Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 8

by Susan JP Owens

  A soft feminine voice filtered through the air. “Grey told me you were out here. I decided to try and find you.”

  Kyle’s head tilted. “Lisa?”

  Shelby strained to see through his emanation. Kyle smiled his full luscious lip smile. A muscle spasm ripped through her chest. Her lungs froze. Breathe, Littleton. How could the sight of one man stop an involuntary response?

  “Grey didn’t tell me you were riding with someone. Am I intruding?”

  “No not at all, please join us.” Kyle helped her down. They kissed one another politely on each cheek with a quick embrace. Lisa ground tethered her horse then stepped forward in rhythm with Kyle.

  “Lisa, this is Shelby Littleton. Shelby, Lisa Clarke.”

  Shelby rose to her feet. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here.”

  Kyle gestured, pointing at the blanket. “Shelby. Lisa.”

  Shelby thumbed over her shoulder. “I’m going to check out the stream that nearly lulled me to sleep so you two can visit.”

  “Please be careful.” He followed Lisa and settled on the quilt.

  The wide creek revealed deep green foliage. She found a flat, smooth boulder, climbed up and pulled her knees under her chin. She listened to the babbling water, stared at the clear liquid reflecting the sun’s rays and the sparkles dancing across the ripples. An audible sigh of contentment escaped.

  Her thoughts drifted to Kyle, a kind and gentle soul. She enjoyed learning about his family and business… Come to think of it, how did he know she ran a “family business”? She’d ask him later.

  The flip side of Kyle intrigued her. He stood strong when pushed into a corner. Bobbie Jo pressed him hard for money and Kyle had handled the situation well.

  On the Fourth, she still wasn’t sure what happened when he acted like a soldier, ready to fight and protect. Note to self, don’t get on his bad side.

  Even when he met Myra, his strong hands and body adapted, gingerly helping the lovely woman. Hell, he accepted her and the crazy experiences without ridicule, kept the treasure chest and Alessa’s number. Maybe, she could depend on him.

  She speculated how long Kyle had known Lisa. According to their greeting, she surmised a long time. Lisa was petite, waist-length black hair with sky blue eyes, a beautiful woman. Oh my God, she didn’t have an aura, no lights, nothing. What did all this mean and when in the hell did she start seeing auras? She gasped. Kyle was the first one. Was this an omen for her and Kyle? It’s not like there was a neon sign or a waving banner with directions for her to follow.

  She lay back and closed her eyes. The warmth of the rock seeped through her clothes. All she needed was a couple of minutes.

  The brilliant lights showered down, she emerged from her body, weightless, the agile transition to the First Realm happened fast unlike the previous times. “Tim, I thought I’d never see you again.”

  He opened his energy, but this time he held back the passion they experienced earlier. Instead, he enveloped her with a soothing embrace.

  Intuition fluttered through her when other souls arrived. “What gives?”

  “They’re spirit guides. This is Bear-Claws, Shadow-of-Elk, and Long-Feather.”

  “I asked them to watch over you with She-Who-Smiles.”

  “Why? I’ve done everything I said I would. Ten-Blue-Sun is in the right hands.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re partially right, but the quest isn’t finished. Because of your bravery, I can move on and learn more. I’m so proud of you, darling, thank you for your strength and your never ending love. Bear-Claws is Kyle’s spirit guide. He’s in agreement, Kyle is a good man and you can rely on him. I’ll never forget you, good-bye, my love.”

  Tim vanished. Sadness gripped her and then anger. Gradually, her pinpoint of lights faded and slowly dissipated.

  She-Who-Smiles appeared. “You’ll learn to overcome your negativity…soon.”

  Shelby sighed. She had returned to her earthly form without the physical problems she had before. She scooted off the boulder to tell Kyle the bad news, Tim was gone and the good news, she met his spirit guide. Just as she crested the stream’s bank, she caught Kyle and Lisa arm and lip-locked. That was a lover’s embrace. Tears burned the back of her eyes and she commanded her muscles to respond, but they didn’t budge. Finally, the paralysis ended. She backed down the embankment seeking a place of refuge, to her boulder and ended at the stream.

  She tried to swallow and couldn’t. Her mouth parched, she cupped some water in her hand and grimaced as an emotional upheaval erupted. Her gaze fixed on the surface of the stream. The reflection reminded her of She-Who-Smiles advice. Yeah right, lean on Kyle, depend on him.

  Since when did she count on anyone other than her husband? Never. Even then, Tim had to win her over. He gained her trust with patience, gained her admiration with his unwavering respect, and won her adoration with his unyielding love. She inhaled. Instead of drinking, she splashed the cool liquid over her face. Now, she didn’t have Tim anymore or Kyle for that matter. Shivers of trepidation traveled down her spine.

  Everything between her and Kyle had been a farce. Kyle’s kindness didn’t usurp the harsh anger swirling deep within. She thought their relationship was different, special beyond the powers of earth, involving the forces of the Kachina doll and the First Realm. Did he have that effect on all women? Hell, he’d been the one to stop her advances and at this point, she had to agree he’d done the right thing. Not too many times could she be taken for a fool, but admittedly, she was the sap this go-around. Again, a timely intervention she’d heed.

  Get up, get back to work and live the life you made for yourself. Kyle had kept the doll so be happy he accepted and stay with the status quo. She squared her shoulders, thrust her chin in the air and returned to find Kyle cleaning up.

  “There you are. I wondered where you were.” Kyle carefully placed the picnic paraphernalia back in a saddlebag.

  “Where’s Lisa?” She grabbed the blanket and folded it.

  “She wanted to ride some more and didn’t want to infringe on our privacy.”

  “I don’t want any special considerations and solitude is the last thing we need.” Shelby knelt and rammed the remaining items in the other leather pouch.

  “Are you okay?”

  She straightened. “I’m fine. I’m ready to ride back on Mosey.”

  His one eyebrow cocked. “You sure?”

  “Oh, I’m not sure of anything anymore. But that’s what I’m going to do.” She marched over to Mosey, stroked her neck a few times while Kyle readied the horse. She placed her foot in the stirrup and hefted her leg over the saddle. Kyle balanced her with his hand on her thigh and bottom. She swatted them aside, denying his help, perhaps psychologically pushing him away. At this point, she refused to analyze her actions. Her thoughts were a tangled mess, her emotions lost in a labyrinth, her body and spirit seemed disconnected. Determined to ride by herself, she squeezed her knees and held on tight.


  Kyle left Shelby alone in her thoughts. The trip was long and silent. When they arrived at the stables, Grey took their horses.

  “I’ll cool them down for you.”

  Kyle gratefully accepted. “Thanks, Uncle Grey. I’ll owe you one. Is Garrett back?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Thanks again.” Kyle grabbed the saddlebags and followed Shelby.

  Her rigid back and stiff gait shouted her ire. Shelby settled inside the truck with Annie perched in the middle and stared straight ahead.

  He hopped in, headed Jalopy toward Jackson. He concluded Lisa was the root of her fury. Lisa had the rapid ability to irritate a human soul. His mind wandered back to the memories of his long-time, family friend and his ex-fiancée, Christine. The three of them had an extensive and entangled history.

  Catching Christine in his bed with…he shook his head to dislodge the scene. Fast forwarding to Lisa’s condo, Christine invited…no, she coaxed him to come and talk to her. He
flew to New York City and made his way to the posh Manhattan apartment. The images played out before him.

  Christine prodded Lisa and him to sit on the couch while she diligently played the hostess. “Let me get the ice tea.” When she returned to the living room—he stopped the horrific flashback from unfolding.

  In no time at all, he was at Shelby’s hotel and turned into the parking lot.

  She slid out of the truck. “Annie, come. No need to get out, I’m calling it an early night. I’m bushed.”

  “Okay, see you in the morning. But I should check your room.” He peered out the passenger side.

  She scrunched her face. “That’s not necessary. I want to spend tomorrow going over my notes. I’m sure you need time to do…whatever it is you do. I had an enlightening day, thanks.” Not waiting for his response, she slammed the door closed and strode away.

  Kyle exhaled. “My pleasure.” He waited until she entered her room then backed out and waved at Sam.


  Kyle slid onto the stool at his favorite pub. “Hey, Jude, I’m glad you called.”

  His brother nodded once. “What’s going on buddy?”

  “I took a gal to Garrett’s ranch today.”

  Jude grunted.

  He wanted to tell Jude about Shelby, confess for the first time in years, he wanted to use his gift, but he held back. Jude didn’t believe he had the ability to mind walk, let alone a spirit guide that talked to him.

  Instead, he changed the subject. “Never guess who I ran into.”

  “I’m not going to guess.” Jude pulled a long draught of beer from the bottle.

  Kyle shook his head. He loved his brother, but Jude took life too seriously. “Lisa. Lisa Clarke.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. How is she doing?” Jude smiled which meant only one corner of his mouth tipped a fraction. There were two places that Jude showed his emotions, in the set of his jaw and the eyes.

  “She’s doing great.”

  The bartender eased in front of him and extended his hand. “Kyle, haven’t seen you in a long time. How’ve you been?”

  Kyle stood and accepted his gesture. “I’ve been good, Chester, you?”

  “Business is better, so I’m happy.” Chester dropped the handshake. “What can I get ya’?”

  “Draft. Thanks, my good man.”

  “Coming up and don’t leave without telling me what you’ve been up to. It’s my job to know what’s going on around here.”

  “You got it.”

  Kyle eased onto the chair and braced his arms on the bar.

  “So, how are Hank and Sarah?” Jude scratched the edge of the label on the bottle.

  “Lisa said they are doing great, but have slowed down on the theme parties until Hank recuperates from his triple bypass. Funny thing.”

  Jude raised his chin for him to continue.

  “We talked for a while. It was like old times. It brought back a lot of good...”

  “Good what?” Jude swiveled to face him.

  “Memories. A lot of good memories…”

  “You two thinking of getting back together?”

  “No, No. But she did give me a big goodbye hug and kiss.”

  “Are you sure? Sounds like you want to drink from the well again.”

  “No. I had to push her away because I’m not interested in Lisa that way… I couldn’t help but think of all the good times Garrett, Lisa, you, and I had together. Remember, she coined the phrase fearsome-foursome.”

  “Yeah, we had a blast. Hell, Hank and Sarah made sure to include us after Mom and Dad passed. I remember Mom always calling them events, clam bakes, yacht races, and beach parties…those were fun times.”

  Kyle waggled his eyebrows at his brother. “My favorite, the Monte Carlo theme, gambling, eager women, and I won money that weekend.”

  “Don’t let her go.” Bear-Claws’ voice reverberated interrupting his next thought, Kyle released an audible sigh. Of course, he’d watch over Shelby. Though, at times, she sure made it difficult.

  Kyle listened to Jude walk down memory lane; soon, Chester joined the conversation and they reminisced until closing time.


  The rain continued for the next three days. Kyle called Shelby every morning to offer his assistance which she had politely declined. He wasn’t sure if he was following through with Bear-Claws’ instructions or his own wishes.

  “Grrr.” Kyle’s frustration mounted with each sunrise. Shelby was pulling away from him, he didn’t want to lose her, the magic they shared, but the expression “it takes two,” hit the mark. Opening the door of the refrigerator, he scanned the contents. Not seeing anything appealing, he closed it.

  Hilda, his housekeeper, had taken a day off to help a friend. He’d told her not to worry about preparing any meals for him, he was a twenty-first century kind of guy and he could fend for himself. However this morning, he didn’t feel like it and wanted to grab something downtown.

  He chose a favorite of his, the Bun’s Café & Bakery. After parking, he strode to the column of people and waited to be seated. As the line shortened, he could see the patrons inside. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed Shelby sitting alone. No, I won’t bother her. She doesn’t want to see me.

  Shelby grinned and his gut knotted. He had to talk to her first. If she didn’t want him, he’d let her go, because the most important thing was for Shelby to be happy. With a purpose that meant everything to him, he headed toward her table and dug deeper for the tenacity it’d take to cross the bridge of doubt she harbored.

  Shelby’s skepticism of the First Realm and the acceptance of her gifts were like a churning river during a flash flood, full of debris. To navigate her lack of faith, he’d have to calm the waters and drain the negativity.

  Then, he could approach the subject of their relationship. Yes, he wanted to get to know her. He knew basic things, but wanted more. What was her favorite flower, color, author…Did she prefer flip-flops or tennis shoes…A backrub or an overall massage…Making love, did she like the top or the bottom, would he ever find out?

  He ambled near her chair and cleared his throat.

  Chapter Eight

  As Shelby perused the menu, a crack of lightning pierced the air, then the thunder rolled. This morning, she’d thrust aside the curtains to watch the turbulent clouds release a torrential downpour. Then the deluge changed to a steady rain. The monochrome shades of gray had matched her mood. Maybe, she should’ve trusted her instincts and left, but she’d stayed. Tired of psychoanalyzing her actions, thoughts and emotions, she delayed her departure to face her demons.

  Over the past seventy-two hours, she’d come to terms with Tim’s departure. She’d lost the ability to astral project to the First Realm since her trip to Pogonip. After three agonizing days, she’d edged toward giving up on finding Tim’s murderer. Suicide still listed as his official cause of death grated against her nerves, but her research had come to a standstill. Tim had moved on, maybe she should too.

  When she’d stretched across her bed, a flute played several soft, lyrical notes. She-Who-Smiles’ voice resonated and centered in her heart. “Brave-One, don’t give up.”

  Alarmed that she had been transported to the First Realm without her consent, she jumped off the mattress, inspected her body, patting her arms and legs. She panned a one-eighty, taking in Annie, the table and all the fixtures. “Yep, all’s well here on earth.” A delirious laugh spewed from her lips. After several minutes, she calmed, threw her hands in the air declaring she had lost her mind.

  She shook her head. Surely, she must have dreamed those words and the beautiful music. “Bah, humbug. Annie, you ready for your grooming appointment? It’s time for me to get the hell out of this room.”

  She’d left the happy canine at the shelter. Liz had badgered her to let Annie stay all day. How could she say no? Preferring not to be alone, she chose from the many restaurants in town. Determined to test her mettle, Shelby chose the café where Kyle b
ought their coffee and pastries. She had grabbed her umbrella, laptop along with her research material and ran. She spied an empty table in the back with plenty of space to spread out and had asked the seating hostess for that particular one. She had made the right decision.

  Her gaze drifted to the customers. Each person’s emanation was different, in color and abundance. Some were closed-in, tiny, others were large enough she walked around them. What haunted her the most? The people who had none, void of anything, nothing—her spirit guide informed her they weren’t part of the First Realm or part of the upcoming battle. A dusting of folks sitting around had auras. However, the largest percentage lacked the radiations.

  She had to admit Kyle had helped her accept the other world. God, she missed Kyle. No matter how hard she attempted to distance herself from him, a word or phrase would remind her of what he had said or done. She had to admit, they did have something magical, that transcended words…the writer in her smiled at the anomaly.

  Drawn to a masculine sound, she focused to pinpoint the familiar pitch and her gaze found the source. Kyle’s baritone voice sent shivers of want and, yes, need to be in his presence. “Want to join me?”

  Kyle closed the distance, bent down, and kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

  He slid the chair out and sat. Kyle gathered her hands inside his. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Same here.” Tingles of excitement danced across her skin. Her tummy quivered and her pulse increased. Blood rushed through her veins carrying what must have been a copious amount of oxygen. She blinked to rid the dizziness. A euphoria of happiness blitzed to every nerve ending. Bless him, she felt alive. This man had brought her out of the pits of hell and self-pity to highest mountain top in heaven in less than fifteen seconds.

  Without a doubt, not only had she invited him to her table, but she’d welcomed him back in her life. Her world shifted again.

  The busy waitress stopped at their table. “What can I get for you?”


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