Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 4

by Susan JP Owens

  Kyle released all the air out of his lungs then filled them again. “I’m interested in getting to know her, that’s all.”

  He wanted to know Shelby Littleton’s favorite color, flower, and music. Something about the last song made her cry and he questioned if he’d ever get the chance to ask. Hell, he could come up with a reason…morning coffee and donuts…who could turn down pastries and a caffeine jolt?

  Sam waved. “Goodnight, I’m meeting Linda for a late dinner.”

  “‘Night and tell your lovely wife I said hello.”


  Shelby closed the door and sighed. How could a simple phrase, have a good night Shelby Littleton, convey so much tenderness? Her stomach fluttered. When they had touched, explosions the size of Texas blasted through her body and blazed a fiery trail over her skin.

  God, she would miss getting to know Kyle better. What was she thinking? She should have reminded him about his offer to be her guide. Instead, she let a perfect opportunity slip out of her grasp. She leaned against the doorjamb. It was probably for the best. Her home was with her family and work, twenty-four hours south of here.

  Shelby stroked her arms warding off the chill, her tired muscles begged to be stretched. Wyoming nights were cold and a hot shower would warm her. She focused on the welcoming bed with Annie comfortable on top of the bedspread. “Humpf.” She straightened her shoulders and squared them. Tomorrow was a new day and she’d get back to researching her husband’s journal entries.

  A hum whispered near Shelby. She smiled. Tim would join her in a few seconds. His presence drifted around her. “Hey, sweetheart, why did you leave, do you have a to-do list in your world? No, don’t tell me. I won’t get the humor, I promise. Listen, we have a lot to talk about, but I’m going to get my shower first.”

  At last in her nightgown, Tim’s company soothed her. Shelby breathed, “I love you and miss you so.” She stretched her hands to touch him. The ambient temperature dropped, his spirit skimmed over her fingers, traveled up her arms then enveloped her body. She shivered from the cool air and quivered with anticipation. Her ears popped. “What are you trying to tell me?” She followed the air differential to where he hovered above her backpack. She understood.

  On the bed, she carefully unwrapped and held the doll. A vibration coursed through her and an odd aura emanated from Ten-Blue-Sun. “Tim, what’s happening?” A pure light encased her while a loving and healing sensation stroked her soul. She relaxed and her heart opened to a world she never knew existed.

  Chapter Four

  Shelby floated through the air, weightless, traveling further from her physical body. Surrounded by beautiful prismatic lights, time or the lack thereof had no meaning. There wasn’t a background, any buildings, no biomes of earth, just an ethereal beauty. The brilliant refracted spectrums didn’t hurt her eyes and lent to a more spiritual, unworldly sphere. She peered down at what should’ve been her human form. A translucent field took the space, but within the boundaries, pinpoints of white light sparkled like stars in the night sky.

  The intensity of another presence drew her attention. She recognized Tim and extended her essence to touch him. When their life forces comingled, peace and tranquility surrounded them. He drew her close. The thrust of his energy encapsulated hers and propelled her to a pinnacle, an edge. Multi-colored points of light emerged and exploded, enlarging the field of their joined powers. Tim withdrew and stayed at her side, his love evident.

  “Tim, where am I and who are these people?”

  “You’re in the First Realm.”

  A being approached them.

  “This is She-Who-Smiles. You’ll get to know her.”

  Shelby didn’t understand the camaraderie she shared with the woman. “She-Who-Smiles is lovely and her spirit really does seem to smile.”

  “I want you to meet one more, he’s a medicine man.”

  Finally, she was getting answers and the one disclosure she wanted to know. “Wait, Tim, were you murdered?”


  “Enough.” One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles dictated.

  This wasn’t a request. She beheld the dominant one and his strong presence overwhelmed her. Dark colors inundated her vision. Scenes of slaughter, death, and destruction appeared. She felt rather than heard the screams. Intolerable pain and absolute horror flooded her consciousness. Frightened, she searched for Tim and he wasn’t there. She turned for She-Who-Smiles and she too had disappeared.

  Shelby tumbled down, whirling, everything blurred before her. Her stomach flipped, then flopped, gravity overtaking her entity. She plunged into her earthly form. Gasping for breath, her chest heaved. Her eyes opened and released the doll. Tears rolled down her cheeks and heart-wrenching despair possessed her. Her body temperature climbed until perspiration trickled down her face.

  “What just happened?” She glanced at Annie still sleeping. “Tim, what’s going on?”

  His presence cooled her down. Remembering the love and commitment they shared in the First Realm. “I do believe and trust you.” She cautiously placed the sacred doll back where she belonged…for now.


  Shelby woke to the ringing of the telephone. Instinctively she grabbed her cell on the night stand. Nope, not the mobile. The intermittent jingle continued. She picked up the hotel phone and in the seconds it took to get the handset to her ear, she cringed thinking something must be wrong at home. “Hello.”

  “Good morning sleepy head.” The masculine baritone articulated in her ear.


  “How many guys do you have calling you?”

  She skipped his question. “I thought I recognized your voice. Hey, thanks for walking Annie and me back last night.”

  “Get up and open the door. I have coffee that’s burning my hands. I’m juggling a cell, and pastries from the bakery. In a few more seconds, everything will be on the ground.”

  Shelby threw the phone in the cradle, put on her robe, ran to the door, and squinted through the peep hole. Yep, his hands were full. She yanked the door open holding her skimpy robe closed and helped him get everything to the small table.

  He looked magnificent. God, my hair isn’t combed, my teeth, yuck. Ah hell. “Give me a few minutes, I’ll be back to take you up on all the goodies you brought.”

  “Great, then I’ll give you my tour.”

  She nodded. “I’d like that.”


  Kyle smiled. Shelby couldn’t help being sultry and beautiful in the morning. With her hair messed and her sleepy look, he was aroused just seeing her. A wicked idea crossed his mind. Did the goodies include him? Maybe, just maybe. He yelled to the closed bathroom door. “I’m taking Annie for a quick walk.”

  Waiting for Annie to finish her business, he contemplated the odds on meeting a lady like Shelby, who fit into his world. He’d had his share of relationships over the years and across the globe, but none could come close to the desire she inspired in him. Except one.

  The memories of Christine had been buried successfully. Why were they popping into his mind now? He reflected back in time. He loved Mira Dent and having her as a grandmother would have been heaven on earth. Bile rose and scalded his throat at the recollection of his ex-fiancée. He shoved the offensive reminder away.

  In the past, most women were too fixated on his money and family, but Shelby knew nothing about him. But she liked him for who he was and he damn sure wanted to get to this woman better. Much better. His heart skipped a beat. He involuntarily ruffled at the idea she would have other men calling her this morning. Wow, where did that reaction come from? He mentally tucked those thoughts away to examine later.

  Annie’s morning rituals completed, he knocked on Shelby’s door. When she opened, Kyle stepped across the threshold. “Ready to get started? We’re burning daylight.”

  “I’m ready. Annie, time to go.”

  “I’ll get her for you. I want to stop by the grocery store and buy something for us to eat.” />
  “A picnic sounds wonderful.”

  Kyle ruffled the red-coated renegade’s ears. “I’ll drive my old truck, I call her Jalopy. It’ll give Annie more room and she can’t do any harm.”

  Shelby froze in place. “I don’t know, maybe I should take my car.”

  “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”

  She adjusted her shoulders, her body relaxed. “Your truck sounds fine. You’re right, Annie will have more room and if she gets muddy, we can put her in the back.”

  Her body language gave away the exact moment she’d come to her decision. What were her actions when her answer was no?

  He attempted to remember all the situations. Damn, it’d be nice to have Jude’s ability. His brother had a photographic memory. Jude hated his gift and didn’t perceive it as such. On numerous occasions, Kyle would’ve rejoiced at having the power of recollection and retention.

  Kyle followed Shelby and smiled. He enjoyed getting to know her “tell” signs.

  Shelby opened his truck door and Annie jumped up to the floor, then settled on the middle of the seat. In one easy motion, Shelby climbed inside and shut the door.

  Kyle leaped out of the way, shook his head and muttered, “Independent woman…and I get to sit beside the dog.”


  Inside the grocery store, Kyle pushed the cart as she walked beside him. “How about cold cuts?”

  He shrugged.

  She questioned him again. “Do you like sandwiches?”

  “I like healthy food, if that helps.”

  “Good, so do I.” She picked up a small loaf of organic multi-grain bread from the bakery department. “Do you exercise too?”

  “Every day. You said ‘too’, what’s your regimen?”

  He admired her physique as Shelby jammed her hands in the pockets of her light jacket. “Aerobics, lift a little weights, walk and jog. What about you?”

  “I have a gym at home and run. Maybe we can work out together?”

  Shelby grimaced.

  He laughed enjoying her reactions. “What was that expression about?”

  She headed for the ten-items-or-less register. “I don’t exercise in front of anyone.”

  At the check-out, he quit unloading the basket. “How old are you?”

  Shelby emptied the remaining items. “That, dear sir, is none of your business.”

  He liked the way she bristled under his scrutiny. “Well, I think you look terrific.”


  Kyle led Shelby down a Grand Teton National Park trail into a lush meadow. Annie’s nose lowered scouting the distinctive scents. Green sage and spring flowers wafted in the air. Giant waterfalls flowed down from the melting snow caps giving the valley much needed moisture for the summer months. The nearby rippling stream had a calming effect. The rocky spires projected toward the open sky, the highest pinnacle possessed a power beyond him and beyond man.

  Shelby stilled beside him and sighed. “This is beautiful.”

  He shifted his stance and stood in front of her. “This is one of my favorite places. I’d thought you’d enjoy it.”

  Surprise and something else crossed her face. “And you’re sharing it with me? Thank you.”

  He lifted her chin with his index finger to connect her gaze with his. “You’re welcome.”

  “This means more to me than you could know.” She glanced away. Her focus appeared to land on the distant mountain range. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

  Her cheeks changed to a reddish tint. He grinned delighted in recognizing her little nuances. The vermillion hue of embarrassment changed to a full blown glow. He angled toward Shelby. “Today, with you, this means more to me too.” His nostrils flared, drawing in her scent, wanting to haul her into his arms, but waiting for her to calm down.

  “Are you hungry?” Her throat pulsed then she swallowed hard, her voice low and sultry.

  “Sure.” He doubted they had the same things in mind but he’d settle for a turkey sandwich.

  After eating, Shelby lay beside him on his western quilt with Annie at their feet. He lifted the arm covering his eyes, leaned forward and relaxed on an elbow. He gazed down at Shelby. She was bewitching him. The notion she could have this much power over him needled his conscience.

  The fragrance of her silky hair seduced him, along with the spring breeze carrying the familiar aroma of new growth and life. Her reactions increased his enthusiasm to pursue a relationship, well, at least to get to know her better. And he sure in the hell didn’t want to stop the sexual connection.

  Her sensual lips beckoned him to kiss her and he craved her lithe body. He hungered to taste the thin, sensitive skin behind her ears, neck, and wrists. Fascinated by her pale skin, he wanted to compare his tanned hands against the gentle curve of her hip and the slope of her thigh.

  Yet her physical appearance wasn’t the only thing that enticed him. She shared some of his passions. Exercising and eating healthy were important to him. He envisioned perspiration sliding down her temples. Tempted to lick the salty dew, his tongue swept over his lips. Decadent thoughts immerged, drifting to more seductive advances, his mouth lingering at the pulse in her throat, coasting down to play with her nipples, his cock lengthened with his erotic musings. This woman stirred a need in him to take her to his bed.

  He wished to let passion set the course, to allow their minds and soul connect. Yes, he wanted to walk in her mind. For the first time in years, he considered using his gift, but he’d given his oath. He wouldn’t employ his ability for his own benefit. In fact, he would never apply his talent again. He cleared his throat. “I like being with you.”


  Shelby inhaled deep, the weight of Kyle’s eyes constricted her chest. “I’m enjoying this too...”

  She sat up, braced her hands behind her to bear her weight. She peered over her shoulder at Kyle still resting on his arm. “The picnic was a good idea.”

  The outdoors and peaceful setting had dissipated most of what happened to her last night. She wanted to think everything that happened in the First Realm was real. Tim was murdered. And she couldn’t shake the horrible scenes One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles had shared with her. All the pieces of the puzzle didn’t fit together. She didn’t have a clue how this involved her and Tim. For today, she wanted good, positive thoughts, not murder, death, and destruction. The lack of Tim’s presence still nagged the back of her mind. In fact every time Kyle was around, Tim left.

  Kyle rose to a sitting position and held one knee with his elbow while the other leg stretched out. “I want to show you so many places.”

  Her gaze wandered. Kyle’s T-shirt encased his broad shoulders. The cotton fabric tight against his chest tapered down to a trim waist. Her eyes journeyed lower to his muscular thighs where his snug jeans wrapped around them. The bulge hidden in his denims− “I’m sorry what did you say?”

  She glanced and his double dimples deepened. His full smile revealed his perfect teeth against his bronzed skin. He had caught her ogling. “Crap.” She sprung to her feet and strode away.

  Kyle’s footsteps pursued hers, getting closer. He grasped her hand and swung her to face him. “Shelby, stop.”

  As she turned, embarrassment threaded its tendrils from the top of her head down to her feet. Kyle lifted her chin with his thumb forcing her to look at him. Heat from her cheeks added to the humiliation.

  He whispered, “No harm done.”

  Kyle cupped each side of her jawline and feathered kisses across her lips. He slowly added pressure and caressed her mouth. Her knees wobbled, his arms encircled giving her support. He stroked her back with one hand and when she buried her face to his chest, he massaged her neck and shoulders. “That’s wonderful.”

  His breath tickled her ears when he whispered, “Your muscles were hard as a rock.”

  “And now?”

  His head lowered to take another taste. “Much better.”

  Annie barked and her front paws landed on the
ir hips. Her bright eyes greeted them.

  Kyle pushed her down. “Great timing, Annie.”

  She moaned and slid her arms around his waist.

  He returned her embrace. “I want you, but you’re not ready.”

  Shelby nestled deeper into his warm body and didn’t reply. Her mind reeled with all the reasons she shouldn’t go to bed with him so soon, but her eager body wanted him in every physical way imaginable.

  He rested his chin on top of her head. “Let’s take Annie for a walk, okay? There’s a stream down there.”

  Shelby gazed into his understanding eyes that still held molten desire. “I’d like that.”

  Annie ran ahead and plunged into the water. She laughed when Kyle picked up a few stones and she excitedly counted the skips out loud. This was perfect and serene.

  Add nature’s pristine beauty to the mix and her soul calmed. The slight breeze caressed her skin. She closed her eyes. For the first time since her husband’s death, she let herself enjoy life.

  Did she have a right when his murderer ran free? She had vowed to find the perpetrator. Saddened again, her spirit tumbled.

  She stood beside her husband’s closed casket. Memories flooded her mind, the reflections as clear as a pool of mountain water. Gut-wrenching sorrow tore her apart, piece by piece, knowing she would never see him again, to touch, to laugh and cry. Life would’ve been easier had she been killed too, a bullet to end the mind-numbing emptiness. Without her family, she’d have been lost.

  She was grateful her sisters never left her side. Alessa clasped her elbow. “Shelby, are you all right?”

  She stared at the coffin. “No, Al. God, no.”

  Kyle’s distant voice rifled through her conscious. “Shelby, are you all right?”

  When she opened her eyes, she met his worried gaze. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Kyle grasped her shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  Shelby nodded.

  She swayed and his grip tightened to steady her. “Are you sure? You don’t look good.”

  “I’m fine.” Her arms slipped around his neck and she gave him a hug. She drew strength from this man she hardly knew. The bond surpassed their physical attraction. Could there be a connection to the doll? She had to figure out the answers and soon or she’d end up in a psych ward.


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