Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2) Page 16

by Lara Rose Lee

  I smiled at him, “You are right.” I said rubbing my temples. “How is Kieran doing?”

  “She is back and asleep as they stayed most the night helping and bringing comfort to as many as they could.” He said sitting in the chair across from me.

  “She is an excellent representative of the Royal family. I am proud of her.” I said still smiling at him.

  “She is concerned about Galen and Rayna. I told her we had slowed it down. I am sure she will be by as soon as she is awake.” He was leaning with his elbows on his knees as he spoke.

  I smiled, “I am sure she will. Rayna and Galen may be awake at that time.” I stood up, and so did Bryden. “I will go see to our dinner for everyone.”

  Kristana came towards me. “I will go with you.”

  “That will be all right.” I smiled at her. “You two stay here in case they wake up,” I added to the men as we went out the door.

  17 storm

  Kristana and I walked back in after checking on dinner and Bryden, and Derrik was talking to the now awake Galen getting him all caught up on what is happening. Rayna was still out, but Galen was sitting up and listening. Kristana ran over and hugged her son.

  “I am fine mom.” He was saying as she wiped a tear of joy from her eyes.

  “I know, but we came close to losing you both.” She said sitting on the edge of the bed and taking his hand.

  I heard Rayna moan and walked over to her. “Rayna?” I touched her arm, and so did Galen.

  “Rayna, hun? Wake up, love.” Galen added as she began to open her eyes. She looked up at me. “Mom?” I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

  “Yes, baby it is me.”

  Then she looked over at Galen, and he was smiling. She tried to sit up, and Galen and I helped her to sit up. “What happened?”

  I looked over to Galen, and he looked at me, I nodded that he could tell her since he has been brought up to speed on things.

  He looked at Rayna and began, “Remember those black rocks?” She nodded. “They were a poison from an uncharted and dangerous world called Staxon. That so-called peace group planted those and many others in homes and businesses to poison the people. We were the first ones poisoned.”

  “Poisoned!” Rayna said in complete surprise. “Are the people alright?” she asked sounding concerned.

  So like my daughter to be concerned for the people.

  “The doctor found an antidote in time. If it were not for your mother, we would have succumbed to the poison.” Galen said as Rayna turned and looked at me.

  “How did you keep it from killing us?” I smiled and took her hand in mine.

  “As I was watching over you two I couldn’t help but feel how hot the infected area felt. It was an instinct that I went and grabbed some cool, wet towels to cool you both down, only to discover the wet towels slowed the spreading. We all kept the towels wet until an antidote could be found and kept the pain soothed, we kept you both asleep with the pain medicine. In other words, water slows the infection.”

  “You saved us, mom.” She said hugging me tightly.

  “I only slowed it down; it was the doctor who discovered the cure.”

  Later that evening as we sat around the dinner table, the kids had showered and changed into clean clothes. Kieran was awake and joined us for dinner as we chatted about what has happened.

  The Doctor had given us excellent news that all in the hospitals were responding well to the antidote and thanked God, no casualties. He also had brought an instrument over to finally mend Galen’s broken leg as on our world we had the technology to do so. The Doctor didn’t think it wise to use it while Galen was down and sick. Now Galen is healed and able to walk again he felt close to a hundred percent like himself. So he says.

  In the village where the bombing happened, that is a different story, and many were killed and injured. We worked out accommodations for the homeless and had food and clothes sent to help out. As we were dinning a messenger came in with a note and handed it to Bryden. I watched his expression change, and he looked up at me.

  “What is it, Hun?” I asked feeling dread deep down inside.

  “It is not good news. The weather report is a bad one. They are watching a huge system developing just off the coast of the Avalonian Sea. According to this, they have never seen a system this big and dangerous.”

  “We need to prepare for this,” I said, then I began to wonder. “Is this natural or could it be man-made as another attack?”

  “That is a good question. Only can there be a machine created to manipulate the weather?” Bryden asked, only it was King Derrik that answered that question.

  “There had been a rumor that Lucas had been working on such a machine. Maybe the peacemakers got ahold of his plans and were able to create the machine?” He stood up. “Bryden, may I use your study? I would like to contact My weather service and check on things on Cainya.”

  “Yes, by all means.” Bryden looked to Galen, “I think you should check on Kaihu as well.”

  Galen wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood, “Yes, of course.”

  “You can use my office,” I suggested to him. He nodded and left to check.

  “If it is man made there could be an attack on all three worlds. We need to plan for this in case it is an attack.” Bryden was saying after Galen walked out.

  “We need to prepare for the worst-case scenario,” I added as I sat my napkin on my plate indicating I was done with my meal. Rayna and Kristana stood as I did along with Bryden and Kieran.

  As we walked out of the dining hall, Bryden took hold of my hand, and I looked up at him and asked, “How long do we have before the storm hits us?”

  “Within two hours or so. It came up that fast.”

  “That soon? It is moving quite fast.” I took a deep breath and released it before saying, “We need to make a broadcast and alert the people to prepare, and we need to lower the shields over the windows and doors of the palace.”

  “I will make the announcement; you handle the lockdown,” Bryden said as he left towards the media room to call for an emergency announcement. Just as we were walking into the sitting room, Derrik and Galen walked in and announced the same situation.

  “It is a man-made storm, and this proves it,” I said then informed them of what we are doing, and Derrik agreed that they need to hurry back to Cainya and get all prepared.

  “We can get you two there faster.” Galen suggested, “We need to get back and do the same.” His dad agreed, and they all took hold of each other’s hands and before leaving Rayna rushed over and gave me a quick hug. Then they were gone.

  Kieran and I looked at each other, and I said, “Come on, follow me, you can help me with the lockdown procedures.”

  Once we had things locked down, I went to contact Queen Joanita and inform her of the weather attack. Kieran went to her room to reach Cedrick. Once I had Joanita on the line and explained what is heading our way she was in complete shock. “I can’t believe it! Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I am completely sure of this. There is just too much of a coincidence that three different storm systems are happening in all three worlds. And the fact that Lucas himself was working on such a weather machine to use as a weapon. It all makes sense.” I said pacing back and forth as I was talking.

  “If there is anything I can do, please feel free to ask.”

  “As a matter of fact, there is.” I stopped pacing and turned to face her on the screen. “If you could ask around and find out who could have created such a machine, and see where they may have them set up, we could dismantle the things before it causes too much damage, I would appreciate it.”

  “Yes, of course, I will do my best. If there is anything else please just let me know.” She was a sweet woman.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” I smiled at her, and she smiled back as we closed out the conversation. I sighed and sat in my chair behind the desk and placed my head in my hands. “God, we need your help.” I brea
thed the quick prayer and heard someone walk in through the door. I looked up to see Bryden and smiled at him.

  He looked at me quizzically. “This is bothering you a lot.”

  “How can you tell?” I asked knowing the answer.

  “It is written all over your face.” He knelt down in front of me and took my hands. “The people have been alerted, and I sent the military out to help the ones who need help to cover windows and doors.”

  “I am glad you thought of that. We have many single mothers and elderly that would need help.” I closed my eyes and frowned. “Can they be ready in time before this storm hits?” I opened my eyes and looked at my husband.

  “We can only pray.” He said softly.

  I nodded. “I contacted Joanita and asked if she could do some search about a weather-making machine. She will look for us and also she said if we needed anything just let her know.”

  He kissed my hands. “That is very kind of her.” At that very moment, we heard loud distant thunder. “That was too loud.” Bryden got up and walked out of my study, and I followed him. He walked quickly to the large doors that open to the balcony and looked out. The invisible shields were in place, but one could see out through it. I walked up beside him, and we could see black clouds rolling in fast.

  “Storm clouds here are never that black, only dark purple,” I said just as a huge streak of lightning streaked through the sky. Followed by another massive thunder that rattled the Palace.

  “That is what concerns me,” Bryden said putting an arm around my waist as we stood there feeling helpless watching the storm nearing.

  An hour later the winds picked up fiercely bending the tall trees like twigs. The lightning was brighter and more fierce, and the thunder sounded like roaring cannon fire that kept shaking the Palace. The lights kept flickering and threatened to go out. Bryden was in the study in a conference call with Galen and Derrik.

  I was walking around the Palace giving instructions to the servants to be prepared in case the lights do go out. “Madison, Amiya, I am placing you two in charge of keeping the fireplaces and candles lit. I have noticed it looked like frost on the windows. This storm is not a natural storm, and we don’t know how cold the temperatures may drop.” I said to the two servants as I was walking towards the Kitchen.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Amiya bowed and left to begin her duties, as did Madison.

  Once in the Kitchen, I made arrangements for the food to be stored in the coldest place in the palace as not to spoil. “That would be in cell block A. As for the prisoners we will need to get them to cell Block B as that has heat and the temperatures are beginning to drop already. Just be sure to have plenty of guards down there.” I spoke to the kitchen help and the head security guard at the same time.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. Right away.” Security guard Robson said bowing and heading towards the stairs to the dungeons.

  I looked back at the kitchen help and gave them a look that said now. “Your Majesty.” The head cook bowed and signaled to his staff to begin working on the food transfer. With my orders now being implemented, I walked towards the French doors to look out just as the lights went out.

  With the black cloud cover, it was nearly as black as night. The only light now was from the fireplaces lit and candles. Now and then the lightning flashes to light my way, I bypassed the french windows and walked towards Bryden’s study instead. The wind was beginning to howl loudly, and I could hear trees crashing down in the distance. Just then a loud sound much like solid ice started to hit the Palace roof, walls, and windows.

  I was thankful the shields seem to be holding up, but I can’t help but be concerned for the villages and the people. Bryden walked down the hall towards me and took me into his arms. “I was concerned when the lights went out. Are you alright?” He asked me not letting me go.

  I smiled, “I am fine. With the flashes of lightning and the fireplaces, I could barely make out where I was heading. How are things on Kiahu and Cainya?”

  “The same. I feel the temperature dropping. This is no act of God. Whoever is working the weather machine is going all out.”

  I gently touched my husbands face. “All we can do now is pray. Pray that Joanita discovers something that can help us to stop this madness. And we need to pray for the people. We have lost so many already through the war with Lucas and now these terrorist acts.”

  He took my hand from his cheek and kissed it. “You are right, at this point, there is nothing we can do but pray.” Just then a thunderclap sounded right above the Palace and shook us like a bad Earthquake. Bryden tightened his grip on me as I almost lost my balance and fell. “It is just about over us. I am not sure how much the Palace will hold up with this kind of thunder.”

  Just then an enormous flash seemed to go right through the window and down the hall and out of instinct Bryden holding onto me dove to the floor just as the lightning struck the table at the end of the hallway shattering it. “Are you alright?” Bryden asked me as I was breathing heavy from it all.

  “It went through the shield!” I said after nodding that I was fine. “This is getting too dangerous; We need to find Kieran now!” Just then as Bryden was helping me up, another Earth-shattering thunder sounded knocking us again off balance and falling back to the floor. As we tried to stand, we heard a blood-curdling scream that echoed through the whole Palace.

  “Kieran!” Bryden said again helping me to stand, and we began running in the direction of the scream. Down the hall of the west wing where Kieran’s room was we nearly knocked each other down as she was running towards us, only running slower than normal as it was so dark. “Kieran, what happened? We heard you scream?”

  “It wasn’t me. I was coming out to see who it was.” Just then the scream happened again.

  “That sounds like downstairs,” I said as the three of us took off towards the stairs just as another flash came through the double french doors blowing them to pieces and making us duck for cover. We stood up and continued down the stairs as another Earth-shaking thunder sounded as we worked to stay up and headed towards the sound of the continuing scream.

  We found in the hall near the dining room the young servant Amiya screaming in hysterics and on the floor in front of her Madison’s body, charred and bloody. I went to Amiya and guided her away from the charred body. She kept screaming, “The lightning, the lightning.”

  That pretty much explained what happened. Bryden looked at me, and I ran to get a tablecloth, and together we laid it over Madison’s body as Kieran stood next to the shaken Amiya. It broke my heart and made me wonder how the villages are faring with all this dangerous lightning and thunder.

  Another bright flash and Earth-shaking thunder seemed to pound the Palace. “There has to be a safe place to go,” Bryden said as he helped me up from being off balance with the shaking.

  I agreed. “We need to gather all the servants we can, in the Palace, Cellblock level C is below the palace and should be safe from the lightning.” Bryden agreed with me so together we rounded all we could find with a few more shakes and near misses from the lightning along the way and ushered everyone down to cell Block C. We brought with us all the lights and torches we could find so we will have light down there. Many of the servants huddled sitting against the wall while others paced and asked questions as to what kind of storm is this and what do we as the Royals plan to do about it?

  “For now we stay down here where it is the safest. As for the storm, the same kind of storm is happening on Cainya and Kaihu; we learned there had been a storm making machine created and this is another attack against us. We are doing all we can to locate the devices so we can destroy them. As for now, our top priority is keeping you all safe.” Bryden is good with the people, and his words calmed them down a little.

  We could feel the Earth shaking thunder more down here so Bryden suggested we all sat so no one would get hurt by being knocked off balance. Bryden sat next to me with his arm around me, and I leaned into his side. So we
all sat listening to the loud sound of thunder echoing through the empty halls of the Palace. At times we could hear another crash of the lightning being destructive up on the upper floors.

  “So much for the protection of the shields,” I said as I leaned more against Bryden. “When this is over we need to find a stronger alternative that would be bomb proof. To shield the windows and doors.”

  “That would be a good idea,” Bryden said kissing the top of my head.

  I froze as I could see the happenings in the bombed village of Hearon. I saw people running and screaming as ice, and hard rains began to plummet the ground and homes getting destroyed and people getting crushed by huge ice. “We need to get to Hearon now,” I said looking up at Bryden.

  “What? It is too dangerous out there.”

  “I just saw it destroyed and the people running and screaming and being hurt and killed.” I began to stand, and he stood with me. “We are their only hope for survival.” I looked at Kieran. “You stay here and keep these people calm.” She nodded.

  Bryden and I went upstairs, and I couldn't help but noticed the destruction. We headed up and quickly changed into our armor and grabbed our weapons. I grabbed my dark brown leather hooded cloak, and Bryden grabbed his black one. We left and rushed to get our tayrens. We placed the unique armor designed for them on and mounted to head towards Hearon.

  The storm is raging over us now, and the rain is fierce and getting colder. Ice had not begun to fall as in my vision it was more about seeing what was to come and we need to get a head start. By the time we reached the village we hovered just above and couldn’t believe the damage already. As we hovered, another flash narrowly missed us, and being outside the loud thunder was louder than inside forcing us to cover our ears.

  “We need to get the people undercover and safe.” I was talking loudly above the already powerful storm. At that moment a strong gust of wind blew so powerfully, it nearly knocked us off our tayrens. I brought my hands up creating a shield to protect Bryden and myself. With the shield up I looked over at him and he looked at me just as another lightning flash headed our way and ricocheted off the shield creating another loud crash of thunder. It seems my shield is stronger than the storm. That was good to know.


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