Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Lara Rose Lee

  “Sweetie, your father, is becoming the new King it only makes sense that you become the new Princess and have your duties.” I smiled and continued “So with that said I have a gift for you.”

  I got up and walked into my closet and opened a hutch that held all my crowns and tiaras and other royal jewels. I took a tiara that was special to me and closed the door and walked out. I walked over to Kieran and placed the tiara on her head, and her eyes widened in surprise. She stood up and went to the mirror.

  “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. Turning to look at me.

  “It was my very first and favorite tiara. It now belongs to you.” She threw her arms around me in a big hug.

  “Thank you, mom,” she said which touched my heart, and I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. We went back to the table and sat down I had to use my napkin to dap at my eyes as they were wet with the emotional scene just now.

  “Well, let’s finish eating before it gets too cold,” I said smiling at my two girls.

  A few hours later I was looking in the mirror at my reflection and smiled. My hair was up, and my crown fit the style. The dress was perfect, and I was for the first time glad I didn’t have to wear heels on my feet as I usually do, during functions like this. I am delighted the seamstress took no heels into account.

  My girls looked at me as I turned to look at them and we all smiled at the same time. The girls were also now dressed, and Rayna wore a tiara today as did Kieran. They looked beautiful. I hugged my two girls, and we almost began to cry then laughed wiping our eyes. It was a time full of joy for us three a bonding moment.

  “Mom you look beautiful,” Rayna said looking at me.

  “I agree, other than Rayna at her wedding you stand equally as beautiful.”

  “Thank you, girls, for standing with me as my maids of honors,” I said feeling excited as it is nearing time to begin.

  Standing outside the grand doors to the ballroom I could hear soft music playing, and my two girls were ready to begin walking down the aisle. I have not seen what Rayna has done at decorating, so it will be a surprise. And surprised I was; the room is decorated with white and silver and gold decorations and flowers everywhere.

  Rayna handed me a bouquet she created for me to carry before they began walking, so now I am halfway down the aisle and looked now at the man I love, and he stood there so grand and handsome. I couldn’t stop smiling, I got to him and handed the bouquet to Rayna and turned to meet my future.

  After the vows and rings were exchanged, the minister finally said, “You may now kiss your bride.” And as Bryden kissed me wrapping his arms around me holding me close, I wrapped mine around his neck. We could hear the family cheer, and we broke apart smiling and laughing.

  When the cheers finally quieted down, the minister then announced the Coronation of the new King. Bryden’s crown was sitting behind the minister on the pillow on a small table, as was the scepter and royal orb and the throne. The minister then handed Bryden the scepter in his left hand, then the orb in his right. Then he had Bryden kneel so he could do the special prayer for God to bless the new King.

  After the prayer, Bryden was instructed to rise and be seated on the throne. The minister raised the crown in the air and saying the vows with Bryden answering with the right words in response, the scepter and orb still in each of his hands, he then rose to walk around the altar that was the arch and throne three times as the new King of Valaisha. I was so proud of him I was beaming from ear to ear.

  When the minister and the ceremony were finished, Bryden left his crown on, and I hugged him tightly, and he lifted me and twirled me around.

  “My wife.” He said kissing me.

  Suddenly we were surrounded by our family all smiling, and hugging, and congratulating us. Welcoming the new King and soon to be Princess. In the grand ballroom, Rayna decorated, so it serviced the ceremony and a small reception as well as dancing. She set up for a small orchestra to play music and a table in the corner with the wedding cake that was decorated white and silver the color theme. As well as tables to serve a wonderful meal.

  I have to credit Rayna, she did it, and everything was beautiful. Bryden took me by the hand and lead me to the dance floor and took me in his arms. “Our first dance as husband and wife.” He is such a good dancer and was easy to follow.

  I smiled up at him. “This would have to be the best day of my life.” I said, “I love you so much.”

  He smiled and leaned down and whispered, “I will show you later how much my love is for you.” I laughed with excitement, and he bent and kissed me as we danced as husband and wife.

  Since the situation and with the investigation still going on trying to discover the reason for the bombing, Bryden and I had to postpone a real honeymoon. As the Rulers, we are needed to stay at the palace. Since King Nathanial’s death, I vacated the room we shared together as it was too painful and am now in a slightly smaller room. I am currently considering renovating the old suite as it is a larger room for Bryden and myself. For now, my smaller room will have to work.

  Most of the guests have already retired to their rooms, and Bryden and I are standing at my bedroom door. He turned the knob and right before I walked in he stopped me. He turned me towards him and smiled. “Not before I do something.” He bent down and gave me a passionate kiss as he reached down and lifted me into his arms.

  “You seem to like lifting me.” I smiled, “You were even lifting me while I was healing so I wouldn’t strain myself.”

  He smiled back, “You are a small petite woman and easy to carry. It always gave me an excuse to be very close to you to smell your wonderful fragrance.”

  “You smooth talker you.” I smiled and initiated the kiss this time. He carried me over the threshold using his foot to shut the door. Then he walked over to the bed and set me down on it.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. “I have a wedding gift for you. He opened the box and inside was a diamond-studded little key on a diamond-studded choker chain.

  It was beautiful. I reached over and touched it. “It’s beautiful, why a key?” I asked studying the gift then looking back at the man I love.

  “This is a one of a kind key, it only goes to one thing, and you possess it. My heart. This key is the only one that opens it, and it is yours.”

  That touched my heart in a big way and my eyes teared up as I jumped off the bed and into his arms kissing him with all my heart.

  The next morning I woke with Bryden in my arms and smiled at the thought of last night. I felt like a very contented cat and stretched like one and cuddled closer to my husband. He must have been awake because he snuggled closer to me also and kissed the top of my head. I smiled, “Good morning my sweet.” I said hugging him tightly.

  “Good morning my love.” I looked up at him, and he was smiling. “I gave the staff instructions to give us our privacy for the day. I told them to leave a tray of food by the door.”

  “Mmm, great idea,” I said almost purring like a kitten. I was feeling satisfied and thinking of last night I couldn’t stop smiling; I felt warm inside.

  I hadn’t been with a man since I took Rayna and left to Earth. That had been many years ago. Being in the arms of the man I love is amazing. How I have missed being cuddled. He kissed the top of my head again and got up.

  I watched him as he put his robe on over his black silk pajama bottoms and went to the door and opened it. He leaned down and reached for the tray I knew was out there and brought it in and set it on the table. I got up from the bed and put my robe on over my elegant silk nightgown. I smiled at Bryden; and thought how he looked so handsome standing there waiting for me.

  He poured coffee for us, and I sat down. He handed me my cup and kissed me, then sat down as I began to set our plates down in front of us. I looked up and caught him watching me. I smiled politely, “What?”

  “I was thinking what a lucky man I am to be married, to the only woman I truly ever loved.” He took hold of
my hands in his. “And the most beautiful.” He kissed my hands.

  I smiled, “I have been thinking how lucky I am to have such a romantic, handsome man to wake up to every morning.” I brought his hands to my lips and smiled. “How hungry are you?” I said, and he was suddenly up and lifting me out of my chair and over to the bed.

  8 new threat

  A few days later we decided to get an announcement out to the people. They deserve to know they have a new King to rule by my side. We got the palace representative to make the announcement after which Bryden and I will take to the podium with a speech about our marriage and my well-being.

  He now stood at the podium with his speech announcement in hand. “To the people of Valaisha, Kaihu, and Cainya. Today I am pleased to announce Her Majesty Queen Shannon Marrie, is doing very well and have been released to go back to her royal duties. As of a week, ago Her Royal Majesty wed her longtime friend and confidant. Now Valaisha has a new King, His Royal Majesty Bryden Viktor Weston. The King and Queen are now working together with the investigators to uncover details as to what caused the explosion that injured twenty-two guests and killed seventeen.”

  As he was speaking, I looked at Bryden and whispered, “The death toll climbed?”

  “A couple of the more seriously injured. It was while you were still pretty weak.”

  My hand went to my heart at the sad news. It was then the representative announced Bryden and myself.

  I decided I had to speak first. “I first want to thank you, for all the prayers for my speedy recovery, and as I just learned about the death toll climbing, my heart and prayers goes out to the families of the victims.” I took a deep breath. “I promise you I will not stop until I find out the cause and who was at fault. In spite of our recent marriage, it will not deter us away from the investigation. Many of the victims were my friends.” I began to get choked up and swallowed to continue. “Again, Thank you for the prayers.” I turned to Bryden, and he understood.

  He stepped up and introduced himself as King Bryden of Valaisha, and I stood next to him. “I also want to thank you all for the lifted prayers for my bride; I also feel we should explain the haste of our decision to wed so soon after the tragedy.”

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer, and I gave him a weak smile. “This is a long time, love story about two childhood friends who through a tragedy and had realized how much they loved each other. When my beautiful childhood best friend, was lying there in a coma, we didn’t know if she was going to live or leave us. I realized I couldn’t live without her in my life. For me, it was a wakeup call.

  I sat by her side day and night waiting and talking to her. Telling her about when I knew I loved her, but I understood she was to be married to the Crowned Prince Nathanial at that time. I was content with being her friend. When Queen Shannon finally woke, it was a real miracle. Even the doctor who expected her not to survive her injuries called this a miracle.” He looked down at me as he said the last part.

  “As I stayed by her side and we talked about our childhood, something began to change. I confessed my feelings to her. It was about the same time she too realized her feelings were beyond friendship. Through the tragedy, we found love and hope, and we come to realize we couldn’t be without each other. We decided we needed to be married as soon as was possible. I feel being together will make us stronger to rule and help to bring peace and hope back to the people, and the world. Thank you.”

  I smiled up at the man I love. He did well. We walked out of the room, and I was stopped due to a message that came in.

  “Your majesty there is a message for you from the Queen of Amadoria. She wants a meeting with you.”

  “Thank you Amiya; I will contact her from my study.” She bowed and backed away before turning to leave.

  “I wonder what the Queen wants to discuss?” Bryden said as we continued our way.

  “I’m not sure, but I do need to thank her for the gift.” I stopped and turned towards him. “Maybe I should go and see what she wants to speak about to me. I will be in my study if you need me.” I said tiptoeing to kiss his cheek.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t want me to sit in with you?” He is considerate.

  “I will be fine,” I said smiling at him.

  “Alright if you are sure?”

  “I am sure.” I squeezed his hand then walked off towards my study.

  Once there I sat at my large desk and dialed in Queen Joanita. She was still there waiting and as soon as she saw me, “Queen Shannon, it is so good to see you up and about. How are you doing my dear?”

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, Your Majesty. I am doing so much better thank you. I would also like to thank you for the lovely gift.” I smiled at her.

  “It was no problem; I was happy to hear of your nuptials. It was tooo, let me see if I remember right, Oh I know, Sir Bryden wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, that is right, we grew up together,” I said with a smile.

  “I knew I saw something there between you two. You make a sweet couple. That means Valaisha has a new King. Are the people alright with that?” She asked.

  “Yes, the people are completely okay with having a new King. The people loved Bryden before he became king.”

  “Well, that is good to hear.” She looked concerned suddenly. “Listen the reason I contacted you is that I heard possibly more trouble coming your way. I thought you should know.”

  “Where did you get this information?” I asked now feeling concerned. I don’t believe she would spread any gossip due to Royals don’t lower themselves to that sort of thing.

  “People talk here, and the source I got the information from is quite reliable. I couldn’t get the location as to where or when.”

  “I see, thank you Queen Joanita for letting me know. I will discuss this with the others and see what we would need to do to step up security.”

  “Yes, of course, my dear. Please be careful.”

  “Um, I supposed you haven’t heard who the threat is from or as to why?” I asked hoping to get any idea at all.

  “I do not have any idea, but I promise to keep an ear open, and I will let you know.”

  “Thank you for this news. We will keep in touch.”

  “Of course, dear. Goodbye.” Then the connection was ended.

  I put my head in my hands and wanted to weep, but I am Queen and have to be strong. I stood and walked out of my study and went in search of Bryden. I couldn’t face this alone; this is too big. I stopped one of the staff doing their duties and asked if they knew where the King was.

  “No, Your Majesty, I have not seen him.”

  “Thank you, Amiya. If you see King Bryden, can you tell him I am looking for him and will be in our room?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty I will tell him.” I smiled at her, and before walking away, I asked if she would have some tea brought to my room and walked to my destination.

  Later as I was sitting in my chair near the window, I was deep in thought with this new burden. I heard the door open, and I heard Bryden’s voice, “I am told you were looking for me?” Then seeing the look on my face, he came quickly over to me and knelt near me. “What is wrong?”

  “These attacks are not over. I was just told there is another threat against us. Queen Joanita has a very reliable source, and the threat is real. I asked her if she heard who it was that is doing this terrible thing against us. She had not heard but will keep an ear open to anything.” I looked at him for the first time from the window. “She doesn’t know when or where it is to happen. We need to set up an emergency meeting with the others; we need to discuss increasing our security.”

  “I agree, we do. Would you like me to do it? This is too much for you when you are still healing.”

  I smiled at him, “We promised the people we are doing this together.”

  He stood and reached for my hand to help me up. “Let’s contact them now.”

  Later that evening it was all arranged that the mil
itary will double up their patrol around the villages and cities as well as the palaces, well more with the Royal palaces since the first attack was at my home. I still had not done damage survey, and Bryden said he would be with me for that tomorrow. I hadn’t even looked out the doors or windows. The damage had not been cleared after all this time due to the ongoing investigation. They are not able to locate the source of the explosion either.

  I know I have to do this, so together with my husband, I will finally check out the damage and go through where the bodies were located, while the investigations are still going down, they have not touched the debris or began fixing the wall. Again, I am standing at the window of my room and looking out over my colorful world that I rule. I love my home and my people, and it angers me knowing someone is threatening my people.

  I felt Bryden wrap his arms around me and kiss my neck as I leaned into him and placed my hands over his hands. “I don’t like seeing you so burdened.”

  I sighed, “I just can’t believe this is happening after we got rid of one evil, then another shows up.”

  “This time we are facing it, and together. No more hiding.”

  “Yeah, no more hiding,” I said enjoying his arms around me.

  He turned me around still holding me. “We will win back our peace; I promise you we will win this too. We have God on our side.”

  That made me hug him tight. “Yeah, we do.”

  He brought my head up and bent down and kissed me. “I want to shower.” He said softly, “Join me.”

  I smiled and followed him into the bathroom.

  After the shower and lying there in bed I hugged my husband, and he hugged me tight against him.

  “With such beauty all around us and our beautiful union, I know God is with us, and all will be alright,” Bryden said kissing my forehead. “He will give us the wisdom we need to defeat the new threat.”

  “I believe you,” I whispered and began dozing to sleep.


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