The Human Side

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The Human Side Page 6

by Cori Garrison

  “I’ve thought about this all day.” She trailed her tongue up Sam’s neck to whisper in her ear. “I thought about how sexy it is when you moan and call out my name.” She nibbled Sam’s earlobe and felt her shiver.

  Sam’s breath caught in her throat as goose bumps covered her body. Her eyes fluttered shut as she concentrated on the exquisite pleasure that Jenna’s caresses always brought. Her hands found their way to Jenna’s hips, pulling the towel down so she could feel the smooth skin beneath it. A moan escaped her lips as Jenna’s wonderfully soft lips found their way to her breasts. She grabbed a handful of Jenna’s wet hair, pulling her head back and kissing her hard on the mouth. Their tongues met, dancing together as they explored each other’s mouths.

  Jenna groaned and pushed her back on the bed, straddling her as she climbed on the bed. “You are… so… beautiful.” she said between kisses. She nibbled Sam’s earlobe and whispered in her ear “I’ve been thinking about making you cum all day. I want to hear you scream my name.”

  Sam shivered and moaned softly. Jenna kissed her way down Sam’s neck to her collar bone, running her tongue across it. She felt Sam’s hands pull her hair back from her face and hold her head close.

  Jenna sat back, letting her eyes roam over Sam’s face and body. She traced her fingers over Sam’s lips, down her neck and between her breasts to her toned stomach. “God you are so beautiful Sam.” She traced her fingers over the taunt abdominal muscles developed by years of martial arts training. “I hope my body bounces back from the baby as well as yours did.”

  She leaned down to kiss every single inch of bare skin; lingering briefly at all the sensitive spots that she knew would drive Sam higher. She lingered longer in the hollow areas of Sam’s hips, knowing this area was very sensitive. Sam’s hips rolled up to meet Jenna’s lips as she left a trail of kisses and gentle sucks across them.

  Jenna slowly climbed back up and whispered in Sam’s ear once again. “Roll over baby, I’ve been thinking about something else all day too.” Sam’s eyes grew round as she did what she was told, a quiet moan escaping her lips as she rolled.

  Sam felt Jenna moving behind her and then Jenna’s arms went under her hips, lifting them up so that her ass was in the air and she was on her knees. Jenna’s hands caressed her legs, up over her ass and on to her back. She drug her nails lightly back down. She watched as goose bumps appeared on Sam’s skin. She could see Sam’s hips moving slightly as she struggled to contain her arousal.

  “You are so sexy Sam, God I want you so bad I can’t wait to taste you.” Jenna said in a low, breathy voice. Sam groaned and rocked her hips back towards Jenna. “Then what are you waiting for baby. Take me, please. I’m so wet I can feel it running down my thighs.” Sam groaned.

  Jenna did not need to be told twice as she leaned down, spread her open and groaned loudly as she moved in for her first taste. It didn’t take more than a few minutes of Jenna’s wonderful tongue and mouth on her before Sam cried out her name as she exploded with a strong orgasm. She fell forward on the bed and Jenna lay quietly beside her, gently rubbing her back.

  Sam rolled onto her back after a few minutes and reached for Jenna. “Baby, come here. I need you over me now.” She helped Jenna maneuver so that she was straddling Sam’s neck. “Oh God, have I ever told you how much I love you from this angle?” Sam said with a groan. She began kissing Jenna’s inner thighs, while her hands explored the softness of her ass cheeks. Her hands took hold Jenna’s hips and pulled her down as reached her tongue for her first taste.

  Forty-five minutes later, they were drifting close to sleep as they curled together under the covers. “I love you Sam.” Jenna whispered sleepily.

  “And I love you Jenna. More than words can express. I am so lucky you hit on a pregnant lady.” She giggled as Jenna pinched her arm.

  “I did not hit on you, you hit on me!” Jenna said laughing. “Either way, I am glad it turned out this way. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have a baby with. I don’t want to wait, I think we should go ahead and start trying if you’re okay with that?”

  “Of course I am. I can’t wait to see you pregnant. I want this baby just as much as you do. That and God I can’t wait to see your breasts when you’re pregnant.” Sam giggled.

  “Oh, go to sleep you horn dog.” Jenna giggled as she snuggled closer and they drifted to sleep.


  Stacy looked around at the mess in her new apartment. “Thank God, only one more load to bring in from the car and then I have to get this mess organized!” She headed back out to her car to get the last of her purchases.

  She surveyed the remaining items in the trunk of her car, calculating if she could carry all of them in without needing to make another trip. She maneuvered all of the bags and headed back towards her apartment, struggling to keep a grip on everything. In her effort to not drop something, she didn’t see the person walking the other direction on the sidewalk and ran head-on into them, dropping two bags in the process. “Shit! I am so sorry..” She glanced up at the person and her eyes grew big.

  “Hey relax, no one was hurt right? I hope there was nothing breakable in those bags though.” The other person replied smiling.

  Stacy found herself staring at a catalog-worthy, beautiful woman with short-cropped hair who was wearing the uniform of a Charlotte police officer. “I am sorry, I was trying not to drop anything and wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.”

  “Well, apparently neither was I.” The officer said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “I guess I could cite you for failure to yield, but I think I can make a one-time exception. Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around.”

  “Well, thank you ma’am for overlooking my poor observation skills, you think I’d be more aware of my surroundings given my job.” Stacy replied smiling.

  “Your job requires you to be observant? What is it that you do?” The officer inquired.

  “I’m sorry, I’m being rude. My name is Stacy Evans, it’s nice to meet you Officer ….Cash.” She finished lamely as she had to glance quickly at the officer’s name tag. She mentally chided herself for not noticing that right off.

  “You can call me Randy, everyone does. And you didn’t say what it was that you did that would require you to be so observant?” Randy asked again.

  Stacy found herself staring again. “I’m sorry what?” She asked distractedly.

  A small smirk appeared on the officer’s face. “I said you didn’t tell me what you did for a living and I don’t want to have to run you through the system to find out.”

  Stacy laughed. “That’s not necessary. I work at the crime lab. I’m a crime scene investigator. Well, I will be as soon as I finish my firearms qualification.”

  “Okay, well I have to run. Let me know if you need some help at the target range. It was nice to meet you.” Randy said as she walking away. She stopped and turned around “Oh and I live in 115 if you need to find me, but then you could probably figure that out as a CSI right?” She winked and walked on to her car.

  Stacy rolled her eyes. Was I just hit on? Well, if I were interested in women, she would definitely not be my type. She’s gorgeous but I think I would be attracted to a more feminine woman.

  The following day she found what looked like a summons taped to her apartment door when she arrived home from work. Great, now what? She pulled it off and carried it inside. She changed out of her uniform and opened the paper to see what it was. CSI Evans, you’ve been summoned to the firing range at 13:00 on Saturday. I checked the schedule and you’re not on Saturday, so make sure you don’t miss or I will have the judge issue a bench warrant. Cpl. Cash.

  She picked up the phone and dialed her sister Sam. “Sam, I think I have a problem and I need some advice on how to handle it.” She said as her sister answered the phone.

  “What kind of problem? I’ll help if I can!” Sam said laughing.

  “Well, the cliff-notes version is that I literally r
an into a female police officer yesterday outside my apartment. I’m pretty sure she’s gay and I’m pretty sure she knows I was staring at her. She’s absolutely gorgeous Sam, I’m not gay but I think she thinks I am. I got home from work and she taped a note to my door telling me to meet her at the firing range on Saturday. What am I going to do?” Stacy rambled on like a rapid fire weapon.

  Sam laughed. “Slow down. Now if I caught all that you think this officer is gay, you think that she thinks you’re gay and now she’s invited you to the firing range? Tell me again why this is a problem?”

  “Sam! It’s a problem because she thinks I’m gay and she probably thinks this is a date. I’m not gay and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.” Stacy said emphatically.

  “Stacy seriously; gay people can be just friends with straight people you know! Maybe she does think you are, so just let her know you’re not and hang out. I doubt you will hurt her ego, she’s a cop after all.” Sam giggled.

  “Stop laughing at me Sam. I’m serious. I don’t want to be mean and of course I know a gay person can be just friends with a straight person.” Stacy said in a frustrated tone.

  “Listen Stacy, why are you so worried about it? Just be honest with her and if all she’s looking for is a booty call, then you haven’t lost anything right? You may end up with a friend out of it and that’s what you want right?” Sam said sincerely.

  “Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks Sam.” Stacy hung up the phone and looked at the paper again. She noticed that Officer Cash had written her phone number at the bottom of it. “Well here goes nothing.”

  She picked up her phone and typed out a text This is CSI Evans. I received your summons and I can meet you on Saturday. We need to clear up a few things though; I don’t want you getting the wrong impression of me. She hit the send button, laid her phone on the counter and went about making some dinner. She found herself glancing at it frequently, but no reply came.

  Several hours passed and she began to feel silly. This is stupid, I’m going to bed. She either answers or she doesn’t. Maybe she’s working tonight and is busy. She watched TV as she tried to go to sleep, but sleep wouldn’t come. It was after midnight when she decided to throw on some sweats and run to the local 24-hour market to find some ice cream.

  She was walking back up to her apartment from the car when she realized someone was leaning against the side of the building in the shadows. She glanced around and saw no one else outside. Damnit, I wish I had my sidearm now! She turned and walked back to her car, got in and locked the doors. I’ll just wait a few minutes and see if they leave. Just then, a man walked down the sidewalk and the person in the shadows stepped out and they embraced. Great, I’m paranoid. No, not paranoid, aware of your surroundings.

  She stepped out of her car and jumped as she heard a voice behind her. “Are you always out this late?” It was a familiar voice. Shit, why does she keep me off balance?

  She turned around slowly, expecting to see that cocky smirk on the officer’s face, but instead saw exhaustion and stress. “No, I’m not unless I’m working. I couldn’t sleep so I went on a late night run for ice cream. When I got back I saw someone standing in the shadows so I got back in the car; turns out he was just meeting up with someone.”

  The officer smiled wearily. “That was good thinking, better safe than sorry. I’ll walk you to your door.”

  “You don’t need to Officer.. Randy; I can see that you’re exhausted.” Stacy responded with a smile.

  “I am, but I don’t think a few more steps will kill me.” Randy motioned for her to walk.

  They stopped in front of Stacy’s door. “Thank you, it wasn’t necessary, but thank you.” Stacy said as she unlocked the door and opened it. “Would you like a drink? I don’t have much selection; okay I really only have beer or vodka. You look like you could use one.” She unconsciously reached out and touched Randy’s arm.

  Randy slowly looked down at Stacy’s hand on her arm and then back up and her face. Stacy saw the brief change in expression on Randy’s face and carefully removed her hand. Interesting; I wouldn’t have imagined that a simple, innocent touch would make her uneasy. Aren’t cops supposed to be egotistical?

  “Thank you, but I’d better get to bed. I had a long day. I hope you get some sleep too.” She said as she turned and headed towards her apartment. Stacy noticed that her shoulders seemed slumped almost in defeat. Well, maybe I’m wrong about her being gay. But then why would she invite me to the range? Oh, like she isn’t just being friendly? Jesus. You’d think I’d be better at this with two sisters that are lesbians.

  She closed and locked her door, put the ice cream in the freezer and climbed in bed. The ice cream no longer interested her; instead she wondered what had happened that day to make the self-confident woman seem almost unsure of herself.

  Randy leaned against the back of her door, slowly sliding to the floor. She held her head with her hands. The day had been by far the worst of her career. She had been called to some pretty tough scenes and she thought nothing could rattle her anymore. That was until today. Her mind replayed the call. She stood up, walked to her refrigerator and pulled out a beer. Flopping on the couch, she took a long swallow and clicked on the TV. She didn’t really watch the show playing; her mind wandered to her new neighbor. She saw my reaction when she touched me. She probably thinks I’m playing games with her. SHIT! I totally forgot she texted me earlier. She fumbled in her pants pocket for her phone and brought up the text message from Stacy. This is CSI Evans. I received your summons and I can meet you on Saturday. We need to clear up a few things though; I don’t want you getting the wrong impression of me.

  She quickly typed a response, hoping it wouldn’t disturb her when the phone went off. She didn’t want to wait until tomorrow and make her think she was totally ignoring her. CSI Evans I could never get the wrong impression of you. I will see you Saturday. Cpl Cash

  She turned off the TV, locked her gun up and went to bed. The wrong impression of her? Wonder what she meant by that.

  Stacy’s phone chirped on her bedside table. She rolled over and read the text message. A smile spread on her face. She typed a quick response back, not wanting to continue to disturb her. See you then.


  Friday night came in the shape of a painting party at Shawn and Rebecca’s house. Rebecca was sitting in the doorway on a chair, holding baby Jackson while the rest of the girls painted the babies’ room.

  “So, you think she’s a lesbian? Based on what?” Shawn questioned Stacy about her new friend.

  “Well, I guess based on several things. She has a pixie haircut, she wears a ring on her left thumb and she’s a cop. Listen, I’m not trying to stereotype but let’s face it those are all pretty stereotypical lesbian things right?” Stacy looked around the room.

  “Seriously Stacy? That’s why they are called stereotypes. Look around this room again. All of us except Shawn have long hair. Rebecca and Jenna are high heeled shoe whores and Shawn gets pedicures. Not one of us is the same and it’s not fair to say that.” Sam said shaking her head.

  “Well, it’s not just that but the fact that she asked me to the gun range.” Stacy said in her own defense.

  Jenna nodded her head “Well, there is that. I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that she might be gay.”

  Rebecca smiled at Stacy. “Does it bother you if she’s gay?”

  “What? No, of course not! I just don’t want her to get the wrong idea about me. I’m totally cool with being friends with her, as long as she doesn’t think it could be more.” Stacy said defensively.

  Shawn laughed “Well, maybe we should invite her over here for a swim?”

  Rebecca smacked Shawn on the butt as she walked by. “Let’s not overwhelm the poor girl right off the bat. Let’s give her a chance to have a friend before we bring her into the house of crazy.”

  They worked and chatted until they had finished painting the room. They stood admiring their work until little Jack
son announced that he had enough fun and began to fuss. “Well, I guess that means it’s time to call it a night. Thank you ladies so much for helping us get this knocked out!” Rebecca said as she handed the baby to Jenna.

  Jenna and Sam packed up baby Jackson’s things and headed home. Stacy walked to the front door and was about to leave when Shawn stopped her. “Hold on little sister. I just want to say be careful with this cop. If she is lesbian, she might think you’re some sort of conquest and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Shawn, I can take care of myself but thank you. I have no intention of being anyone’s conquest.” Stacy patted Shawn’s cheek and stepped out the door.


  Shawn lay in bed with her head nestled against Rebecca’s belly. “We got your room painted today. We are so excited to meet both of you. I guess we need to pick out some names don’t we?” She looked up at Rebecca, who was watching her with a look of adoration. “What is it baby?” Shawn asked.

  “I love you so much and I love our babies. When I think about how much I love them, I can’t help but think about your parents. I can’t imagine our kids ever doing something that would cause us to shut them out of our lives can you?” Rebecca said shaking her head sadly. “Then I can’t help but be sad that your parents are missing out on three great kids and soon to be three or four grandchildren.”

  Shawn scooted up beside Rebecca and pulled her close. “That’s because we are humans, they are not. I’m not sure what planet they are from, but we are nothing like them and that’s why we can’t fathom doing that to our children.”

  “You’re right. Let’s get back to happier subjects. How about names? I guess we better start thinking about that since we have to come up with two!” Rebecca giggled. “I still can’t believe we are having twins.”

  Shawn looked at her intently “I hope our little girl has your beautiful eyes. I love them and you.” She kissed her softly and then leaned down and kissed Rebecca’s belly.

  Rebecca ran her hair through Shawn’s short, blonde hair and cupped her cheek. “You are too sweet, baby.”


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