Strike: Dax

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Strike: Dax Page 4

by Heather C. Leigh

I walk into the tiny washroom and check my reflection—boring and plain, as usual. Oh well.

  “Ready?” Ellie asks.

  “Let’s go!”

  The tube to the DK seems to take forever tonight, probably because I’m nearly crawling out of my skin to see Dax perform again. Yeah, last time sucked. Watching the groupies stalk Dax and Adam from the edge of the stage was a nice solid punch to my ego. But the fact that I’ve spoken to Dax a few times since has given me a microscopic sized amount of courage that I plan on exploiting once I have a pint or two.

  “Bugger. They’ve already started,” I complain, hopping from one foot to the other. I twist my hair nervously around my hand.

  “What’s the big deal? We’ve seen them before,” Ellie asks.

  I shrug, not wanting to discuss my enormous, pathetic, decade-old crush on Dax. “You get to see them practice nearly every day. I’ve only seen them the one time.” Ellie hands me a pint of lager, which I down much faster than I should. I need to relax or I’ll combust.

  “Jeez, Kate. Thirsty?” Ellie is raising a questioning eyebrow at my empty glass.

  “Oh. Yeah. I was. Sorry. Let me grab another and we can move closer to the stage.”

  Five minutes later, we’re situated a few meters from where Adam and Dax are singing and strumming their hearts out. The two new blokes are good as well, making them sound like a proper band.

  “They’re really good with the Americans joining up!” Ellie shouts in my ear so I can hear her over the music. “They even wrote some more songs now that they have drums and a bass!”

  “They are good!” I yell back. Personally, I liked the acoustic set they did a bit better. But she’s right. They do sound like a proper band. Professional. The fact that all four of them are strikingly gorgeous in their own way doesn’t hurt their popularity one bit.

  I know the exact second Adam notices Ellie in the crowd. When he sees her, he smiles like he’s found his reason to live. He sings to her and her alone, exposing his heart and soul with each beautiful note.

  It’s almost uncomfortable to watch, as if I’m intruding on an intimate moment. A seed of unease blooms in my chest. No one has ever looked at me like that. I can’t even imagine what that level of devotion would feel like.

  My eyes leave Adam to focus on Dax. He’s singing and playing as much as Adam, but Dax keeps his emotions sealed up tight—if he even has emotions. His face is as expressionless and distant as it’s been every single day I’ve known him. In fact, the only time I’ve seen that cold, unreadable face change is when he talks to Adam or his band mates. Never for anything or anyone else.

  That’s not entirely true, he had a laugh with me the other day at the café. Of course, Adam was there, but still. I saw it, and it was breathtaking.

  Iceman. I giggle at the thought.

  As Dax’s eyes roam the crowd, they land on me and freeze. Too late to hide it, I see his eyes widen in surprise. To my complete and utter shock, Dax winks at me before returning his attention to the music.

  My chest is suddenly full, and it’s not from that seed of doubt. No, it’s from hope. The hope that maybe, just maybe, I’m no longer invisible and Dax Davies might actually see me.

  “You sure you’re okay going home? It’s a long way and I don’t want to feel like I’m ditching you.”

  I smile at Ellie. “You’re not ditching me, El. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll make sure she gets home, Ellie. No worries, yeah?” Dax has silently edged up next to us, apparently overhearing our conversation. He doesn’t seem to think twice about his offer. I stifle a smile. Surely Dax must realize I’ve been walking around Hackney by myself my entire life?

  Ellie’s gaze shifts from me to Dax and back. I see an impish sparkle in her blue eyes right before she smirks. “Thanks Dax. I was worried, but Adam wants to—”

  “Adam wants to what?” Ellie’s boyfriend, Adam Reynolds, wraps his arms around her waist, leaning his lightly stubbled chin on the top of her blonde head. He’s exactly what you want for a lead singer, tall and lean, with tousled black hair and a permanent grin. Charming as well. “Spend time with his girl?” Ellie tips her head back so Adam can reach her mouth, giving her a quick kiss.

  It takes everything in me not to squirm or fidget as they give us another peek inside their relationship. A prickly heat creeps up my neck and into my cheeks. If Dax weren’t standing so close, close enough to catch his alluring masculine scent, maybe it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable, but Adam and Ellie are always snogging when Dax and I are around. Their intense heat combined with Dax’s close proximity makes every cell in my body ache to spin around and press against his huge, muscular form.

  “Ummmm, yeah,” I stammer. “Go. Spend time together. Be happy and loving and snog all night. I’ll find a way home. No need to bother Dax.” I have to allow him an out. He isn’t my keeper and isn’t responsible for me.

  I can’t bring myself to look at Dax directly. If I do he’ll see right through my lie. He’ll know I want him to insist on taking me home. That it will make me feel that a teeny tiny piece of me somehow belongs to him.

  Dax immediately rebuffs my option. “Nonsense. I’m taking you home.” Even though I can’t see his face, I can tell from his voice that our discussion is over. Somehow, I knew he wouldn’t allow me to walk home alone, and that controlling, possessive streak of his brings a smile to my face that I can’t hide.

  “Fine. See El? Dax is taking me home. Go.” I bodily push her and Adam out the door of the DK. Hawke and Gavin, their American band mates, have already left. Only Dax and I remain in the cramped back room.


  Dax has gathered his guitar and is holding open the door for me. “Yes, I suppose,” I say, flashing him what I hope is a sexy smile and not an awkward grimace. A second later, I feel utterly ridiculous in my pathetic attempt to seem flirty. I’m not flirty, not even close.

  My attempt must not be as pathetic as I thought, because Dax’s usually glacial expression lights up and he grins back. “After you.”

  Wow. Being able to pull that single smile from him gives me a heady sense of power. Dax doesn’t smile for just anyone. In fact, I’ve only ever seen him smile for Adam and… me.

  Forgetting about my inadequacies for a change, we chat comfortably all the way to the tube station, have a laugh at the confused tourists on the train, and jostle each other playfully as we make our way to my flat. In fact, we’re having so much fun we don’t realize how handsy we’re being with each other our joking has me pulled against Dax’s wide chest, my head tilted back to stare into his molten brown eyes.

  Our laughter cuts off abruptly. Something flickers behind those dark irises of his. Something that sends tiny sparks zinging down my spine, flooding my body with warmth. He looks as if… as if he’s going to kiss me. But he wouldn’t do that, right? I’m the sporty girl. The boring one. Not the gorgeous type a bloke like Dax would go for. Yet there’s no mistaking the heat in normally ice-cold his eyes.

  Dax lowers his head, his nose brushing against my cheek. An uncontrollable shudder wracks my body and goose bumps cover my skin. His breath is hot on my ear. The contrast between hot and cold overwhelming my body is as thrilling to feel as it is confusing to see in Dax’s ever-changing moods. “Kate…” He inhales a ragged breath, as if merely speaking is painful.

  Before I can blink, Dax’s huge, calloused hands are framing my face and his mouth brushes across mine. At first it’s just a whisper, a tease, the contact barely there. Then, I hear him inhale sharply and his lips press down forcefully, melding with mine, urging me to open up with quick flicks of his tongue. I melt against his solid body as he dominates the kiss, completely under his spell to do with as he wishes. It seems to go on and on—a small slice of paradise in this blighted spot of East London.

  When he finally pulls back, greedily stealing a few more nips at my mouth, he closes his eyes and moans. “I knew you’d taste like heaven. You’re an angel, I just knew it.” His vo
ice is so quiet I wonder if he meant to say it out loud.

  Naturally, I stand there like an idiot, saying nothing… doing nothing. I’ve been kissed into complete stupidity.

  Dax swipes the pad of his thumb over my damp lips. “See you at school tomorrow.” Without giving me a single hint of what he’s thinking, he turns and leaves. I touch my mouth, running a finger over the same spot Dax touched. My heart leaps into my throat, fluttering so fast I fear it may explode.

  Great. I’m ruined. My first kiss and it was nothing less than brilliant. Dax Davies just ruined me for every other man from now until the day I die.


  Finally. I have nine days before my next fight, so if I play my cards right, I can get Kate to drop her knickers for me before the seven day no shagging period. I swear I’ve become obsessed with her. For some reason Kate’s tall, athletic body and natural beauty are all I think about day and night. Even that husky voice of hers makes me hard. At this point, no other girl will do.

  Fuck. I need to get laid. I’ve spent the last four days imaging Kate beneath me, naked and sweaty and screaming my name. Now, there’s only half an hour left of school and it feels like it’ll never end. My dick can’t take much more of a wait. It’s about to burst through my trousers from my lewd and frankly, quite creative thoughts.

  “Oi! Dax!”

  Adam claps his hand on my shoulder as I stuff books into my locker. “Yeah?”

  “I can’t make practice today. Ellie asked if I’d hang with her. Her mum’s expecting some test results today and she doesn’t want to be alone.”

  Ellie’s mum has cancer, which just plain sucks. They’re good people, her parents.

  “No worries. Are you going to her place?”

  “Nah, we’re going to have a bite or something.”

  Now I have a reason to speak to Kate. I’ll offer to walk her home.

  “See you later, then.”

  “Right. Cheers.” Adam nods and ducks off into the crowd to find Ellie.

  As if the gods are determined to help out my poor, neglected cock, Kate walks down the hall towards the doors. I sprint into action, catching up to her with a few long strides.


  Great opening line, you numpty.

  “Uh, hello.” Kate is looking at me oddly, her petite, freckled nose scrunched up in confusion.

  “What?” Lovely. I must have offended her by forcing myself on her the other night. That means my chance with her today is hovering at right about zero.

  Kate giggles. “No. I’m wondering… forget it. Did you need something Dax?” Those green eyes, so hopeful, so trusting, are looking up at me, waiting for me to speak.

  Every slick word I had ready to get into Kate’s drawers sticks in the back of my throat. My gaze roams over her face, innocent, yet somehow so provocative at the same time. She pushes all my buttons, turning me into a horny bastard, yet I want to cherish her at the same time.

  Damn. I pick now to grow a conscious?

  Yes, apparently I do, because I can’t bring myself to feed her a bunch of lines. Even though I know I could have Kate in my bed within the hour, something inside me doesn’t want to taint someone so pure.

  “Uh… I was just going to see you home. Since Ellie and Adam left already.”

  Kate smiles shyly, and my breath catches. Fuck, she’s bloody gorgeous. My cock twitches, protesting the change of plans. It was really counting on getting some action today.

  Crap. I’m a fucking bastard, a heartless one at that—but I can’t be the one to manipulate and take advantage of such a sweet, innocent girl. Kate’s not a slag, not even close. I won’t treat her like one.

  Rule 4—Women who act like slags can be treated like slags.

  Right. “Ready to go?” I ask, willing my rock hard cock to go down.

  Kate stares at me one last time, as if deciding whether or not trusting me is a good idea. She seems to come to the conclusion that I’m safe. With a practiced move, she hikes her bag up on her shoulder.

  “Yes. I’m ready.”

  Oh love, you really shouldn’t trust me. I’m most definitely not safe.

  I hold open the door to the school. “Let’s go then.”

  “Oi! Dax.”

  I let go of the pull-up bar and drop lightly to my feet.


  Buggar. Of course he’d pop by while I’m in a shitty mood. Everything goes tits up right quick whenever my brother Shaun is around.

  “I was about to have a go at the bag, but if you’re here…” He gave me one of his evil smiles, the kind that makes you think he’s deciding where to stash your body once he’s offed you.

  Fuck. Shaun and I haven’t been in the cage together in months. We don’t mesh well, me and him. Last time we went at it, both of us ended up in A&E—me for a busted nose and Shaun for a hairline fracture of his thumb. Still hasn’t forgiven me for that one, even though it was his own fault for hitting me without making a proper fist.

  I look over at the empty cage. It’s calling to me, begging me to step inside and forget about everything else. To forget about my sexual frustration, self-inflicted by way of a newfound conscious. To forget about how I felt when Kate looked up at me with such trust in her emerald eyes. To forget about the fact that I’m just a poor Cockney bastard with no fucking future outside of this club.

  Without another thought, I grab my thin gloves and yank them on. “Fine. Do we need a ref?” Shaun prefers to fight ‘street style’, meaning without rules or referees. He hates being told what he can and can’t do.

  Predictably, my brother’s eyes narrow and he steps up into the cage. “No.”

  Certain I’ll regret this come morning, I follow him up the stairs, slamming the cage door behind me.

  Shaun grins from his corner, smacking a fist into an open palm. “Sure you’re up for this? Your fight is in what… a week?”

  “Nine days,” I snap. Not that I’m counting.

  “Hold up!” Shaun laughs. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Dad’ll murder me if I injure you so you can’t fight. I’m just wondering how hard I can hit your tender face, that’s all.”

  “Fuck off, Shaun. Are we going to have a chat over tea or are we going to fight?” I move towards the center of the ring with my fists up.

  Shaun shakes his head, smiling. “Always a glutton for punishment, aren’t you? Fine, on three…two…one.”

  We both come out swinging.

  It’s the shortest fight either one of us has ever had.


  “Where is this place?”

  This is so cocked up. I have no idea what I’m even doing here. I’m so frightened, I can’t even answer Tasha’s question. A quick glance around at the neighborhood that surrounds us has me shivering in fear. Each street is getting scarier than the last.

  I feel exposed and vulnerable in this part of Hackney. It’s not known for its friendly atmosphere, that’s for sure, and after dark isn’t the time for a couple of girls to be wandering the streets. We’re actually disturbingly close to the street known as Murder Mile.

  Briefly, the image of Dax holding me close and keeping me safe while he fights off criminals flashes though my head. Another shiver wracks my body, but I’m certain this time it isn’t from fear. No, it’s definitely desire that has me shaking. That and my superhero fantasies.

  Even though he’s walked me home every day for the last week, Dax hasn’t tried for another kiss or anything else. Honestly, I wish he would. All that talk of him being such a big ladies’ man must be just that—talk. Otherwise, he would certainly have made a move on me by now. Unless… maybe he isn’t interested in me in that way.

  Maybe he was in an experimental mood that night. The thought is damn depressing. Or maybe the massive split lip and bruised chin he was sporting earlier this week kept him in check. Who knows?

  Reaching into my pocket, I fish out the scrap of paper with the directions scribbled out. Directions. Ha! It’s a bloody illegal f
ight club. You’re not supposed to know where it is. There’s not exactly going to be a big sign out front now, is there?

  “Second building after Parson’s Laundrette,” I mutter, feeling significantly less confident about this plan than I was a few minutes ago. One kiss and I’m bloody stalking a bloke in the worst part of town. Hell, he probably kissed me out of pity—threw me a proverbial bone.

  “This is so crazy, Kate. I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Tasha glances around nervously as we walk, but I can hear the excitement in her voice, feel it in her step. She always wanted to be the rebel, the bad girl. Now she’s getting her chance. I’ve given her the perfect excuse to let loose and embrace her inner wild side by mentioning the club. Hell, she’s the one who suggested we find it.

  We come to a stop in front of a large, abandoned brick structure. It’s completely dark, not a single light is on inside.

  My head swivels around, looking for any signs of humanity. Nothing. Just the eerily silent night, mocking my desperation with its darkness. “This can’t be it.”

  “Maybe—” Tasha’s thought is cut short by a man’s voice. We quickly huddle behind an overturned rubbish bin.

  “Oi! Joe! Get yer arse in ‘ere!”

  I whip around just in time to see a bright light shine out of a crack on the bottom level of the building. A man ducks inside what appears to be the outline of a door then it closes behind him, plunging us back into blackness. Fear grips me—hard—slithering down my spine in icy, probing tentacles.

  We should not be here.

  “Why did I let you talk me into this, Tash?”

  As much as try, I can’t blame Tasha for our situation. After spending the last few weeks getting to know Dax, as Ellie’s best friend of course, I want the chance to see him one on one, without Adam and Ellie around making me feel like I’m on a supervised non-date. Naturally, when I confessed my thoughts to Tasha, she came up with this brilliant plan.

  Tasha and I had heard the rumors of Dax’s involvement in illegal fighting over the years—and on more than one occasion seen the bruises on his face and hands. So she persuaded one of our less upstanding classmates to tell us how to get to the fight club and what nights we could find Dax there.


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