Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel)

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Walking Into Her Heart (A First Realm Novel) Page 29

by Susan JP Owens

  The man’s graveled voice disclosed a command. “Don’t move.”

  Kyle recognized the timbre. Swordfish. “We’re not. What do you want?”

  “Dead. Peckerhead.”

  Kyle addressed the asshole holding the Glock. “Who are you?”

  Bobby Jo stepped forward. “I…we didn’t want this. They’re making us.”

  Swordfish screeched, “Shut up, bitch.”

  Bobby Jo cried. “I don’t want any part of this. It’s gone too far.”

  David’s head bobbed. “I agree.”

  “I’m going to ask one more time. What do you want? Where have I met you before?”

  “My dad. He gave ya’ his blood, sweat, and all them years of service and ya’ upped and fired him. When ya’ gave him the boot, he couldn’t handle it and now he’s in a loony bin. So I’m figurin’ a life for a life. Yer suppos’ to die in that truck accident. But I’m countin’ on ya’ ain’t got no more lives in ya’. Yer worse than a cat.”

  Recognition dawned; memories flooded his mind and Kyle’s muscles tensed. “I had to call security to remove you from the Christmas Ball. You were drunk, a violent one.”

  “Good ol’ Pressley International givin’ to charity and can’t take care of yer own.”

  “Your father knew he was wrong. That’s why he resigned on his own.”

  “Bullshit. That ain’t what he tol’ me. Yer still gonna’ die anyhow.”

  David stepped forward. “He’s serious. I didn’t want it to go this far. I just did your house. I don’t want anything to do with this.” He nodded toward Haines.

  Kyle growled disgusted. “It’s a little late for regrets.”

  Haines eyed Kyle then swung his pistol toward David. “Ya’ ain’t gonna’ have no more regrets when I get through wit’ ya’.”

  “All right, Haines. That’s enough. I’m paying you to do as I say.”

  Kyle shook his head. “What are you paying him for, Mira?”

  Mira hissed, “That’s not important.”

  Haines yelled, “I want him dead and she has ta’ go too.”

  Mira’s voice lowered. “Then kill her, dear.”

  David grabbed Swordfish’s arm. “That’s it. You guys are certifiable crazy. This ain’t what I bargained for. I may spend time in the pen, but Texas is a capital punishment state. I don’t want to lose my life over this shit.”

  Haines pointed the gun on David and squeezed the trigger. “Ya’ just did.”

  Bobby Jo screamed. “We did everything you asked. Why? Why? We broke into Kyle’s house like you said to do. All we needed was money. We didn’t want to kill them.”

  Mira grabbed Haines’ arm. “I can’t believe you did that, but you saved me some money. Kill him! He’s the one who should die for his transgressions against my granddaughter. Poor Shelby, I’m sorry, you see, he’ll have to dispatch you too. For some reason, I became very fond of you, dear. Later, when I knew Lisa lied about her pregnancy—Just like I thought—You see she confided and told me she wasn’t with Kyle in New York. Lisa will be dealt with also.”

  Speak of the devil, Lisa approached. She sidled beside him and at the same time, Shelby stepped away giving them wide berth.

  Lisa angled her way in front of Kyle. “Mira. Stop. This isn’t going to bring back Christine.”

  “Get away, child, you disgust me. When you became Christine’s lover you only lowered her self-esteem…How she loved you, I’ll never know.

  “Mira, Christine had far worse problems. Her father, your son molested her.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Lisa advanced toward Mira. “I’ve made a mess of things, but I intend on correcting them.”

  Lisa pivoted to Shelby. “I’m sorry I should’ve known when I first saw Kyle with you at Pogonip. He loves you and I never had a chance.”

  Lisa’s gaze met his. “I’m sorry. I’ve been out of line for most of my life. Christine had major issues that she never shared with you. Dear God, I begged her to tell you, but she always thought you’d view her as damaged or dirty.

  He swiped a hand through his hair. “I didn’t know…I’m not a monster, I would’ve understood.”

  Lisa lightly touched his forearm. “I told her…But—”

  Lisa swiveled to Mira. “You turned a blind eye and refused to stop the perversions by your own husband to your son. Christine’s mom did the exact same thing. Christine didn’t understand love or what constituted a stable relationship. You, Mira, could have saved your son and your granddaughter, but you never did.”

  Mira’s eyes shifted from anger to sadness. “Lisa, maybe we can discuss this later.” By the time he’d finished the sentence, Mira’s gaze hardened to a glaze that possessed nothing.

  Shit, he recognized Mira’s reaction. With one hand he grabbed Lisa’s shirt to pull her behind him while his other extended to Shelby.

  Mira pulled a thirty-eight out of her purse, pointed, and squeezed the trigger.

  The momentum of the bullet catapulted Lisa’s body into his. He steadied his foothold and held onto her.

  Mira swung her arm and tapped again.

  Shelby collapsed. The sickening thud of lead ripping apart her skin and tissue kicked his SEAL instincts in gear. He lowered Lisa, laying her on the ground.

  Kyle lunged for Mira. She shot Swordfish then placed the tip of the gun to her chest and tugged.

  Kyle landed on his feet and wheeled to help Shelby. Out of the corner of his eye, Garrett, Jude and Alessa appeared.

  Garrett kicked the pistol from Haines and tied his hands with a rope. Garrett growled, “Shut up before I give you something to cry about.”

  Kyle gathered the handguns. “I don’t know where you guys came from, but I’m glad to see you.”

  His older brother took the weapons and nestled them in his waistband. “The authorities and ambulances are on their way.”

  Kyle crossed the five feet to Shelby and carefully lifted her in his arms. “Shel?” She wasn’t responding. He flashbacked to Dan and his gut twisted into a triple knot. He stood with Shelby cradled against his body. “We don’t have time to wait for the medics.”

  Alessa unhooked the D-ring holding his truck keys from his belt loop. “I’ll drive.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Forty-eight hours later in the ICU waiting room, Kyle bided his time waiting for his ten-minute turn. Numb from Shelby’s prognosis and lack of sleep, he prayed for divine intervention.

  Alessa plopped in the seat next to him and put her arm through his. “She’s still not breathing on her own and the doctors want a decision…I’m not going to make it…I can’t.”

  His stomach curled into tighter knots. “And Joni?”

  “She’s more of a basket case than I am.”

  “How about we give everyone more time?”

  Alessa released him, her tears running freely down her cheeks. “Go…see her.”

  Garrett followed him into Shelby’s room and stood off to the side. Kyle held her fingers in his hand because the intravenous lines snaked from the top of hers. “Shel, fight for me, fight to live and die another day.”

  The heart monitor thrummed a steady beat. The breathing machine’s screen scrolled the amount of oxygen it was giving to her, one hundred percent. Even his voice had no effect.

  Garrett inclined against the wall. “You could mind walk and maybe help her.”

  He sighed. “Or not. It didn’t make a difference with Dan.”

  “So you’re not going to do your thing? That’s not the man I know.”

  Kyle released Shelby and strode to the door. He grabbed the handle. “Fuck off.”

  Garrett’s eyebrows rose in unison.

  He left Garrett in the wake of his anger and trekked down the hall. Garrett understood the frustrations of his gift, and had the ability to persevere his storms. Garrett would have his back just like he’d always have Garrett’s six.

  He had to escape from a situation he had no control over. Alessa and Joni allowed
him to see her stating to the staff that he was Shelby’s fiancé. The decision to remove her ventilator wasn’t his either. On the path of Shelby’s life, he was a bump in the road, a distraction and a bad one at that.

  Outside, he meandered along a trail to a garden. No one was around. He parked his ass on the bench and closed his eyes. The shade was a welcome reprieve from the scorching sun. The breeze gave little relief, but it was better than nothing. He stretched his legs and peered at his boots that had dried conforming once again to his feet.

  Two days ago, Lisa had saved his life by giving her own. In his mind, she had righted all her wrongs. He’d been surprised by Lisa’s revelation about Christine’s past. Mira hadn’t helped her only son from her husband’s sexual abuse. Then once again, she turned away from her granddaughter. He shook his head. Not only did he forgive Lisa, but also Christine and accepted the fact he couldn’t save everyone.

  The detectives had come by for statements. They’d found out Swordfish was hired by Mira and someone else, but he’d lawyered up before the investigators received any more information. Somehow David and Haines had survived, recovering in this very hospital, handcuffed to the bed with an armed guard outside their rooms.

  Kyle was grateful for his family’s help. Lisa had been the one to ask for their assistance. When she told Mira that she had lied, Christine’s grandmother had hinted at her next move. Lisa had inquired with a buddy of hers and found Mira had hired a private contractor to fly her and several associates to Killeen.

  Annie yelped. Her front paws hit his chest. He ruffled her ears. Rain stepped over his legs then folded her tiny frame sitting beside him. He scooted his rear back, straightened his spine, and pushed Annie’s feet to the ground.

  “Hey, Mom. When did you get in?”

  “This morning. Garrett thought everyone could use an extra hand and called Holt to fly me down. We left Missoula pretty early because there was a storm system heading our way.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. “Thanks.”


  From her tone, he could tell he was about to be put in his place. Where, he wasn’t sure. By the end of her lecture and soft words, he would. He lifted his chin for her to continue.

  “Garrett said you refused to mind walk with Shelby. Is there a reason you’d like to share with me?”

  He released his embrace. “There are several topics in my life that are not up for discussion. That’s one of them.”

  “I see.”

  He jumped off the bench, shoved his hands in his pockets, clutching his personal medicine bag, Bear-Claws had instructed him to make long ago. “No, you don’t.”

  “What makes you think I wasn’t there when you locked away your gift?”

  The dog whined and Annie nudged her nose at his thigh. He unclenched the leather pouch and swiped his palm along the tuft of hair on top of her head. “You shouldn’t have been there.”

  “I was called upon to go by my spirit guide.”

  He lowered and rested his weight on his heels, continuing to stroke the red coat, gleaming even in the shade. “Then you know I failed. Not only there, but damn well through my entire life. Christine assumed I couldn’t handle her history. Mind walking wasn’t enough to save Dan. My SEAL training didn’t kick in fast enough which gave Mira the wherewithal to kill Lisa. And Shelby is hanging on by a thread.”

  His gaze connected with Rain’s. “Damn…Mom, I’m not looking for your pity.”

  She snorted. “I’m not giving you any.”

  “Always direct and to the point.”

  “Not yet.”

  He stood. “I gave my word.”

  “In remorse. Not a wise choice.”


  “You’re one stubborn man.”

  He shrugged.

  “Okay that’s it. The gloves come off.” She rose to her feet, her finger poked his chest and her fingernail jabbed his skin. “You listen here, buster. I would remove any obstacle within my means to help my sons and daughters or any other family member for that matter. I’d tear apart any barrier, any impediment that would hamper my assistance. Why? Because love is unconditional. You’ve put a price tag on Shelby’s life. Your word of honor is your own self-centered encumbrance and I’m disappointed in you. Furthermore, how dare you take away the key to save her.”

  He grabbed her hand and held her palm over his heart. “Mom, what kind of man gives a promise than breaks it to suit his wishes?”

  Rain’s voice softened. “When he saves a soul? A damn fine one.”

  He embraced and held her.

  A moment passed and Rain stepped back. “One other thing you may want to consider…if you don’t do anything, you’ll always wonder…” Then she left, taking Annie with her.

  He slid onto the bench and stared at a hummingbird as it fed. Even birds and creatures in this world needed help and he’d never denied sustenance or shelter for any animal.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Kyle scooted to the left. “Nope.” He glimpsed at the gentleman then did a double take. “Dan?”

  As a solid full-bodied apparition, Dan settled beside him. “Kinda’ crazy, huh?”

  “Not in my world.”

  “I can’t stay long.”

  Moisture gathered in the back of Kyle’s eyes. “I’ve missed you, man.”

  “The First Realm is a cool place…You know why I’m here.”

  Kyle chuckled. “Who called in the mission?”

  Dan laughed. “There’s a whole team of us covering you and it’s a full-time fucking job.”

  “You need something to keep your wimpy ass busy.”

  “Do I have to show you again what a wimpy ass can do?”

  Kyle raised both hands. “I surrender.”

  Dan’s laughter subsided and his lips turned into a straight line. “I want to thank you for taking care of Aaron and Kat.”

  Kyle swallowed the hard lump in his throat. “I told you I would.”

  “What do you think of my two grandchildren?”

  “Cute and awesome all wrapped in pink and blue blankets. You can be a proud grandfather.”

  Dan grinned. “I am.” Then he scowled. “You’re the one with the problem.”


  “Your gift is mind walking, not healing.”

  “I failed you and your children.”

  “Still playing God?”

  Kyle cut his eyes to Dan. “Prick.”


  Dan broke the long silence. “Talk to me.”

  “There’s nothing that needs to be said, but I’m sure you’re going to give me your two cents worth, everybody else has.”

  “I would’ve died anyway. You read the autopsy report, yet you still blame yourself.”

  Kyle shrugged his right shoulder. He had heard the same song and dance before.

  “When I was shot, the pain of the wound was a welcome relief from the ache I had inside from losing Becca, and I gave up. After your lecture about my kids graduating and having grandchildren, I wanted to fight and live. By then, I had lost too much blood, wasn’t going to survive. If you’d be honest with yourself, you knew too. As a soldier, you wouldn’t admit to defeat and you willed your strength to me…Any other time, I would’ve made it. You realize you have another ability that can save lives?”

  Kyle refused to answer his question and grimaced.

  Dan crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s what I thought. You stubborn bastard.”

  “Someone else called me that, but she was nicer. Are you finished?”

  “Not by a longshot. You’re not going to use me—”

  Kyle leapt from the bench. “I’m not—”

  Dan followed and grasped his arm. “Yes, you are. Visit your woman and see if you can help her, but I’ll be damned if you’re going to use me as an excuse. Believe me, I’ll haunt your ass until you take your last breath.”

  “An oath is something that I can’t bend ju
st because I want to.”

  “This isn’t about you. It’s about Shelby. If you don’t do anything, you’re going to lose her. By the way, that’s inside information. What you do with it is on you…I have to go.”

  Kyle hugged Dan. “I love ya’, man.”

  Dan returned his embrace. “I love you. I’m proud to call you my brother. Remember, never retreat, always pursue.”

  As his spirit evaporated, Kyle’s hands held nothing but air. Damn, it was good seeing him again. He eyed the bench and sat.

  “You have another gift and the ability to give your woman another chance at life.”

  Kyle glanced at Garrett standing by the edge of the garden. “So I hear.”

  “If she was mine, I’d fight for her.” Then he strode off.

  Kyle sighed. Every time he got close to a lady, she died. He didn’t want to accept a life without Shelby. Life. A simple four-letter word that had more impact than the others he had in his vocabulary.

  What if he wasn’t successful and she died. Failing Shelby again scared the shit out of him. His stomach double knotted. He’d tackled missions with far less odds and won. According to Dan’s intel, he could help Shelby and if he didn’t, she’d die.

  His next step was a no-brainer. If she survived and thought less of him because he had broken his vow, that meant she had lived to see another day, to be surrounded by her family, and have loving memories of hugging her grandchildren and celebrating their birthdays.

  He hoped like hell…He closed his eyes and slipped in.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kyle growled. “Tim? What are you doing here?”

  “What took you so damn long? She’s been trying to cross over and I won’t allow her.”


  Now one with Shelby, Kyle burrowed into her memory. He smiled at her happiness with her grandchildren, her writing, then grimaced at her hurt when Tim died.

  Kyle glanced at Tim. “She still loves you.”

  Tim crossed his arms. “Shelby is a strong lady. It will take one hell of a man to hold onto her steadfast commitment.”

  “Stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

  Kyle’s breath hitched. The love she had for him showered over his soul like a blanket of pure bliss. “Baby, you still love me.”


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