part of that world. No amount of money could get me on that side of a camera doing some of the things those models do.”

  Jake visibly pales, but I don’t want to hang around to find out why. Instead, I dart from the table and toward the exit, only he’s quicker. His warm fingers wrap around my wrist and I’m forced to stop.

  His body heat burns my back as he steps up to me and his breath tickles my ear. I shudder when his fingers tickle across the sliver of skin his tied up shirt reveals at my waist.

  “I’m sorry. I was being an asshole.”

  “I’m getting used to it,” I snap.

  “Please come and sit back down. Just to eat and then you can go and never look back.”

  Something aches inside my chest at the idea of walking away from him for good. It’s what I should be doing because he’s right, he’s an asshole. But for some reason, I’m a little bit addicted to him. A glutton for punishment or some shit because despite knowing better, I just keep coming back for more.

  “Fine, but only because I’m hungry.”

  He releases me. I hate myself for it, but I immediately miss his contact.

  When I turn back toward our table, the waitress is just placing two giant plates down. The sight of the food has my stomach rumbling. The scent of the bacon, eggs, and pancakes hits my nose as I retake my seat and my mouth waters. He might be right about something, this looks amazing.

  We eat in silence, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel his stare every time he looks up at me. I refuse to meet his eyes in fear he somehow managed to stop being pissed off and looks at me with his vulnerable eyes instead. I knew he was jumping to some kinds of conclusions about me. If I’m honest, I thought it was to do with money. It’s no secret that my parents were very successful and wealthy, whereas it’s becoming more and more obvious that he doesn’t have all that much.

  “Why do you live at the bottom of your aunt and uncle’s garden?” The words are out before I have a chance to stop them.

  “It’s where I belong,” he says sadly.

  “Jake, that’s not—”

  “It’s exactly what it is. You’re not the only one who thinks I’m a waste of good oxygen.” The honesty in his words is enough to kill any response that was on my tongue. “I’m not what everyone at school thinks I am. But pretending is better than reality. I just need to graduate and then I’m out of here.”

  “To where?”

  “Anywhere. I don’t care, I just need a fresh start somewhere no one knows me.”

  “What about college?”

  My brows draw together when he laughs. “You really think I can afford to go to college? You’ve seen where I live.”

  “I know but—”

  “No buts. It is what it is. The second I’m done with high school, I’m starting again. I don’t give a shit where or what job I work to pay for it.”

  “Surely you could get a scholarship or something,” I muse, not really understanding how it all works yet.

  He shrugs. “Doubt it.”

  “Have you even looked into it?”

  “Can you drop it, please?”

  The desperation in his eyes means I do as he asks, for now. I don’t know him all that well, but I do know he’s better than to throw away the idea of college quite so easily.

  The rest of our time in the diner is in silence. But it’s not uncomfortable like it could be. Jake has slipped back into his softer side, the one I know he doesn’t show a lot of people. It makes me wonder why he’s dropping his guard with me.

  “I should get you home before your gran worries.”

  “It’s okay, she knows I went to a party last night. I can’t imagine she was expecting me.”

  Jake swallows nervously. “About last night.”

  “What about it?”

  “Someone spiked your drink.”

  “Seems that way. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Shane though. Please don’t do anything stupid.” I feel like the stupid one the second the words fall from my lips. Why would he do something stupid to protect someone he hates?

  “I will find out who it was and they’ll fucking pay.”

  Reaching over the table, I place my hand down on his, the warmth spreading all the way up my arm. “No, Jake. Just leave it, please. I don’t need you fighting my battles.”

  “What if I want to?”

  The waitress returns with the bill and Jake pulls out his wallet.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, obviously finding it emptier than he was expecting.

  “It’s okay, I’ve got it.”

  Handing over some cash, he stiffens at the other side of the table. His lips pressing into a thin line and the muscle in his neck pulsing.

  I want to ask about his last comment but I don’t get the chance because a shadow falls over us.

  “Well, well, well, isn’t this cozy.”

  I know the voice, I don’t need to look up to confirm who it is. Instead, I keep my eyes on Jake’s. They harden instantly, his shutters coming down putting an end to whatever kind of moment we were just having.

  “Brit’s just leaving.”

  My chin drops in shock.

  “What are you even doing? Having breakfast together?” Chelsea asks. Total disbelief for what she’s seeing clear in her voice. “Your looks might get you whatever you want in London, but they won’t work here.”

  Chelsea juts her hip out, impatiently waiting for me to move but I ignore her and focus on Jake.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I whisper but it’s not quiet enough.

  “Jesus, you really are a whore, begging for him to want you.”

  Jake’s eyes stay locked on mine but I can’t read anything in them. The boy who was here expressing his need to protect me has long gone. Taking three calming breaths, I push myself from the seat, preparing to go nose to nose with the school bitch.

  “You’re in my seat.”

  I stand and just like the first time we met in the principal’s office, she has to look up at me and I can’t help the smirk that twitches at my lips. She must fucking hate it.

  “I thought you’d be too good to be spending time in this part of town.”

  She visibly pales. I might not really have a clue where we are right now, but it was obvious on the journey here that it’s not the nicest area. I didn’t think too much of it after Jake said he wanted to get away but as I stare into Chelsea’s emerald eyes it suddenly dawns on me. He’s ashamed. He came here with me so we could hide.

  “I’m done with this bullshit. You’re more than welcome to him.”

  “Like he’d ever go anywhere near someone like you. He’s always been mine.”

  My body stills, my need to argue with her threatening to get the better of me. My shoulders tighten and my emotions burning the back of my throat creeps its way up to my eyes. When a guy starts heading my way, I’m forced to move and thankfully it’s toward the door. I don’t need the kind of drama Chelsea can bring in my life.

  I briefly glance back over my shoulder, I find the guy who walked in with his arm around Chelsea. He’s vaguely familiar, I wonder briefly who it is seeing as he’s obviously older than her but the stare I feel from the booth I just vacated is too strong to ignore.

  Our eyes lock, something flickers through his but it’s gone too quick
ly to be able to read.

  The tears that were burning my eyes threaten to drop and I run. Racing down the street, I find an alley and slip down it to allow me a little privacy to fall apart.

  My back hits the wall and I slide down until my arse hits the dirty ground. A sob erupts from my throat and I drop my head into my hands. How could I have been so stupid to believe he actually wanted to spend time with me. He just wanted to use me as a dirty little secret.

  I think back to how sweet he’s been, and it only makes me cry harder. I shouldn’t like him. I shouldn’t care. But there’s so much more to Jake Thorn than he allows the world to see. For some reason he’s given me a glimpse of the broken boy hiding beneath the surface and I can’t help but want more.

  Stupid, stupid girl.

  Once my tears subside, realisation hits me. I’ve no idea where I am and no clue how to get home.

  Pulling my bag onto my lap, I dig around until I find my phone at the bottom amongst a load of receipts and coins. Thankfully, the battery’s not dead, although it is at fifteen percent thanks to the stream of messages, missed calls and voicemails that I’ve totally missed from Camila and Shane.

  Guilt sits heavy in my stomach that they’ve no idea where I am or if I’m okay or not. Do they even know I left with Jake last night?

  Hitting call on Camila’s number, I put my phone to my ear and listen to it ring.

  When she eventually picks up, it’s clear I’ve woken her. Her voice is deep and rough with sleep but she soon sobers when memories of last night must hit her.

  “Amalie? Where the hell are you? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Is there any chance you could do me a favour?”

  “Of course.”

  I explain briefly where I am, listing of a few places I can see from my hiding place. Thankfully, Camila knows and promises to be there in no more than thirty minutes. I can already tell by the tone of her voice that I’ve got a million questions coming my way.

  I want to go and get more coffee but the thought of running into Jake again is enough to make me stay put. Seeing him in school is going to be bad enough after everything that happened between us.



  It’s only twenty minutes later when I spot Camila’s car pull up to the curb. Dragging my exhausted body from the ground, I brush the dirt from my butt and head her way. As instructed, she stays in the car and in seconds, I’m pulling the passenger door open and climbing in.

  “What the fuck is going on, Amalie? You get carried out of a party off your fucking face by your worst enemy and now I’m here picking you up. You’ve got some serious explaining to do.”

  “Take me somewhere quiet for coffee and I’ll explain. Not Aces,” I quickly add before she even suggests it.

  So for the second time this morning I find myself in another backstreet diner with another waitress pouring me coffee.

  “So he marched in all alpha-like and demanded to know where I was?” I ask, my brows drawn together in confusion. “Why?”

  “Who the hell knows? But according to Shane he lost his shit with him, dragged you away from him and out of the house.”

  “He thinks Shane spiked my drink and was going to…” I trail off not needing to say the words out loud.

  “Shane? Shane Dunn?”

  “I know. I told him that he was crazy and that Shane would never do anything like that. But he found me in his room with his hands on me.”

  “Shane was just going to put you to bed to sleep it off.”

  “That’s what I said, but Jake’s having none of it.”

  “Okay, so what happened with Jake?”

  I’m silent for a few moments as I try to figure out how to answer that question.

  “Oh my god, something happened with him, didn’t it? OMG did you fuck him?”

  “What? No, I didn’t fuck him.” My cheeks heat knowing that although that’s true, I’m not totally innocent. I did kiss him this morning and unbeknown to Camila, it’s not our first either.

  “But…” she encourages, scooting forward on her seat waiting to get the juicy gossip.

  “We kissed.”

  “Oh my god,” she squeals, clapping her hands together in delight. “It’s like in the movies. He hates you to cover up the fact he really likes you.”

  Rolling my eyes at her romantic heart, I sigh. “No, I’m pretty sure he just hates me. I was probably just some stupid bet to him or something to see if I’m pathetic enough to fall for it. Well, ding a ling, I clearly am because look what happened. Ugh... I fucking hate him.”


  “Yes. No. I don’t fucking know. There’s just something inside him that calls to me. I wish I couldn’t see it and just focus on him being an arsehole, but I can’t help feeling like he needs help. He wants me to see it even though he’s scared.”

  “So going back to my earlier comment…”

  “You’re a nightmare. How’s Noah?”

  “He’s good. I told him when I was a little drunk that his birthday night is the night,” she says with a wink.

  “Wait. You guys haven’t…”

  “Nope. I told him I wanted to wait, and he respected that. But I’m bored now. Everyone else is at it so…”

  “You can’t do it just because everyone else is.”

  “I know and that’s not the reason. We’ve been together for ages and I feel it’s right. It’s time to take it to the next level before we start stressing about college and all that.”

  I’m still not totally buying it. “You love him, right?”

  “Of course.” Narrowing my eyes, I try to figure out what she’s hiding, but it’s pointless especially because I’m not sure she knows it herself. I’ve seen them together plenty of times now. On the outside, they appear to be the perfect couple, but I can’t help feeling like something’s just not quite right.

  “So what’s next with Thorn?” she asks, dragging the conversation back to me.

  “What’s next is that we stop talking about him. I’m done with him.”

  “Liar. I can’t believe he kissed you. Rumor has it that he doesn’t kiss anyone. Ever.”

  Hearing that changes my mind about talking more about him. “Oh come off it. He’s the ultimate school player, he must have kissed loads of girls.”

  “Nope never, apparently.”

  I think back to Dash night, which feels like a million years ago now, and his reaction to Chelsea putting her lips on him. Maybe what Camila’s saying is true. But if it is, why did he kiss me?

  I’m no less confused about the whole Jake situation when Camila drops me back at Gran’s later that morning. She takes one look at me in a boy’s t-shirt and raises her eyebrows.

  “So not what you’re thinking,” I mutter, walking past her and heading straight for my room.

  “When you’re ready to talk, you know where I am.”

  My stomach twists as I fall back against my bedroom door. I don’t want to shut Gran out after everything she’s done for me but how am I meant to explain all of this to her. Even running the events of the past few weeks over in my head makes me feel like a crazy person. How the hell will it sound to her?

  I take my time showering and washing his smell from me. It seems that no length of attempting to do that will be effective, his unique scent still lingers in my nose.

  After pulling on a pair of pajamas and throwing an oversized jumper over the top, I pile my hair on top of my head and head out, expecting a million and one questions from Gran.

  “You hungry?”

  “I can make myself something. You stay there.” She’s sitting on her sofa reading one of the trashy magazines that she loves. I’ve no idea how she can keep reading them after some of the lies they’ve published about my parents and their colleagues over the years.

  “Don’t be silly. Take a seat and I’ll make you a grilled cheese. Sound good?”

  “Sounds amazing, thank you.”

  Silence falls around us
as she works, and I sip the glass of water she passed over for me.

  “Amalie, I know I’m old and you probably think that I couldn’t possibly understand but please, I’m begging you. Talk to me. I’m worried about you.”

  The lies are right on the tip of my tongue, but when I do speak, the exact opposite fall out. “It’s a boy.”

  “I assumed as much. Anyone I might know?”

  I ignore that question, nowhere near ready to admit who it is in case she doesn’t approve. If she knows who he is and where he lives, which I’m confident she does because nothing gets past my gran, then I’ve no doubt she wouldn’t approve. Why would she? Jake’s the school’s notorious bad boy who’s mostly treated me like shit since the first day I started at Rosewood.

  “I shouldn’t like him. He hasn’t been exactly pleasant since I started.” I skirt around the reality of the situation. “But there’s more to the guy than he allows the outside world to see. He’s hiding but I can see his vulnerability and I wonder if that’s why he doesn’t like me all that much.”

  She smiles at me, and a mysterious twinkle in her eye before turning to plate up my sandwich.

  “What’s the look for?”

  “He’s scared, Amalie. He knows you can see deeper than anyone else and he’s scared of it being used against him.”

  I consider her theory for a few minutes and although I can’t argue because I think she might have nailed it. I’m not sure that’s all of the problem.

  “There’s more than that. He said something cryptic about Mum and Dad’s lifestyle and it being the reason he doesn’t like me.”

  “What’s his name?” she asks again.

  Laughing at her second attempt, I just shake my head at her. “Nice try.”

  “What?” The innocent look on her face might work on others, but it’s not fooling me one bit.


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