Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 20

by Susan JP Owens

  “Sure it is. Pogonip used to be a dude ranch. Garrett has enough cabins for our security detail and his house is big enough for all of us. Until we know who we’re dealing with, we’ll have an army out there. The detectives believe their investigation is turning toward a positive direction. But I still want to discuss it with the crew in there.” He tilted his head toward the dining area. “They may see a problem I don’t. I’ll let you know.”

  He strode to her, kissed her forehead and left. He fist pumped the air. “Yes.” Meeting Shelby’s family signaled a step in the right direction for their relationship and meant the world to him.

  Earlier this week, he wouldn’t have bet two cents in their involvement continuing, but mending and healing had done wonders. Another good thing about going to Garrett’s ranch, he wanted to spend time outdoors with Shelby. He had a better perspective surrounded by nature, much better than the four walls that had a tendency to close in on him.

  The last few days, he had his face glued to his laptop conducting his work via Pressley International’s secure computer. Shelby worked on her book when she wasn’t in contact with Alessa helping her little sister on various business problems. Even though she was in the same room, she never interrupted him. Shelby had given him the needed time to complete several projects so when she was with him, nothing was more important than each other.

  The evenings were spent intimately and in the early morning hours, he’d convinced her to exercise with him. In so many ways, their bonds had grown, but in other aspects, they had a long way to go.

  Shelby wasn’t high maintenance and didn’t demand his attention every waking moment like so many women he knew. He had a sneaking suspicion she still harbored secrets. Not criminal by nature or the psychologically demented kind, but the sort that kept her at a safe distance. If he had to describe her intentions, it was just in case she had to run, whether it was from Chris, the stifling rules his security team stipulated, and he hated to admit it, him.

  She had appeared to have accepted all the precautionary measures to safeguard their lives. His primary concern, would she continue to carry out the protocols or would she suffocate under the constant pressures of his way of life?

  Wait, he led an ordinary existence, didn’t he? This just happened to be a worst case scenario. Other than needing a security team, or that his wealth kept him from doing mundane things he enjoyed, and there was his mom’s kidnapping and murder…Well, he’d best stop there.

  When he entered the living room, he found Shelby staring out the window. The thick Turkish rug gave a little under his feet as he crossed in between the two Italian leather sofas facing one another. He sidestepped the mahogany coffee table and grabbed a dark chocolate from the Waterford dish. Peeling the wrapper off, he popped the bite size treat in his mouth, where it instantly melted into nothing.

  He circled his arms around her waist. “If we were alone, I would make love to you right here until you screamed my name begging me to stop.”

  She rested her hands on his forearms. “When I scream your name, it’s definitely not telling you to stop.”

  His long fingers dropped to her pelvic bone and angled his hips against her bottom. “Hmm, Shel, we fit perfectly. Baby, what you do to me.” He chuckled releasing the pressure. “I’m not going to be able to walk out of here.”

  He kissed her right temple. “The crew felt it would be safe for Alessa to visit. Just let me know when she’s supposed to arrive. It’ll be great to meet your sister.”

  “Are you sure there’s no problem?” She placed the back of her head against his chest.

  “Alessa won’t be an extra burden. If it were remotely unsafe, I’d never add your sister to the mix. You can call her when we get there. Plus, I’d like to know you’d have someone to keep you company if I have to take off.”

  As Shelby turned, he released her and she stood with her hands akimbo. “You’ll be leaving?”

  “There’s always a possibility.” He hugged her then eased back a few inches. “We’ll be heading out this afternoon, are you packed?”

  “Yes, I did that while I was talking to my sisters. Go figure, multi-tasking even when there isn’t another item on the to-do list.”

  “I’ve got an idea to add to that list of yours.”

  “And that being?”

  He cupped her breast and his cock strained against his zipper. “Guess?”

  She slid her hand to his groin and massaged his hard-on. “Hmm, lets.”


  Shelby nestled beside Kyle. Her gaze panned inside the armored stretch-suburban taking in the two men working on their laptops. The heat from Kyle’s body added to the warmth from her computer fan. Like many moments in life to remember, this was one of them. She considered herself lucky to know both these guys. Her lover raised her temperature with a stroke of his finger and Jude was a gruff and commanding man, but once you got to past the tough exterior, he had a heart the size of Texas.

  She looked forward to Garrett’s ranch, a relaxed atmosphere of a home and the great outdoors, and she appreciated now what most people took for granted. She understood the freedom to come and go as you please without looking over your shoulder. The Pressley men couldn’t afford to yield to any temptation, for if they did, the payment in full was injury and possibly death.

  Garrett met the caravan of vans, trucks, cars, and what looked like a SWAT truck. He had aerial and topographical maps of his ranch for Marcus. The cabins, stables, barns, and outbuildings outlined the valley with the high mountains all around giving a serene, picturesque scene.

  All the buildings were fashioned from hewn logs. The corrals and stables were the first structures specifically built for Garrett’s clients, who boarded their horses in his first class accommodations.

  Kyle and Jude shook Garrett’s hand, then hugged him. Garrett’s eyes twinkled when they connected with hers. The First Realm’s kinship drizzled into her soul. Garrett prodded his brothers to take Shelby to the house. Kyle insisted on being her escort and would return to help oversee the security details, as well as the arrangements. Shelby smiled. It was the little things Kyle did that made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

  Everyone had agreed not to make a show of force, but rather to make it seem like they were here as guests. Garrett’s clients could come and go working with their horses. They had several men who were knowledgeable and would work beside Uncle Grey. That was all she heard before Kyle closed the passenger door of Garrett’s work truck.

  Garrett’s drive meandered up the mountain. They passed the cabins dotted along the stream and the house came into view a mile later. When Kyle pulled into the circle drive and stopped, Hilda scurried out the front door, sweeping down the steps in deference to her age followed by several other women.

  Kyle chuckled. “I couldn’t keep her away.”

  “She’s a good person. I like her a lot.”

  Along with Kyle, she received Hilda’s affectionate welcome. Hilda introduced the four other women, her nieces, Linda and Sophia along with Julia, Uncle Grey’s wife, and Shay, their daughter.

  Each of their auras had bright swirls of color radiating moral virtue, decency, and integrity. She was blessed to meet the women and honored they’d welcomed her with open arms.

  They were all talking at once when Kyle grinned at Shelby then mouthed, “I’ll be back.”

  She nodded to Kyle, then Hilda locked her elbow through Shelby’s and guided her to Garrett’s home.

  The corner steps extended from the side to the front. High off the ground the porch wrapped around the entire length. The double doors led into a great room, which had high ceilings, log beams, and the tall windows from the floor to the wooden supports. The stacked stone fireplace and the hearth took up most of one wall. Shelby followed the women up the staircase. “How many bedrooms are there?”

  Aunt Julia’s soft voice spoke with a tender love. “Seven, all with their own baths and suites. Our cabin is right beyond the garage. Shay will be stayi
ng in our guest room with us. Linda and Sophia are staying with Hilda in the maid’s quarters.”

  “This is beautiful,” murmured Shelby.

  “I’ll give you a tour when you get settled. Come down when you’re ready and I’ll brew some coffee or tea and you can have a piece of cake.” Kyle’s aunt opened the bedroom door and the women crowded inside her suite.

  Hilda fussed with the curtains. The nieces ran their hands over the handmade quilt covering the bed taking out non-existent wrinkles, shaking out pillows on the sofa and love seat, turning lights and lamps on. Finally Julia bid the women to leave. When the door closed, Shelby laughed out loud and hard. They were absolute dolls, had hearts of gold and took pride in their work, but most of all, it looked like they had fun together.

  She unpacked the few clothes she had and freshened up for her next adventure, to find where the delicious aromas were coming from.

  Situated in the back, Shelby found Julia preparing dinner. “I’m glad you decided to visit. We were worried.”

  “Where’s everyone?”

  “They left a couple of minutes ago. Shay, Hilda, and her two nieces are in charge of serving the three meals in the one of the outbuildings. It has a commercial kitchen for the cafeteria style dining. I wouldn’t have finished all the work if it hadn’t been for Hilda and her girls’ help. All the necessary food and drinks were delivered and put away. They helped me clean and ready the cabins for the guests.”

  Julia whispered, “We were told to refer to them as guests.”

  Shelby giggled at her newfound friend sharing a secret. “Can I help you do anything?”

  Julia reverted back to her normal voice. “No, help yourself to the fresh batch of coffee or tea, I made both and have some cake.”

  “Thanks, then I think I’ll go outside for a bit.”

  “That’s a good idea. The view is gorgeous. Go and make yourself at home. We’ll be ready to eat shortly.”

  When Shelby opened the back door with her coffee in hand, the beautiful mountain range took her breath away. She bypassed the first level with the gourmet barbeque, bar, table, and chairs. Taking the couple of steps to the next area, lawn chairs and a fire pit created a comfy setting. The last half-level down, the pool and Jacuzzi invited and tantalized her for a future dip. Shelby opted for the second. Relaxed, she let her head rest on the back of the chair.

  She jumped when her cell rang. Her fingertips grasped the phone from her back pocket. The ID read Al. “Hey, Sis.”

  “Are you there yet? What did they say? Can I come up? Is it safe? Hello, are you there?”

  Shelby smiled. “Yes, to all.”

  “Yahoo, I can’t wait to see you and meet Kyle. I’ll start making arrangements for everything. What do I bring for clothes? Dress up or down? What’s the mainstay there? Do I need to bring anything in particular for you? More clothes? Cat? Dog?”

  Shelby laughed. “Alessa, this is a ranch, jeans will be the staple of your wardrobe. I’d be grateful if you could bring some stuff for me. I look forward to not washing every couple of days. I don’t think the cat would be too thrilled traveling, but please bring Annie and you can drive my car up.”

  “Right, SUV, clothes, dog no cat, gotcha’. I’ll see you in a few days and I’ll call you when I get close for directions. Can’t wait, luv ya’, bye.”

  Shelby peered at her phone. Yep, end of call. “Love you too, you’re a whirlwind.”

  “Who?” Kyle sat next to her.

  “Alessa, she’s a bundle of energy and can be exhausting if you’re not used to her.”

  Kyle winked. “If she has that much stamina, we’ll have her muck the stalls.”

  “I can help. Garrett was gracious enough for us to bombard him with all these people, it’s the least I can do. I do know how to clean up after horses.”

  “I was kidding. Garrett has everything in hand, he’s already high tailed it to furthest point of solitude. He prefers the company of horses to people.”

  “How’s everything working out?”

  “A three shift schedule has been instituted and everyone is settled. The command post is in the cafeteria. Hilda has taken over down there, making sure there is coffee and snacks to keep everyone happy and has started supper.”

  “She does like to take care of people.”

  “Want a tour of the house? Julia said she was going to give you one, but would be obliged if I did.”

  “Only if you want to, we have plenty of time. You don’t have to right now.”

  “Come on, I’ll show you around.” Kyle slid her hand in his and led her inside.


  Two days had passed and Shelby waited for Alessa’s arrival on the porch swing. A dust cloud catapulted through the air and then was carried away by the northwest wind. In between the trees, she noticed her SUV speeding up the driveway. Shelby waved and bounced down the steps to meet her.

  Alessa skidded to a stop. Gravel slung and crunched. Hopping out of the car with Annie on her heels, Al gave her a bear hug, while the happy canine sat patiently for her welcome.

  She knelt, ruffled Annie’s ears, consoling her whines. When Shelby stood, her sister encircled her again. “You scared me there for a little while. I’m glad to see you’re all right.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll show you what room you’ll be staying in.” Parental guidance tinged her words.

  “You’re forever taking care of everyone.”

  She zoomed to connect with Alessa’s gaze. “I don’t ‘take care’ of everyone. I think of you as my responsibility…” She paused and smiled to herself.

  Al’s face softened and whispered, “As a matter of fact you do, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  As Shelby helped with the suitcases, her mind cartwheeled. She’d accused Kyle of the exact same thing, berated him and then ignored her own actions. How did she miss the mark so badly?

  With Alessa settled, she led her outside to the first level. She and Al occupied two of the eight chairs around the table, sipping warm mugs of hot cider when Garrett and Kyle joined them.

  “Alessa, this is Kyle Pressley and Garrett Blackwell. Garrett and Kyle, Alessa Staley.”

  Kyle sat next to Shelby. “How was your trip?”

  “Uneventful. My sincere thanks to you and Garrett for having me.”

  Garrett twisted the caps off two longnecks. The hiss of carbonation escaped and the aroma filled the air. “Everyone likes a smooth ride to their destination no matter the vehicle of transportation.”


  The next morning, Shelby followed Kyle into the stables. Her eyes adjusted and the intermingling scents of horses, leather, and hay tickled her nose. Last night, Alessa had promised to help Garrett. Which would be normally a good thing, but sometimes her little sister had a lot of energy roiling inside her and bubbled out. If Garrett wasn’t used to Al’s vigor and her zest for life, he’d be driven crazy.

  Alessa leaned against one of the stalls while Garrett led a sorrel through the center aisle. He nodded at first to Kyle then Shelby.

  “Good morning,” Shelby greeted.

  Al pushed off the wooden slatted frame with her foot. “This is a fantastic day, beautiful and so peaceful.”

  Garrett halted beside Kyle. Without a pretext of a whisper, Garrett rolled his eyes. “Peaceful? Not the word I’d choose to describe it.”

  Kyle rubbed the mare’s ears. “What’s the problem?”

  Garrett zeroed a scathing gaze to Alessa. “Nothing, if you like to listen to a woman who has an insatiable appetite for chatting.” Then Garrett ambled outside.

  Alessa trailed behind the horse. “I’m just interested in what you’re doing. Can I give you a hand?”

  Kyle slipped his fingers through Shelby’s. “I can’t believe what I think I’m seeing…Come on, I don’t want to miss a thing.”

  Inside the round pen, Garrett grunted, “Don’t need your help.” He put the sorrel through the paces.

  Shelby propped her foot on the lowest
bar of the piped fence in between Kyle, who had crossed his arms on the top rail and Alessa, who was perched on it.

  Al continued with her queries and Garrett never replied. Not to be ignored, Alessa called his name.

  Garrett’s back straightened and he halted the workout. He clenched his fists, balled at each side then strode to Al. “What do you want?”

  “You didn’t hear me? Maybe we ought to make an appointment for you—with a doctor—for your hearing.”

  Garrett walked past her stopping in front of Kyle. “Shoot me now and put me out of my misery.”

  Shelby took the cue. “Al, let’s go get some coffee.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Alessa yelled to Garrett, “Can I bring you anything?”

  “No, ma’am.”


  Garrett directed the horse into a trot. “No, ma’am.”

  “I’ll be back to check on you.”

  “Don’t bother, I’ll be gone.”

  Alessa jumped and landed on both feet. “Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

  Garrett didn’t answer.

  “I’ve never ran across someone who is so…taciturn,” Alessa acknowledged to Shelby. How does he do it, get through life without talking?”

  Shelby declined to respond to Al. “Kyle, want to join us?”

  “I’ll be leaving for the Sheriff’s office shortly.”

  She shoved her hands in her coat pockets. “What’s going on?”

  “They want to give me an update.”

  Shelby wasn’t sure why he gave a cryptic answer, but she’d have to accept his explanation, for now.

  After the caffeine boost, Shelby invited Alessa for a walk. The two guards accompanied them several paces behind.

  Alessa whispered, “How can you stand it?”


  “Them…Being followed.” Al tilted her head at the two men behind them.

  Shelby shrugged. “The only break is when the bedroom door closes behind me or us.”


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