Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1)

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Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) Page 15

by April Zyon

That had her smiling. “I’m glad,” she said with a smile. “I’m very happy that you are mine for the rest of forever. I’m never letting you go. Ever. You do know that right?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Lifting his head slowly, Ares groaned. He had one hell of a nasty headache. He tried to recall just why he had the headache, but didn’t come up with anything to deserve it. He remembered having dinner with Ava. They’d gone for a walk before going back to the house to sit in the hot tub. She’d gone in to get into bed while he shut off the tub and locked up. Then, nothing.

  “Oh good, you’re awake,” a male voice said. He sounded way too chipper and happy for Ares’ pounding temples. “I didn’t think it would work. Well, I did hope, but I honestly had no idea if it would. This is so exciting. Who would have thought I’d actually get one of the Olympians.”

  Ares’ eyes shot open, and he looked around. The first thing he noticed was the little weasely man standing before him in tan slacks, a brown shirt, and little round glasses. The second thing he noticed was that the little shit had Ava’s book in his hands. The third, and likely most important thing, he was strung up from the ceiling, by his wrists, in a pair of cuffs that were of the God’s making. He was so fucking screwed, especially since he knew without the key, or a Titan, he wasn’t getting out of them.

  “Now, I know you’re probably a little upset, and likely have a bit of a headache. The headache I didn’t learn about until after I cast the spell, sorry. But I do have some aspirin for you, and water; it will die down in time. The anger, well, you’ll just have to get over it eventually. I know, you’re a God, you will outlive me, blah, blah, blah, but really, if you ever want to go home again, you’ll do what I want, or I’ll just leave you here where no one will ever find you.”

  Ares cracked a smile, one he knew had made legions of soldiers piss their pants. “Little man, when my woman gets here, you are in for a world of fucking hurt. You really should have picked a different God. My uncle is going to love having you to toy with for the rest of time.”

  “See, really,” the little man shook his head, pushing up his glasses as he let out a breath. “I think I’ll just give you a little time to think about your situation, and you’ll see that if you do what I want, then you can go home. It’s really that simple,” he said. Then he left the room.

  Looking around Ares cursed under his breath. “Come on, baby, go get Dion and get him to get the uncle.” Over and over he muttered it, praying that Ava remembered what he’d told her and did exactly as he’d instructed.


  Ava all but felt it when Ares was taken from her. She grabbed the pendant and first began to scream for him, demanding he come in panic. Dressing quickly she then began to call for Dion. “Come on, come on. Dio. For fuck’s sake, get your ass here, please,” she begged with tears flowing down her face even as she stepped into her shoes.

  “For the love of all the Gods,” Dionysus thundered as he appeared before her. He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut. His expression went from pissed to concerned so fast she almost felt like she’d gotten whiplash. “Ava? What’s going on?” he asked looking around. “Sweetheart, why are you crying and how the hell did you summon me?”

  “Ares. He’s been taken.” She moved to Dio and put her hand out. “My family guards books of the Gods. The book I was tasked with guarding was his. In the books, there are spells to summon and tame the Gods. It’s not a good situation. Ares was going to put it in his safe so that it couldn’t be touched but it had been taken already, and now he’s gone. We have to get to your uncle.”

  She was likely not making a hell of a lot of sense and said, “Just read it from me.” She begged with another sniffle of tears. “God, they have him, and it’s because of me,” she sobbed out again. “And whoever it is-” She paused. “I’m fucking killing them. Period.” Which was why she had guns and knives on her body now.

  “Uh, okay,” he was looking at her like she’d gone off her rocker. She felt like it right then. With Ares gone she felt like she was missing a vital piece of herself.

  Dion stepped closer and put a light hand on her cheek, his eyes drifting shut. She could see his lids flickering, his eyes moving back and forth rapidly as he read her. Then his eyes snapped open, “Holy shit. Alright, alright,” he nodded and paced away from her. He stopped, closed his eyes again, tipped his head and didn’t move.

  Just as she went to ask what he was doing, he held up a finger. A couple minutes later he looked at her. “Hades will see us. Whatever you do, say nothing, touch nothing, and do not, under any circumstances, touch him without invitation. He is the keeper of Hell for a reason. He is one scary mother fucker.” Dion held out a hand to her and waited, “We have a ten-minute window, let’s go.”

  Ava nodded and wiped her eyes, her mascara smearing, but she didn’t give a shit. “Alright, let’s go and see him, please. If he can save Ares, I don’t care who he is. I just want my soulmate back, and I want him back now,” she demanded fiercely. Damn her, why did she have to let that book go for one damn minute?

  “I know,” he said softly. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her close. “Close your eyes, take a breath and we’ll be there.” He was rubbing a hand up and down her back. As soon as she did as he asked, she felt the change in air pressure. “Uncle,” Dion said at her side. “Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”

  “You said this was important. What is it?” the rumbling voice straight from the bowels of hell asked. Out of the shadows stepped a large male. He was tall, dressed in black, had dark hair, dark eyes and looked like he’d rather kill you then let you breathe in his space.

  “Ares has been taken. One of the books was stolen from its keeper. Ares’ book to be specific. We don’t know where he is or who has him, but Ava couldn’t go to him with the medallion he gave her, so he’s being blocked. You’re the only person Ares trusted to find him if this happened.”

  “He should have warded better,” was the growled reply.

  “He thought he had, uncle. Ava’s memories clearly show that he thought he’d done enough in regards to the book. We need your assistance in this, please.”

  One of the dark brows went up slightly. “You know how this works, nephew. Are you asking for a favor?”

  Dionysus threw her a long look and then nodded. “I am, uncle.”

  The chuckle that came from the mammoth male sounded like an avalanche. “Well done, Dion. Well done.” He moved closer to them and stared down into her eyes. Ava couldn’t look away, all she could do was stare at him, unblinking as she fell deeper and deeper into his gaze. Then he blinked, and she stumbled. She would have fallen if Dion hadn’t caught her. “Stay here a moment,” he ordered and then vanished.

  “That went a hell of a lot better than I’d hoped,” Dionysus muttered. “Are you okay? That whole Titan mind reading thing of his is intense. Trust me, been there, done that shit.”

  “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” She gulped. “Holy smokes, that man is massive.” But, and she knew she was losing it with this thought, she felt intensely sad for the man. She felt, as weird as it was, she felt intense loneliness from him, and that broke her heart. “He will get Ares back for me, right?”

  “He hasn’t left to find Ares yet. He went down into the bowels of this place to search for him. I don’t know exactly how he does it but something, and no I don’t know what, down there helps to focus him so he can literally scan the entire globe. When he finds Ares, he’ll be back for us and then we’ll go get your man.”

  “Found him,” the deep voice behind her made her scream. “Really female?” she heard a snort before a large, tanned hand landed on her shoulder. “Suck it up and deal, woman.” A moment later they were in some sort of warehouse building. “He’s here,” Hades said moving around them both. He tipped his head to the side slightly and then spun towards his left. He began to stalk across the concrete.

  “Come on,” Dion snagged her arm and jogged after t
he long-legged strides of the other man.

  Hades held up a hand, making them both come to a stop. The air started to feel charged, like a lightning strike about to happen, only warmer and yet freezing all at the same time. Then one of his, holy shit look at the size of those feet, big boots connected with a door. It tore right off the hinges and flew into the room beyond slamming into the opposite wall and turned into kindling.

  Ducking his head, Hades stepped into the space. “Ares, boy, when will you learn?”

  A chuckle she recognized came from the space, “Hello to you too, uncle.” A rattle of chains could be heard, “Care to let me down so I can pummel the little shit who strung me up?”

  “As long as he holds the book you’re not going anywhere. So you may as well stay there while I locate him.”

  “Hey, seriously, not cool, Hades,” Ares bitched. A pause and then, “Ava? You brought Ava with you?” he sounded pissed.

  “She seems to have a vested interest in your anatomy, so yes, I brought her along. Besides, she’s actually a bit amusing.” Hades turned to give her a look. “You should come and keep him occupied while Dionysus and I find this human and get the book back for you.”

  “Or Dio can keep him company, and I can come with you so that I can kill whoever dared to touch a hair on my man’s head,” Ava growled, literally growled. “I don’t give a shit who they are; they are dead.” She pulled her gun and shrugged at the looks. “Hey, you are all Gods, whoever is handling the book is human, or the spells wouldn’t work. I’m killing the little fucker.”

  “Ava, love, you don’t want to do that, sweetheart,” Ares tried.

  “Actually,” Hades was watching her closely, too closely. “I think she does. And honestly, I can’t really blame her. But then she doesn’t truly understand the ramifications of the act just yet.” He walked towards her slowly.

  Ares thrashed from the chains, “Hades, don’t. Please don’t!”

  “She’ll be fine, Ares,” the large man said as he loomed over her. His hand came up and took the gun from her suddenly nerveless fingers. Then he put a finger from his free hand to her forehead. “Each decision has resounding consequences, Ava. Are you ready to face those of this action should you kill this man?” he asked.

  The next moment her head spun out of control. She saw herself shooting a human male. Feeling triumphant and pleased. Events began to spin through her head. A wedding, children, eventually death from a source she couldn’t identify. But no peaceful rest for her. She found herself locked in a cell, ten by ten maybe. And the screams from around her let her know just where she was. In Hell, Hades realm.

  “One act chosen unwisely can forever damn a soul,” the large God told her dropping his hand. As her eyes cleared, she saw him holding the gun out towards her, in the flat of his palm. “Choose wisely, Ava VonMaur.”

  Ava swallowed hard and pulled back. She was gasping for air and nodded. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she whispered, “I never want to leave Ares alone. If it means that I don’t get the satisfaction of killing the asshole that took him, then so be it. Just promise me he will pay dearly?”

  “He will pay, you have my word on that,” Hades said. The gun vanished from his hand. “Stay with Ares while we find him, Ava. We won’t be long,” he promised. “Coming, nephew?” he asked before he turned and headed out the door.

  “Holy shit,” Dionysus looked like he’d shit his pants. “Coming, uncle,” he called out and then raced out of the room on his uncle's heels.

  “Ava, baby, look at me damn it,” Ares demanded of her.

  Ava looked at him and then moved close to him. “I can’t let you down, and it hurts. It’s killing me to see you strung up like you are,” she whispered. “I hate that you’re hurt. It’s all my fault.” She swallowed, hard. “If only I had put that damn book away before this.” She hated herself right now, so very, very much.

  “Shh, baby,” he whispered. Lifting a leg, he wrapped it around her waist and tugged her in closer. “Hades will let me down when he comes back with the little shit. I warned the fucker that he’d regret coming after me. That I’d sic my big, bad uncle on him. He didn’t listen; he didn’t believe, but he will. A few thousand years in the Pits will make anyone a believer.” Dropping his leg, he leaned his head down more. “What did he show you, love?”

  “That if I went after him I would one day die and be in a cell in the pits. I can’t do that. I refuse to give up even a second of time with you.” She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him. “Are you okay? I wish I could let you down because that can’t be comfortable, but I can’t. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not comfortable, but I’ll survive,” he told her. He pressed his lips to her hair, “I have you here, and that’s all that matters. I could dangle here for a few more hours if needed as long as you stay close. How’d you get Hades to agree to assist so quickly?” he asked softly.

  “Dion offered something in return. I have no idea what but-” She shrugged. “Honestly, it’s kind of a blur to me. So you might have to look into my memory and see why he agreed so quickly, but really, shouldn't he? He is your uncle after all. Doesn’t family mean something?”

  “Yeah, but he’s a Titan, and not really the most liked of the family. By some, not us obviously, but there are some amongst the Olympians that would rather he just stay in Hell and out of the way. Until of course, they want something. Nothing pisses him off more than someone just waltzing into his territory and demanding his help. I doubt he’ll ever collect from Dionysus, or if he does it’ll be something small and stupid, but such dealings are standard in my world.”

  “Well, that’s just sucky. No one should ever be treated like that. Yes, he made me want to wet myself, but holy crap he’s freaking huge,” she said with the shake of her head. “How much longer?” She was whining; dammit she hated when she whined, but she wanted Ares down. She wanted him in her arms. She wanted him out of here so that she could take care of him. Dammit.

  “Is she always this impatient?” Hades voice from behind her made her jump.

  Ares grinned down at her, “Yeah. Pretty much. Part of the reason I love her.”

  A snort sounded right behind her. “You may want to move, little human. Preferably out of the room so that the percussive wave that’s about to occur doesn’t flatten you. He will be fine, but you likely wouldn’t; so go now.”

  Ava looked up at Ares and when he nodded she moved away from him. Looking to Hades, she said, “Thank you. For doing this. For going out of your way for us like this. Thank you.” She then shocked them all by giving the Titan a fast hug before high-tailing it out of the room as ordered.

  Dion was waiting outside the room with a man hog-tied and gagged on the floor. A man who was squirming, shrieking behind the gag and just plain frantic. “I take it Hades is letting Ares down?” he asked her. As she nodded she felt a build up of power, then the very air around them seemed to be sucked away before rushing past them all.

  Ava stumbled, bumping into Dion as she did. “Sorry,” she whispered to him and nodded. “I think that I might have shocked your uncle a little.” She confessed quietly. “I gave him a hug on the way out the door,” she whispered and looked down at the man. “I want so badly to kick you, to hurt you, but I’m going to let Hades take care of you. I would say that I feel sorry for you, but I don’t. You took my lover, my soulmate, and you deserve anything you get. Asshat.”

  “He’s a cousin of yours,” Dion said, no expression, just watchful of her.

  “He’s what?” Ares’ voice sounded from behind her. Spinning she raced to him and jumped into his arms. He caught her of course, holding her tight and kissing her gently. Unlike when he’d been dangling in his swim trunks, he was now dressed in old jeans and a t-shirt.

  “He’s her cousin, about four times removed as best as Hades and I could figure,” Dion said.

  “It’s true,” the hulking Titan added moving past where she and Ares were holding
each other tightly.

  “Well wonderful,” she muttered and looked down at the man. Shaking her head she sighed. “You are a disgrace. That you’re related to me just completely blows my mind. I hope that you’ve enjoyed your life because it ends, now.” She looked to Hades and bowed her head. “Thank you for saving Ares, and I hope that you make him pay, dearly, for taking him from me.”

  “Oh, he will pay.” He turned to look at her and walked a little closer. Looking down at her he touched her cheek lightly. “I like you. Bring her around some time, Ares; open invite.” He stepped back, grabbed the man under an arm and after hauling him up, disappeared.

  When she looked both Ares and Dion were standing there, mouths open, looking stunned.

  Ava smiled, “I like your uncle.” She squeezed Ares’ arm and looked up at him, and then Dion. Her smile turned into a frown, and she asked, “All right, what’s up? What did I do? Did I just break some rule or something?” Maybe she shouldn’t have hugged the big, scary Titan, but she hadn’t been able to keep herself in check.

  Ares blinked and snapped his mouth shut as he shook his head. “No, but an invitation from Hades is like- It’s like- Fuck, Dion, help me out here.”

  “Fucking end of the world shit right there. She broke him; how the hell?” Dionysus moved towards her. Leaning in he squinted at her, “What did you do to him?”

  “We’re his family, and we still have to request permission to enter his turf. But you, baby, you managed to get him to relax his rules. He just gave us free passage. In his world, that’s apocalyptic shit.”

  Ave flushed colors and shrugged, “I just hugged him and thanked him. Have you guys ever thanked him for saving your asses? Ares, I didn’t hear you telling him thanks; did you do it in the other room? It’s the small things that mean so much. You can’t take your family for granted, at all. It pushes them away. Trust me.” She was right there with hers. She didn’t want anything to do with her family because of the assumptions that they made.


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