Richey, Lawrence, 43–4
Riddle, Donald, 258
Ripley, Robert, 116
Ritter, Red, 297
Roberts, Chuck, 348
Roberts, Delphine, 386, 387
Robertson, T. A., 141, 142, 557; on Hoover, 145, 148
Robeson, Paul, 421
Robinette, Fred, 12, 516, 551, 554, 555, 573
Rockefeller, Nelson, 234, 431
Rockefeller family, 95
Rockwell, Lincoln, 211, 534
Roemer, William, 337, 338, 397; on Hoover, 268, 307
Roethke, Theodore, 6
Rogers, Ginger, 100–1, 555
Rogers, Lela, 100–1, 187–8, 359, 555
Rogers, William, 306, 559, 562; on Hoover, 214, 291–2
Rogovin, Mitchell, 7, 250, 550, 561, 565–6, 569
Rometsch, Ellen, 369–73, 401, 567
Rooney, John, 228–9, 246, 403, 425–6, 515, 560; on Hoover, 228, 251, 511–12
Roosevelt, Alice, 11
Roosevelt, Anna, 173
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 119; file, 165–75; Hoover and, 119, 165–8, 558
Roosevelt, Franklin, 89, 103–4, 114, 164, 193, 309–10, 527, 529, 532, 553, 558; Britain and WWII, 134–40, 145, 529; death, 176; Hoover and, 3, 54, 68–70, 110, 116, 118–27, 129, 131, 159–60, 164, 165–75, 328; Hoover on, 137, 138, 150–1, 178; Pearl Harbor and, 145, 149, 153, 159
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., 173
Roosevelt, Theodore, 10, 61
Roselli, Johnny, 318, 319, 338, 343–4, 389–90; on Hoover, 274, 285
Rosenberg, Ethel, 207, 240, 533–4
Rosenberg, Julius, 207, 240, 533–4
Rosenstiel, Lewis Solon, xiv–xv, xvi, 266, 293–303, 305–6, 309, 440, 498, 499; blackmails Hoover, 293
Rosenstiel, Susan, xiii, xiv–xvii, xx, 294–303, 305, 538, 550, 564
Ross, Charlie, 200–1
Ross-Smith, A. M., 134, 161, 557
Rowan, Carl, 425–6
Rowe, James, 105, 555
Rowland, Herbert, 138
Royko, Mike, 429, 544, 561, 569
Ruby, Jack, 378, 382–3, 389, 393, 394
Ruch, George, 35, 37, 45, 90, 552, 578
Ruch, J. Edgar, 35, 90
Ruffin, Dr. Marshall de G., 107–8, 182, 467, 555
Ruffin, Monteen, 107–8
Rusk, Dean, 248, 308, 536
Russell, Bertrand, 24
Russell, Richard, 379, 385
Rustin, Bayard, 426, 430, 544
Ryan, Ray, 274
Sage, Anna, 79
Salerno, Ralph, xvii, 228, 550, 560, 562
Salinger, Pierre, 332, 348, 565; file, 321
Salisbury, Harrison, 123, 410
Salk, Dr. Jonas, 190
Samish, Art, 274, 294, 562
Sandburg, Carl, 189
Santucci, Guilemo, 537
Saroyan, William, 189
Savage, James, 37, 39, 564
Scalise, Frank, 291
Scalise, Joseph, 291
Schiff, Dorothy, 237, 529, 561
Schine, G. David, 222, 223, 560
Schine, Myer, 222
Schlei, Norbert, 378
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 343, 526, 539, 560; on Hoover, 271
Schott, Joseph, 102, 552–3, 554, 555, 562, 565, 566, 567
Schultz, Dutch, 265–6
Schumacher, Dick, 349, 566
Schwartz, Abba, 224, 567, 363
Scranton, Paul, 391, 542, 567
Seberg, Jean, 456–8, 570, 571
Secret Service, U.S., 34, 69, 192, 240, 248, 350, 351, 384–5, 393, 394, 403, 412, 446, 461, 486–7, 543; John Kennedy assassination and, 384, 392–3, 394; Watergate and, 486–7
Seigenthaler, John, 331, 553, 566
Service, Robert, 24
Sessions, William x Shaheen, Michael, 263, 562
Shainus, Aaron, 89, 554
Shanahan, Edwin, 49
Shanklin, Gordon, 382, 556
Shaw, George Bernard, 24
Shaw, Irwin, 190
Shaw, Jack, 253, 254, 257–9, 470
Shaw, May, 257, 258
Shenker, Morris, 244
Shimon, Joe, 88, 91–3, 554, 560, 565
Shivers, Robert, 152–6
Short, Walter, 154
Sidey, Hugh, 333, 400, 568
Siegel, Benjamin (‘Bugsy’), 265, 267, 268, 273, 287
Silberman, Laurence, 226, 240, 409, 561, 568
Simkins, Charles A. G., 530, 557
Simon, Simone, 144
Simon, William, 355
Sirhan, Sirhan, 437
Skillman, Dorothy, 509, 555
Smathers, George, 320, 415, 535; file, 238, 561
Smith, Allen, 187
Smith, Arnholt, 491
Smith, Don, 451–2, 570
Smith, Gerald, 122
Smith, Harold, 180
Smith, Hedrick, 472
Smith, Holland, 277
Smith, Marvin, 193
Smith, Raymond, 509
Smith, Sandy, 249, 561
Smith, Walter Bedell, 182
Sobell, Morton, 533
Society of Former Agents, ix, xi–xii, 114, 548
Sokolsky, George, 221–2, 296, 299
Sorensen, Theodore, 343, 541
Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 184, 294, 300, 303, 426
Spindel, Bernard, 241–2
Spock, Benjamin, 6, 512
Sprague, Peter, 219–20, 560
Stalin, Joseph, 120, 124, 403
Starsky, Morris, 454
Stassen, Harold, 198
Steelman, John, 178, 558
Stegall, Mildred, 411, 413
Steinbeck, John, 190
Stephens, David, 16, 24, 551
Stephenson, William, 134–40, 146, 148–9, 161, 529, 530, 556–7
Stevenson, Adlai, 104, 308, 311, 331; file, 212–13, 227, 531–2, 534
Stevenson, William, 148, 532, 557
Stewart, Jimmy, 115, 555
Stewart, Potter, 239
Stimson, Henry, 139, 164
Stone, Harlan, 43, 552
Stout, Rex, 190
Strauss, Robert, 495
Stricker, Sidney, 296, 564
Strider, Jesse, 62
Strong, General, 169–70
Stuart, Luisa, 95, 96, 554
Stukenbroeker, Fern, 218
Sturgis, Frank, 496, 548, 550, 572
Stutz, William, 108–9, 555
Sullivan, William, 195, 206–7, 209, 218, 221, 224–5, 227, 238, 367, 379–80, 382, 397, 422–5, 432, 436, 445, 449–50, 473, 526, 529, 539, 541, 549, 560, 561, 563, 569, 571, 572; on Hoover, 5, 15, 19, 21, 39, 106, 116, 119–20, 126, 166, 174, 177–9, 181–2, 195, 197–9, 218, 221, 224, 227, 230, 259, 260, 317, 328, 382, 401, 413–14, 432, 444, 463–4, 473–4, 487, 516–17; Mafia and, 292; quarrel with Hoover and resignation, 174, 463–4, 473–7, 479, 480, 481, 484, 488
Summersby, Kay, 215
Supreme Court, FBI files, 37, 123–4, 239–40
Suran, Raymond, 98, 554–5
Surine, Donald, 210, 213, 215, 559
Suydam, Henry, 71, 112
Swearingen, Wesley, 132, 459, 556, 570
Sweatt, Allen, 383, 542
Szulc, Tad, 486–7, 494–5
Taylor, Elizabeth, 216, 369
Taylor, Henry, 348
Taylor, Robert, 187
Teamsters Union, 229, 244, 245, 269, 275, 318, 334, 352, 390
Teichman, Raymond, 529, 557, 558
Temple, Shirley, 199
Theoharis, Athan, 509, 527, 535, 544, 546, 556
Thomas, Bill, 458, 570
Thomas, Parnell, 185
Thompson, Bill, 369, 567
Thompson, Malvina, 167, 171
Tiarks, Robert, 357
Tocco, Joe, 122
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 500
Tolson, Clyde, ix, xiii–xiv, 71, 83, 84–97, 98–9, 106, 125, 134, 144, 155, 164, 202, 209, 215, 216, 217–22, 231, 259, 272, 275, 276, 284–9, 296, 298, 303–4, 310, 402, 438–9, 446, 450, 468, 481, 49
7–501, 505, 509, 512–17, 547, 551, 554, 560; background, 84–5, 98–9; death, 219, 221, 438, 517; homosexuality, ix, xiii, xiv, 89–97, 106, 125, 284–5, 286–7, 288–9, 450–2; Hoover on, 84, 86; on Hoover, 87, 259, 481; Hoover’s death and, 2, 402, 597, 505, 513–18; relationship with Hoover, ix, xiii–xiv, 71, 83, 84–97, 98–9, 106, 125, 134, 144, 155, 164, 202, 209, 215, 216, 217–22, 231, 259, 272, 275, 276, 284–9, 296, 298, 303–4, 310, 402, 438–9, 446, 450, 468, 481, 497–501, 505, 509, 512–17, 547, 551, 554, 560
Tolson, Hillory, 547, 555
Torrio, John, 265
Trafficante, Santos, 294, 388–91, 393
Trahern, Conrad, 232, 235, 560
Trimble, John, 67–8
Trohan, Walter, 127, 209, 237, 446, 532–3, 554, 555, 559, 561, 566
Troy, Thomas, 147, 533, 557
Truman, Bess, 179, 192, 558
Truman, Harry, 3, 90, 106, 132, 176–82, 185–7, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 200–1, 205, 207, 208, 211, 239, 310, 376, 529, 534, 558, 559; antiCommunism and, 185, 186, 192–7, 207, 208; Hoover and, 132, 176–82, 195, 185–7, 192–9, 200–1, 207; on Hoover, 180–1, 186, 192, 200–1
Tucker, Ray, 89, 554
Tujague, Gerard, 385
Tully, Andrew, 488, 489, 497, 572
Tunney, Gene, 134, 135
Tuohy, Roger, 74–5, 82
Turner, William, 270–1, 307, 553, 554, 561–2
Turnure, Pamela, 316, 332, 348–9, 363
Turrou, Leon, 47, 556, 563
Tyler, Harold, 62–3, 262, 550, 553, 562
Urschel, Charles, 75–6
Valentino, Rudolph, 418
Van Buren, Ernestine, 217, 219, 543
Van Deman, Ralph, 138–9, 557
Van Derbur, Marilyn, 203, 559
Van Hoesen, John, 514, 550
Vandenberg, Arthur, 231
Vaughan, Harry, 177, 178, 181, 529
Velde, Harold, 234
Vidal, Gore, 325, 418, 419, 565, 569
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 454, 455
Vietnam antiwar movement, Hoover and, 4, 28, 439, 445–6, 453–5, 460–1, 469, 472 see also individual organizations.
Villano, Anthony, 270, 307, 534
Viner, Harry, 88
Vinson, Frederick, 239
Von Auenrode, Kremer, 141–2, 149, 529
Von der Osten, Ulrich, 145–6
Wainwright, Loudon, 398
Wallace, George, 440
Wallace, Henry, 114, 118, 556
Walsh, David, 538
Walsh, Thomas, 65, 68–9, 552
Walton, Bill, 324
Wannall, Ray, 545
Warner, Jack, 115
Warren, Earl, 377—80, 389–90; file, 239
Warren, Raymond, 449
Warren Commission, 375–83, 385–95, 398, 427, 541, 543, 568
Watergate, xiii, 2, 4, 131, 236, 237, 440, 442, 447, 448, 473, 474, 486–96, 502, 503, 505, 507, 515, 517, 518, 536, 548, 550, 551, 572, 573, 574; Special Prosecution Force, 496, 573
Watson, Edwin, 149
Watson, Marvin, 395, 407, 411
Watson, Philip, 354
Watt, Robert, 119
Watt, Ruth, 209
Wayne, John, 216
Webb, Del, 273, 563
Webb, Thomas, 275, 497
Webster, William, 518
Wechsler, James, 114, 528–9
Wechsler, Nancy, 528–9, 555
Weicker, Lowell, 227, 495
Weisman, Lawrence, 247, 561
Weiss, Jesse, 88, 107, 273, 296, 396–7, 565, 566
Weiss family, 331
Weitz, John, xiv, 288, 289, 550, 564
Welch, Neil, xviii, 106, 268–9, 271–2, 337, 468, 513, 544, 552, 554, 569, 573
Welles, Sumner, 103–5, 174–5, 230, 532, 555
Welton, Richard, 502, 572
Wessel, Milton, 292, 564
Whidbee, Harry, 216, 378, 554, 559
White, E. B., 190
White, Harry D., 193, 534, 558
White, Theodore H., 410, 415
Whitsun, Lish, 432, 545
Whittaker, Kenneth, 59–60, 337, 445, 488, 512, 552, 553, 565, 566, 568, 570, 572
Wicker, Tom, 114–15, 566
Wickman, Joe, 105, 554–5
Wilde, Oscar, 327
Wilhelm II (kaiser), 26
Wilkinson, Frank, 546
Williams, Edward B., 282
Williams, John, 370–1, 560, 569
Williams, Marcia, 408–9
Williams, Tennessee, 190
Wilson, Donald, 435
Wilson, Harold, 408–9
Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 25, 26, 484–5, 562
Winchell, Walter, 94–6, 153, 197, 22, 272, 281–4, 309, 348, 359, 498, 554, 562, 566; on Hoover, 100
Windsor, Duchess of, 95
Windsor, Duke of, 95
Winstead, Charles, 116–17, 528
Winter-Berger, Robert, 228–9, 560, 561
Witwer, Allan, 406–7, 543, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 568; on Hoover, 217, 274, 277, 279
Wofford, Harris, 342
Woods, Joseph, 488, 535, 544, 545, 560, 569
Woods, Rose Mary, 448, 488, 545
Wright, Cobina, 528
Wright, Orville, 13
Wright, Peter, 252
Yarborough, Ralph, 241, 561
Yarmolinsky, Adam, 362, 541, 567
Yippies, 454
Yochelson, Leon, 414
Young, Andrew, 435, 567
Young, David, 485, 572
Young, Felix, 318
Young, Homer, 350–1, 566
Young, Stephen, 411
Young, Vash, 24
Zanuck, Darryl, 81
Zicarelli, Joe, 246–9, 536, 561
Ziegler, Ron, 489
Zioncheck, Marion, 111
Zwillman, ‘Longy’, 265–6, 536
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