Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 18

by Susan JP Owens

He lowered his voice. “At each level of completion, the warrior woman will gain significant strength to pass on to those who have possession. After all the phases have been obtained, you must freely give her to me.”

  She brushed her hair behind her ear. “And what makes you think I’d do that?”

  “Ah, my Comanche princess, you will or I’ll have your family members killed one by one. May I remind you, I didn’t hesitate to have your husband dispatched.”

  Her head pounded. She couldn’t tell whether it was from his foul miasma creeping up her nostrils or knowing Chris’ hands had Tim’s blood on them, probably both. A thick knot in her throat swelled, she swallowed hard. “Why?”

  Chris sneered. “He told me Ten-Blue-Sun wasn’t his to give away—”

  “You were there? You killed him?” Acid churned in her belly, rising until the bitter taste of dread, disgust, and death mixed with her saliva.

  “I don’t do the dirty work, my dear. Maybe you’d like to know his last words? Eh?”

  Her hand closed over her mouth, she was going to hurl.

  “Tim asked me not to hurt you because you didn’t know anything about the doll and to tell you he loved you. What an obnoxious emotion.” Chris goaded.

  She jumped from the couch, her fingers curled into fists. “You bastard. You won’t get away with this.”

  His irises swirled. A narcotic suggestion emerged for her not to move, threatening talons surfaced from the ominous cloud surrounding him. They hovered above her shoulders then dug in, her flesh burned as the claws hooked, each nail piercing her skin. All at once, they shoved her and retracted. She fell onto the sofa.

  “You will make sure that I do.” He taunted.

  Chris wrestled his backpack open, withdrew a syringe and a rubber tourniquet. Within seconds, he had the elastic around her arm and uncapped the needle. Liquid spurted then he inserted the metal tip and dispensed the contents. “You have about sixty seconds to make it to the bed. Go.”

  She rose and wobbled. Her eyes blurred and she couldn’t talk. She summoned the strength to make two more steps. Chris had the quilt and sheet drawn and she crumbled onto the mattress.

  He covered her. “Remember, the lives of your family rests in your hands. If you tell anyone, I’ll know and your loved ones will pay the price. And the cost will be death. Sweet dreams, Brave-One.” Chris smirked again.

  Shelby awoke. The dark room matched its silence which conflicted with the battle of emotions roiling inside her heart and mind. Anger and fear battled for first place. Her life had changed from the second Chris made himself known.

  She would be signing her family’s death warrants if she revealed the part he played in Tim’s murder, asked for help, or didn’t freely relinquish Ten-Blue-Sun to him when asked. His threats were real and she’d heed them.

  Everything fell into place. Kyle had told her of the stages of tenure and how powerful the doll would become with each one. How rightful possession was the key and in the wrong hands, warrior woman would be a curse. That’s why she had to voluntarily give Chris the life bringer.

  The memory of One-Who-Soars-With-Eagles’ placing the medicine bag inside the doll and all the stones illuminating barreled to the forefront of her mind. Especially, how he had lifted the wooden figurine to her with tears running down his cheeks. Oh God, the battle had begun the moment her husband had found the doll.

  Groggy and in a haze, she cast the covers off and headed for the bathroom, clinging to the walls for support. She flipped a switch and groaned until her eyes adjusted to the light. Carefully, she made her way to the sink and peered into the mirror. Her eyelids were puffy and red. She recalled her skin burning, her flesh giving away to each claw and slung the material off her shoulder. Nothing. She shook her head in disbelief.

  After completing her morning ritual and in her crumpled clothes from yesterday, she slipped downstairs to make some coffee then after, she’d get a shower.

  In the kitchen, fresh brewed espresso filled the air. She glanced through the dining room, a man stood guard watching her. He acknowledged her with a dip of his chin, she reciprocated then she scampered back to her room.

  After finishing her much needed caffeine kick, she freshened up and rested for a moment on the couch to gather her thoughts. She perched her feet on the table in front of her and crossed her arms over her tummy to relax and think.

  She leaned her head back and remembered when she had first met Kyle at the town square. He’d made sure she was safe then, even went so far as to check her hotel room. She grinned. Her mind fast forwarded to the last days at his house. The fond recollections warmed her. When he made love to her, he covered every inch of her body with affection. She wasn’t sure of the reason, but he’d always fanned her hair out whether she lay on the pillow, mattress, or floor.

  Kyle expressed his passion with his sweet kisses. His caress soothed the jolts of despair in her life. He had massaged her with his strength to endure and his breaths extolled his love, wrapping her in a cocoon of happiness.

  She savored the memories of his love making. Kyle had stroked her arms and shoulders with care and devotion. The pads of his fingers drew circles at the small of her back which tempered her anxiety. His moist mouth meandered from her neck to behind her ears. She loved Kyle’s touch. He had finesse to apply the right amount of pressure at every one of her erogenous zones. Drifting to the crevice of her shoulder, his moisture lingered on her skin and her favorite part, with every breath he heated her damp flesh.

  His soft lips journeyed to her breast. Laving with his tongue, he’d nipped and smoothed her hardened nipple. The erotic tingles zinged to her clit. He’d traveled to her other breast bathing her with sweet affection. His mouth widened to suckle. She arched her back to give him more, to get more and wallow in the sensual sensations racing to her clitoris. Her body greedily accepted his long fingers kneading her ribs and hips. His kisses trailed his palm to the inside of her thigh, behind her knee, then on to her ankle. Strong hands massaged her foot and instep. His ministrations sojourned up to her yearning slick folds. He cupped his hand applying the right amount of force to bring her near the edge. With ecstasy close, she welcomed him. These were the memories she would hold close and keep for a lifetime.

  Succumbed to lethargy, she made her way to her bed. Lying across the quilt she gazed through the glass of the french doors to find dawn breaking as the beauty of nature came to life. The leaves swayed in autumn’s allure of colors from copper to gold, carmine, and sienna, the awesome change of seasons stirred a memory that always moved her. In the words of John Muir, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken to everything in the universe.” How appropriate and yet for survival, she needed to cut a few of those strings.

  Instead of lying here, feeling sorry for herself, she ought to be clearing the drug-induced cobwebs from her mind and come up with a plan. At least one of her missions had been accomplished, she knew who had killed Tim and yet couldn’t do a damn thing about it. She sighed, don’t ponder life’s complexities, Tim’s moved on, get with the program and figure something out.

  To counter the blackmail strategies, she would have to put numerous miles between her and Kyle. Obviously, his and Jude’s life were in danger because she’d brought Ten-Blue-Sun into their lives. Someone had attempted to kill Kyle already. The Pressleys had plenty of help with the army of men, but Chris finagled his way through the obstacles and found her.

  This situation didn’t make sense. She never made the doll light or move, only Kyle and Alessa had. One thing she did know, Chris couldn’t give a shit whether she had any abilities or not, but he mentioned he knew about her gift of seeing auras. When he had called her my pet and my dear, she’d gagged. Chris was repulsive in every way. Then he had said my Comanche princess. She scowled. What the hell was up with that?

  Shelby remembered his last words to her as she had fallen into oblivion. She froze…Brave-One. D
amn, this was too much. She had to get the hell out of here before anything happened to her family and before Chris had a second chance to kill her with the crap he’d injected into her system. And with distance, keep Kyle and Jude alive.

  She stood. The room swirled. Willing her equilibrium to return, she inhaled hoping more oxygen would clear the cloudy effects of the drug. A few minutes later with her balance restored, she packed her things.

  With the two straps of her backpack secured on each shoulder, she snuck out of her room. The sound of Kyle’s shower filtered through the hall so his uncanny radar couldn’t zero in on her. As she crept down the steps, she listened for voices and heard several in the kitchen. The old bodyguard in black must be on break or a shift change. He would recognize her, but if she could slip by him, she had a much better chance.

  She tiptoed to the door, quietly twisted the knob, and slipped through. Gently, she released the handle until it clicked. Looking down the hallway, she spied the fire-escape stairwell. She breathed deep and exhaled slowly bringing her jittery nerves under control, clearing the hazy fog hovering in her head.

  This evening, she would figure out what flight to take, staying away from the car rental since Kyle tended to think she used them all the time. Disgusted, she breathed heavy. She wasn’t any good at this subterfuge shit.

  To her surprise, the staircase led to an outside exit and she was relieved when no alarms sounded. The frigid air hit her. She had stowed her jacket in her overnight bag so she’d wait until she left the premises to don it. Although this whole impromptu scheme to leave wasn’t the best idea she had, the slap of the October wind and temperature cleared her mind.

  Not wanting to bring attention to herself, she fast-walked with her face down. She inhaled the sweet vanilla aroma of the ponderosa pines lining the driveway to the main road and stayed within the shadows of the long boughs. Her feet hit the hard pavement. She’d have to hitchhike to make it back down the mountain by sunset. Swallowing past the lump of fear, she hastened her stride.

  The sound of a truck engine approached and she prayed no one would recognize her. She pivoted to face the vehicle putting her thumb out at the same time. The young man smiled as he slowed bringing his pickup to a stop.

  She ran up to the window. “Where you headed?”

  “Jackson,” His teen voice echoed through the cab.

  Shelby nodded, opened the door, hopped several times and jumped in, clearing the four-foot height to the seat. Pleasant conversation made the time go quickly. The cowboy competed in high school rodeos. He team roped, road bare-back broncs and bulls. With the money he won, he saved for college and hoped for a scholarship or a sponsor from Rodeo-Round-Up for Education, set-up and headed by Jude Pressley. He praised Dr. Chris Humphreys who volunteered for any doctoring a guy might need.

  She choked. “Excuse me a minute…I swallowed my gum.” She wasn’t chewing anything, but it was the only excuse she could come up with.

  The sports doctor was slick. Even if she had turned him in, the authorities would have laughed at her. He was a pillar of the community. The five-star general was smooth, proficient, and had easily mastered his strategy. He’d carried out an effective course of action to his benefit. For the second time, she was reminded she was just a pawn.

  The young man stopped under the portico of the hotel and left his engine idle.

  Shelby opened her purse, grabbed some money for the cowboy, and offered the folded bills to him. “I wish you all the luck.”

  “No, ma’am. I can’t accept that.”

  “Put the token amount in your college fund.” She left the money in the drink well, slid out and landed on her feet.

  His eyes gleamed. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  She smiled and closed the door.

  The cold air whipped around the building, the wind blasted across her face and her stomach growled. She’d call Alessa after she checked in and grabbed a bite to eat. By tonight, she should have a seat on the next flight out. If not, a rental car or bus would have to do, as long as the ride ended in Texas to check on her family.

  At the restaurant, the soup and sandwich combo looked yummy. The steam rose from the bowl and the turkey club smelled terrific. While she ate, her cell rang. She refused to look at the caller ID, let alone answer the calls, and slid the toggle to mute.

  After eating, she flipped the mobile over and noted the number of missed calls and voice mail messages. Again, she declined to tap those menus opting to speed dial her sister. Just as her finger touched the screen, she connected with an incoming call.

  KP appeared at the top. She slipped the phone to her ear without saying a word.

  “Did you leave on your own?” The angst in his voice tugged at her heart.


  “Are you alone?” Kyle’s distress was evident by the anxiety in his tone.

  “I am.”

  A rush of air came across her cell with a whispered, “Thank God.”

  An understanding smacked her in the face, he thought she’d been kidnapped. She should’ve left a note, not that she had been thinking clearly with the drugs Chris injected in her. Her mouth opened to say she was sorry. She wanted to apologize for worrying him, but she had to get away. Her hands were tied, bound by a man who’d not hesitate to kill again. She choked back a reply waiting for him to say something…anything.

  “Why did you leave?”

  A question he deserved an answer to. The next few minutes were going to be hell. How should she respond without endangering everyone dear to her? God damn Chris, if he was here and she had a gun, she’d shoot the bastard.

  “Did you hear me or did you put me on ignore?” Tension had changed to annoyance.

  Her mouth transformed into a dry cotton ball and all of the water in her body must have deadheaded to her eyes. The tears rolled down her cheeks like two faucets that had been turned on full blast.

  A raspy, “Yes,” escaped, not able to clarify it was the former rather than the latter and she chided herself. The last thing Kyle needed was an overwrought bawling woman. She ground her molars together, hoping for an emotional reprieve.

  “Okay…I’d like you to come back under our protection, then I’ll leave and you’ll never have to see me again.” His baritone words rattled her psyche.

  “No…Oh God…Why?” Her world fell apart. The helpless feeling left her vulnerable, empty. Unable to change the past or correct the future, she staggered at how defenseless she’d become and would be for a long time. How many months would it take for all the stones to illuminate on Ten-Blue-Sun? What if it took several years, how would she be able to find the doll? Unless, she asked Kyle to give warrior woman back…or stuck around…Jesus, did she just consider using him?

  “You’re going to have to help me out here. I don’t know what you want anymore.”

  Apparently his patience had thinned to the point his anger had increased exponentially, she shuddered. The heel of her hand swiped away the tears. She sniffled.

  The only response she had and could honestly ask for, “Will you forgive me?”

  Silence answered her question. She ended the call.

  Another waitress sauntered over to fill her cup with fresh coffee. “Sometimes life is unfair and taking a stand all by your lonesome is hard and self-defeating. Many of us understand that you can get help in the most unlikely places. When you don’t know what to do next, go and ask.” Then she walked away.

  Shelby added sugar and squinted at the black liquid swirling as she stirred. Did she look that bad for a stranger to give her advice? Unlikely places?

  The original server brought her out of her reverie. “Anything else?”

  “Who was the lady in the dark blue uniform and red hair? She refilled my−”

  “Nobody by that description works here. We’re only allowed to wear black pants and white shirts.”

  “I’m sure I must have been mistaken.” She handed the ticket back with some money. “Keep the change.” Shelby rose and l

  The messenger gave her instructions—to ask in the most unlikely places. At first she had considered the lady meant for her to question She-Who-Smiles. Most people had several spirit guides and she did too. Nevertheless of her own freewill, she’d opted out. Crying wolf all the time wasn’t smart because someday, she might need the cavalry.

  As she walked back to her hotel, a truck skidded to a halt. Kyle jumped out and stood in front of her. The panic in his gaze changed to relief then simmered to fury.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kyle held his temper and waited for Shelby to speak first. Her splotchy face and swollen eyes gave away she’d been weeping. He’d been pissed when she hung up on him, but more to the point, it scared the shit out of him. Sometimes he understood her perfectly and then there were other times, like right now, he didn’t have a clue. This was one of those instances where he could kick himself in the ass for making a promise not to mind walk. It sure would come in handy, especially with Shelby.

  “Where’s your entourage?” Shelby’s palm wiped her cheek.

  “Didn’t bring them.” He glided his hand through his hair. “You never gave me a chance to answer your question.”

  He stalled until she connected her regard to his. “I forgive you, but you’re not the only one who should be making amends.”

  She took a hesitant step toward him then stilled. “You’re something else.” She sniffed. “At times, I can’t think straight. I’m sorry I caused you so many problems…If you never met me or I stayed away from you, then—”

  “I would’ve lost too much.”

  He closed the distance between them and hugged Shelby. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she softened against him. She was a damn strong woman to live in his life, to fit in his hellish existence and the crazy world of his ancestors.

  “I want to take you…to stay with me.”

  Her fingertips dug into his back, her cheek rested on his chest, and she trembled. “I’m afraid, frightened for my family, for you and Jude.” She gasped, her shoulders lurched, then her legs gave way.


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