His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness

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His Not-So-Sweet Marchioness Page 22

by Sorcha Mowbray

  “Don’t stop!” The words were more moaned than spoken, but she felt sure he understood.

  “Look at me, Ros.” The command in his voice drew her focus once again. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you in any way.”

  A moment of doubt had her breathing in sharply, but this was Flint. He’d never hurt her. “I trust you.”

  “That’s not what I asked. You’ll tell me if I cause you any pain. It’s not your preference, and I don’t want to do that to you.”

  She nodded. “I’ll tell you.”

  “Very good. Now, take a deep breath.” Then he drew his soaked fingers from her channel and carried them lower down.

  When he pressed against her tight rear entrance, she hesitated. But then he leaned over and drove his tongue inside her as he pushed a finger past the tight pucker. Concentrating on her breathing, she tried to relax and let his tongue distract her from his finger. Then he pumped his finger in and out of her backside a few times. Just as she’d grown accustomed to the foreignness of his intrusion, he added a second finger. Feeling terribly full, she wiggled against him.

  “Easy, love. This is all I’ll give you this time.” And then he sucked on her clit as he fucked her arse with his fingers.

  Intense, deep pleasure pounded through her like a stampede of horses. She cried out, bucking against his fingers and mouth as she tried to throw herself off the edge of ecstasy. But he refused to let her wrest control, and he carried on with his ministrations, leaving her dangling at the cusp. And then his tongue swept over her clit as his fingers sank inside of her arse, and her entire world shredded into bliss. She screamed his name as she broke apart, sure that he would be there to catch her when she fell.

  Long moments of nothing—no sound, no light, no touch—surrounded her until she slowly returned to a coherent state. She hadn’t passed out, but it had been a close thing.

  “There she is.” Flint smiled as he cradled her against his chest.

  She looked up at him and shook her head to clear it further. “Bloody hell, Flint. You should warn a girl.”

  He laughed as he returned to kissing her, drawing her back into their passionate haze. But, she couldn’t help but think that if that was what an oral orgasm was like post whipping, she wasn’t certain she would survive when he fucked her.

  Chapter 30

  Flint sucked on one of her nipples again, loving how responsive Ros was. Her body arched into him, demanded more. And more he would give her. She had given him so much, the satisfaction he offered her in return felt paltry. With his cock aching to be inside her, he shook as he stirred the coals of her desire. Finally, she cupped his face in her palms as she plucked him off her breast. “I need you inside me. Stop dawdling.”

  His heart felt like it might burst from his chest. “What have I done to deserve a woman such as you?”

  She bit her lip and smiled at him. “You silly man. You were brave, loyal, and idiotically protective. But mostly, you loved me.”

  With that, he stopped wasting time and shifted on top of her again. But once more, she halted him.

  “Not like this.” And then she scrambled from beneath him and got on all fours. “From behind, please.”

  Flint grinned—at this rate, he might never stop. “As the lady wishes.”

  Then he lined up with her entrance and sank inside of her in a single thrust. Seated to the hilt, he caught his breath as her heat and wetness enveloped him. And as he leaned over her, the skin on his back pulled, sending little sizzles of pain out from the welts she’d gifted him. The pain and pleasure melded into a storm of sensation that had him pumping in and out of her.

  In an effort to draw things out, he tried to recall the last play he attended scene by scene in all its tedious glory. But between the soft moans, the soft backside cushioning each thrust, and the way she pushed back to meet him, he quickly realized he would not last. So, he reached down and found her clit as he shuttled in and out of her tight pussy. With a few well-timed strokes of his finger, he felt her spasm just as he lost his own control. Together they came with a scream he was certain could be heard as far as Westminster. He continued to push into her until she collapsed beneath him, then he followed her down, landing on the bed beside her.

  Lying there, with Ros cradled in his arms, he knew there was no denying the truth that resonated deep within him. If he was honest, it had resonated since that first night she had marched into The Market, seized control, and tended his wounds before blowing his mind in bed. That was the moment he first glimpsed the woman that had taken command in the dungeon and delivered what he needed in amazing fashion.

  His back throbbed in time with his heart, but it was more like a pulse of pleasure that lasted and lasted. With a sigh of contentment, he gathered her closer. “I’m never letting you go.”

  Ros laughed. “I fear you will have to at some point if you plan to ever groom yourself or bathe again.”

  “Not at all. I shall drag you into my bath every day and force my valet to groom me while I hold you in my arms.” He squeezed her tight.

  A soft sigh escaped Ros, lifting his heart. Rolling her onto her back, he pushed the loose strands of her hair back before holding her face in his hands. He locked on to her soft green gaze. “I tried to set you free, protect you from my dark needs. When that failed, I tried to hide those needs. And still, you refused to let me hide. Refused to let me short change you in any way. Ros, you have become the center of my world. My everything.” He leaned in and kissed her. Long. Slow. Deep. When he finally drew back, he smiled because he couldn’t contain the urge. “I love you.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek as she smiled up at him. “I fell in love with you the moment you walked into my parlor and offered to be my temporary beau.” Then the softness melted away as the fierce Mistress from the dungeon appeared. “And if you ever try to hide from me again, know that I shall hunt you down and re-stake my claim.”

  Then she yawned, utterly ruining the effect.

  “Sleep, my love, and know I shall be right here when you wake.” Flint rained kisses over her cheeks and nose before he settled into the bed next to her, and together, they began to drift off to sleep.

  “Oh, Flint. Before I forget, about your brother.”

  Flint grunted. “I shall deal with him in my own time.”

  Ros pushed up on one elbow. “He helped me because he cares about you. Do not hold that against him.”

  “Go to sleep, Ros. I’ll sort out how to address what happened with Lucifer later.” He leaned over and kissed her once more. “Now, sleep.”


  Three days had passed, and all was right in her world. Ros had won the heart of the man she loved, and they were currently ensconced in his morning room having breakfast together. Despite all of that domestic bliss, there was a small knot in her stomach. She needed him to forgive his brother. With that in mind, she had taken action—once again, without Flint’s knowledge. He really was as stubborn as a mule.

  Flint was busy eating his eggs when his butler appeared in the sunny yellow room bearing a silver salver with a letter. “My lord, this just arrived by courier.”

  “Thank you.” Flint set down his fork and picked up the correspondence before breaking the seal. He read the missive, his brows drawing together.

  “What is it?” Ros asked as she sipped her coffee.

  “A letter from my investigator. It appears that the courier who carried the funds has been arrested for theft. I was not the only delivery from whom he stole funds; however, mine was the first that he was brazen enough to take the entire delivery.” Flint grunted.

  “Who were you sending funds to?” Ros couldn’t help but inquire.

  Flint hesitated, but then set the letter down and picked his fork back up. “I sponsor a boys’ home in Flintshire.”

  Caught off guard, Ros stared at him. “Do you really?”

  “Indeed.” Flint tried to continue about his breakfast as if he’d just imparted the news that it would rain that da

  “Flint, why have you not shared this with me? That is a wonderful thing.” Ros swore her heart swelled with even more love for him.

  He shrugged. “Well, I had to do something with all the money I won fighting. It seemed a worthy cause.”

  Ros grinned. “Do not pretend indifference with me, Lord Flintshire. I see you for who you are.”

  That was when Flint’s butler reappeared. Before he could announce their visitor, Lucifer breezed in just behind him.

  “Good morning!”

  The butler proceeded with his duties, though he sounded most aggrieved. “Mr. Lucifer, to see you, my lord.”

  “Yes, I can see that.” Flint once again set his fork down, though this time with a clatter that made Ros flinch. “And to what do I owe this…visit.”

  “I am merely answering your lady’s summons. Again.” Lucifer sat down across from them and stretched his legs out. Upon noticing the carafe of hot coffee sitting on the table, he pointed at the silver pot. “Oh, do you mind?”

  Before either of them could reply, Lucifer leaned forward, took a cup, and poured for himself. With a healthy inhale, he sniffed the pungent brew. “That is a lovely way to start the day when one has been dragged from their bed so benightedly early.”

  Flint sighed.

  Ros huffed and slapped her napkin onto her half-full plate of food before standing. “Flint, your brother merely did what I asked of him. You will have to forgive and forget.”

  “He offered to sleep with you after he helped you manacle me to the wall. He should be begging my forgiveness.” Flint looked outraged.

  Lucifer sipped his coffee and watched their byplay with rapt attention.

  “I am well aware of what he said to you. Did you for one moment consider he was prodding you to help you past your reluctance?”

  “Oh, good show, old girl!” Lucifer cheered her on.

  “Do shut up, Lucifer. It might help if you apologized for being so cheeky.” Ros glared at him.

  Looking chagrinned, Lucifer set his coffee down. “If it at all matters, I had no intention of touching her. She’s right, I was merely trying to help you see how important she is to you.”

  Appearing somewhat mollified, Flint picked his fork back up and took a bite. After chewing and swallowing, he looked at Lucifer. “I’ll grant you that, but I begged you not to shackle me, and you did it anyway.”

  Ros sank into her seat, falling silent as the two finally were picking their way through things.

  “Flint, I’d never have done that had I not believed it was the best thing for you. You needed to be made to accept your darkness. To embrace it, and only Ros could do that for you.”

  Flint set his fork down again, this time much gentler. He looked at Ros, then at Lucifer, and then back to her. “You may be correct, but you’re my brother. That should always come first.”

  “And it did, which is why I shackled you. Why I agreed to help Ros at all. And if it needed to be done again, I would do it to ensure you were happy.” Lucifer huffed and shifted in his seat as though the very conversation made him itch.

  “I want to be angry, but I understand.” Flint tugged at his shirt collar as though it had grown tight. “Thank you.”

  Lucifer rose. “Excellent. I shall see you later, then.”

  Flint looked over at Ros, “I should expect so since we’ll need you for the wedding.”

  “What wedding?” Ros and Lucifer asked in unison.

  “Our wedding.” He looked at Ros. “You will marry me.”

  She eyed him with annoyance. “Perhaps, when we have set a date and invited all of our friends.”

  “Oh! Did I forget to tell you?” Flint looked around, patted his waistcoat, and then pulled out a piece of paper. “I have the special dispensation right here.” He hesitated a moment. “I don’t wish to wait another day to call you wife.”

  Ros’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at Flint. And then the joy within her bubbled up and broke free. “I don’t wish to wait either. But what of all our friends? My sister?”

  Flint grinned. “Everyone will arrive in a few hours. Except for the ladies, they will be here shortly.”

  And then Flint rose and swept her into a long kiss. At some point, she swore she heard the door close, but for all she cared in that moment, Lucifer could have remained standing there.

  After all their ups and downs and all the doubts, she knew that this was forever. The trust that wove them together made their relationship unshakeable. She had finally found what she had been looking for. Had fought for and won the man she loved. The man she would always love.

  The End

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  Read the Whole Series

  His Hand-Me-Down Countess

  Lustful Lords, Book 1

  His brother’s untimely death leaves him with an Earldom and a fiancée. Too bad he wants neither of them…

  Theodora Lawton has no need of a husband. As an independent woman, she wants to own property, make investments and be the master of her destiny. Unfortunately, her father signed her life away in a marriage contract to the future Earl of Stonemere. But then the cad upped and died, leaving her fate in the hands of his brother, one of the renowned Lustful Lords.

  Achilles Denton, the Earl of Stonemere, is far more prepared to be a soldier than a peer. Deeply scarred by his last tour of duty, he knows he will never be a proper, upstanding pillar of the empire. Balanced on the edge of madness, he finds respite by keeping a tight rein on his life, both in and out of the bedroom. His brother’s death has left him with responsibilities he never wanted and isn’t prepared to handle in the respectable manner expected of a peer.

  Further complicating his new life is an unwanted fiancée who comes with his equally unwanted title. Saddled with a hand-me-down countess, he soon discovers the woman is a force unto herself. As he grapples with the burden of his new responsibilities, he discovers someone wants him dead. The question is, can he stay alive long enough to figure out who’s trying to kill him while he tries to tame his headstrong wife?

  His Hellion Countess

  The Lustful Lords Series, Book 2

  A duty bound earl and a jewel thief might find forever if he can steal her heart…

  Robert Cooper, the Earl of Brougham must marry in order to fulfill his duty to the title. He’s decided on a rather mild mannered, biddable woman who most considered firmly on the shelf. But, her family is on solid financial ground and has no scandals attached to their name.

  Lady Emily Winterburn, sister of the Earl of Dunmere, is not what she seems. With a heart as big as her wild streak she finds herself prepared to protect her brother from his bad choices, even if it means committing highway robbery. But marrying their way out of trouble is simply out of the question. What woman in her right mind would shackle herself to a man, let alone one of the notorious Lustful Lords?

  Cooper’s carefully laid plans are ruined once he must decide between courting his unwilling bride-to-be and taming the wild woman who tried to rob him—until he discovers they are one and the same. And when love sinks its relentless talons into his heart? He’ll do anything to possess the wanton who fires his blood and touches his soul.

  His Scandalous Viscountess

  The Lustful Lords Series, Book 3

  Once upon a time, a boy and a girl fell in love…but prestige, power, and a shameful secret drove them apart.

  Julia fled abroad after the death of her husband, Lord Wallthorpe. She has finally returned to England, but little has changed.

  Except for her.

  As a dowager marchioness, Julia lives and loves where she pleases. And the obnoxiou
s son of her dead husband does not please. But what can an independent woman do? Why, create a scandal, of course!

  Viscount Wolfington is no stranger to the wagging tongues of the ton. Between being a Lustful Lord and the scandal of his birth, he learned long ago that society had little use for him. So when he walks into The Market and finds the woman who once stole his heart being auctioned for a night of debauchery, he jumps at another chance to hold her—even for just a single night.

  As Julia and Wolf unravel their pasts, will villainy win again, or will love finally conquer all?

  Other Books by Sorcha Mowbray

  The Market Series

  Discover the series that started it all…

  In this sizzling series The Market becomes the setting for Londoners of all walks of life to discover pleasure, lust, and even love. But can they do what is required to claim the ones they’ve fallen for?

  Love Revealed (The Market, Book 1)

  Love Redeemed (The Market, Book 2)

  Love Reclaimed (The Market, Book 3)

  The Market Series Books 1-3 (Boxed Set)

  Love Requited (The Market, A Short Story)

  One Night With A Cowboy

  The One Night With A Cowboy series is a set of short stories linked by cowboys and Soul Mates Dating Service, a dating service with an uncanny ability to match up soul mates. These sizzling little treats are perfect for a quick hot read.

  Claiming His Cowgirl (Book 1)

  Taking Her Chance (Book 2)

  A Cowboy’s Christmas Wish (Book 3)

  Roping His Cowboy (Book 4)

  One Night With A Cowboy Books 1-4 (Boxed Set)


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