The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3) Page 12

by E. L Discipline

  She had nothing to say, so I pressed her, “nothing to say, huh? You weren’t this speechless since I first met you at my club and told you I ran the place.”

  She let out a sarcastic laugh, “ha-ha, perhaps I am just impressed.” I stared at her, “perhaps? Or you are?” She didn’t reply. My eyes followed her every fucking move. It was as if she were an exotic animal of some sort, and I was studying her. She thought to herself...

  ‘Maybe I was overreacting, and he was acting normal, but it seemed as if he looked at me in a peculiar way—not bad, but a way that made me feel analyzed. Normally, I’m not affected by having men’s eyes on me. I was sure of myself and knew I was pretty. I knew I could steal the attention of a room simply by walking in, dressed to impress, and ready to seduce my prey. But my undeniable attraction to Discipline is making me shy and totally breathless. I’m coming down with a case of utter attraction to him. I’m normally good at ignoring men and never really give a damn about their looks or sexual interest in me. So why in the hell am I so fascinated by him?’

  I then told her, “you keep doing that, and I think now you know I can read you, you’re thinking harder.” She gasped, “oh shit, I forgot.” I shook my head at her, “anyways, I’ll answer your question. Women do not respect, or trust men they can manipulate. But, they go crazy for a man that can manhandle them. As a man, if you can't control your woman, you are the woman. You cannot control me, or manipulate me, therefore bringing you closer to me. It’s a natural reaction. Men don’t speak to you the way I speak to you, because I don’t give a fuck who you are and what you’ve accomplished. You’re still a mortal, just like everyone else.” She raised an eyebrow. I then continued…

  “Women are not built to control men. It's not in their DNA. There is a strange feeling of vulnerability. A strange feeling of helplessness, restriction, overpowered, mentally, physically, or emotionally that turns women on.”

  But meanwhile, I can’t fucking read her mind anymore. Perhaps she was closing her thoughts? Fuck, she’s now become the only woman I cannot read her mind. How did she do that? She is blocking her thoughts on purpose? But how? She has great powers, I must find out more, she’s holding something back. It’s almost like I can’t get in. I must let her go, like a dog and cat game, like a cat and mouse game. I’ll give her a head-start to run. I spoke softly but forcefully...

  “I’m going to let you go, but, the next time we meet, it will be an unpleasant meeting.” I forced on the rope with just my eyes, I then released her, and she got up from the chair. She thanked me, and then she created this tornado. She kept spinning and spinning and spinning, until she vanished from my presence. The sun was about to approach, it was bedtime. And I haven’t slept in twenty four hours. Plus, I had a potential investor. I had an appointment with an important investor, Miss Susan Wilts in the later evening.

  Waking up, I sighed deeply, inhaling the freshness and warmth of the cozy place where I lay. The memories of the previous night were still fresh on my mind. I got up, showered, put on lotion that had some coconut oil in it, then I put on some cologne. I then went to my big closet, deciding what color suit blazer to wear. Went to my motorized tie holder, pressing the back, then forward button, searching for a nice tie to match. I had a tie in almost every color. Normally, I was always ready, if I knew I had something big planned that day, or later that night, I already knew what I was going to wear in my head, before I laid out those clothes.

  But last night, I was thrown off balance, I felt. Anyways, I was off to this meeting with Susan. Sleeping was weird. I hardly did that. Ever since the attack, that turned me into the savage monster I was today, I had never felt safe since then. All I had was nightmares. It had been some long years of running, chasing, and hiding. Sleeping the whole night without waking up covered in sweat with a racing heart, was also something new.

  The meeting had commenced. After the encounter with Cleopatra, I met with a potential woman business partner, because I wanted someone to be able to run the clubs in Connecticut. Atlanta, Georgia. Dallas, Texas. Quite frankly, I love working with women. Why? One, they are more compliant, and submissive. They get the job done better and faster than any man, and there’s no competition with them. Alpha males always want to be the top dog, most people hate male management. In a group of plenty of Alpha Males, there’s a few looking to get to the top, and they don’t care to step on each other’s toes to get it.

  I mean think about it, you could have a long-time boy, I bet your girl would ride harder for you than him. Women are just built like that. And they loved to listen to Discipline.

  “Hello there, mister Discipline,” she said. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m still laughing about that name! People need to know who you really are, people need to know your real name as well. You see, that is what makes people want to keep coming back. It makes you pop out more, free bottle service is not enough anymore between VIPs. Customers like to feel special, they like to feel like celebrities. If you’re closer with customers, taking pictures, it makes them feel that special as they’re celebrities themselves. It’s like a sense of power.”

  I then said to Susan, “listen, the unknown and the mysterious will always intrigue the mind. Don’t you think so?” She said, “it’s not enough, you need to be around more. People will be more intrigued when they know, who you are. Giving them a little access, then taking it away, will keep them coming back. Like an exciting movie or book, and all of a sudden, you get to the juicy part, and then, well, bam!! To be continued! Seeing your social media, pictures, perhaps videos, these things would all help out. Trust me.” She was good, she was intelligent. She was business savvy. I wasn’t hard headed, I was always open to new ideas and discussion, as long as I felt they would be conducive to what I wanted to build. But, I believed, the cliché saying, ‘if it ain’t broke, why fix it?’ Yes, I believed that as well. I said...

  “Look that’s great to know. However, do you know who the damn CEO that is associated with McDonald’s is? Do you know who the CEO that is associated with Dunkin’ Donuts’ is?” She shook her head, no. I then sat there with a smirk, “exactly. There’s a CEO for these major, prominent companies, but do you know who they are? No! Corporations in these companies still run, why? Three things about business; advertising, people, and placement. You have the right team running it to please you, the right promotion and marketing team, and location, location and location is key, and you don’t need to be seen!”

  She was in complete agreement with me as she nodded her head, ‘yes.’ I then said to her, “it’s all about that Demand and Supply.” She gave me a confused look; “don’t you mean Supply and Demand?” I laughed, “no, see they’ve been teaching it in schools and in life all wrong. And they’ve been teaching it everywhere else all along, all wrong. It’s Demand and Supply. You see, the Demand comes first, then whoever is supplying, profits.” She said, “interesting, I never looked at it that way. Regardless of all that, people need to know who you are, they need to see you. I mean, you’re a person to only come out in the dark, you are barely around in the light, what are you, a damn vampire?” She then began to laugh, and my laugh followed her laugh.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll get on social media, I’ll take a few more pictures. Let’s do business!” I said. She then smiled and shook my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “happy to do business with you, sir.”

  I might as well join with this woman and sign the contracts, when I get to more clubs there will be more money and that’s always the better. She could run them, I can be a silent partner. And I can get her to run the other clubs as well. Money never scared me. Show me the dollar signs, I’ll ask you, ‘where do I sign?’ Show me the dollar signs, and I’ll give you 200 percent of my dedication and hard work. I said to her...

  “Well, we’re all about the nightlife, welcome to the dark-side. She smiled, and then before she left the club, she said to me….

  “You are about to be more successful and lucky than you already are, Mr. Di
scipline.” I replied with, “come on now, where I come from, you make your own luck and success. It’s just a matter of opportunity. Opportunities are out there every day, its about grabbing it, success is a choice, but it begins with opportunity……”

  Chapter 11- Psychological Bondage

  Susan left my office. And then she walked out of the club. It was time to feast, I was getting hungry. Walking in the ally, I saw a lovely victim.

  “Hello there, miss, what are you doing here? It’s late and it’s dark! Really, what is a lovely lady like yourself doing here, by herself?”

  She stared at me, and my eyes were bright gold, and she then began to run. “Shit, am I that ugly? I asked myself. Shit, am I that intimidating? Maybe I should have smiled? Damn, I didn’t even get a chance to show her my gold fangs.”

  I chased after her, but I didn’t run like she did. Actually, I walked, and she wasn’t getting too far. She ran into the woods, so scared, so naive. And she lost her way home, she was so frightened, she forgot where she was running to. I then attacked her, I tackled her down and then I swooped in there and claimed her. I growled in on her. I feasted upon her fucking flesh, and then I left her body there for the vultures to have that shit.

  The afternoon arrived, I went to go check on my fitness clubs, as they were doing very well. I saw a female cop in there now, and in there she spotted me right away. She kept eyeing me the entire time, and every time I looked over her way, she would look away. I thought to myself, ‘has she seen me somewhere? Or was she just attracted to me? But, a woman would not constantly be staring at someone, nonstop. It did not make sense.’

  I then walked up to her, because obviously she was showing interest with her body language, but most women will never approach you, and say hello. They will for sure throw hints, but they will never approach. Therefore, I approached her….

  “How are you ma’am?” I said politely. “Hello there, sir. You’re all over, huh?” She said right back. She knew who I was, I knew it. But, where did I know or see her from? I gazed into her eyes, and I could tell that the intensity of my gaze made her stomach feel like it was filled with crazy butterflies, as her body reacted with tingling sensations on her neck and palms. Every time I looked at her face, and she looked at mine, I bet she felt the undeniable allure. I said to her...

  “How do you like the facility? And where do I know you from?” Completely changing the subject, and avoiding the question. She looked around here. “It’s a great facility,” she said. “I have a facility in my headquarters! But I also love coming here as well, you have amenities here, my facility in the department doesn’t have.” I laughed, “but you know what your facility in your department there does not have, miss?” She asked me, “what is that?” I smirked, “well, it doesn’t have me.”

  She looked me up and down and started laughing. She was blushing and I asked her, “headquarters, huh? What do you do for a living?” She said, “I’m a police officer.” Come to think of it, this woman did look familiar now. Very familiar, wait a minute, it was actually the female officer that pulled me over. I wondered if she remembers me? She had to, she didn’t answer my question when she asked me, that I was everywhere. That alerted me, on the fact that she knew who I was, or she has seen me somewhere. I took mental documentation of that, just because I did not revisit the question, doesn’t mean shit went unnoticed.

  Who the fuck she think she’s tryna play? I will make myself more discreet quick, scarcer and vanish, rid her of my presence immediately before she does recognize me, if she didn’t already. I mean I had her in the palm of my hand that night, she was ready to do everything and anything, bending to my will. She could’ve followed me any-fucking-where. Her energy, could have brought her to my energy, just now or vice versa. The thing about seduction is, it has all to do with power. It’s all psychological, take everything she has, then give her everything she fucking needs. So, I excused myself quickly...

  “Well, you have yourself a great workout.” I let her know chit chat was over, I entertained her a little, but I’m always about business. No matter the woman, no matter her relationship status, they crave attention. If you give them a little bit, then take it away, they look for you. They crave you, they chase you, as if you were cheese, and they were rats. To them, it’s like now you become the provider. No matter what it is, and in this particular sense, it is attention. The chase is on. As if you were really a cat, and the woman was the dog. As if you were bread, and they were birds. As if you were zebra and they were lioness. The night was young, my night club was packed. Saturday nights, were usually like that, but, the new year was approaching. The month of December was very promising. People want an escape, they want a release. All that Christmas shopping for friends, family, cousins you only see once a year, secret Santa’s you have at work, for your boss or coworkers that you secretly hate. Families you only really see once or twice a year.

  The club was like an escape for many different people. A place where they could release. Be someone different for just a night or two. The environment changed people, and yes, so did the music and the alcohol. I mean, when people hear music, serotonin dripping from their brain, it can cause so many emotions.

  The same female cop that pulled me over, the same female cop that was at the gym, is the same female cop that’s now at my fucking club? Out of all the clubs, in the city, and the other ones I own, she is at the one I am at? This fucking moment? Something is fucking up, right now. I smell something fishy! This is a coincidence three times? No way. I don’t believe that this is a fucking coincidence. She is here for something. And I am not going to wait for her to approach me, or look around snooping to ask me any questions. I walked right up to her and asked her...

  “What are you doing here?” I questioned her. Then I approached it differently, just so she wasn’t aware that I was aware. “Looks like we meet again.” I said to her. She then said, “well, well, well, looks like we do meet again. You are everywhere, huh?” This is exactly what she said to me at the gym. This woman is onto me, but she is not about to make a scene in a public place. “Busy man!” She said to me, shouting out, because the music was so loud. “I feel like this is a big world, but at the same time, small world. Big city but look how we keep running into each other.” I smirked, but it was a fake business-like smirk. “Yes, indeed, and out of all the night clubs, you are here.” She then answered, “yeah, I live in the area,” she said. “I’m looking for some nice spots for me and my friends to come and party, release, or perhaps escape.”

  You fucking liar, she was good. First pulls me over, clearly you remember who I am. Then my fitness club, now in my night club. Bitch is tailing me. I need to check if she put a tracking bug on my attires, my car, my places, I don’t know. She said this to me, while she gazed firmly into my eyes. Then I insisted…...

  “Well, this is a nice place, one of the best clubs in the city. And I own it.” She was intrigued. “Oh well, your club is very nice, just like the fitness club. You own that as well, am I right?” I interrupted her. “You are right.” I said.

  Man, she knew I owned that, she was playing dumb. We had a long ass conversation in my fitness club. You want to play games bitch? I’ll show you how I play it so much better. She then asked, “let me talk to you for a second?” She pulled me over to the side...

  “There has been a lot of activity going on around the club, around the gym, do you know of anything like that?” I try to play stupid to see if I can cover my case, get more answers out of her as well, “what type of activity or activities are you talking about now?” She just gazed into my eyes, did not answer right away. She waited for like five seconds to respond, and then she answered me….

  “There’s been a series of killings, but not just any regular murders. These victims have been murdered by bites. Bites on the neck, weird. No knives, no guns, it’s something that I haven’t seen before. I mean you read books and watch movies pertaining to monsters, beasts, vampires, witches, etc. However, you
never see it for real, I’m not saying this is what that is, we are still investigating. It’s just, these types of murders seem fiction. Just like what you read in books or see in movies. You know, things that are strange, strange things that have been going on around here?” She said. I kept playing stupid.

  “Do you care to elaborate on that? I mean, people die or get killed every day, and then babies are born every day. The world is overly populated as it is. That is the circle of life, eh? It’s just so weird what’s going on around here, isn’t it?” I said coyly. She then went more into depth...

  “The killings are happening late at night, as well. They are hardly going on in the day time!” I then stated, “well, freaks come out at night? We have all heard that saying. I mean, one of my establishments are a night club. Different type of people come in here all the time.” She agreed with me, “yes, that’s why here is a good place to ask.”


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