Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 6

by Susan JP Owens

  Kyle headed for the door. “I need to make a phone call.”

  She picked up her purse. “Don’t bother. I’ll drive to the police station myself.”

  Kyle faltered in mid-stride. “You’re not leaving. I believe you’re in danger.”

  Oh crap, just what she needed another person to affirm what her intuition had been shouting. “Okay.”

  He slid her bag inside the room with his booted foot. “I’ll be back around six and take you to dinner.”

  Her shoulders automatically drew upward. “Is that a good idea?”

  His eyes connected with hers and he cocked his head to one side. “Yeah, it is.” He stepped outside and closed the door.

  She opened her mouth to tell him forget it, but then she would’ve been talking to Annie and promptly clamped her lips together.

  Grabbing her cell, she tapped the number to her office, and asked for Alessa. “Hey Al, how are things going?”

  “Great and up there?”

  A reflection against the wall drew her attention. She twirled to see the doll’s eyes glowed again. “Fine…Just touching base.” What the hell? Al? So Kyle and Alessa are the connections to the doll? Great, she had a long-ass road to haul to figure this shit out.

  Chapter Six

  Shelby’s sister cleared her throat. “Whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here.”

  Alessa had an uncanny sense, an ability to know what people were thinking, one of the many reasons she excelled in business. “Thanks. How’s everything there?”


  If she could project one more time, Tim should have the answer. “Listen, I need to go. I’ll be in touch and thank you for being there for me.”

  “Anytime, that’s what family is for…Hey, be careful, I love you.”

  “Love you too. Bye.” When the call ended so did the glowing.

  Scooping the doll up with her hand, she scooted across the bed, her back against the headboard. She checked the time, nine in the morning. Her eyelids closed, taking slow breaths, in…out. Brilliant lights danced around her mind’s eye, then showered down. The journey began, releasing her from the boundaries of her earthly body; the pinpoints of white stars and a steadfast peace settled in her being.

  She-Who-Smiles greeted her. “I see you’ve learned how to relax and be open.”

  Mesmerized by her energy, Shelby admitted she liked She-Who-Smiles. “Your spirit is so beautiful.”

  “Come, I want to share some things with you.”

  “Wait, I’d like to see Tim.”

  Her spirit guide nudged her. “He’ll join us later.”

  “I’m new at this, how do I follow?” Shelby peered down.

  “I’ll lead you.”

  Instantly, they were outside, hovering over a valley floor. She-Who-Smiles had transported her life force. “Where are we?”

  “In Texas, what use to be known as Comancheria. The significance of this location will become known with each person’s sojourn.”

  A bare-chested man climbed up a rocky canyon, his muscular legs flexing. The leather leggings billowed in the wind as it whipped through the crevices of the gorge. With each step, he tested the rugged earth, his moccasins protecting his footfalls. The morning sun erased dawn’s pink and purple hues. The eastern horizon gave way to a brilliant sunrise. The rays of light glistened at the top and slowly illuminated the arroyo’s gulf. Midway up, he slipped inside what appeared to be a cave.

  She-Who-Smiles guided her inside the grotto. He had removed his outer covering to reveal a beautiful breechcloth decorated with colorful beads. He painted his face, arms, and legs with berries and ash. The satchels he carried appeared bulky, filled with what, she didn’t know. He chanted, withdrawing the contents.

  Her spirit guide narrated the components of the ritual. “For protection, tobacco from the east; cedar of the south holds blessings and purification of air; to cleanse the mind and body sage from the west; and sweetgrass from the north guards against bad influences.” All were placed into an exquisite tooled hide.

  Thank the heavens she didn’t have to remember them, the relevance would be imparted in due time, according to She-Who-Smiles. Whatever the hell that means.

  Carved obsidian in shapes of a crescent moon, a star, a raindrop, and the sun dangled from the fringe of the medicine bag. There were many other configurations symbolic of life everlasting, but the ten dove feathers caught Shelby’s eye.

  The shaman continued to add an arrowhead for food and protection, an adolescent eagle feather for keen eyesight, a wolf’s incisor tooth for cunning and intelligence, a claw from a bear to bring bravery in the face of danger, and a bone teething ring. He closed the flap and burned outlines in the shape of a buffalo symbolizing all the basic needs, food, clothing and milk. He added a depiction of a horse, which meant good hunting and wealth. The last was an engraved dog, a faithful, loyal companion, a protector during good and bad, giving unconditional love to his master.

  He withdrew a doll from one of his sacks. Six midnight-blue translucent stones were embedded in a vertical line down the front. Unsheathing a knife from his belt, he pried open the piece of wood and placed the medicine bag inside the hollowed figurine. His song grew louder. The cave walls echoed his wails. All six of the gems illuminated emitting an azure luminescence.

  The intensity of the light drew her in, compassion welled deep in her heart, a love she couldn’t explain. Not understanding why, she wanted to know more about the medicine man.

  One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles’ sad eyes connected to hers. He nodded and tears slid down his angular cheek. He grasped the fetish in his right hand, which meant an offering to the living or immortal spirits. Pointing the statue to Shelby, he then guided it back to his heart. As he closed the doll, the crystals slowly dimmed to their original state.

  “I don’t understand. He’s a living human being, what year is this?”

  “Mother Earth’s nineteenth century. He’s my father’s brother. My Hopi grandfather whittled the Kachina doll and told my uncle he’d know what to do. One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles readied the wooden figurine, also known as the ‘life bringer.’

  “This powerful warrior woman will be used in a naming ceremony for Ten-Butterflies’ baby. But this will never happen. A journey of death he knows that must come and a rebirth of a child destined to be a leader.”

  “I—I met your uncle earlier—He showed me images of a tribe being slaughtered, but I couldn’t tell who was killing them. Is that the same Ten-Blue-Sun I have?”

  Shelby sensed a shift within She-Who-Smiles. “Yes. You must complete a quest, but don’t worry, you will know what to do.”

  “Quest? This is crazy.” She’s insane…Jeez, I’m the one losing my mind… “You can hear me…Can’t you?”

  She-Who-Smiles giggled. “Yes.”

  “No wonder everything is beautiful here, no lying, cheating, or stealing. Hell, no pun intended, my husband died because of that damn doll. I’m not qualified and I’m certainly not the best candidate for your crusade. Please, I need to see Tim.”

  “You must release him. Lean on Kyle. He and I will help guide you through your walk.”

  “No. I want my husband, now. And I don’t want another sad journey. I’ve had my quota, thank you very much. And…And…I don’t need you adding to my to-do list…” Panic and confusion slammed into her. The pinpoints of her light dissipated.

  “I cannot hold you in this realm when you have negative thoughts.”

  The mass of energy plummeted into her body. This time she gasped for air, fear wrestled in her soul, apprehension of facing life without Tim and that her spirit would turn dark with sorrow. She groaned. The crushing sensation felt like an elephant sat on her chest. Slowly, she relaxed, regaining her breath, and the pressure receded. Shelby focused and Annie whimpered, nudging her hand. Leaving the doll on the bed, she crawled out, slid into her flip-flops to take Annie for a walk.

  Outside, the sun hung in the western sky. Her wrist flipped to
see the time…six. “Mon Dieu, I’m so sorry Annie.” Time didn’t have relevance in the First Realm, past, present and future were the same. If she had to guess how long she’d been gone, she figured sixty minutes, not nine hours.

  Dread inundated her very being when she realized she’d have to give up Tim, while tingles of anticipation skittered across her skin thinking of his journey. “Oh, Annie, I’m frightened. I have to release Tim so he can continue his course…I didn’t mean to hold him back.” Goosebumps rose over her flesh and she shivered from trepidation when she remembered the first item on her to-do list.

  Shelby exhaled an audible sigh. “I’ve been given a mission of sorts. I’m to pass Ten-Blue-Sun to the rightful owner and I’ll know when the time comes.” Annie grunted then something caught her attention under a hedge. “Yeah, right, that’s what I thought too. I’m thinking Kyle and Alessa should decide who retains guardianship. They’re the ones who make her light up and defy all laws of physics, damn redundant but metaphysics too.”

  Annie sniffed her way around a pine tree straining the six foot leash. “Hell and that’s not all, for no extra charge, I’ll be guided by She-Who-Smiles, but wait for an added bonus, I can lean on Kyle.”

  “Lean on me for what?”

  She jumped. “You scared…I was talking to Annie.”

  His baritone timbre softened. “Why do you need to rely on me?”

  Honestly, she tried never to lie, but she had to draw a line when it came to revealing her whereabouts today and no way would she admit it. “I said I was keen on style…Hanson’s...Her new line is all the rage.”


  When he left her this morning, Kyle had run through what he remembered about Ten-Blue-Sun. The fetish had great powers over the forces of good and evil. According to legend passed down orally by songs and dance, she’d defend her people and the legitimate owner. In the wrong hands, nothing but death would follow. Shelby claimed her husband was murdered for the warrior woman. Would he end up calling the police and have her arrested? Or were Shelby and Tim victims?

  He hoped for the latter because the proper possession of the medicine woman would bring removal of curses, healing, and rebirth of a powerful human shaman. Now that fit Shelby more than a thief, but where did she belong in all of this?

  For some reason, he truly believed she had found the figurine secured in her husband’s safety deposit box. A chill slithered down his spine like a snake at the idea of mercenaries carrying out orders to do whatever was necessary to apprehend the powerful life bringer. She didn’t have a clue of what she was up against.

  Shelby paraded around a tourist town probably buying souvenirs. She had rescued Annie in the town square, went on picnics with him, and the fireworks with who knows how many people around. There were plenty of riffraff out there who’d die for a cause. Worse yet, would think nothing about taking a life and according to Shelby, they’ve already killed for the doll. Ah hell, the Fourth…just like that night, the hairs on the back of his neck rose.

  He had to think…what was supposed to happen next? Ultimately, battles would be fought in the First Realm, as well as on Mother Earth, and lives lost. Damn, he never thought this would happen in his lifetime.

  There would have to be a sequential ownership of the statue, stages of tenure, she would be a dominant figure in every holding. First, he would have to find out who Ten-Blue-Sun belonged to and let the why present itself.

  Kyle shoved his hand through his hair. “Ready to grab a bite to eat?”

  “After Annie does her job, then I’ll need a few minutes.”

  He withdrew the happy-eyed canine’s leash from Shelby. “Go on. I’ll watch her.”

  “Thanks, I won’t be long.”

  Kyle followed Annie’s exploration to an evergreen bush.

  Earlier, he had called Rain, his second mom, and then speed dialed his brothers Jude and Garrett, leaving a succinct message for all three, “Call me.” He had tapped the next number, knowing there wasn’t a choice.

  He had relayed the information to his private investigators, including the make and license plate of Shelby’s car. After giving his instructions to the team leader, he drove out of the parking lot and headed home. He needed his computer to look up a few things.

  Within two hours, his PC beeped. He had opened his email, read the attachment “Shelby Littleton,” and wanted to dance the proverbial jig. No one had that clean a record, but she did. She lived on a ranch in Texas and owned a successful business. In Shelby’s absence, her youngest sister ran the concern.

  Another sibling, Joni, a couple of years older than Alessa, lived on the west coast. Joni’s colleagues acknowledged her having foresight, a special gift of design, and her clients were multi-millionaires.

  Shelby wasn’t wealthy, but very comfortable, which meant she wouldn’t try to sell the medicine woman. Her husband’s report would take a little more digging. After releasing his bodyguards to spend some time with their families, he looked forward to being a regular guy on a date. He had hesitated, but in the end made the decision to watch over her without their help.

  Her apprehension accepting his invitation for supper was evident, but never reached her eyes. They held something else. When Shelby’s gaze connected with his, the enticement to bond and the lure to unite arose. Yesterday when he’d stopped their petting, she immediately erected a wall to keep him out. But her regard said more.

  Anytime he was near Shelby, there was a strong magnetism drawing him to her and the air charged, perfect for an erotic seduction. He’d try to take things slow and easy, easier said than done. He wanted a way to keep her here, wanted her luscious body in his bed, but most of all, he wanted Shelby to make love to him, not her husband…him.


  The owner of the café had set up a private table outside in a secluded corner. Kyle thanked the proprietor while singing a hallelujah chorus for giving Sam and his entourage time off. He looked forward to having an intimate dinner with Shelby.

  Kyle peered over the rim of his wine glass as Shelby sipped on a pinot noir. Her hair glistened from the setting sun and her skin glowed. He ached to taste her beautiful body and weave his fingers through her silky locks.

  “Kyle Pressley, as I live and breathe.”

  He cringed from the familiar southern drawl. How in the hell did Bobbie Jo find him? If she could discover their whereabouts, then who else would be able to locate them?

  Kyle shifted and stood. “Bobbie Jo.”

  She had a perfect coiffed hair and extended her hand. “How have you been, darling?”

  Kyle lightly grasped her hand and turned it for a handshake rather than the kiss she expected. “Fine, you?”

  Clad in a business suit and stiletto heels, she let her arm drop to her side. “Oh honey, you know I can’t believe I’m seeing you here,” she purred like a cat.

  Since he couldn’t think of one nice thing to say to her, he resolved to end this as soon as possible. His gut contracted when he figured this supposed surprise meeting was clandestine.

  Her eyes darted to Shelby. “What do we have here, a friend of yours?”

  He traced her gaze. “Shelby, this is Bobbie Jo Brown. Bobbie Jo, I’d like you to meet Shelby.” Kyle refused to give her Shelby’s last name.

  Shelby nodded and a burly man sidled next to Bobbie Jo.

  Bobbie Jo twirled her dangling earring causing the already stretched lobe to twist and right itself. His stomach soured. “I’d like you to meet a friend of mine, David Lamb.”

  She pointed her pinky finger. “He’s in construction and I told him you might have work for him.”

  Kyle measured David. He had on a muscle T-shirt that didn’t cover his pot belly. His dirty blue jeans fell below his hips and appeared like they’d slide down any second. Not that he meant to judge a book by its cover, but taking care of oneself implied a shit-load in any profession. “No, ma’am. I don’t.”

  Bobbie Jo winced. “Oh, well…” She slid one of the chairs out f
rom the round wrought-iron table and sat. “I need your help.”

  Kyle settled in his seat. “What do you need?”

  Bobbie Jo spun to face him then inclined toward him. “A loan.”

  He angled away putting more distance between them. “You should be talking to your financial advisor, not me.”

  Bobbie Jo glanced at David, then back at him. “I fired her.”

  Of all the foolish things Bobbie Jo could have done, dismissing her consultant was downright stupid. “Why?”

  She bowed her head, covered her face with her hands and he could barely hear the garbled words. “She’s horrible, Kyle. How could you have hooked me up with her?” She withdrew from her palms and her chin quivered.


  “The nasty woman wouldn’t let me have any of my own money. She gave me a pittance for an allowance. My God, I couldn’t buy any clothes or go out. I felt like a teenager asking my foster parents for cash.”

  He wanted to tell her she was acting like one but thought better of it. “I helped you once and gave you the means to overcome your dilemma.”

  She twisted her earring again taking the long skin with it. Damn, he wanted to tell her to stop it.

  He had known Bobbie Jo for a while. The president of a corporation requested his presence and he’d flown in for the meeting. The office building lost the air conditioning. Enduring the heat to finish what was on the agenda, everyone shucked ties, suit coats, rolled up the shirt sleeves, except for one person.

  By the end of the conference, perspiration dripped down her face. He waited until everyone had left and asked if she wanted to talk. When she finally relinquished her jacket, untied the frothy scarf around her neckline, her neck and arms were covered with hard-core bruises from her husband.

  She’d explained the bastard kept full control of her paycheck, finances, home, and her body. Furious that any man would strike a woman, he had checked her story out and everything was true.


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