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by Simon Dixon

  28. Best. D18605, Voltaire to C., 1 Nov. 1773.

  29. Dixon, ‘Religious Ritual’, 234–5.

  30. Opisanie torzhestva vysokobrakosochetaniia Ego Imperatorskago Vysochestva Velikago Kniazia Pavla Petrovicha s Ee Imperatorskim Vysochestvom Velikoiu Kniagieneiu Natalieiu Alekseevnoiu (SPb, 1773). See also D. Kobeko, Tsesarevich Pavel Petrovich (1754–1796): Istoricheskoe issledovanie (SPb, 2001 edn.), 75–7.

  31. Quoted in Wilson, Diderot, 631.

  32. Quoted in N. Cronk, ‘Hobbes and Hume: determining voices in Jacques le fataliste et son maître’, in Diderot and European Culture, eds. F. Ogée and A. Strugnell (SVEC, 2006:09), 179.

  33. E. Anderson, ed., The Letters of Mozart and His Family, Third edn. (London, 1989), 43, L. Mozart to L. Hagenauer, 1 Apr. 1764 NS.

  34. Grimm told his own story in SIRIO, ii: 325–93, ‘Mémoire historique sur l’origine et les suites de mon attachement pour l’Imperatrice Catherine II, jusqu’au décès de S.M.I.’.

  35. S. Karp, ‘Grimm à Pétersbourg’, in Deutsch-Russische Beziehungen im 18. Jahrhundert: Kultur, Wissenschaft und Diplomatie, eds. C. Grau, S. Karp, J. Voss (Wiesbaden, 1997), 294.

  36. Grimm, 1–2, 25 Apr. 1774.

  37. D. Goodman, The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment (Ithaca, NY, 1994), ch. 4; A. Chamayou, L’Esprit de la lettre (XVIIIe siècle) (Paris, 1999).

  38. Grimm, 97, 17 Aug. 1778; 188, 20 Sept. 1780.

  39. Grimm, 421–2, 25 Nov. 1787; ibid. 436, 28 Dec. On the subsequent fate of the letters, see S. Ia. Karp, ‘Perepiska Ekaterina II s Fridrikhom Mel’khiorom Grimmom: Iz istorii rukopisei’, Vek Prosveshcheniia: I, 30–49.

  40. Grimm, 543, 1 June 1791.

  41. S. Dixon, Catherine the Great (Harlow, 2001), 81–2; Diderot, Oeuvres philosophiques, ed. P. Vernière (Paris, 1961), 630.

  42. Diderot, Correspondance, 142, 30 Dec. 1773 NS, to Mmes Diderot and Vandeul.

  43. Wilson, Diderot, 630–1, 633; Diderot, Correspondance, 103, Grimm to Geoffrin, 10 Nov. 1773 NS.

  44. Wilson, Diderot, 632.

  45. Diderot, Mémoires pour Catherine II, ed. P. Vernière (Paris, 1966), 199, 178, 10, prints the revised text of the essays following discussion with C.

  46. A. Strugnell, Diderot’s Politics (The Hague, 1973), 25–6.

  47. Wilson, Diderot, 598.

  48. Strugnell, Diderot’s Politics, 135–8; Diderot, Mémoires, 117, 118; Wilson, Diderot, 635.

  49. Diderot, Mémoires, 117, 121, 122.

  50. Diderot, Correspondance, 135–6, Diderot to Dashkova, 24 Dec. 1773 NS.

  51. Quoted in Jones, Nikolay Novikov, 65.

  52. Quoted in Wilson, Diderot, 640.

  53. Diderot, Mémoires, 44.

  54. S. Karp, ‘Le questionnaire de Diderot adressé à Catherine II: quelques précisions’, Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encyclopédie, 33 (2002), 47, 55.

  55. See, in particular, G. Dulac, ‘Diderot et le “mirage russe”: quelques preliminaires à l’étude de son travail politique de Pétersbourg’, in Le Mirage russe au XVIIIe siècle, eds. Karp and Wolff, 149–92, and G. Goggi, ‘Diderot et la Russie: colonisation et civilisation. Projets et experience directe’, in Diderot and European Culture, eds. Ogée and Strugnell, 57–76.

  56. Diderot, Mémoires, 35.

  57. R. V. Ovchinnikov, ed., Dokumenty stavki E.I. Pugacheva (M, 1975), 23. See 24–32 for similar manifestos to different interest groups through Oct. 1773.

  58. Under interrogation in Moscow in Nov. 1774, Pugachëv claimed to be in his thirty-third year: see R. V. Ovchinnikov, ed., Emel’ian Pugachev nad sledstvii (M, 1997), 127.

  59. M. Raeff, ‘Pugachev’s Rebellion’, in Preconditions of Revolution in Early Modern Europe, eds. R. Forster and J. P. Greene (Baltimore, MD, 1970), 161–202; Madariaga, 233, 243.

  60. Madariaga, 239–55; J. P. LeDonne, The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650–1831 (Oxford, 2004), 115; J. T. Alexander, Autocratic Politics in a National Crisis: The Imperial Russian Government and the Pugachev Revolt, 1773–1775 (Bloomington, IN, 1969), 76.

  61. Lopatin, 7, 4 Dec. 1773.

  62. SIRIO, xiii: C. to Mme. Bielke, 16 Jan. 1774.

  63. KfZh (1774), 18–19, 22, 25, 28.

  64. Alexander, Autocratic Politics, 112–3.

  65. KfZh (1774), 43–7; Gunning to Suffolk, 24 Jan. 1774, quoted in Wilson, ‘Diderot in Russia’, 190.

  66. SIRIO, xix: 399–400, Gunning to Suffolk, 11 Feb. 1774; 401, 14 Feb. See also lxxii: 490–2, Solms to Frederick, 7 Feb.

  67. KfZh (1774), 15, 26.

  68. KfZh (1774), 59–60. On Knowles, see Cross, 192–5 and passim.

  69. KfZh (1774), 82–3; Lopatin, 10, 21 Feb. 1774.

  70. Lopatin, 12, 28 Feb. 1774.

  71. Lopatin, 10, 26 Feb. 1774; 12, 28 Feb.

  72. Lopatin, 13–14, 1 Mar. 1774. Aleksey Orlov first appeared at Court on 27 Feb.: KfZh (1773), 97.

  73. KfZh (1774), 103, 110–12.

  74. Gunning to Suffolk, 4 Mar. 1774, quoted in Montefiore, 110.

  75. Montefiore, 83, 85.

  76. Lopatin, 14, after 1 Mar. 1775.

  77. Lopatin, 22, 10 Apr. 1774.

  78. SIRIO, xix: 409, Gunning to Suffolk, 8 Apr. 1774; Madariaga 248; KfZh (1774), 147.

  79. Grimm, 1, 25 Apr. 1774.

  80. KfZh (1774), 172–8.

  81. SIRIO, xix: 416, Gunning to Suffolk, 13 June 1774; Alexander, Autocratic Politics, 132; Madariaga, 263.

  82. KfZh (1774), 281–6; Lopatin, 513–5; Madariaga, 344.

  83. Lopatin, 34, 22 July 1774.

  84. Grimm, 137, 7 May 1779.

  85. Letters of Mozart, ed. Anderson, 486, 19 Feb. 1778 NS.

  86. J. Rosselli, Singers of Italian Opera: The History of a Profession (Cambridge, 1992), 66 and passim.

  87. Harris Papers, 879, Elizabeth Harris to James Harris, jr., 16 Feb. 1776 NS.

  88. KfZh (1774), 324–5; Wraxall, A Tour, 201, 204; Livanova, ii: 412.

  89. SIRIO, xxvii: 39, C. to Elagin, 19 May 1775.

  90. C. rode in an open carriage from the Summer Palace while an officer bearing laurel wreaths led a troop of 100 Horse Guards to accompany the Senate official who made five public proclamations of the peace: in front of the Summer Palace; at the Haymarket; in front of the Senate; in front of the Twelve Colleges on Vasilevsky Island; and on the Petersburg side of the city: KfZh (1774), 429–39.

  91. Madariaga, 254.

  92. KfZh (1774), 474–5.

  93. KfZh (1774), 507, 3 Sept.

  94. Madariaga, 249, 266.

  95. Best. D19188, C. to Voltaire, 2 Nov. 1774.

  96. Madariaga, 267–8.

  97. PSZ, xx: 14,235, 15 Jan. 1775.

  98. Quoted in Sunderland, Taming the Wild Field, 58.

  99. SIRIO, xxvii: 23, C. to Mme Bielke, 5 Jan. 1775.

  100. SIRIO, xix: 448–9, Gunning to Suffolk, 26 Jan. 1775.

  101. Corberon, i: 80–1.

  102. Grimm, 15, 30 Jan. 1775.

  103. Only later was the host rehabilitated, under a different name, the Black Sea Host: see Madariaga, 359–60; Ransel, Politics, 250–1.

  104. Madariaga, 553.

  105. SIRIO, xxvii: 36, C. to Mme Bielke, 12 Apr. 1775.

  106. McGrew, 86.

  107. Lopatin, 71, C. to Potemkin, after 21 Apr. 1775.

  108. SIRIO, xxvii: 48, C. to Mme Bielke, 24 July 1775.

  109. Shvidkovsky, The Empress and the Architect, 192–3.

  110. Best. D19712, Voltaire to C., 18 Oct. 1775 NS.

  111. R. E. Jones, The Emancipation of the Russian Nobility, 1762–1785 (Princeton, NJ, 1973), 210–20 (216).

  112. M. Lopato, ‘English Silver in St Petersburg’, in British Art Treasures, 131.

  113. Grimm, 42, 20 Jan. 1776.

  Chapter 10

  1. A. Raskin, Gorod Lomonosova: Dvortsovo-parkovye ansambli XVIII veka (Leningrad, 1983), 112–3.

  2. SIRIO, xix: 133, Cathcart to Rochford, 29 Oct. 1770.

  3. Quoted in A. G. Cross, �
�By the Banks of the Thames’: Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Newtonville, MA, 1980), 241.

  4. Lopatin, 92–3, undated, Feb.—Mar. 1776.

  5. SIRIO, xix: 513, R. Oakes to W. Eden, 8 Mar. 1776.

  6. Lopatin, 103, undated, May—June 1776.

  7. Lopatin, 106, 22 June 1776; 105, undated, 7–21 June; D. Smith, ed., Love and Conquest: Personal Correspondence of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin (DeKalb, IL, 2004), 69–72.

  8. Lopatin, 91, undated, Feb.—Mar. 1776.

  9. Corberon, ii: 37, 68; 27 Oct. and 8 Dec. 1776 NS.

  10. C.’s undated love letters to Zavadovskii are translated in Alexander, 342–53 (here pp. 344–5).

  11. Lopatin, 115, before 14 May 1777.

  12. Zavadovskii, 263, 14 Aug. 1781. On the estate in Poltava province, presented to him on 10 July 1775 in celebration of the Peace of Kuchuk Kainardzhi, see N. Makarenko, ‘Lialichi’, Starye gody, July—Sept. 1910, 131–51.

  13. Alexander, 206–14 (212).

  14. Lopatin, 115, before 10 June 1777; I. I. Leshchilovskaia, ‘Semen Zorich’, in Vek Ekateriny II: Rossiia i Balkany (M, 1998), 129–38; M. I. Meshcherskii, ‘Semen Gavrilovich Zorich’, RA, 1879, no. 5, 37–65.

  15. Montefiore, 179–84.

  16. Harris Diaries, i: 198–9, Harris to Fraser, 16/27 May 1778.

  17. Ibid. On headaches, see Grimm, 79, 14 Feb. 1778; 87, 16 May.

  18. Corberon, ii: 330, 4 Sept. 1780 NS.

  19. McGrew, 91–3; SIRIO, xxvii: 81, C. to Mme Bielke, 28 Apr. 1776; Corberon, i: 224–30, 25–6 Apr. NS.

  20. Dimsdale, 46, informed by W. Tooke.

  21. Corberon, i: 248, 7 May 1776 NS.

  22. Best. D20207, C. to Voltaire, 25 June 1776.

  23. McGrew, 93–8; Zavadovskii, 242–3, Apr. 1776.

  24. SIRIO, xxvii: 115–6, in C.’s own hand.

  25. SIRIO, xxvii: 117–8, C. to Mme Bielke, 5 Sept. 1776.

  26. SIRIO, xxvii: 109, C. to Paul, early Aug. 1776.

  27. Corberon, ii: 7–9, 7 Oct. 1776 NS.

  28. Corberon, ii: 20, 13 Oct. 1776 NS. The second performance was ‘very badly attended’: ibid., 22.

  29. McGrew, 99–103.

  30. Harris Diaries, i: 174, Harris to Yorke, 2/13 Feb. 1778.

  31. Harris Diaries, i: 178–79, Harris to Suffolk, 7/18 Mar. 1778.

  32. Grimm, 83, 2–4 Mar. 1778.

  33. Lopatin, 39 [30 Aug. 1774].

  34. S. G. Runkevich, Sviato-Troitskaia Aleksandro-Nevskaia Lavra, 1713–1913, 2 vols. (SPb, 2001 edn.), ii: 134–5, 137–8; N. Belekhov and A. Petrov, Ivan Starov: Materialy k izucheniiu tvorchestva (M, 1950), 67–8; KfZh (1778), 537–47.

  35. Proschwitz, 131–2, C. to Gustav III, 2 Sept. 1778.

  36. KfZh (1781), 525–6; Proschwitz, 159, 15 Dec. 1781.

  37. SIRIO, xv: 39, C. to Paul and Maria Fëdorovna, undated.

  38. On tears, see SIRIO, xxvii: 308, C’s instruction to Saltykov.

  39. Proschwitz, 159, C. to Gustav III, 15 Dec. 1781.

  40. SIRIO, ix: 97, C. to Maria Fëdorovna, 7 Dec. 1781

  41. Grimm, 176, 14 May 1780; see also 190, 2 Oct.

  42. M. Okenfuss, The Discovery of Childhood in Russia (Newtonville, MA, 1980), 58–62.

  43. Madariaga, 495–8 (497–8). The ‘Book On the Duties of Man and Citizen’ is translated by E. Gorky in J. L. Black, Citizens for the Fatherland: Education, educators, and pedagogical ideals in eighteenth-century Russia (Boulder, CO, 1979), 209–66.

  44. SIRIO, ix: 110, C. to Maria Fëdorovna, 4 Jan. 1782.

  45. Ibid., 124, 25 Feb. 1782.

  46. Ibid., 127, 10 Mar. 1782.

  47. E. P. Renne, ‘Kartiny Bromptona v Ermitazhe’, in Zapadno-Evropeiskoe iskusstvo XVIII veka: Publikatsii i issledovaniia (Leningrad, 1987), 57–8. On Brompton—‘a harum-scarum artist’ to Jeremy Bentham, yet to C. a second Van Dyck—see Cross, 308–12.

  48. Lopatin, 189, early 1784; Zorin, Kormia dvuglavogo orla, 130–1.

  49. Harris Diaries, i: 236, Harris to Weymouth, 24 May/4 June 1779.

  50. Shvidkovsky, The empress and the architect, 105.

  51. Harris Diaries, i: 237–8, Harris to Weymouth, 24 May/4 June 1779.

  52. Harris Papers, 1036, G. Harris to E. Harris, 2/13 July 1779. On Hermes, see C. T. Probyn, The sociable Humanist: The life and works of James Harris (Oxford, 1991), ch. 5.

  53. The following draws on ‘Zhurnal vysochaishago puteshestviia v gorod Mogilev 1780 g.’, KfZh (1780), 267–432; ‘Dnevnaia zapiska puteshestviia Eia Imperatorskago Velichestva chrez Pskov i Polotsk v Mogilev’, SIRIO, i: 384–420; and C.’s letters to Paul and Maria Fëdorovna, SIRIO, ix: 39–63. See also Beales, Joseph II, 431–8 and N. V. Bessarabova, ‘Iosif II i Ekaterina II v puteshestviiakh po Rossii’, in Nemtsy v Rossii: rossiisko-nemetskii dialog, ed. G. I. Smagina (SPb, 2001), 461–9.

  54. Grimm, 166, 7 Dec. 1779.

  55. Dimsdale, 71; Bessarabova, 38, 45–6.

  56. Grimm, 178, 16 May 1780.

  57. AKV, xiii: 16.

  58. SIRIO, ix: 49, 19 May 1780.

  59. SIRIO, ix: 48, 18 May 1780.

  60. Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, Graf Pavel Aleksandrovich Stroganov (1774–1817), 3 vols. (SPb, 1903), i: 237–8, A. S. Stroganov to G. Romme. A total of 300 noble pupils and 130 children of townspeople were enrolled in the six schools in Polotsk province in 1780, when Mogilëv province had 34 schools with 858 pupils: Madariaga, 494.

  61. SIRIO, ix: 51, 22 May 1780; KfZh (1780), 329. On the namestniki’s silver services, see above, p. 240.

  62. Grimm, 180, 25 May 1780.

  63. Engelhardt, 33–6 (33). On the landscape, see ibid., p. 28, and SIRIO, ix: 53, 24 May 1780.

  64. KfZh (1780), 336–9; Lopatin, 140, C. to Potemkin, 23 May 1780.

  65. Lopatin, 139, 22 May 1780.

  66. Engelhardt, 26–31; Montefiore, 225.

  67. Grimm, 181, 27 May 1780; ibid., 208, 23 June 1781.

  68. Grimm, 181, 190, 27 May and 2 Oct. 1780.

  69. SIRIO, ix: 59, 1 June 1780.

  70. Harris Diaries, i: 313, Harris to Elliot (at Berlin), 2/13 June 1780.

  71. Harris Diaries, i: 314, Harris to Keith (at Vienna), June 1780.

  72. Bezborodko, 231, 17 Oct. 1780.

  73. P. Mansel, Prince of Europe: The life of Charles-Joseph de Ligne (London, 2003), 101.

  74. I. de Madariaga, ‘The secret Austro-Russian treaty of 1781’, SEER, 38 (1959), 114–45; Ransel, Politics, 254–5.

  75. Anderson, ed., Letters of Mozart, 780, 24 Nov. 1781 NS.

  76. McGrew, 120.

  77. McGrew, 112–42; N. I. Stadnichuk, ‘Puteshestvie grafa i grafini severnykh v neapolitanskoe korolevstvo’, PKNO: 2004 (M, 2006), 398–431.

  78. The following draws on ‘Peterburgskoe obshchestvo v 1781 g., pis’ma Pikara k kn. A.B. Kurakinu’, RS, Apr. 1870, 297–321; ‘S.-Peterburg v 1782 godu: izvestiia Pikara o sobytiiakh v gorode i pri dvore’, RS, May 1878, 39–66.

  79. Bezborodko, 253, 25 Nov. 1781.

  80. Grimm, 47, 18 Apr. 1776.

  81. Khrapovitskii, 1–2, 18 Apr. and 25 July 1782; J. M. Hartley, ‘Catherine’s conscience court—an English equity court?’, in Russia and the West in the Eighteenth Century, ed. A. G. Cross (Newtonville, MA, 1981).

  82. Madariaga, 292–5.

  83. Montefiore, 237–8, gives different dates.

  84. Grimm, 152, 14 July 1779.

  85. KfZh (1781), 654.

  86. ‘Peterburgskoe obshchestvo’, 300, 12 Oct. 1781.

  87. KfZh (1782), 50.

  88. Grimm, 242–3, 28 June 1782.

  89. Falconet, 130, C. to Falconet, 1 June 1770, records the complaint of the ‘scandalised’ Chebyshev, chief procurator of the Holy Synod. cf. Schenker, Bronze Horseman, 249–51.

  90. Harris to Grantham, 9 Aug. 1782, quoted in C. Frank, ‘“A man more jealous of glory than of wealth”: Houdon’s dealings with Russia’, in Jean-Antoine Houdon: Sculptor of the Enlightenment, ed. A. L. Poulet (Washington, D.C., 2003), 56.

bsp; 91. Grimm, 64–5, 10 Sept. 1777.

  92. Corberon, ii: 177–80, 21–22 Sept. NS; Proschwitz, 93, C. to Gustav III, 29 Sept. 1777.

  93. Lopatin, 118, after 10 Sept. 1777. C. remembered the precise height of the waters in 1777 when the river rose again (by only seven feet) in 1794: Grimm, 603, 21 Apr. 1794.

  94. Dimsdale, 41.

  95. PSZ, xx: 14,968, 14 Jan. 1780. For an inspection, see KfZh (1786), 371–4. On the dispute in 1787, see Alexander, 261.

  96. Storch, 15. See also, Stedingk, i: 40.

  97. Quoted in Shvidkovsky, The Empress and the Architect, 45.

  98. V. Shevchenko, ‘Proekt “antichnogo doma” dlia Ekateriny II. Mify i real’nost”, in L. Tedeschi and N. Navone, eds., Ot mifa k proektu: Vliianie ital’ianskikh i tichinskikh arkhitektorov v Rossii epokhi klassitsima (SPb, 2004), 76–9.

  99. Grimm, 379, 7 July 1786; Shvidkovsky, The Empress and the Architect, 61–9.

  100. Shvidkovsky, The Empress and the Architect, 85; Dimsdale, 53. See also Grimm, 239, 2 June 1782.

  101. Grimm, 207–8, 22 June 1781.

  102. SIRIO, ix: 140, C. to Maria Fëdorovna, 23 Apr. 1782.

  103. Quoted in S. Massie, Pavlovsk: The Life of a Russian Palace (London, 1990), 32–3, where the visit is dated 11 May, presumably the NS date of K. Kiukhel’beker’s letter to Maria Fëdorovna. Compare SIRIO, ix: 145–7, C. to Mariia Fedorovna, 2 May 1782; KfZh (1782), 186, 29 Apr.

  104. Grimm, 157, 23 Aug. 1779.

  105. Grimm, 255, 15 Nov. 1782.

  106. Corberon, i: 156, 4 Feb. 1776 NS.

  107. A. Moore, ‘The Houghton Sale’, in British Art Treasures, 46–55; J. Conlin, The Nation’s Mantelpiece: A history of the National Gallery (London, 2006), 21–8.

  108. Grimm, 47, 18 Apr. 1776; 145, 18 June 1779. See also C. Frank, ‘“Plus il y en aura, mieux ce sera”—Caterina II di Russia e Anton Raphael Mengs. Suo ruolo degli agenti ‘cesarei’ Grimm e Reiffenstein’, in Mengs: La Scoperta del Neoclassico, ed. S. Roettgen (Padua, 2001), 86–95.

  109. Grimm, 167, 2 Jan. 1780; 253, 14 Nov. 1782; McGrew, 134; Charles-Louis Clérisseau (1721–1820): Dessins du musée de l’Ermitage Saint-Pétersbourg (Paris, 1995).

  110. Grimm, 93, 21 June 1778; Frank, ‘“A man more jealous of glory than wealth”’, in Jean-Antoine Houdon, ed. Poulet, 54–5.

  111. Bentham, ii: 201, J. Bentham to S. Bentham, 20–21 Dec. 1778.

  112. M. P. Alekseev, ‘Biblioteka Vol’tera v Rossii’, in Biblioteka Vol’tera: Katalog knig (Leningrad, 1961), 9, 26.


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