THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1)

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THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1) Page 25

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Thank fuck,” he mutters, his voice is broken and defeated before his lips land on mine.

  I’ve no clue if it’s because I shut off the world around me to focus on his kiss or if the gym really does turn silent as he kisses me in front of the entire school.

  His hand tilts my head to the side so he can plunge his tongue into my mouth and totally consume me.

  The arms he has around my waist tightens, pressing our bodies together and the unmistakable feeling on his length pressing into my stomach ignites something inside me that I’m not going to be able to ignore.

  Pulling back, he rests his forehead against mine, our increased breaths mingling, his eyes softer than they were previously but still full of hunger, just this time he’s not hungry for pain or revenge he’s just hungry for me, that knowledge only makes my need for him even stronger.

  “We need to get out of here.”



  I thought I was imagining things when I looked up and saw her standing like a fucking angel in the doorway.

  I blinked, expecting for her to be gone when I opened my eyes, but she was still there. Unfortunately, Chelsea took advantage of my moment and not only was Amalie still there, but fucking Chelsea was attached to my lips.

  The force I used to get her away with was stronger than necessary, but she’s pushed her luck with me one too many times. The only girl I want touching me is currently chewing on her lip, looking unsure of herself in the sexiest dress I think I’ve ever seen.

  I thought I’d be angry seeing her again but all I feel is relief. She’s back, and she’s here for me. That’s all I need to know, that she’s mine.

  Marching over, the only thing I can think about is having her lips on mine. And the second I get my wish, everything that has been wrong with me this week suddenly rights itself.

  “We need to get out of here.” With her hand in mine, we walk out of the gym and away from everyone but not before I spot a delighted Poppy smiling at us. I wink and she laughs lightly before giving me a little wave.

  It’s already dark out, but the sky is full of twinkling stars. I’ve never paid much attention before, but I swear they’re brighter tonight.

  “Can you walk in those shoes?” I come to a stop and look down at her feet. I don’t want to have to walk home. I want to be the kind of guy who can help her into my car to get her back to my bedroom as fast as possible, but unfortunately, that guy isn’t me. The best I’ve got to offer is a moonlight walk along the beach on our way back to my shitty trailer.

  “I’ll walk as far as you need me to.” My heart races hearing the words I had no idea I was longing for.

  Giving her arm a tug, she falls back into step beside me as I head toward the beach. We walk for quite a while in silence, just soaking up each other’s presence.

  “I’m so sorry for leaving like I did.”

  “I’m sorry for the message I sent. I didn’t mean any of it.”

  She’s silent for a few seconds and I panic. I regretted that message the second I sent it, but it was too late. The vile words were already out in the wild.

  “I haven’t read any of them. My phone died and when I got back my first priority was getting to you. I realised something while I was away.”

  “What was that?”

  She stops as she slips off her shoes and we step down onto the sand.

  “The detective rang to explain that there was nothing suspicious about my parents’ crash and my first instinct was that I needed to go home. Only, the moment I stepped foot on English soil, I realised that it was no longer home to me. The place I’d left behind was home now. The people I’d left behind were my home.”

  I bring her to a stop in my hidden spot between the sand dunes and take her cheeks in my hands.

  “Me?” I ask, hating the hesitation in my voice. But seeing her again tonight only solidified the strength of my feelings for her. I’d barely survived a couple of days without her, it’s pretty clear that I can’t live the rest of my life without her by my side.

  “You, Jake. I just need you.”

  “Fuck.” A ball of emotion I’m not all that used to clogs my throat and the backs of my eyes burn as I stare down at her beauty. “I love you, Amalie. I love you so fucking much.” I don’t give her time to respond, instead I slam my lips down on hers, intent on showing her just how much I mean those words.

  When I eventually let up her for air, tears are streaming down her cheeks, but she has the widest smile on her face.


  She chuckles and I can’t help but join her. “I’m pretty sure you’re the biggest arsehole I’ve ever met, Jacob Thorn. But do you know what?”

  I shake my head, hoping to fuck she’s going to say exactly what I said to her. My heart feels like it’s bleeding out not hearing the words.

  “I love you, too.”



  Telling Jake how I really felt was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The look in his eyes as I said those three little words to him is something I’ll never regret. I wanted to sob like a baby when it hit me that there’s a very good chance he’s never been told them before. Thankfully, he saw the onslaught of fresh tears coming and quickly distracted me.

  With his lips on mine, he lowered us both to the sand and right there, under the stars and in the privacy of the dunes, he set about proving just how he felt by making love to me until neither of us could stay awake any longer.

  I’ve no idea what time we eventually stumbled off the beach, both grinning like loons and laughing like we had no cares in the world. It was the most incredible feeling and one I have no doubt Jake will continue to make me feel for a long time to come.

  When we got back to his trailer, we both showered the sand off together in his tiny cubicle, it was cozy but neither of us had any intention of separating anytime soon, so it was kind of perfect, before we both fell into his bed.

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask, standing outside Noah’s house where his party is spilling out into the backyard and the music’s blaring so loud there is no doubt as to what’s going on inside.

  “I’m so ready. It’s time to show everyone exactly who you belong to.”

  With his hand firmly holding mine, we walk into Noah’s house.

  The eyes of our intrigued classmates follow our every move. The girls lock their gaze on our hands before their death stares find me. They all gossip amongst themselves, but I refuse to cower down to their petty jealousy.

  I don’t react other than my smile growing wider with every step I take. That is until we come across a group of girls sitting around the sofa. When a couple of them part, it becomes obvious why they’re all sitting there because in the centre with her newly cast ankle propped up on the coffee table is Chelsea.

  “You broke her ankle,” I whisper to Jake, trying my best to keep any amusement out of my voice.

  “I wouldn’t have pushed her if she didn’t take advantage of me. My lips are for you and you only. It’s time all these assholes know it.”

  He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me up against him. He doesn’t need to say anything to get the attention of everyone in the room. He’s Jake Thorn, he commands everyone’s attention just by breathing.

  Once he’s confident everyone is staring our way, he slams his lips down on mine. He kisses me like it’s our first time before bending me backward and really giving our audience a show.

  “I love you, Brit,” he whispers when he pulls me back upright.

  “And I think everyone in the room other than you hates me,” I say as a joke, but his eyes harden in anger.

  “If any fucker gives you a hard time, you’ve only got to say the word.”

  “I’m a big girl, Jake. I can look after myself.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he mutters with a laugh.

  I open my mouth to respond but a commotion in another room drags everyone’s attention from us.

on, no,” someone screams, and Jake takes off running. I’m forced to follow seeing as his hand is still holding mine.

  The crowd parts for him and it’s then we get our first look at Mason throwing punch after punch into Noah’s face.

  “What the fuck just happened?”

  Jake races forward to pull his friend away, when I look up, I find the horrified eyes of two girls. One belongs to my best friend and the other a girl I barely recognise as another senior and one of Chelsea’s crew. Whatever’s happening right now, I sense is going to change Camila’s life in a way she wasn’t expecting.

  What to find out what happened between Camila and Mason? Their book is coming Feb 2020.




  Well, where do I start? I guess, with my husband. He asked me one simple question on the way to our summer holiday and from the moment the words left his mouth, Jake appeared.

  I had a plan for the rest of the year, and I can say without doubt that Jake wasn’t a part of it. He had a different opinion. I tried to ignore him, I really really did. I was desperate to finish my Forbidden series without any unplanned distractions but, if you’ve made it this far then you’ll have already learned that Jake doesn’t always do as he’s told.

  So a couple of weeks, some encouragement from Andie M. Long, and a lot of notes in my phone later, I caved and Jake and Amalie were born. It’s safe to say that they pretty much consumed me for the two and a half months it’s took me to write their story.

  I’ve had many doubts about this book, it’s one of the reasons I didn’t mention I was writing it until I was done. My alpha, Michelle, who reads all my books as I write them hated Jake, to the point she was threatening to give up. But thankfully, her nosiness got the better of her and she had to continue. It payed off because she fell hook, line and sinker for Jake.

  It’s different to my usual book, the characters are younger and the angst even more intense and Jake a bigger asshole than I usually write but once I handed it over to be read by my betas they helped shed my fears and pushed me forward. I owe them a huge thank you for taking a chance on a book that’s not necesssarily their usual read and falling in love with it anyway. I hope a few more of you trusted me enough to get this far, and also fell hard for Jake.

  As always, I started out with the intention of it being a standalone, mostly just to get Jake out of my head, but as soon as Jake started to fade, a couple more popped up so I guess the big question is…what’s the deal with Camila and Mason. Well, hopefully soon you’ll find out because their story is next on my list!

  I have to say a massive thank you to Michelle Lancaster who helped me out when I was in cover hell and found me the most incredible model who just screams Jake. The next two are equally as hot and I can’t wait to reveal those as well.

  I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me with Thorn, whether you beta read, ARC read, shared, bookstagrammed or even just picked it up to read. I really wouldn't be here doing this without you.

  Until next time,

  Tracy xo

  About the Author

  Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy has just turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, baby girl and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle, Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.

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  If you want to know what I’m up to and see teasers and snippets of what I’m working on, then you need to be in my Facebook group. Join Tracy’s Angels here.

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  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  Falling Series

  Falling for Ryan: Part One #1

  Falling for Ryan: Part Two #2

  Falling for Jax #3

  Falling for Daniel (An Falling Series Novella)

  Falling for Ruben #4

  Falling for Fin #5

  Falling for Lucas #6

  Falling for Caleb #7

  Falling for Declan #8

  Falling For Liam #9

  Forbidden Series

  Falling for the Forbidden #1

  Losing the Forbidden #2

  Fighting for the Forbidden #3

  Craving Redemption #4

  Demanding Redemption #5

  Avoiding Temptation #6

  Chasing Temptation #7

  Ruined Series

  Ruined Plans #1

  Ruined by Lies #2

  Ruined Promises #3

  Never Forget Series

  Never Forget Him #1

  Never Forget Us #2

  Everywhere & Nowhere #3

  Chasing Series

  Chasing Logan

  The Cocktail Girls

  His Manhattan

  Her Kensington

  Rosewood High Series



  Co-written with Angel Devlin

  Hot Daddy Series

  Hot Daddy Sauce

  Baby Daddy Rescue

  Falling for the Forbidden Sneak Peek

  Chapter One

  Falling down on my bed, I blow out a long breath and tell myself that everything will be okay.

  I had plans for this summer—a few weeks of fun before uni starts. The girls and I had been looking at last-minute holiday deals, and we had tickets for a music festival…but then my dad swooped in, in that way that he does, and ruined everything.

  I knew it was coming.

  I just wasn’t expecting it quite yet.

  I’d hoped agreeing to study what he wanted me to and working for him was enough—apparently not.

  I decided a few years ago that I wasn’t going to move away to study. I mostly love my life in London, and I loved living with Mum. I’m not ashamed to admit that she’s one of my best friends. It was only as I started looking at universities that my dad piped up and told me that I would be studying accountancy and finance at The London School of Economics. He’d done his research and decided it was the best place for me to learn my trade so I could enter the family business.

  I just about managed to contain my laughter when he emphasised the word family.

  I’ve no idea how long I lie on my bed trying to convince myself that moving into his house with his new wife and her son isn’t the worst thing to ever happen to me, but eventually my stomach rumbling has me moving. I sit on the edge of the bed and take in all my half-unpacked boxes. A large sigh falls from my lips. If I don’t find everything a home, maybe I won’t have to stay. I know it’s wishful thinking. This is it for me now.

  Disappointment floods me as I make my way through the silent house. It’s not that I was expecting a welcome party or anything, but someone being here would have been nice. Someone to help me carry everything up to my room would have been even nicer. Since Dad moved in with Jenny a few years ago, I’ve been told to treat this place like my home.

  It will never be.

  It's just a house, a show home, a shell in which I'm scared to touch anything for fear of making a mess. Home is a place with character, with mess from day-to-day living, with people who love and care for you.

  My dad isn’t a bad man, per se, but he’s not exactly what you’d describe as a doting father. Everything he does is for his own gain—if it happens to help others in the process, that’s just a bonus.

  My step mum, Jenny, is lovely. She really is, but I can’t help feeling like she’s just a little bit…broken. She makes all the right comments and does all the right things. She’s a great mum. But there’s such sadness in her eyes.

  The fridge is full, as usual. It’s strange, because I’ve never witnessed anyone eating more than a slice of toast or an apple in this kitchen.

  I fix myself a salad with the unopened packets of fruit
and vegetables, but it doesn’t really have the effect I needed it to have. Being here makes me feel kind of empty, and no amount of lettuce leaves is going to fill the void after moving out of the flat Mum and I shared for the past few years.

  Rummaging through the cupboards, I can’t help smiling when I find a stash of naughty stuff hiding at the back.

  Pulling my hair back into a messy bun, I put my thoughts to the side and set about making something that will make me feel just a little bit better.

  The sun’s just about to set, casting an orange glow throughout the kitchen. It almost makes it feel warm and inviting—almost. My mouth waters as I pour melted chocolate over the crushed biscuits and marshmallows I’ve managed not to eat already. Standing in only a vest and a small pair of hot pants, I decide to make myself a hot chocolate, grab a blanket, and enjoy my bowl of goodness out on the deck with a magazine. Chocolate makes everything that little bit better. If I eat enough, it might make me forget what this summer’s actually going to be like for me.

  I’m just waiting for the kettle to boil when a shiver runs down my spine. I’m sure it’s just the size of the house that freaks me out. I’ve seen enough horror films to know there are plenty of hiding places in a place this big.

  I’m still for a second, but when I don’t hear anything, I continue with what I was doing. That is, until a deep rumbling voice has every nerve in my body on alert.

  “Wow, step daddy sure is attracting the young ones these days.” His voice is slurred, his anger palpable. It makes goosebumps prick my skin and a giant lump form in my throat. “You look too pure. Too innocent to be with that prick,” he spits.


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