Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 15

by Susan JP Owens

  Shelby arched her back. He loved her responses and continued his trail to her navel leaving a swath of moistened skin. Her moans begged him to coast down and sample her honeyed nectar. He greeted her with light touches of his lips and blew puffs of air across her sweet swollen nub. She bucked asking for his full attention and he gave his undivided concentration, savoring every delicious lap. It was like an ice cream cone melting under his tongue.


  “Let go, baby.” He sucked the sensitive flesh and spasms shook her body. He closed his eyes and traveled with her. She had a healthy, positive energy, one that flowed into his.

  The first time they journeyed together, she was scared of being alone. When he told her to open her eyes, and her spirit connected with his, Shel was his woman. They were meant to be together. He’d been told of such things from the elders, but never had any personal experiences.

  What he did know, his little filly was still skittish from when he’d acted like an asshole. He had a long ways to go to earn her unwavering trust, to build a strong foundation for a future and commitment for a lifetime relationship. He didn’t care how long it took, just that he would.

  Gradually, he embraced her spirit and drifted back into their bodies.

  “I love watching you climax and our sojourns together.”

  Shelby smiled. “Your turn, cowboy.”

  “Hell, yeah!” His balls burned for release.

  He rose from between her legs and assisted her to sit. “You’ll have to be on top. Cowgirl up.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kyle helped Shelby straddle his hips and she guided him in. When he filled her, her intimate muscles gripped his cock. This was his promised land.

  He lifted the weight of her breasts, tugged and squeezed. With each stroke, he was in Eden, his Utopia. If he had his druthers, he’d stay in her forever. Seated deep on each immersion, he found her G-Spot and let her choose the tempo.

  She increased the rhythm. Under the report of another orgasm, her body quaked, uttering his name again.

  Her prolonged contractions energized his thrusts. His heart pounded, blood coursed through his veins, and his balls tightened, then erupted.

  He grabbed hold of her spirit and soared to a place he now called Cameahwait. Named after the Western Shoshone Chief, One-Who-Never-Walks, it seemed appropriate. As the tremors diminished from their climax, he led her back.

  She collapsed on top of his chest and laid her head on his shoulder.

  Her gasps rushed around his neck. Hell, yeah, this lady was his woman. His arms circled her heated body and with his fingertips, he kneaded her back, following the linear length of her spine.

  Slowly, her panting breaths receded to a normal pace, then she sighed.

  He murmured, “I didn’t think making love to you could get any better.”

  She moaned.

  “That an affirmation?”

  Shelby nodded.

  Satiated, dressed, and mesmerized by the silhouettes dancing across the book shelves from the fire’s flames, Kyle’s gaze caught hers. He wanted their relationship on the next level. The only way to obtain that step would be for her to reside in Wyoming. All he had to do was ask her. She should be ready, all the signs pointed in that direction.

  Her face illuminated by the orange glow was a study in contentment…complete satisfaction which gave him the courage to venture into the unknown. “I want you to live with me.”

  Damn, he meant to lead in with a hell-of-a-lot better line. “I called Garrett and inquired about his schedule to fly us to Texas, in case you needed to run home for clothes, handle anything and get Annie. He said he would be available in a few days. He questioned me as to why you didn’t fly on home with your ticket then he could pick you up on his way back. But he’d do whatever I needed.”

  Shelby cleared her throat. “So what’s on your mind?”

  Did she hear his question or did she choose to ignore it? First things first, he guessed. “I didn’t know you flew up on your own. I understand why you didn’t want to return your rental. I should be paying for the car. That’s my responsibility.”

  “Responsibility? Don’t worry about it.”

  “How about my treat?”

  When she didn’t illicit a response, he groaned under his breath. “We can work out a time frame.” Still no answer. “Stay…All I’m asking for is a while.”

  Her brow creased. “You want me to stay with you…for a while?” She emphasized the last three words.

  He answered quietly, “Yes, I think we’re ready.”

  “I see.”

  This was easier than he thought. “You do?”

  “No and yes, I understand you want to test the waters, but you’re asking me to give up my life in Texas for the sample run…and I can’t.”

  He’d have to reason with her and hope she’d follow his lead. “You’re loyal to the ones you love. Do you love me?”


  “Enough to concur we should devote time to each other?”

  “Yes.” Shelby’s hazel eyes transformed from a droopy trance to desire.

  “Good. We’ve reached a milestone.” He gave her the lopsided grin that she succumbed to. And she did.

  He threaded his fingers between hers and guided her upstairs.

  In the shower under the multi-directional jets, he caressed her, hoping to wash away any doubts she harbored. He added the overhead rain spigot and drank the water running down her body and she responded in kind. With each swath of his tongue, his hands pressed firmly to establish she could trust him. He turned her around, placed her back against his chest to assert a united front, then embraced her demonstrating she’d be safe, and held her arms within his own showing he’d carry her burdens. When she sighed in relief and leaned on him, she’d unknowingly signaled he’d won her over. Maybe soon, she’d even tell him her birthday.

  She exposed her neck for him to nibble, but he wouldn’t stop there. Gathering the weight of her breasts, he massaged and pinched her nipples. Shelby mewled.

  Damn, he installed a bench in the guest shower and now wished he’d done the same in his. “We’ll have to use the bed.” Shelby shut off the water and he dried her with his towel then wrapped her in it. He led her into the bedroom.

  In his bed, he supped again. Making love with her did get better each time.

  Exhausted, he cradled her beneath the covers until sleep overtook her, then him.

  The next morning, his cell rang. Letting go of Shelby nestled in his arms, he grabbed the mobile from the night stand. “Kyle.”

  He let out an exasperated sigh. “What’s wrong, Jude?”

  Kyle planted both feet on the floor. He glided his hand through his hair and rested his elbows on each knee. “You can get someone else to handle the problem. What about Jefferies? Abbott? Dugan? Hell. Don’t ‘buddy’ me….All right, I’ll be ready. See you there.”

  He bowed his head and tapped the phone against his temple.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Shelby stretched and slid her chin onto her palm. “Anything wrong? Can I help?”

  Kyle stood. “Yes and no…I’ve got to attend an emergency meeting.” You can stay if you want. I’ll be back…I don’t know when. One of our distributors has their tail feathers in a spin. Jude and I will smooth them down so they can fly again…preferably with us. Garrett’s dead heading here to pick us up.”

  She crawled out of the bed and donned her bathrobe. “I should be going too.”

  He had to ask even if it meant disappointment. “Baby, are you coming back?”

  “Go take care of business, then we’ll discuss everything after.”

  “Sure…later.” Kyle headed toward the bathroom for his morning ritual.

  He splashed water across his face shedding the last bits of shaving cream and wanted Shelby one last time before she left.

  The shower from the guest bath echoed into his room. He strode toward the sound and found her.

  He stood before
her and loosened his wrap, letting the towel fall from his waist.

  In one movement, she shrugged and the garment coasted down her arms to meet his on the floor.

  Once in the shower, he directed all of the spray heads to the seat. On the bench, with streams of water jetting from every direction, he made love to her then held her long afterward.

  Her legs straddled him and her head rested on his shoulder, his arms embraced her while the steam rose around them. He wouldn’t push her to make a decision. The quiet repose spoke volumes for neither knew when would be the next time they’d see each other.


  Shelby peered out her office window reflecting on the three weeks that had passed by at a snail’s pace. After several days home, her cat forgave her for the extended absence and Annie loved Aunt Alessa so no scars there. For her, the groove of normalcy would never arrive.

  “Kyle flying in?”

  She whirled to find Alessa standing at the threshold. “No, he sounded exhausted. I told him to go home and get some rest. Then, we could schedule some time together.”

  “Then let’s go to Austin’s Central Farmers Market tomorrow. I know Saturday is crowded, but we’ll have a blast together. Besides, I haven’t had any big sister time in ages.”

  “That sounds like fun. What time?”

  “Let’s start out in the morning and spend all day there. I’ll pick you up say…around nine?”

  “I’ll ride with you if you promise to keep your speed down.”

  Alessa laughed and yelled over her shoulder as she left. “Nag, nag, nag.”

  “My nerves will be shot by the time we get there.”

  “Bye.” The thump of the outside door reverberated through the office.

  “How does she always get the last word in?”

  The next morning, Alessa talked ninety miles an hour, drove the same speed, and described how she found her now ex-boyfriend in bed with another girl.

  Shelby laughed at Al’s description of them getting caught. “You amaze me, sis, how you can bounce back so easily from disappointment.”

  “My doctrine, be happy instead of sad. In fact, I choose to not be around people who are constantly depressed. Take you for instance—”

  “You’re not going to go there. I forbid it.” She pointed at Alessa.

  “You are miserable, admit it. Since you’ve been back from Kyle’s, your dog ears are sweeping the floor.” Al waggled her finger back at her.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Ah, but that’s why we are on our way to Austin. Sixth Street here we come.”

  “I thought we were going to the market.” Since Alessa insisted on visiting Austin’s Sixth Street for music, food and fun, she had a long day ahead of her.

  “We are, but we’ll have to eat.”

  After a long afternoon being on her feet, Shelby wanted to relax, have a libation, and eat a scrumptious meal. The thirty minute wait enticed them to sit at the bar.

  The bartender set a chardonnay before Shelby and a vodka martini for Alessa. Within minutes, he placed another napkin followed by a glass of wine.

  Shelby pushed the bottom of the goblet which slid easily across the polished surface. “I didn’t order—”

  “This is compliments of that gentleman over there.”

  Not following the direction of his nod, she pleaded, “Please tell him thank you but—”

  “You tell him, he’s on his way over.”


  Alessa whispered, “Be nice. He’s a hunk.”

  Shelby gave Al her best go-to-hell look.

  “Hi, my name’s Ben.” He bellied up to the counter next to her.

  “Ben, I’m Shelby and this is Alessa.” She extended her left hand to shake his while her wedding band glistened from the directional lighting.

  “Nice to meet you both.” His grin faded when his gaze caught her ring. “I…didn’t see you were married, forgive my intrusion.”

  “Quite all right. May I buy you a drink so we can call it even?”

  He chuckled. “No. Buying your wine was my pleasure. Have a great evening.”

  “You too and thank you.” His soft laugh hadn’t affected her, her insides never twirled. Kyle had all of her.

  It was time she told Al about the First Realm, astral projecting, and the distinct possibility of families being reincarnated.

  There were so many people void of auras. Alessa had one, but she’d have to call the emanation a small one. She concluded that there were different levels, a graduation of sorts going from tiny to large luminous ones.

  Al had summed up her repertoire, giving her the third degree, something about living a life not shadowing. She had heard it all before.

  Hedging on her deliberations, she peered over her sister’s shoulder and a man at the end of the bar glared at her.

  His aura was huge, ugly, and black with blood-red rays flicking like flames around him taking up a vast amount of space which meant he was stronger. Hairs rose on her neck, she glanced at Al then back at the sinister flares implying a God awful evil. Holy shit, was he Lucifer?

  The repulsive appearance emanating from him was an exercise in equations. Should she run like a scared ninny even though he’d catch up with her within seconds of trying to escape or should she stand her ground and be slaughtered?

  The only thing she could think about was the likeness to the nefarious scenes One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles shared with her. Damn, had he been reincarnated, but for what reason? Of all the people on this planet, why would the man across the room be chosen? Maybe he was a helper or a soldier. Right now, it didn’t matter what he was, she wasn’t going to stick around and find out.

  She angled closer to Al and whispered, “We need to leave.”

  Her sister’s face scrunched. “Why?”

  She grabbed Al’s arm and yanked her off the stool. “Now.”

  Back home, drained from the all-day excursion, she relaxed on her bed. She sifted through her thoughts about the devil reincarnate and Alessa not accepting her limp explanation. Maybe after a good night’s rest, her mind wouldn’t be so jumbled.

  The next morning, the telephone rang. Groggy, she squinted and found the clock, six thirty. She grabbed her cell. “Hello.”

  “Shelby?” The bass voice was loud and clear.

  “Yes.” A strange foreboding shimmied down her spine and landed in her tummy while the acid churned.

  “This is Jude.”

  She sprung to a sitting position, finger combing her hair out of her eyes, dreading the next few words. “What’s wrong? Something happened to Kyle?”

  “No, he’s fine.”

  A smidgeon of ease crept through, but her hands trembled. “Thank God.” Obviously something was amiss and trepidation niggled at the edge of her mind, and she had to know. “What’s up?”

  “I’m sending Garrett down to pick you up.”

  “Why?” Every nano-second ticked into infinity.

  “You have an interview with the sheriff’s office this afternoon in Jackson.”

  “For what?” Her stomach clenched.

  “I don’t want to discuss this with you over the mobile. Kyle retained an attorney for you. Your first appointment will be with our lawyer, then he’ll be there during your interview.”

  This wasn’t even close to what her imagination had conjured a few seconds ago. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll fly down with Garrett and tell you then. See you about noon in Waco.”

  “Where’s Kyle? Will he be there?”

  “He’s with the detectives right now. You’ll probably see him later on tonight.”

  “You’re not certain?”

  “I can’t say for sure. Twelve sharp.”

  “Jude, I need to see Kyle and make sure he’s all right. I’ll see you then.”

  Shelby disconnected the call. Why hadn’t Kyle called? She phoned Alessa.

  “I don’t know why Kyle didn’t contact me or why I volunteered to go.”

p; “Sis, you love Kyle so you’re going to help him anyway you can. As for Jude giving you a ring, my first thought is he felt comfortable enough to pick up the telephone and ask for your help. I’d say they both think highly of you.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. As soon as I shower and pack, I’ll drop Annie off.”


  On the plane, Jude motioned with his hand for Shelby to pick a seat. Shelby recognized the arrangement. The leather couch nestled on the starboard side and the grouping of individual seats was port. She chose one and Jude comfortably folded his tall frame opposite of her.

  Succinct in every word and phrase, listening to his base voice, Jude’s cadence stated only the facts. She shivered not from being cold, but from terror gripping its grimy tendrils around her.

  “What we do know. One, Kyle didn’t fall asleep at the wheel, someone tampered with the steering linkage. Two, his house was trashed and there were messages.”

  “My God was anyone hurt, Kyle, Hilda? Oh God, Michael?” She shuddered. Hilda was a sweet woman and Michael didn’t have a mean bone in his body. She refused to think about something horrific happening to them.

  Jude scowled. “No.”

  “Do the authorities think Kyle is in danger?”


  Was this Jude’s usual laconic self or did he not like talking to her? It didn’t matter, she needed answers. “You said he’s with the sheriff. After he leaves, what happens? Kyle will need some sort of protection. Are bodyguards a feasible solution?”


  “I do have one more question.”

  He acknowledged her with a nod to proceed.

  “I’m willing to help anyway I can, but why do they want to interview me?”

  His gaze met hers. “You had access to Kyle’s truck, his house and were estranged on occasion.”

  “They suspect I sabotaged Jalopy and broke into his home?” She resented her vocal cords relaying the tension barreling through her nerves.

  “They must eliminate you.”

  Her hands trembled and she clasped them together placing them on her lap. “I’m curious as to what Kyle thinks…and you?”


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