The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3) Page 15

by E. L Discipline

  “That is because, these fucking shadows belong to its master, and that is me!” But, I then released my grip from her throat, she grasped her neck. “Impressive, very impressive,” she said, as she gasped for air. I said to her, “you won’t kill me because deep down, you need me, and I won’t kill you, because deep down, you entertain me. So, the reality is, this is all about you. This fucking problem we have here.”

  I said this to her, with a smirk on my face. I noticed something with this woman, she does not fear death, she welcomes it. Interesting, if I were to punish her, her punishment would be more severe. There’s much pain and suffering this woman has endured, I can feel it. From her past, coming to her future. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. What doesn’t destroy you, makes you stronger. I told her...

  “Tomorrow, we dance, tomorrow we dine, tomorrow is a clash of immortality. As immortality comes in all different forms.” She stared at me then said, “you and your riddles, why can’t you speak like a normal person. Why can’t you do what an ordinary man does?” She asked. I answered her, “ordinary? But, what is ordinary? I mean what is normal to a lion, is chaos to a warthog.”

  The following day came, and then the night arrived so quickly, and we met, oh she was so lovely. She was dressed in black and red. “My two favorite colors, throw in some blue in there, we would have a triple threat.” I said to her and she smiled at me. And I continued, “darkness and blood.”

  She then stopped smiling, as she said to me, “you sure know how to make a woman feel good, huh? Warm and tingly inside, huh?” She said sarcastically. I smiled as I answered her question, “I do my best.” Sarcasm right back to her with that one. “Your ass actually looks real juicy and plump in that dress, shit, my goodness!” She shook her head at me, with a flat stare, “are you going to be an asshole all night? Or are we going to dine and dance already?” I smirked, “well, do I need to choose?” She answered, “hahaha, you asshole! You’re trouble there, mister.”

  It’s funny, when a woman tells you that, you are trouble, or you’re so bad, normally she is already visualizing having sex with you. We then dined, and we wined, and we then began to dance, I pulled out my hand, and asked, “shall we?” She didn’t answer, she just placed her hand in mine.

  Normally, I like to just tell a woman what she’s going to give me, where we are going to go, and when I am to be invited, but as a vampire, it’s a lot different with this lifestyle. I could never sink my teeth into her until I was invited. I gain her trust, her vulnerability. I would take everything she has, and I would give her everything she needs. FREEDOM. Therefore, constant consensualness was required. Constant assurance was require. We danced calm, we danced slow, we danced sexual, we danced romantically. We danced hard, we danced passionately, we danced until we controlled the entire floor. Until we controlled the entire room. I stared into her eyes, and I captured her attention. She didn’t look away at all, I spoke into her face...

  “It’s interesting, isn’t it?” I said to her. Then she asked me a question pertaining to my question, “what you mean?” I gazed into her eyes, and then continued…

  “This moment of two beings, who once loathed each other,” she cut me off, “no I still loathe you. Get it correct!” I smirk and continued, “don’t cut me off, you know I can feel you, it’s beautiful, you know? Like hypnosis? Physical hypnosis, like your body relaxes….your eyes drop a little bit. You fall into glances when they become stares. Don’t fucking look away!”

  I cupped her face in my massive hands, brought her back to my eyesight. “Fall!! Fall!!!” Her eyelids dropped, and I saw it all over her. “Look me in my eyes, yes, look!” Her eyes opened wide back onto my eyes, “let everything fall away,” I kept talking to her. Smooth, softly, not forceful. “The moment, the past, things outside of this, duties, jobs, responsibilities, situations, the actions, let it all disappear, fall! Life is for living, life is for exploring, for the moments that matter enough to remember. This is ours. Fall, and I can see it, you are putting all that weight down, all those guards down.”

  Out of all the women that I slayed, even though she is a witch, why is she so different? I cannot figure it out, why can I not bite her right away and be done with her already? Then I fucking figured it out. Trust! She lacks it, trust, she can’t provide it. Trust, she fears it. She is constantly in control, and she has never been able to let go. But in this moment, there had been a shift of power. There has been a shift of terror. There has been a shift of magic. In this moment she stopped resisting, because she didn’t want anything to get in the way of what I can do to her, not even her. She herself does not want to get in the way of what is next to come for her. She falls for me; her apprehensions melted away. Her insecurities quieted down, her busy thoughts are calm, her past is forgotten, that smile of hers lets me know, she is completely here. However, she is gone as well, ready to float above earth, high as a fucking kite, stone cold sober. All of this while staring into my beautiful hypnotizing eyes.

  She’s ready, willing and able to be everything I need in that moment, she is mine, she FALLS! My control becomes her release. Her neck was exposed, my eyes turned gold, and my fangs came out. They grew slightly, she was ready to die, willing and able under my damn spell. I’m going to bite her, as hard as I can. Tattoo her my teeth marks, as my jaw will clench. The pain will be intense, her pussy will be drenched, she will squeal, she will scream, she will attempt to fight. Maybe she will? Maybe she will not? Then she will go weak, she will go numb, her body no longer her own, her blood no longer her own. More pressure, higher pitch, I will unintentionally growl, the vampire King will take over, crushing her prefect skin, warped. Gone and rid her existence of this earth, finally...

  I just couldn’t do it, I stopped myself, but it was more than that, it was more than the damn feast. Damn I hated her, but not really, I wanted more. Of her. Of us. I wanted to know, the ‘why’, the ‘if’ the ‘when.’ I needed to know why she was so closed off, of her past. I wanted to know if she had goals. What did she believe was in the future cards for herself? What has brought her up to this point in her life? What has made her choose the life and path she so religiously leads now? I needed to know the, what if things could have been different for her? Why they are different for her? I needed to know, when this all came about? Therefore, I pulled back, she blinked in confusion and stared up at me, and she snapped out of my hypnotism.

  “What just happened? I felt like I was in a dream.” She directed her attention to my fangs that I had put away. My eyes turned its natural beautiful brown color.

  “Listen, I must leave, have a good night.” I said to her, as I was attempting to rush out of there. I did not know what was happening to me. Was she becoming my weakness? No, not me, I was Discipline, I was harder than the concrete. I was fucking tougher than Nigerian hair. I did not know what it was, however, I had to get the fuck out of there…

  She then yelled out for me, “Discipline, why are you leaving? This dinner and dance thing was your fucking idea!” she then whispered to herself, “fucking asshole.”

  I needed time to think, how long I’ve been so used to being a vampire, that I was never able to feel like this before, not for a long time, hesitant to feast, to feed especially upon a woman. I never had a problem in that area at all. And I just couldn’t do it. Was it the fact that she helped save my life? Did I feel like I owed her? Like some type of loyalty to her? I don’t know if it’s a subconscious feeling of, I owe her. I never intend to feel like this for a human, a mere mortal, oh hell no. Was it the fact that I liked that witch bitch a little bit? Perhaps it was a little bit of everything? I had no explanation for this, this was bugging me the fuck out, shit!

  Prior to dinner, Cleopatra and I exchanged numbers, I wanted better access to her therefore, I demanded it. And she was blowing up my phone, and then texting me, ‘hey, asshole, where did you run off to? You didn’t even feel like yourself. What was it? Stomach bloating? Was it cramps? Did you need to take a number tw
o? Do vampires even shit? No, wait ya’ll drink blood, so do you piss out blood? Oh, I get it, you must have had your period, so you ran off on me?’

  She was right, I was not myself, but she was still making stupid jokes, therefore I avoided her phone calls and ignored her texts. Man, one thing a woman can’t stand is when you show them a little attention, then take it away, they hate being ignored. Especially, women whom are so used to getting so much attention. One thing about seduction is, taking everything, I mean everything. That includes what she wants and has, then giving her everything she needs.

  I had to go to the night clubs and the fitness clubs, those were my businesses. I figured, I was not going to kill Cleopatra, but I was not going near her either, it was best I stay away from that witch. I avoided going to the club every night. I made sure things ran smoothly enough where I didn’t need to show up there constantly. But I would stay late at times, randomly. I was supervising my night club, meeting with Susan Wilts, my prime investor of the clubs, and business partner and all of a sudden, Cleopatra comes over...

  “Listen, we need to talk.” She was very demanding. I turned over to Susan and shrugged her off, and I said, “not now.” She grabs me, and says, “yes, now is the best time.” I turn to Susan, and apologized, and said, “this will take just a minute, I’ll be right back.”

  We went heading towards my office, and when Susan looked away, I grab Cleopatra by the arm, and we got to my office, “what the fuck are you doing in my place of business? I worked hard for that deal with Susan, for months and you could fuck it up in like a minute, with your messy shit. And then I would really fucking kill you.”

  She raised an eyebrow, “then do it, yeah, kill me.” I shook my head, just leave, it’s better if we do not ever cross paths ever again, okay?” She was a stubborn creature, “no, I’m not leaving, I need answers, you left and didn’t mention a word. You get me to the point of trusting you, get me to the point of putting down my guards, then you fucking leave, you asshole. You typical male, and you’re not even like a human being, you’re a…well….you’re a…. I don’t even know what the fuck to call you.”

  I was furious, then I said to her, “asshole, that seems to be the common word you love using for me lately.” She then answered me, “I said all that and all you heard was, “asshole? Men! They hear what they want to hear, but they never hear us women. I’m not asking you to listen to me, I’m not trying to be domineering or demanding, I’m just asking you to fucking hear me.”

  I was looking away from her, as I had a lot on my mind, then I stared at her and asked, “what? Excuse me, what were you saying again?” Frustration built, as she let out a deep breath, then a grunt, “ugh, this is what I was talking about, you damn men!” I then said, to her, “the problem is not men, it is you. Once you begin to place all men in the same category, that is what you will encounter. I heard everything you said, I can manage different sets of tasks efficiently. I was just asking, because I knew it would piss you off, and I wanted you to feel how I feel right now, I was trying to close another deal with the Susan woman, and you are now here.”

  I was already furious from the interruption of the meeting I was engaged in with Susan, I grabbed her by the throat, “I can end you right here, right now,” she head butted me. I mean, what woman does that? She then clinched her fingers, and balled up her fist and her fist kissed my jaw, but it did nothing, and then she kicked me, I fell to the ground. I lifted up into the air quickly, my eyes were thunderous, and my fangs then came out. I grabbed her, I didn’t even touch her, I just lifted my hands, and I elevated her off the ground, and I used the ‘come here’ gesture with my fingers and she floated over to me. I balled up my hand into a fist, and that created an invisible chain around her body, therefore she could not move, and she just floated to me...

  “You have no idea how powerful I am, you idiot, you’re fucking with the wrong man, bitch.” I threw her heavily into the wall. She waved her hand as she got right back up and she attempted to hit me, with a bolt of thunder, I blocked it. And I took the thunder and lightning and made it disintegrate. I said to her...

  “Guns, knives, weapons, systems, magic, you mortals put so much faith in. You could aim, whatever you want to aim as you please. However, you will never be able to strike, or reach a God!”

  Both of us were furious, and we ran towards each other and we collided. It was like a clash of two titans. She hit me, and I hit her back, I grabbed her throat and she was gasping for air, and I leaned in and kissed her luscious lips, and I bit the bottom part of her lower lip, and she then kissed me back. I ripped her clothes off, and I pushed her up against the wall, I grasped her hair and kissed her lips again, this time rougher. I took her panties off, ripping them in two and I shoved my erect big chocolate dick into her wet begging pussy hole. I thrusted into her pussy like there was no next week, like there was no tomorrow, like there was no time to waste. I utilized my dick as a weapon to destroy her with. Tame her anger and soothe her craziness.

  She moaned so loud, and I covered her mouth, and I continued to fuck the hell out of her. She was like an animal in a cage, waiting to be released. She cried out, her voice so high with the fright that it surprised her, like she was starving. Starving for this, starving for me, starving from her own desires. She sucked the air that was ever so faintly scented. She felt my strong desires in her cervix, this congealing fire in her breasts. And this passionate strength of big dick that was inside her, it swept along her legs and up her spine, radiating out from her belly.

  The hunger was dangerous. The hunger came upon me by inches, then it made her explode unexpectedly. Her eyes shriveling until they rattled in their sockets like stones in the pocket of a child. Her heart beat become noticeable to me, I could hear, see, and feel it more intensely. I was in so deep, and I could see it in her eyes, in the way her breathing changed. I clasped her hands together and I took them with one of my massive hand, and I pinned her hands above her head. I had her vulnerable, she was exposed, she was helpless, ready for me to take all of her at any given time. I thrusted roughly, she was clutching onto my broad shoulders. I stared dead into her eyes and witnessed her eyes wide and frozen. Her curled lashes wet from the overwhelming fuck I just gave her, from sweat, from tears, from excitement, from desire. I pulled my big cock out of her...

  “On your knees,” I commanded her. I placed my hand on the top of her head, and held her head in place. I came intensely, into her mouth, making sure she swallowed every drop.

  “Swallow all of it, don’t miss one drop.” I demanded. I growled following that. A pretty bitch down on her knees with a pair of soft, full lips wrapped around the big head of my big dick. A hot, wet tongue twirling all over it, then gliding up and down my shaft, wetting it up real slippery-like, then slapping at my big chocolate balls. She was using her tongue in places that will get me dizzy, urging me to give her my hot, creamy powerful nut, once again. She wanted more.

  “Mmmmm, what… you think you’re ready? If so, sit back, ass cheeks should be on your heels. Then relax and let me see you try to deep throat this big cock. That will make your eyes water more and cough as your throat throbs. Fucking rock my cock, gargle my balls, and suck me from hell straight to heaven bitch.”

  As she then attempted this, and I wanted to feed her voracious appetite, I paused it. “Wait, I still have shit to discuss with Susan, no, we can’t.”

  Cleopatra was upset, “are you fucking shitting me? Go on and tease me why don’t you, huh? Get me dripping wet more. My pussy in need of you. My mouth begging for your big juicy and meaty cock, and you have to go?” I replied, “yes.”

  I had a dick and tongue game that could make any woman forget her name. An intellect, that could enhance any woman’s soul. I put my pants back on, and she had no clothes to put on herself, I transported us out of there using my telepathic and telekinesis abilities and took us to my place, “see yourself out, after you take this,” I gave her one of my dress shirts, and a boxers to wear, “
this will get you into public without having to walk out naked, bring my shirt back, get the fuck home immediately and change into your regular clothes.”

  She then said to me, “you know, you could have just teleported us back to my place, where I would change into my clothes. But I guess, you didn’t care to make it easy for me, huh?” I gazed at her firmly, then I said to her, “just fucking do what the fuck I am telling you, I don’t need to hear no lip.” I said in a forceful tone.

  She was in complete agreement with me, “understood!” I then left, I needed to get back to the meeting I had with Susan, so I freshened up and didn’t change my clothes, that would have been the first fucking thing she would notice. You’re reading this, probably saying to yourself, ‘oh, she would not have noticed.’ Trust me, women notice, everything.

  I left Cleo hot and bothered, literally. Her body, missed me immensely. And she needed me already so badly. Her pussy needs me, it aches for the width of my nine-inch 3/4, thick veiny dick, thrusting in and out of her pussy. It would long, for my deep strokes of my thick tongue caressing her clit and its lower lips. She’s held out for so many men. She hasn’t been handled by a man ever, and she hasn’t been fucked properly in such a long time. But, she had held out; denied any other man the privilege and the pleasure of fucking her sweet, and wet pussy hole. She was frightened. Giving me more time with her, would have her hooked on me, and my dick like it was crack. More potent than cocaine. She would be insane. In ways more than she was now. Most she has been doing was sucking and fucking dildos. But, nothing compares to the touch of another being. She was fucking horny, and she went home dressed in my stuff, and went to masturbate. She held my dress shirt in her hand, and put it to her face, so she can inhale my scent off of the shirt. While she laid on her back, shut her eyes, and filled her wet, tight begging pussy hole with her large thick black dildo into herself. Slowly thrusting it with her hands, back and forth into and out of her wet pussy hole. Imagining it was my thick long cock. Shutting her eyes, biting her bottom lip. She was screaming and cumin, “oh Discipline, yes, yes, just like that.” She was imagining it was me touching her flesh once again. My ears were ringing, and I was hearing my name. But, I ignored it. I had to get back to business. She was a dripping mess, with my shirt in her hand, and I was heading back to the meeting, like nothing happened.


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