The Kryl Queen

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The Kryl Queen Page 35

by Chris Burton

  He opened a to the XO directly. No response. Jake realized he could well be the only qualified commander left on the ship. But no; something did not seem right. Had the XO left his station just at the right time?

  The response to the question was immediate as Huber responded back to Jake’s comms device.

  “What’s up Jake? We are kind of busy down here.”

  * * * *

  The strategy was working. As the front line of Alpha’s finest battle ships ran slowly parallel to the Kryl fleet from right to left, the huge PBA and plasma weapons bombarded the Kryl front line at close range. The newly launched Jump Ships were in amongst the Kryl cruisers wrecking havoc and blasting everything in their path, without significant resistance from the Kryl fighters who were tied up in the dog fight to the north of the main battle.

  The Kryl commanders were powerless to respond with any unique battle strategy and played right into Admiral Hoskins’s hands.

  The Jump Ship battle was not going nearly so well and Admiral Shenke was concerned that losing here, could lead to overall defeat, once the remaining Kryl fighters joined the ship of the line melee. It was a question of ensuring the right mix of Rapiers and Sabres were in place to ensure the Kryl fighters could not use their numerical advantage to full effect. However, he had been here before. Any doubt about the Admiral’s cunning and ruthlessness was quickly set aside as he reorganized swathes of Rapiers in a sweeping formation, with Sabres running along the edge on both sides, picking up the loose Kryl fighters and protecting those within. The strategy quickly reaped rewards and as each squadron reported in, the CAG teams followed suite renewing the strategy.

  * * * *

  Once Jake had advised Commander Huber that he was effectively in command, the XO quickly returned to the bridge to take control. Jake arranged for the bridge’s outer fascia to be quickly patched up and under the half light of battle stations, the bridge had begun to look as it should.

  “We need to take our position at the front again now.”

  “Appearances can be deceptive, sir. The bridge is in a bad state and we have damaged bulkheads on all decks at the fore. I have teams working on them, but it will be a while before we are fully operational again…in any case Admiral Hoskins has ordered us to stay in line with the radiation ships. We may have to sit out the rest of the battle here. At least our Jump Ships are still playing a part.”

  “Fine…I will obviously confirm that with fleet. You will stand in as XO?”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “What is Commander Jacques condition?”

  “Critical, but stable. He will pull through I am sure, but for now it is up to you and me.”

  “That’s me, Jake. I am CO now. Lets see what’s going on outside. Screen up!”

  “Not working yet.” Jake was already growing impatient with Huber’s attitude. This bravado would disappear at the first sign of trouble.

  “Okay, Lets have a holograph display up. I assume that’s working.”

  Jake used his fingers on the display panel and brought up schematics and live streams for both main battles. Then he pulled a final screen which showed the entire Kryl fleet.

  “What’s going on with those Kryl ships on the left? Their formation is changing.”

  Jake looked closer and confirmed Commander Huber’s observation. A large section of the Kryl fleet was breaking off. What were they doing?

  * * * *

  Tourak had stood in quiet contemplation in his sanctuary for many minutes. He knew he was losing this battle and he needed to find a way out. A way to destroy Alpha’s fleet and remove the threat of radiation. Then it came to him. While Alpha had to destroy the whole Kryl fleet to deliver the radiation to Earth; all he had to do was to destroy part of Alpha’s fleet; the part which contained the radiation weaponry. The Alpha commanders had made it easy. All those ships not taking part in the current assault on his fleets front line…would be his target.

  The order to divide a large section of the fleet was given seconds later. Fifty-five Kryl cruisers split from the main fleet and moved forward to face their enemy. They were targeting the radiation ships.

  * * * *

  “They are firing at us. They are targeting us…we need to stop them. Take evasive action. Move us to safe distance.”

  Jake Carter could not believe his ears. Huber had saved the best till last. He could not stand by and allow this to pass…but he had to be careful. He would take him to one side.

  “Commander, can I speak to you in the ready room briefly?”

  “No…we have to be here. We are back under attack.”

  “And we are responding, sir. We are doing all we can. Perhaps if we could just have a quick chat.”

  “No. We stay here. Helm, prepare to take us out. We need to make safe distance.”

  Jake sighed. He could not allow this. “Delay that order.”

  Huber turned towards Jake. He looked as if he were about to explode, but Jake calmly and assuredly gestured for the CO to follow him to the ready room. Huber’s facial expression went from deep anger to anxiety. He was out of his depth. With resignation, he followed Jake into the ready room.

  “I am sorry, sir. I was trying to avoid a scene. We cannot leave the theatre. The Kryl are not targeting us per se. It’s the radiation ships. We need to protect them rather than run away from the enemy.”

  “If we face them to port or starboard, our shields and weaponry will still make us effective.”

  “You need to remember your position. I am in command here.”

  “I know, sir. But we cannot pull out. Look. This line of Kryl ships is only slightly longer than the Radiation ship column. Our ships are fresh. We should try to hold the line, until we receive help from the main columns.”

  The acting CO pondered his next move for a few moments before responding.”Okay, we stand and fight…but we work together on this and you don’t countermand my orders.”

  * * * *

  Back onboard the Accura, the assault on the radiation ships had not gone unnoticed.

  “We can’t just leave them…but we cannot remove any ships from this column either. Can you spare any Jump Ships?”

  “No, Jonathan. Things are not going too well on that front. We are down to less than eight hundred ships now. We were making headway, but the pattern keeps shifting. We are in the mire again. There must be something we can do?”

  “From this angle, we might be able to attack the Kryl cruisers from our rear plasma banks, while still hold our position against the main Kryl fleet…but we can’t risk using PBA, not with the radiation charges in situ.”

  “We don’t have to, Jonathan. Can we spare, say five radiation shells? We could deploy say three into the new Kryl column and two into the Kryl fighters. Then we just hold the line and see if these damn things work.”

  Hoskins said nothing, but then smiled. “It’s been staring us in the face all along! Okay, yes—but no more than five shells.”

  Chapter Sixty-Six

  Final Diplomacy

  The Queen and Carla Stevenson were discussing the crisis on Earth and how to bring it to an end. The Queen continued to assert the battle in the Cygnus constellation would soon be over and that the radiation threat would be removed.

  “Carla. What you need to understand is we came to Earth for the long term. To kill off your race serves no purpose. Indeed we need it to flourish to furnish us with our relief.”

  “What happens if you find a cure?”

  “Then we no longer need to be here. We will leave and seek out a planet of our own.”

  “First you would destroy us.”

  “No, of course not. I have made it clear over many months how I stand…Carla. Why are you trying to test me on this?”

  “Look Trieste. The result of your inc
ursion onto our planet since the agreement ceased has been the death of nearly half a billion people.”

  “Enough…this is all semantic. The ECG must come to a new understanding with us. It will be different as trust needs to be regained. We will involve ourselves more in the day-to-day decisions made by the government; but an agreement will be reached.”

  “And Alpha?”

  “What of them. Alpha has shown itself deceitful in the extreme—with their only intent to kill each and every Kryl. They will be disbanded and the senior perpetrators executed.”

  “I am an Alpha officer. Where do I stand in all of this?”

  “You are immune. There is no way I would hurt you. Do you not recognize we would want to enact some form of retribution against Alpha? They are trying to kill off my people.”

  “But it is okay for you to kill ours?”

  The conversation grew heated, but Trieste was not seeking an argument.”What is your government’s official stance on this matter now? Is their room for negotiation? Are you actually here in an official capacity or just to pacify my need for a companion?”

  Carla saw that the Kryl Queen was trying to move things on. Heated discussions were not exactly unusual, but the Queen would normally bring an end to a discussion with a curt blunt response. This was different; it showed Trieste was genuinely seeking a resolution to the problem.

  “President Roslyn wants a new agreement and for the people to stand down from their rebellion.”

  “Why is he in hiding?”

  “Because he feels threatened.”

  “By whom?”

  “Safrec. Rumors are abound that he is to take the Presidential Palace.”

  “He will only do so if I allow him to. Tell Roslyn to bring himself back into the open and to take a stance. I can only negotiate with an active open government.”

  “Okay…if I could have a shuttle, I can speak to him today.”

  “No, Carla. You need to send him a comms message. I need you here right now.”

  “Trieste, am I allowed to leave or am I now held captive?”

  “Of course you can leave…I do not want you to. I want you here when Jake Carter arrives and that will be soon.”

  “How can you tell? Are your premonitions becoming clearer?”

  “Yes…a sign that it will not be long.”

  “Then I will stay.”

  “Good. I knew you would.”

  Chapter Sixty-Seven

  The Radiation Effect

  The five Teutonic missiles were fired as stipulated, three exploding directly in the path of the break off Kryl Fleet which attacked Alpha’s Radiations ships. The other two missiles were fired directly into the Jump Ship—Kryl fighter skirmish. For the next few minutes, there was nothing and then it became apparent something had changed.

  The effect was most noticeable with the Kryl Fighters whose plasma weapons had stopped firing. This was followed by a number of collisions and a huge number of fighters who having pursued their chosen prey for so long just stopped chasing and were drifting out into space, some seemingly on a long range course to their final destination, others simply spinning out of control. It was clear the skirmish was over and gradually the Rapiers and Sabres pulled away from the Kryl fighters. An armada of Alpha Jump Ships stood silently facing an untidy discord of Kryl fighters—all now effectively adrift. Their pilots were either dying or already dead.

  The Halo 7 moved forward in front of the Alpha cruisers which carried the radiation ships. There in front of them was a static silent fleet of Kryl cruisers. Commander Huber and his stand in XO Jake Carter stood transfixed as the magnitude of what happened became apparent. The radiation had killed the Kryl.

  * * * *

  On board the Accura, the two Admirals watched the events unfold in the other two battle arenas and were witnessing the last dwindling efforts being made by the main Kryl fleet. The Antirillium radiation had dispersed to a wider area; but the concentration was still strong enough to kill the Kryl aboard the cruisers of the main fleet. Now, some fifteen minutes after the radiation shells were deployed the radiation task force were surrounded by a Kryl mass grave.

  Admiral Shenke was the first to break the silence.

  “We need to move out as quickly as possible. We need some estimates for fleet repair and of course constant surveillance of all of these Kryl vessels to make sure their inhabitants are all dead.”

  “We can’t just leave them. We must destroy the Kryl vessels. All of them.”

  “They are all dead. We don’t have the time to go round destroying every ship and frankly it would be a little difficult to ask the fleet to do it We must get to Earth and finish the Kryl off properly. This was just a test.”

  “I know and I agree. Once all repairs are made we should be underway immediately. But we cannot risk leaving these ships as they are. How do we know they are actually dead? They could just be unconscious. If we don’t take full advantage now; we could live to regret it.”

  “So, how do you suggest we proceed?”

  “We nuke them.”

  Shenke thought for a moment before responding.”It will have to be high yield as virtually all these ships have their shields intact. One missile for each segment. We should launch just after the fleet departs. That should destroy the whole fleet. It’s the best option we have. It’s not one that has arisen before.”

  “No and not one that we should take lightly. I will send a fleet-wide comm message after the missiles have been dispatched to explain the decision…some may find it morally difficult to comprehend.”

  “I agree, we need to deal with this sensitively. I will arrange working parties to ensure repairs are carried out swiftly. I presume we will resource the missiles from the Accura armory.”

  * * * *

  Six hours later, the fleet had reformed with the Accura heading up. Hoskins gave the order to push out and as the distance between the fleet and the silent Kryl armada reached ten thousand meters he ordered the launch of three short range high yield nuclear missiles.

  As the Alpha radiation task force accelerated upwards towards light speed, the three missiles impacted and moments later, the Kryl fleet was no more.

  The radiation task force headed for the Barnard Star as planned and encountered no further resistance on route. They now closed to within six light years of Earth.

  * * * *

  Jake Carter had the con. He was enjoying his stint as XO, but knew it would not last much longer. The ships company generally were in an ebullient mood. They had readily accepted the destruction of the Kryl fleet was necessary and most were just overjoyed to believe they finally had the weapon to destroy the Kryl once and for all. The Halo 7 was still commanded by Bernhard Huber and with Commander Jacques still in a medically induced coma; it seemed likely Huber would command the ship to the bitter end of the contingency fleet’s long and arduous voyage.

  Jake was beginning to feel fearful about his own situation. In just a few short hours they would be in amongst the main Kryl fleet and with a new battle inevitable, it was likely he would find himself aboard the Queen’s ship at some time in the next twenty-four hours. He had no idea what to expect.

  The Halo 7 was patched up. Most of the forward decks damage was restricted to skin and superficial exterior damage. Only two bulkheads were affected, but one was the channeling bullhead which supported the ships inert structure at high velocity. If the bulkhead was dislodged and the equilibrium disturbed; the ship could loose its integrity at light speed and then simply rip apart. As a result, fleet command had agreed to place the Halo in the center of the fleet’s cohesive web system, allowing her to travel at reduced capacity. This meant the ships shields could concentrate on their new role, holding the ship together at high speed. In five or six hours when the fleet reached the inner planets and the velocity reduc
ed to sub-light, the Halo 7 would be released. She would then be the full on fighting force that she had always been.

  It was a concern to Jake, that Huber would be commanding the ship when they engaged the Kryl in the solar system. The Malchians would be there waiting and there was no way Huber would be able to deal with them. This put him in a difficult situation. On the one hand, the Halo 7 was critically important to a fleet which had now been reduced to a total of seventy-seven ships following their last battle; on the other, what could he a lowly Lieutenant Commander do to ensure that when it was required, the Halo was at her best? He had two options…the first was to seize control of the ship from Commander Huber, an illegal act, but one that could be justified under the circumstances; or the second was to go over Huber’s head and approach Admiral Hoskins. Right now, the latter was the preferred option and Jake was waiting for Huber to return to the bridge. He would then take a break and send a private to the Admiral. It would be have to be encrypted as it would be detected by the Halo’s comms team, but it would not exactly be an unusual communication; Huber knew Carter and Hoskins were in constant communication.

  Five minutes later, Huber returned from walking the ship and Jake excused himself, suggesting a quick walk would help him too. He headed straight down the ship’s corridor to his quarters and wasted no time patching in directly to Admiral Hoskins’s

  “What’s on you mind, Jake?”

  “Thanks for listening to me, sir. I have concerns over Commander Huber’s suitability to command the Halo in an offensive way. With Commander Jacques still incapacitated, I think he is not tactically able to deal with an attack from the Malchians.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  Jake sighed. “I don’t know, Admiral. I know you cannot just remove him and I am certainly not advocating my replacing him…but the Halo remains an important part of the fleet. With such a crucial stage, I just thought I should voice my concerns.”

  “I am aware of issues which have arisen before…but I am powerless to bring someone in, when he is the man in situ. This is not a conversation I would normally have with a subordinate officer but you remain critical to this mission. I will do my best to support you. If you feel compelled to assume command during a battle situation, then you must do what you must do. Make sure you have the support of your fellow officers, the crew, and ideally your chief medic. Don’t act unless you have to. Mister Huber is in command, because he is officially qualified to be there.”


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