Catherine the Great

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Catherine the Great Page 60

by Simon Dixon

  Pitt, William, the Younger 298, 299, 311

  Plague of 1 771 206—7, 209, 215

  Plutarch 310

  Lives 67, 306

  Podobedov, Metropolitan Amvrosy 320, 322

  Podolia 290

  Poissonnier, François 108–9

  Pokrovskoye 127


  C’s support for Orthdox fanatics in 183

  Chernyshëv eager to annexe Polish territory 185

  C’s ambitions in 186, 187

  Frederick the Great’s ambitions 186, 207

  first partition 217, 250

  Potëmkin’s claims in 255

  Potëmkin builds up his estates in 290

  Fox’s support 299

  new constitution 301

  complexity of the Polish question 309

  second partition 309

  massacre of Poles at Praga 309

  third partition 309–10

  Polar Star (Decembrist journal) 324

  Polevoy, Nikolay 327

  police boards 255

  Police Ordinance 255

  Polish Deputies 267

  Pöllnitz, Baron 29

  Polotsk 251, 252, 278

  Poltava 287

  battle of (1709) 41, 93

  Pomerania 24

  Poniatowski, Count Stanislaw August 100, 106, 113, 118, 132, 286

  Hanbury-Williams’ protégé 93

  as C’s lover 93–4, 95, 103

  personality 93

  and birth of Anna Petrovna 104–5

  returns to Poland 106

  C promises to make him king 185

  elected King of Poland (1764) 186

  C renews her acquaintanceship with him 284, 287

  and the new Polish constitution 301

  shattering of his dreams of autonomy 309

  Poroshin, Semën 140, 147, 152

  Postal Chancellery 8, 158

  Potëmkin, Grigory 6, 203, 236, 246, 252, 260, 269, 291, 306

  relationship with C 6, 27, 229, 231–2, 234, 238, 241, 265, 301

  besieges the Turks on the Danube 229

  supplants Vasilchikov 229

  first presented to C 230–31

  appearance 232

  links with the clergy 232

  incipient rivalry with Panin 236

  and Orlov’s illness 242

  and Anichkov Palace 242

  and Zorich 243

  celebration of Constantine’s birth 249

  obsession ‘with the idea of raising an Empire in the east’ 249

  supports a rapprochement with Austria 250

  arranges marriages for his nieces 255

  C’s gift of a Sèvres service 262

  and Crimean rebellion 263

  Governor General of the Tauride 263–4

  comforts the bereaved C 268

  and Yermolov 270

  visits Moscow with C 272, 274

  insatiable ambitions in the South 280

  and Dmitryev-Mamonov 280

  and Samuel Bentham 282

  headquarters at Kremenchug 286

  re-enactment of Peter the Great’s victory over the Swedes (1709) 287–8

  hypochondria 288–9

  his Polish estates 290, 309

  and Radishchev’s book 292

  and the second Russo-Turkish War 288–9, 291, 294, 296, 297, 303

  and Tauride Palace 46, 299, 331

  reputation for corruption 301, 334

  on Zubov 307

  death 303–4, 309, 317

  his estate 304–5

  glassworks 311

  Danilevsky’s claim 330 ‘Potëmkin villages’ 286

  Potocki, Ignacy 301

  Potsdam 33, 37, 204, 217

  Poussin, Nicolas 304

  Praga, Warsaw 309

  Prechistensky Palace, Moscow 214, 238

  Prejudice Overcome (allegorical ballet) 191

  Preobrazhensky Guards 44–5, 100, 123, 217, 305

  Prokopovich, Feofan 131

  Protasova, Anna 269, 274, 315

  Protestantism 248, 312

  Provincial Reform 239–40, 241, 250, 251, 254, 271, 273

  Prozorovsky, Prince 308


  defensive alliance with Russia 187, 250

  implacable enemy of Austria 187

  Prussian army: 8th infantry regiment 25

  Pruth, battle of the (1711) 77

  Pskov 251, 265

  publishing, independent 277, 310

  Pugachëv, Yemelyan 238, 239, 256, 328, 330

  appearance 228

  seizure of Iletsk 228

  sets up ‘College of War’ at Berda 228

  C makes light of his rebellion 229, 232

  forced to abandon his headquarters 233

  regroups in the Urals 233

  final rally 235, 236

  betrayed by the Cossacks 236

  trial and execution 237, 308

  Pulkovo 209, 234

  Pushchin, Vice Admiral Peter Ivanovich 158, 274, 286

  Pushkin, Alexander 161, 324, 328

  History of Pugachëv 327

  ‘Table-Talk’ 328


  Quarenghi, Giacomo 262–3, 265, 267, 278–9, 315


  Radishchev, Alexander 292, 294, 300–301

  Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow 272, 291–2

  Raphael 304

  Holy Family 193

  loggias 245, 262, 278

  Rastrelli, Francesco Bartolomeo 47, 69, 138, 150, 151, 158, 259, 295, 319

  designs the stone Winter Palace 55

  demolition of his Summer Palace 57, 320

  and C’s wedding 60, 61

  pyramid of fire device 78, 91

  St Petersburg summer house 81–2

  Golovin Palace resurrection 88

  completes transformation of Peterhof 95

  temporary leave from Russia 135

  fails to be confirmed in the rank of major general 135–6

  leaves Russia for good 136

  Raynal, Guillaume: History of the Two Indies 292

  Razumovsky, Aleksey 69, 76, 85, 95, 99–100, 113

  a Ukrainian of Cossack extraction 14

  Elizabeth’s lover 14

  Elizabeth’s Grand Master of the Hunt 14, 48

  Gostilitsy estate 45, 82

  appearance 48

  Kozelets estate 53

  and C’s marriage 59, 60, 61

  and C’s coronation 14, 19

  and Yelagin 131

  Razumovsky, Andrey 245

  Razumovsky, Kirill 95, 99–100, 123, 133, 142, 190, 233, 239, 268, 328

  Red Square, Moscow 6, 17

  Red Staircase, Moscow 8, 9, 10, 13, 21, 52, 239

  Reiffenstein, Johann Friedrich 261

  Reims Cathedral 16

  Rembrandt van Rijn 193

  Abraham and Isaac 261

  Return of the Prodigal Son 193

  Repnin, Prince Nikolay 128, 186, 235, 269, 302–3, 311

  Repnin, Princess 255

  Reval 85, 155, 204, 218, 290, 293

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua 225

  Ribas, Admiral 333

  Ribas, José de 296

  Richardson, William 152, 179–80, 183, 190, 198

  Riga, Latvia 39, 153

  Riger, Justus 81

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Ivan 144, 243, 261

  Rinaldi, Antonio 45, 104, 147–8, 179, 181, 197, 209, 210, 216, 262, 318, 319

  Rogerson, Dr John 265, 266, 267, 281, 290, 315

  Romanov dynasty

  founded (1613) 62, 164

  dynastic pretensions 66

  Saltykovs and Naryshkins marry into 14

  Rome 6, 254, 258, 261, 279, 306

  Ropsha country estate 124, 125, 145, 315

  Rosa, Madame 279

  Rosicrucians 276, 277, 308

  Rossbach, battle of (1757) 105, 184

  Rossi, Carlo 97

  Rossignol, Antoine 156

  Rostokino 273

  Rostov 151

eau, Jean-Jacques 32, 222

  Le devin du village 256

  Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts [The First Discourse] 154

  Emile 129

  Rowlandson, Thomas 297

  Royal Society, London 23–4

  Rubens, Peter Paul 193, 304

  Rulhière, Claude Carloman de 64

  Rumyantsev, Count Nikolay 323

  Rumyantsev, Count Peter 154, 197, 203–4, 206, 235, 241, 242, 245, 251, 252, 281, 284, 293, 309, 321

  Rumyantseva, Countess Maria 65, 73, 144, 255

  Rus 54


  the second emergent power in the Baltic 25

  diplomatic alliance with Austria (1726) 35

  C journeys to (1744) 37–40

  celebrates peace with Sweden (1744) 65

  financial problems 75, 121, 129

  aftermath of Seven Years’ War 128–9

  cultural Westernisation 152, 201

  defensive alliance with Prussia (1764) 187, 250

  defensive alliance with Denmark (1765) 188

  C defends criticism of citizens 201

  Black Sea conquests 207

  conceived by Diderot as a tabula rasa 227

  formal alliance with Austria (1781) 253, 269, 290

  Anglo-Russian relations at an all-time low 298

  commercial treaty with France (1787) 298

  joins anti-French coalition (1798) 301–2

  Russian Academy 199, 264, 275, 324, 326

  Russian Archive (journal) 329

  Russian Court 35

  the roots of Russia’s Baroque Court culture 71

  in Moscow 10, 43, 46

  ceremonials in church 16, 79–80

  visits Gostilitsy 45

  the Court choir 48, 150, 294

  lavish presents to C on her recovery from pleurisy 49

  shot through with intrigue 65

  ‘nocturnalisation’ of Court life 70–71

  assemblies 71

  dress 71, 72–3, 74

  reception days 71–2

  gift-giving 73

  financial matters 73–5

  food 80–81

  Baroque survivals in C’s reign 147–8, 205, 299–300

  Russian fleet 202, 287, 289, 293

  Russian Law Code (1649) 157

  Russian Orthodox Church

  split in mid-seventeenth century 165

  Peter III’s determination to confiscate Church lands 121

  C’s coronation 15–16

  monastic property 52, 131, 153–4

  Potëmkin’s links with the clergy 232

  Russian Orthodoxy

  C’s first experience of 48

  C’s loyalty to 12, 14, 18, 149–52, 273, 312

  Peter III’s contempt for Orthodox tradition 12

  and C’s coronation 19, 22

  C’s acceptance into 51–2, 73

  a golden age of Baroque church-building 79

  Elizabeth’s piety 79

  services and feast days 79–80

  C ready to provoke a conflict in its defence 183, 184

  the cradle of Orthodoxy 285

  Russian Revolution (1905) 331

  Russo-Swedish War (1741–43) 35

  Russo-Swedish War (1788–90) 290, 291, 293–4

  Russo-Swedish War (1808–9) 320

  Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) 183, 188, 195–9, 202–4, 206–11, 213, 214, 218, 224, 232, 235, 237, 238, 239, 250

  Russo-Turkish War (1787–91) 280, 288–91, 294, 296–303

  Ryckwaert, Cornelis 33

  Rymnik River 291

  Rzhevsky, Aleksey: ‘Birthday Ode’ 22


  Sachsen-Coburg, Princess Juliana Henrietta of 313

  St Basil’s Cathedral (Cathedral of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God), Moscow 17

  Saint Catherine (yacht) 179

  Saint Evstafy (ship) 202

  St Martin St Nicholas (Naval) Cathedral, St Petersburg 79

  St Petersburg 82, 322

  origins 41

  geometrically regimented 7

  granite embankments 258

  as Residenzstadt 41–2

  fires (1736 and 1737) 43–4

  C’s ceremonial re-entry into 127–8

  great flood 257–8

  St Petersburg (Dutch vessel) 57

  St Petersburg News 57, 69, 77, 78

  St Petersburg Public Library 330

  St Sophia Cathedral, Tsarskoye Selo 250

  Saint-Germain, Treaty of (1679) 25

  Saldern, Caspar von 189, 219, 230

  Saltykov, Count Nikolay 295, 303, 307

  Saltykov, Field Marshal Peter 14, 160, 204, 206, 208, 212, 213

  Saltykov, Sergey 87, 92, 178, 190, 197, 328

  Saltykov family 14

  Salzdahlum, Lower Saxony 29

  Samoiedes 174

  Sanches, António 49

  Santi, Count 56–7, 58, 59, 60

  Saratov 227, 236

  Sarti, Giuseppe: Te Deum 294

  Saxe-Gotha, Duke of 223

  Saxe-Gotha, Princess Louise of 220

  Saxe-Gotha, Prince William of 34

  Schaden, Professor Johann: ‘On the Spirit of the Laws’ 160

  Schilling, Dr 113

  Schleswig 120

  Schlüsselburg fortress, near St Petersburg 12, 124, 308

  Schönbrunn, Vienna 191

  Schönhausen palace, Berlin 37

  Schroeder, Paul 301

  Schumacher, Andreas 124–5

  Schütze, Johann Christoph 33, 34

  Schwedt an der Oder 37

  Sechënov, Archbishop Dimitry 14, 19, 123, 151, 160, 166, 171, 176, 178

  Secret Chancellery 90

  Ségur, Count 272, 274, 283, 287

  Seleucco (Pasquini) 79

  Seltsa estate 220

  Semënovsky Guards 44, 54, 123, 208, 255

  Senate, the 9, 14, 95, 121, 133, 175, 190, 230, 271, 324

  Senate Building, St Petersburg 97

  Senate Palace, Moscow 16

  Sennoye 251

  Senyavin, Admiral 208

  Serafim of Sarov, St 8

  Serbia 248

  serfdom 129, 154, 163, 172–3, 175, 271, 272, 277, 290, 292, 310, 320

  Sevastopol 287, 289

  Seven Years’ War (1756–63) 14, 103, 105, 106, 119, 128, 157, 159, 184, 186, 187, 194, 195

  Sèvres 262

  Shafirov family 111

  Shakespeare, William 93

  Julius Caesar 310

  Shakhovskoy, Yakov 116, 133

  Shcherbatov, Prince Mikhail 95–6, 118–19, 143, 333

  Shcherbatova, Princess Darya 190, 290

  Shcherbatsky, Metropolitan Timofey 7, 14

  Shepelëv, Ober-hofmeister 92

  Sheremetev, Count Nikolay 288

  Sheremetev, Count Peter 5, 60, 117, 127, 139

  Sheremetev Palace, St Petersburg 140

  Sheremeteva, Countess Anna 177, 178

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 298

  Sheshkovsky, prosecutor 308

  Shirley, Henry 173–4

  Shishkova, Alexandra 323

  Shklov 251

  Shubin, Fëdor 305, 312

  Shuvalov, General Alexander 90, 92

  Shuvalov, Count Andrey 162, 176, 182, 195, 311

  Shuvalov, Ivan 91, 94, 95, 97, 109, 113, 115, 168, 193, 307, 314, 315

  Shuvalov, Peter 62, 96, 110, 113, 115, 157

  Shuvalov family 102, 105, 106, 114, 119

  Siberia 256, 292

  Siegen, Prince Nassau 293

  Sievers, Count Karl 21, 135, 146–7, 220, 234

  Sievers, Yakov 93, 140, 229, 240, 273

  Silistria 229, 235

  Simbirsk 169

  Simferopol 287

  Simonetti, Giovanni 33

  Skavronska, Countess Catherine (née Engelhardt) 255

  Skavronsky, Count 255

  Skavronsky, Counts 143

  Skavronsky family 70

  Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy, Moscow 7

  Slizov, Konstantin 3–4, 239

  smallpox 23–4

  inoculation 188–90, 247–8, 262, 284

  Smolensk 240, 278, 281–2

  Smolny Cathedral, St Petersburg 79

  Smolny Convent 99, 205

  Smolny Institute 130, 178, 303

  Society for the Education of Young Noblewomen 130

  Society for the Translation of Foreign Books 199, 261

  Sofia, near Tsarskoye Selo 250, 265, 278, 314

  Sollogub, Countess Natalia 284

  Solms, Count 126, 195, 207, 216

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 171–2

  Somov, Konstantin 331

  Sophia, Tsarevna 12, 13

  Sophia Dorothea of Württemberg see Maria Fëdorovna, Grand Duchess Sorbonne, Paris 188, 190

  Soubise, Cardinal de 142

  Spanish Succession, War of the (1701–14) 25

  Sparrow, Charles 210

  Spectator, The 198

  Speransky, Mikhail 325

  Spiridov, Admiral 202

  Sreznevsky, Ivan 322

  Stable Chancellery, Moscow 59

  Stählin, Jacob 64, 77, 111, 115, 117, 128, 136

  Stalin, Joseph 171–2

  Stanislaw August Poniatowski, King of Poland see Poniatowski Starov, Ivan 246–7, 275, 294, 305

  State Duma 331

  Stedingk, Baron 294–9

  Steele, Richard 198

  Steen, Jan: Revellers 193

  Stephen the Little 196

  Sterne, Laurence: Sentimental Journey


  Stettin (now Szczecin, Poland) 23, 24, 25, 28, 32, 333

  Stockholm, Court of 92

  Stockholm, Peace of (1720) 25

  Stone Island 140

  Stowe, Buckinghamshire 94

  Stroganov, Alexander 140, 141–2, 160, 171, 172, 178, 193, 250, 251, 256, 261, 302, 321

  Stroganov, Baron Sergey 95

  Stroganov Palace 115, 141

  Stroganova, Countess 143, 177

  Sudermania, duke of 314

  Sukhodolsky, Vasily: Astronomy 110

  Sumarokov, Alexander 22, 51, 122, 327

  Ode to Potëmkin 237

  ‘On the First Day of 1763’ 17

  Sinav and Truvor 110, 146

  Sumarokov, Peter 14, 322

  Summer Annenhof, Moscow 51

  Summer Garden, St Petersburg 36, 128, 256, 258

  Summer House, St Petersburg 81–2, 83

  Summer Palace, Moscow (1730) 47

  Summer Palace, St Petersburg (1741–4) 55, 57, 61, 68, 78, 83, 113, 128, 145, 149, 180, 236, 258, 295, 320

  Sutherland, Richard 307–8

  Suvorov, Field Marshal 235, 291, 296, 299, 300, 303, 309, 311, 322, 333

  Svenskund 293

  Svinin, Pavel 328


  Great Northern War 9, 288

  as the dominant Baltic power in the seventeenth century 24

  spoils of the Thirty Years’ War 24

  Russia celebrates peace with (1744) 65

  suspension of the 1720 constitution 217

  restoration of the monarchy’s absolute powers 217


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