The Human Side

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The Human Side Page 13

by Cori Garrison

  “Why should I? I’m just going to have to come right back in here and pull your pants up for you. What did you say earlier? We are both women right?” Stacy said over her shoulder.

  The performed the same maneuver to bring Randy into a standing position, using her crutch to balance her while Stacy pulled her sweats up. This time, however, Stacy was a little more distracted by the fact that Randy had no underwear on. Try as she may to avert her eyes, she couldn’t manage to. She noticed that Randy very clearly kept herself shaved, except a small patch of neatly trimmed hair at the apex of her thighs. She hadn’t been able to shave in a week but it was obvious it hadn’t been much longer since she had shaved. She felt the heat rise from her neck to her face as she stood up, once again inches from Randy’s face.

  “Someday when I’m not on drugs and not injured, we should try this again.” Randy said boldly, watching the flush on Stacy’s face deepen.

  “Mind your manners officer or I will leave you to fend for yourself.” Stacy said dryly. She helped Randy back into bed and promised to see her in a few hours.


  Jenna rolled on to her back, her left foot hooked out of the covers and rested on top of them. She was hot and she couldn’t get back to sleep since she had gotten up to pee. She felt Sam’s bare leg against her own and she closed her eyes, thinking about how they felt wrapped around her.

  She rolled to her side facing Sam, snaking her hand under the covers to find the softness of Sam’s naked body. Jesus, it’s two in the morning and I’m horny as can be. She slowly traced her fingers lower on Sam, finding their way between her thighs. She scooted closer, gently pushed Sam’s legs open. Sam moaned quietly in her sleep as Jenna’s fingers began to work their magic. Oh, I need to taste her now. I can’t wait. She slid under the covers between Sam’s legs and began to worship her with her tongue. She felt Sam’s hips began to move and suddenly felt Sam’s hands tangle in her hair.

  “Oh my God Jenna. It’s two in the.. oh God mmm, right there baby.. mm yeah.” Sam rocked her hips into Jenna’s awaiting mouth. Oh my God, is there anything sexier than being wakened by a beautiful woman eating you?

  Jenna quickened her pace, her own need driving her faster. She felt Sam double over as a crushing orgasm swept through her body. She was panting with need as she climbed up and straddled Sam’s waist. Sam grabbed her hips and lifted one of her own legs so that Jenna’s leg fell beneath hers.

  “Oh God, you feel so fucking good.” Jenna moaned as she felt Sam’s wetness rub against her own.

  Sam sat up, grabbing Jenna’s hips tightly and rocking her own hard, grinding their wetness together. The friction drove both of them higher.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, ohhhh.” Jenna screamed as she started to cum. She felt Sam thrust hard against her one more time as her own orgasm started, the pressure of it triggering Jenna to cum again.

  Both of them lay tangled on the bed, panting. Jenna was the first to move as she scooted close to Sam and pulled her arm around her waist. “Sorry baby. I couldn’t sleep I was so horny and the fact that you were sleeping naked next to me was driving me insane.” She explained.

  “You do not need to apologize for that ever. My only problem is, I’m still throbbing and now you’re pretty.. naked.. ass is pressed up against me making it worse.” Sam nibbled at the back of Jenna’s neck.

  “Lift your leg.” Jenna told her.

  Sam complied by lifting her leg and planting her foot on the mattress. She jumped at Jenna’s touch. Her nerves were on fire.

  Jenna groaned low. “Oh God baby, you are so wet you’re dripping.” She slid her fingers up and down Sam’s very wet slit.

  Sam shifted back and forth, trying to making harder contact with Jenna’s fingers. “That’s what happens when a very hot red head wakes me up with her mouth on my.. oh my God!” She rocked forward hard.

  Jenna giggled. “Seems like someone else likes to have their clit pinched huh?” She rolled Sam’s clit between her fingers again and then pulled on it. “Oh my God this is turning me on again. What the hell?” It took all her might to stay facing away from Sam as she played with her.

  Sam reached down and covered Jenna’s hand with her own. She felt her own wetness soak her fingers and then she whispered in Jenna’s ear. “Lift your leg baby.” Jenna obeyed, lifting her leg as Sam had and planting her foot on the bed. Sam reached down to Jenna’s ass and felt her twitch with anticipation.

  “Baby, oh God you know what that does to me.” Jenna whispered in a breathy voice.

  “I know exactly what it does to you, which is why I’m going to do it.” Sam answered as she traced her wet finger around the rim of Jenna’s asshole. She felt Jenna tighten it as she gently probed it. “Just relax baby, I won’t hurt you.”

  “Oh my God Sam.” She panted in excitement. “I could cum right now.”

  Sam gently probed again, this time not letting up on the pressure until she felt Jenna relax a bit. She pushed in slowly until she felt her tighten again. “Now I’m going to make you cum ok?” She began to slowly move her finger.

  Jenna’s moans came in short, rhythmic bursts that were in sync with the movement of Sam’s finger. Less than a minute later, she screamed as a massive orgasm washed over her. Her body felt the aftershocks for several minutes afterwards.

  Sam snuggled behind her, holding her tight as they fell back asleep. I might really enjoy some of these pregnancy hormones when it’s not me that’s pregnant! Sam thought as she drifted.


  Rebecca woke up with a start. Her mind was immediately aware that pain was the cause of her wakefulness. She looked at the clock quickly. 4:52, eight more minutes the alarm goes off. I hope that was just a stretching pain or one of them kicking me. She laid her hand on her belly.

  From the darkness came Shawn’s voice. “What’s the matter Becca.” She said as she sat straight up. “Are you having pain?”

  “I’m not sure. I know it was pain, but I’m not sure what kind. Maybe it was just one of the babies kicking me in the wrong spot.” She tried to reassure Shawn even though she was worried herself.

  Shawn was out of bed in an instant, flipping the light on Rebecca’s side table. “What time was the pain?” She asked, looking at the alarm clock.

  “It was 4:52 when I looked at the clock.” Rebecca said, reaching for Shawn’s hand.

  Shawn sat down on the bed next to her. “Okay, let’s try not to get too wound up about it. We’ll wait and see if you have any more. If you do, I can either check you or we can go to the ER after we call the doctor.” Shawn stroked her hair to calm her.

  “I’d rather you check me than go all the way to the ER for nothing.” Rebecca said, giving a wobbly smile.

  Shawn sat for a while, rubbing Rebecca’s back and right hip. Rebecca was almost asleep when a pain shot through her abdomen again. “Ahh.” Rebecca cried out and she squeezed Shawn’s hand.

  “Okay, it’s 5:10. They may just be Braxton Hicks contractions but I’d feel better if I took a look to be sure you’re not dilating at all. I’ll be right back, just let me grab the bag.” Shawn said turning to grab their medical bag from the closet.

  “It’s not the ideal set up for this, but I should be able to check quickly if you can ‘assume the position’.” Shawn tried to make light of it.

  Rebecca tried to smile also. “Well, that’s the first time you’ve ever requested me to spread my legs for you in such polite terms.”

  “Ha ha. Trust me; I’d rather not be sticking my fingers in you to check if you’re dilated. I’d much rather be inside you for other reasons.” Shawn said kissing the inside of her knee as she gently pushed her fingers inside to feel Rebecca’s cervix. She quickly assessed her with the ease of someone who had done it hundreds of times and withdrew her fingers slowly.

  Rebecca sat up slightly and looked at Shawn. “How many?” She asked. She had done the procedure just as many times as Shawn had or more; she knew the movements and what they meant.

nbsp; Shawn looked directly into her eyes. “Barely one centimeter; I’ll go ahead and call the doctor but I’m sure she’s going to want us to go on in. I’ll help you get dressed then ok?”

  Rebecca laid back and tried to calm her fears. She only had eight weeks left to go. Eight weeks had been their goal and she had achieved that. The doctor felt the babies were both in great shape and should have no problems if they came now. She closed her eyes, wanting to feel Shawn’s arms around her. She always felt better when they were.

  Shawn hung up the phone and turned towards her. “She wants us to come in. She said she’s on the fence about giving you anything to stop the contractions if they continue. So, if they do I think she might let you go ahead and deliver.”

  Rebecca’s eyes immediately teared up. “I’m scared Shawn. What if they aren’t big enough or strong enough?”

  Shawn pulled her close and kissed her head. “Honey, you know as well as I do that they will be fine. We have to trust in the doctor’s judgment and we both know that your tiny body is not built to handle this much strain. We may not have to worry about it if they stop so let’s not get all worked up over what could be nothing ok?”

  They both got dressed but before they could get in their car to leave, another contraction came. “Fuck it hurts Shawn. I’m never going to be able to do this.” Rebecca cried.

  Shawn took Rebecca’s face between her hands. “Yes you will baby. I know it hurts, but you can do this today if you have to because you are strong. I will be right by your side the whole time.”

  They were almost to the medical center when another contraction came. Rebecca reached out and grabbed Shawn’s hand, squeezing it hard. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Owwww! Shit these kids are going to come out swearing at this rate!” She tried to laugh about it.

  Shawn pulled in to drive at the ER and hopped out. One of the ER nurses met them with a wheelchair. “Ladies, your chariot awaits.” She smiled.

  “Thanks Jen.” Rebecca smiled at the nurse.

  “No problem. Perks of being the former CNO is that you get the royal treatment when you stay with us. Well, at least when you were liked as the CNO. If you were a bitch, we would have slow-tracked you and delayed your pain meds!” The nurse giggled as she pushed her in.

  “I’ll be right in baby; I’m just going to park the car ok?” Shawn caught Rebecca’s gaze.

  “Okay, hurry please!” Rebecca said softly so that only Shawn could hear. “I need you.”

  Shawn parked the car and texted her sisters as she walked back in. When she caught up with Rebecca in the ER their doctor had just arrived. After examining her, she decided to keep Rebecca down in the ER for a few hours and keep an eye on her. She agreed with Shawn’s initial assessment that she was barely one centimeter dilated, which wasn’t a big cause for concern unless the contractions continued, causing her to dilate more.

  It wasn’t long before Jenna swung through the ER on her first break of the day. She had already been at the hospital since five that morning when she came in to spend time with Jace in the NICU before her shift started.

  “You’re looking extraordinarily perky this morning. What’s up with you?” Shawn commented at Jenna from where she was perched on the side of Rebecca’s gurney. She eyed Jenna suspiciously.

  Jenna laughed it off. “I probably just look that way because you’re not feeling so perky!” I better get back upstairs. Call 8212 if something happens. In the meantime Rebecca, you stay calm and take care of my niece and nephew.” She kissed Rebecca’s cheek.

  Shawn stared after her. “She’s up to something. She’s acting weird.”

  Rebecca laughed. “Maybe she’s just perky today because she got some. I can understand if your sister is half as good as you are.” She giggled at the look of shock on Shawn’s face. “What? She’s your sister, not mine!”

  “You just remember who knows all your secrets spots.” Shawn said low enough so only she could hear.

  By late afternoon, the doctor had decided that they could go home. Rebecca hadn’t had any contractions in the last 4 hours. “I do want you to go ahead and go out on leave. The longer we can hold these babies off, the better it will be for them.” The doctor said.

  Rebecca sighed. “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  “I know, it’s not what you want to do, but it’s the best thing for all of you.” The doctor laughed. “I’ll put in your discharge orders and you ladies can get out of here.”

  “Let’s get you dressed baby and I’ll take you home. Don’t get any ideas about being treated to massages every other night and being waited on hand and foot.” Shawn said sternly, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “My plan is to massage you every night.”

  Rebecca reached up and touched Shawn’s face. “I love you beyond words. Let’s go home.”


  It was almost six o’clock Friday night when Stacy pulled into her parking spot in front of her apartment. She had stopped to grab dinner for her and Randy on the way home. She knocked briefly on Randy’s door as she unlocked it and let herself in. It had become habit over the past week to go straight to Randy’s apartment after work, without even stopping at her own. She sat the food down on the counter and looked into the living room. Randy was sleeping in the recliner. Even pale and her hair wild, she still looks absolutely beautiful.

  She entered the living room quietly and reached down, gently touching Randy’s shoulder. “Randy, hey, wake up I’ve got dinner.” She said quietly so she didn’t scare the sleeping officer. She had no idea how the woman woke up, some cops woke up reaching for a weapon when they were startled.

  Randy sleepily opened her eyes and found herself looking directly into beautiful cornflower blue eyes. A smile crept to her face and she stretched her arms over her head. “You can replace my alarm clock any time.” She grinned.

  “You must be feeling better today.” She said as she picked up the pill bottle, opening it and peering inside. “You didn’t even take any today did you?” Her gaze returned to Randy’s face. Sometimes her eyes look almost grey. Right now, they are dark green.

  “I am feeling much better. It must be due to the excellent care I’ve been receiving.” Randy grinned at her.

  Stacy rolled her eyes. “Let’s not get carried away officer. I haven’t done much other than help you get around and pull your pants up.”

  Randy raised her eyebrows. “I’d say that pulling my pants up ranks pretty high in the care department.” She said with a mischievous smile. “I came really close to figuring out how to take a shower today, but I was too chicken when it came down to it.”

  “You better be thankful you didn’t. I am carrying a weapon remember and I’m thinking that if you would have been stupid enough to try that alone, you deserve to be shot again!” Stacy warned with a wag of her finger. “We can figure something out after we eat.” Shit! Why did I have to volunteer? I am having a hard enough time doing what little I’ve done for her without having impure thoughts, now I have to figure out a way to help her take a shower? Jesus Christ, I’m dead.

  Randy held up her hands in surrender. “Don’t shoot. I surrender.” Her eyes locked with Stacy’s and she swore she could see conflict swirling in them. “What’s for dinner” She said quickly to pull the subject away from the serious.

  Stacy answered the question without looking away, she felt like there was a hidden message in Randy’s words about surrendering. “I stopped and picked up Chinese from that place on the corner. Let me get it dished onto some plates and I’ll be right back.” She turned to head to the kitchen.

  Randy caught her hand before she could go. She brought it up and kissed it softly. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

  Stacy’s throat went dry and her heart was racing. She didn’t immediately withdraw her hand; instead she squeezed Randy’s hand tight. “You don’t have to thank me. I should be thanking you, you saved my life.”

  Randy shook her head. “Stop thanking me Stacy. I told you before, I would ha
ve never forgiven myself is something happened to you. I would do it again, without hesitation.”

  Stacy paused a moment, holding Randy’s gaze before she turned back to the kitchen to get their dinner. They didn’t continue the conversation, much to Stacy’s relief, but instead watched TV.

  A half hour later, dinner was demolished and Stacy was trying to figure out how they were going to accomplish the shower feat. “Okay, I think I have an idea. Do you think you could stand in there long enough to use one hand to wash yourself and one hand to hold on to the door?” Stacy asked.

  “Probably, if I am careful; the physical therapist said I can put a little bit of weight on the leg now. If I’m careful and just use my foot to balance while I’m not holding on, I should be ok.” Randy nodded. “Let’s do this. I’m tired of feeling gross! I’m sure I look horrible.”

  “You look far from horrible. You could still win a magazine cover, hands down.” Stacy said as she turned and headed down the hallway to the bathroom.

  Randy watched her walk. This is going to be torture. How am I supposed to take a shower knowing that she can see every square inch of me right through the shower door? Body, you better not betray me!

  Stacy grabbed some clean clothes for Randy out of her dresser. She opened the top drawer to grab underwear and was surprised to find that she wore only boxer briefs. A flash of Randy’s bare lower body went through her mind. She felt the flush creep up her neck. Why in the hell does the thought of Randy in boxer briefs make me blush? Jesus, how am I going to do this shower thing? She took a deep breath and headed back to the living room to get Randy up.

  “Ready?” Stacy asked as she stopped in front of the recliner.

  Randy had already lowered the foot rest in preparation to stand. She nodded and waited for Stacy to position herself.

  Stacy squatted to about half her height, letting Randy loop her arms around her neck and then stood up slowly, taking one careful step backwards to bring Randy into a standing position. She avoided making eye contact with Randy, knowing that she was blushing again from intimate hold she had to have in order to get her up.


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