The Human Side

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by Cori Garrison

  The Human Side

  By Cori Garrison

  Copyright 2015 Cori Garrison

  Smashwords Edition

  Smashwords Edition, License Statement

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  **** Back to top


  Shawn was eleven when she realized she wasn’t like other girls. She had always been a tom boy, something that caused her parents great distress. In their world, appearances were everything. For them, the appearance of their three blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls acting like perfectly mannered southern belles was what they expected.

  When she was thirteen, she was caught kissing her best friend. Her mom was furious and threatened to send her away to boarding school. “This type of behavior is not acceptable! We will not speak of this again!” Her mother had shouted at her. Shawn had not been allowed to see her friend again.

  It was then that she began to withdraw from everyone, except her younger sisters. She was, after all, the oldest and it was her job to watch out for them. She didn’t consider anyone a friend. Why make friends when her parents would just tell her they weren’t the kind of people that a lady associated with.

  She excelled at sports in high school and wanted to be a nurse. Her parents however, wanted her to attend Columbia College, an all-women’s college in her home state of South Carolina. When she approached her parents about attending Duke University in North Carolina, they exploded telling her that if she did not attend Columbia as they wished, they would not pay for any of her education costs.

  She had always had a stubborn streak in her and she felt like she was being smothered by their disapproving demeanor. She was a straight “A” student, all-state in volleyball and softball, yet her parents never had a kind word to say to her. She decided she had to get away from them and made the decision to go against them, applying to Duke.

  Duke accepted her with a partial academic scholarship. Without her parent’s financial assistance, she was forced to take out student loans to cover the remainder of her tuition. Her parents cut her off completely the day she left for North Carolina.

  She bloomed during her freshmen year at Duke. She loved the freedom of being away from her judgmental parents. She began dating women; well, really it was not so much dating and more like sexual encounters. She didn’t have time for a relationship and quite honestly, she didn’t trust anyone.

  Her sophomore year, she was assigned to a new room in the dorms and a new roommate. Her new roommate was another sophomore nursing student named Jenna Lambert. Shawn found her incredibly easy to talk to and before she realized it, they quickly became best friends. Shawn shared how difficult her life had been and that she was now basically on her own with no safety net. Over the next two years they became inseparable; living, studying and hanging out together in what little free time they had.

  Holidays were always the most difficult for her. She had nowhere to go “home” to, no one to celebrate with and no one who wished her Merry Christmas or Happy New Year. Jenna invited her to come home with her to New York for Christmas their sophomore year but she declined, preferring to keep everyone at a distance. She was afraid of rejection if Jenna’s family realized she was a lesbian.

  When Jenna returned to school from the winter break, she found Shawn sick in bed. She hadn’t eaten for two days and she was running a high fever. Jenna scolded her for not calling her or going to see someone at the campus clinic. Jenna had watched over her as her fever remained high, finally climbing into bed with her and cuddling to stop her violent chills. She finally fell asleep with Jenna holding her tight. Jenna had studied her and wondered what it must be like to have parents who turn their back on you because of who you were for something that you had no control over. She knew underneath Shawn’s hard persona was a woman who had a great capacity to love, she was just too afraid to let anyone in.

  Jenna and Shawn continued to grow closer as the semester’s passed. They were even a couple for a while, but she could not commit to an actual relationship that Jenna wanted. The two decided that rather than ruin their friendship, they would break up. The decision was the correct one; it created a stronger friendship than ever as she began to realize that Jenna would always be there for her. Jenna accepted her for who she was, however flawed she may be.


  Seven Years Later

  Shawn woke to the sound of the birds singing and the sun streaming through the blinds. She stretched, feeling Rebecca’s warm body next to her. Rolling on her side she studied the beautiful woman she had fallen in love with. Rebecca had dark hair and a dark complexion, a reflection of her Cuban heritage. She had the most gorgeous almond colored eyes and when she was fired up about something they seemed to almost burn. She couldn’t resist reaching out and tucking Rebecca’s hair behind her ear, letting her hand linger on her cheek.

  Rebecca stirred and opened her eyes to find Shawn staring at her. She immediately felt a jolt of adrenaline shoot through her body, ending in her now throbbing clit. Crazy! Why is it that just looking at her turns me on? I’m going to blame it on hormones.

  It was as if Shawn could read her thoughts, because she leaned in and kissed Rebecca’s lips softly. “Good morning. How are you feeling?” She asked.

  Rebecca had been struggling with morning sickness that seemed to last all day. The last few days it seemed to have calmed down and Shawn was hoping that was because Rebecca was now in her second trimester. Hopefully it would now go away completely.

  Rebecca ran her fingers down Shawn’s arm, causing goose bumps to appear on her body. She did not miss the fact that Shawn’s nipples immediately hardened. Hmm, someone else woke up horny too. She took Shawn’s hand and slowly licked her index finger, making sure that her tongue explored that sensitive area between her fingers.

  “Wow. I will take that as you’re feeling better this morning!” Shawn tried to joke as Rebecca moved on to kissing her palm, gently licking it.

  Rebecca’s dark eyes locked on to Shawn’s blue ones. “Let me show you.” She said in a low, husky voice. She continued kissing and licking her way up Shawn’s arm until she found her collar bone. Shifting, she straddled Shawn’s waist and leaned down to nibble at her neck and ear.

  Shawn closed her eyes as the sensations turned her on even more. It
had been about six weeks since they had made love because of Rebecca’s morning sickness, which had made it almost impossible to be intimate. She ran her hands up Rebecca’s thighs to her silky soft sides; she really wanted to take control but she let Rebecca be in charge.

  Rebecca whispered in her ear “I’m hungry, and for breakfast, I want you.” She kissed her mouth, biting her lower lip as she made her way down her neck. She was amazed again at the overwhelming surge of arousal she felt whenever she was with Shawn; she had never experienced anything like it.

  Shawn’s hands wandered over Rebecca’s body. Her fingers found Rebecca’s nipples, rolling them between her fingertips and gently tugging on them. This elicited an immediate response, and she felt Rebecca begin to slowly rock against her. She ran her hands lower, sliding her thumb under Rebecca as she rocked so that she could pressure and rub her clit as she moved.

  Rebecca tried to concentrate on something other than Shawn’s thumb and the electric shocks it was sending through her body. She leaned down and began to suck Shawn’s nipples, alternating between them. She couldn’t control it any longer. She sat up, leaned her head back and rocked her hips harder into Shawn’s hand, making short moans each time.

  Shawn sat up also, adjusting her hand so that she could slide two fingers into Rebecca and still use her thumb to rub her clit. She placed her other hand in the small of Rebecca’s back to steady her as she rocked. Rebecca’s dark nipples stood straight out right in front of her face, begging to be sucked. She raked them with her teeth and then sucked hard. Rebecca’s hands were tangled in her hair holding her head close as she sucked.

  Her eyes popped open as she felt Rebecca shift and climb off her. For a moment she was confused until Rebecca rolled to her stomach. With her hips still rocking, she whispered “Shawn please, I need it now!”

  Without hesitation, Shawn rolled and reached into her bedside table, pulling out the strap on. She quickly fastened it in place and squirted lube on it. Crawling behind Rebecca, she squeezed her ass and then kissed it. “What Becca? What do you want?” She teased as she traced her finger up and down Rebecca’s very wet crack.

  “Oh my God Shawn, please don’t make me say it. You know what I want and how I want it.” Rebecca pleaded, rocking her hips.

  “I need you to tell me; I forget.” Shawn played her role.

  “Shawn, please!” She looked back over her shoulder. “Please baby! Fuck me to the edge and then I need your mouth on me.” She demanded.

  “My, what a potty mouth you’ve gotten. I would never have dreamed that the proper nurse Johns would ever say the word fuck or demand me to put my mouth on her!” Shawn teased again. She rubbed the dildo up and down Rebecca’s slit, then in one quick motion she pushed it deep inside her.

  “Ohhh” Rebecca gasped as she felt it fill her up. She felt Shawn’s strong hands grip her hips and began to pull out and push back in slowly, gaining speed each time. “Shawn, don’t stop! God it feels like I’m on fire!”

  Shawn could hardly maintain her concentration as she watched Rebecca’s sexy ass arching up to meet her thrusts. “God, you are so beautiful and sexy baby.”

  Shawn reached down with her free hand and slid her fingers around the dildo as it came out, getting them wet. She traced her index finger up to Rebecca’s tight asshole, teasing it. She felt Rebecca tense and heard a small gasp; this was something she had never done to Rebecca and wasn’t sure if Rebecca would be okay with it.

  Rebecca felt Shawn’s finger touch her asshole, initially it shocked her but the sensation was so different it made her clit swell and harden even more. Oh my God! She had never had anyone touch, let alone enter her there but she couldn’t focus on the thought for long. The distraction of the dildo sliding in and out of her was driving her close to an edge, one she didn’t want to fall off yet. Before she realized it happened, she felt the pressure and slow circling movement of Shawn’s finger in her ass. It was enough to make her cum right then and there but she fought to hold it off.

  Shawn’s hand slid from its place on Rebecca’s hip, moving down the front of her and between her legs. She used her finger to push Rebecca’s clit against the dildo as it went in and out, while she slid the finger in her ass in and out quickly in opposite time as the dildo.

  Rebecca felt a mind-melting orgasm start almost immediately; one she couldn’t stop or control. She pushed back, taking everything in her body, screaming out as she collapsed on the bed.

  Shawn pulled the dildo out quickly, rolling Rebecca to her back and sliding down between her legs. She leaned in and started licking every inch of her.

  “Shawn, oh my God, I don’t know if I can.. oh my God don’t stop!” Rebecca contradicted herself as Shawn’s tongue worked its magic on her.

  An hour later, as they showered together, Shawn ran her hand over Rebecca’s stomach. “You’re starting to show a little. Either that or you’ve been eating too many Cheetos!” She teased. She bent down and kissed Rebecca’s stomach gently and then stood up to kiss her deeply.

  “Jesus Shawn, don’t get me started again! I feel like every little touch is going to make me jump out of my skin.” Rebecca laughed. She knelt down in front of Shawn gently kissing her thighs. “I didn’t get as much of you as I need though.” I don’t think I ever will.


  Rebecca took a deep breath as she sat waiting for the hospital CEO’s administrative assistant to announce that he was ready to meet with her. She was pretty sure she knew what he wanted. She had already discussed things with Shawn, knowing that their relationship would affect her position at work. She couldn’t be in a position where ultimately she was over Shawn and had the power to make employment decisions that could affect her job. They had decided that Rebecca would step down from her position as Chief Nursing Officer and go back to the floor in the OB unit where she could work side by side with Shawn and Jenna. The CNO position had fallen into her lap and at the time, she thought it would be good to climb the ladder but she enjoyed the floor more.

  Rebecca was actually okay with going back out on the floor. Now that she had a baby on the way, the floor it would allow her more time with her growing family. She smiled to herself. There was a point where she never thought she would have a family of her own. Her career had become her family. And then Shawn and this baby changed everything.

  Rebecca walked out of the office twenty minutes later, smiling and feeling relieved. She no longer had to hide her relationship with Shawn. She immediately headed to her office to start packing up her things. She was going to stay long enough to help transition a new person into the job and then she would be back to hands-on nursing.


  Shawn and Rebecca spent that evening at Sam and Jenna’s house. They usually had dinner together one night a week, since Shawn and Sam were the only family the other had right now. Their parents had completely cut them off when they came out.

  “So, your sister emailed you?” Rebecca asked Sam.

  “Yes, she emailed from school and said that she’s graduating in three weeks and she has a job offer from the police department here in Charlotte! She wanted to know if she could stay with one us until she could get settled in somewhere instead of trying to rush to find a place to live.” Sam answered.

  Shawn shook her head. “And you warned her that she’s risking mom and dad cutting her off if she’s here with us? I mean, I would love to have her here so we could get to know each other again, but I’m not sure she knows what she’s getting into.”

  “Shawn, she is not a child anymore and she knows exactly what she’s doing. She said she’s made up her mind.” Sam explained.

  “Well, I hope this town is ready for three Evans sisters! I am excited that we will have another babysitter!” Jenna laughed. “I know, I know, wishful thinking that a new college graduate won’t have anything better to do then hang out with an eight month old.”

  “Now who could resist this little stud muffin? He’s such a doll. I can’t wait until he can play w
ith his cousin!” Rebecca was acting like she was eating little Jackson’s toes, who was squealing in delight, apparently finding it hilarious.

  “I think we should place our bets now. Who thinks the baby will be a boy and who thinks it will be a girl?” Shawn said. “I am betting that it’s going to be a boy.”

  Sam, Rebecca and Jenna all agreed that they thought it was going to be a girl.


  One week later, Sam answered her home phone and was shocked to hear her mother’s voice on the other end. She hadn’t spoken to her in nearly a year.

  “Samantha? Are you there?” She heard her mother say.

  “Yes, sorry, I’m here.” She said, regaining her composure.

  “Samantha, your father and I understand that Stacy has contacted you about moving to Charlotte. We do not feel that this is in her best interest and we are asking you to please stay out of it.”

  Silence drug on as her mind raged. Are you fucking kidding me? You call after a year, and that’s the first thing out of your mouth?

  “Samantha, are you listening to me?” The disdain in her mother’s voice was as thick as her southern accent.

  “I hear you mother. Stacy is an adult and she can make her own decisions. Now if you don’t mind, my son needs my attention.” Sam slammed the phone down.

  She was pissed. How dare her mother call after this long, only to ask me to turn my sister away? She was hurt. She didn’t even bother to ask how her grandson was doing.

  She checked on Jackson to make sure he was still sleeping and then headed to the basement. She proceeded to go through her workout, pounding the bag with a flurry of kicks and punches. She didn’t realize she wasn’t alone until she caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of her eye as she did a spinning kick.

  “Hi” Jenna said quietly, eyeing her cautiously. Who pissed you off? She knew something was bothering Sam whenever she went at the bag with such a vengeance.

  “Hey.” Sam panted out. “I was just getting in a workout while Jackson was sleeping.” She avoided eye contact with Jenna. Like she doesn’t know you well enough to know that’s not true.


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