Fine Line (Inked Duet #1)

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Fine Line (Inked Duet #1) Page 21

by Persephone Autumn

  Then I let go. Release and give in to the glorious vibration swimming in my bloodstream. Savor the ardor dominating Jonas as his body tightens and reddens and empties inside me.

  Damn, he is beautiful.

  We don’t move. Don’t look away. Not until our pulses settle and our breathing regulates. And even then, we don’t stray far from one another.

  Reluctantly, we rise from the bed and dress. I slowly crack open the bedroom door and see Clementine is still curled up with Spartan. I tiptoe to the bathroom and go about my morning routine. Jonas comes in, shuts the door, and does the same. As if we have done this time and again. The way we move around each other feels natural.

  When we slip out of the bathroom, Jonas kisses me on the forehead. “Any breakfast requests?”

  I shake my head. “Whatever you make will be perfect.”

  As Jonas heads into the kitchen, I wander over to Clementine and gently wake her. Even though I would love more individual time with Jonas, I don’t want to disrupt her routine too much.

  Any other time in history I have woken Clementine, she was a grump. But not this morning. And I don’t know if it’s due to her furry bedtime companion or she slept really well. Either way, I will gladly take the change.

  “Can I watch cartoons?” she asks.

  “Sure, pumpkin.” I flip on the television and let her choose which show she wants to watch. And once Spartan comes back in from doing his morning business outside, he hops back on the couch and watches cartoons with Clementine.

  Soon, we all sit on the couch—well, everyone except Spartan—and eat French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns. I peek over at Jonas and sigh. This all just feels so normal. Right. Perfect. As if everything in my life is finally falling into place.

  In place with Jonas at my side.

  Once Jonas loads the last of the dishes into the dishwasher, he suggests we go outdoors and enjoy the day. Although it’s mid-January, the temperature hasn’t dropped too much. And I packed options and jackets for me and Clementine.

  * * *

  The beach in January is an odd place. Odd because there aren’t thousands of bodies covering every possible grain of sand. No beach towels stretched out or umbrellas shading patrons. No permanent perfume of shea and coconut floating in the air.

  In January, most walk the beach in jeans and sneakers and long sleeves. Couples huddle close to one another for warmth. People sit on collapsible chairs in the sand and listen to the small waves crash along the surf. Occasionally, you spot a snowbird in shorts and flip-flops. Some in swimwear. One or two dipping their toes in the Gulf.

  I shiver at the prospect of getting in the water this time of year. Unless it’s in a heated pool or hot tub.

  Jonas, Clementine, and I wander hand in hand on the white sands in Sand Key Park. Every fifty feet, Clementine begs us to lift her off the ground and swing her between us. Her resounding fit of giggles each time we do has me hoping she will ask again. Because her giggles match the happiness swimming throughout my body. A happiness I haven’t known until now. A happiness I want forever.

  Not that I never felt happiness when it was only me and Clementine. My daughter fulfills me in a way I never knew possible. She fills gaps in my heart. Makes me smile when I have a bad day. Gives me purpose when I feel as if I have none. Keeps my feet on solid ground. Makes me see the world in a new light.

  But with Jonas, happiness feels different.

  Jonas blankets me in warmth. Stirs passion in my soul. Resuscitates me after years of not experiencing a connection with another person. Bonds me to him with his lips and words and skin on mine. Grounds me when life feels off kilter.

  For years, I wondered why I never had the urge to date. To spend time with someone romantically. I always told myself it was because of Clementine. Because she needed me, and my attention was best spent focusing on her.

  Then Jonas stepped into the picture. With his sad heart and soulful eyes, he stole my breath from the start.

  I tried to fight our connection. Tried to deny anything was there. But I knew. Knew I was lying to myself to guard my heart again. Guard it from hurt and heartache and abandonment.

  But Jonas will never leave my side. Never.

  “Let’s go to the playground before we leave,” Jonas suggests.

  Clementine bounces between us like a kid on a sugar high. “Yay! Jonas, will you push me on the swings?”

  He looks down at her and smiles. The way he adores her has me melting into a messy puddle of emotions. “Of course, I will.”

  For the next twenty minutes, Clementine hauls Jonas around the playground like a rag doll. Asks him to push her on the swings. Join her on the teeter-totter. Spin her on the merry-go-round until she dizzies and can’t walk straight. Go down the slide after her.

  And he does it all. With a smile on his face and without an ounce of hesitation.

  I sit on a bench and warm myself in the sunlight as I watch my daughter and the man I love play together. I listen to their banter and laughter as she tries to outrun him and he chases her. Watch her squeal in delight as he catches her, swoops her off the ground, and tickles her into a fit of giggles.

  Life couldn’t be any more perfect.

  All too soon, we hop in the Jeep and drive toward my apartment. The closer we get to my home, the less it feels as if I belong there. Penny and I have shared an apartment since the beginning. Turned housing into a home. But for the first time in my adult life, I don’t feel as if I am headed home.

  Jonas is home. Wherever he is, that is my home. And after spending the night in his house—in his bed—I don’t know how I will sleep any other way.

  As if he hears my thoughts, he lays a hand on my thigh and glances my way for a split second. “You okay?” he whisper-asks. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”

  I nod. “Yeah. Just thinking.”


  I shift in my seat so I face him more. “How much your house feels like home,” I mumble. Although Clementine is happily singing to the radio in the back seat, her little ears pick up so much. I don’t need her partially hearing what I say and misinterpreting it.

  A smile kicks up the corners of his mouth as he lightly squeezes my thigh. “Honestly, I’ve been trying to drag out the day. Didn’t really want to make the drive back here.” He lifts his hand from my leg, and I immediately miss his warmth. But I don’t go without it for long as he cups my cheek. “As much as I’d love to drag you back to my house, I don’t get to make that decision. My greed isn’t what’s important. What does matter is what you want for you and her.” He nudges his head toward the back seat. “Whatever you decide, that’s what I’ll go along with.”

  He drops his hand to mine and lifts it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. Inhaling deeply, I ponder over his words. Smile at how lucky I am to have found such a wonderful man. Revel in the notion of how patient and kind he is, and how he will wait alongside me until I decide where we go from here.

  How did I get so damn lucky?

  Jonas steers the Jeep into the complex and winds around to my building. As my car comes into view, my heart bottoms out. I swipe at my eyes and squint as if I am not seeing things clearly. But I am. And I think I am going to throw up.

  “Why is he here?” I mumble.



  Autumn tenses beneath my hand as I park the Jeep.

  “Why is he here?” she asks no one in particular. Her eyes shoot daggers toward her car, where a man stands in a suit and tie with a cell phone glued to his ear.

  I cut the engine and glance over at her. “Autumn, who is that?” Tears well in her eyes as she shakes her head. “Are you okay?”

  She shakes her head again. “No,” she whispers.

  Leaning across the console, I frame her face in my palms. “Talk to me. You’re scaring me.”

  “Mama, can we get out?” Clementine asks as she unbuckles her seat belt.

  “Not yet, pumpkin. In just a minute.”
Autumn lifts her somber eyes to my concerned ones and I hold my breath. Fear and anguish and panic mar her features. She leans closer so her lips are at my ear. “That’s Clementine’s birth father,” she whispers so only I hear her.

  I lean back and stare at her wide-eyed. “What’s he doing here?” At this point, Autumn and I talk in hushed tones. The only thing I know about Clementine’s father is that he abandoned Autumn before Clementine was born. And that is more than enough to tell me what kind of human he is.

  She shrugs. “Haven’t seen or heard from him since he left years ago.” Autumn shifts her eyes toward Clementine. “She doesn’t even know who he is. Not his name or what he looks like. And I’d imagine the same in reverse.”

  Stroking a thumb over her cheek, I try to soothe away some of the worry Autumn must be experiencing. “Well, let’s grab your stuff and go into the apartment. If he wants to talk, he can do it without her present.” I nudge my head toward Clementine.

  Autumn nods before we both open our doors and get out of the Jeep. She helps Clementine out while I grab their bag from the back seat.

  As we meet at the front of the Jeep, the man starts walking toward us. I step in front of Autumn and Clementine and act as a barrier. The sight of him makes me sick, but I swallow it down and guard the two most important people in my world.

  “Help you with something?” I ask as he approaches us.

  The man does his best to look around me, but I tower over him and shield Autumn and Clementine from his view. “Who the fuck are you?” he bellows. “Autumn! A word. Now.”

  Who the fuck am I?

  Well, asshole, I am about to become your worst fucking nightmare. Especially if you continue to talk to my girls like a dick. No man—or woman—disrespects my girls. No one.

  I swing my face back in his line of sight. “Hey,” I thunder and wave a hand in his face. “You need to step back. Now.” I return his tone with a verbal punch. “Back. Up.”

  When he steps back, I look over my shoulder and signal Autumn to take Clementine inside. She complies without hesitation. Once Clementine is behind closed doors, once she is out of earshot and Autumn returns to my side, I get in this piece of shit’s face.

  “Who the fuck am I?” I belt out. “None of your damn business. And neither are they. Not since you jumped ship and left them to drown. What kind of man does that? What kind of man abandons his own child? You’ve got a lot of nerve coming here.”

  “You done, pretty boy?” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Who I am and what I did have nothing to do with you. Matter of fact, you can be on your way. Seeing as this doesn’t involve you.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. “Everything to do with them involves me. But you wouldn’t understand such a concept. So get back in your car and drive off to wherever it is you came from.”

  Autumn grips my bicep and stands unified beside me. She hasn’t said anything since we exited the car. Honestly, I think she is too afraid to speak. I don’t know much about this guy, but from his demeanor I know he is a pompous prick. And if Autumn didn’t want me to speak, she would have given me a sign or stopped me when I overstepped. She hasn’t done either.

  We stand five feet apart, glaring at each other. His clothes may scream money, but his expression yells piece of trash. As does his lack of human decency.

  He takes a step back. Then another. Sizes me up with a snarl. Shifts his gaze to Autumn and his snarl turns mocking. As if he has a secret. As if he holds the key to her future.

  “Sorry we couldn’t have a civil conversation, Autumn. Seems lover boy does all the talking for you now.”

  “Say what you came here to say, Leo. Then leave and never come back.”

  The sneer returns to his lips. “Just thought I’d give you a heads-up. Being the nice guy I am.”

  A chill snakes down my spine that has absolutely nothing to do with the winter temperatures. I glare at this pathetic excuse of a man and try to read the hidden message in his words. But he holds his cards close. Waiting for the perfect moment to throw down.

  I glance down at Autumn. She tilts her head as confusion mars her brow. “Quit being cryptic. Heads-up about what?”

  My eyes dart back to him as he takes another two steps back. His sneer slithers into a smile that makes me uncomfortable. Autumn clamps on to my arm tighter and sucks in a breath. Both of us waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “I’m filing for sole custody of our daughter. Clementine, right? You should be served tomorrow.”

  And I can’t breathe.

  To be continued…

  The conclusion of the Inked Duet will be here November.09.2021. Preorder Love Buzz now from your favorite book retailer and have it available to binge on release day!

  Thank You

  Thank you so much for reading Fine Line, book one in the Inked Duet. If you would take a moment to leave a review on the retailer site where you made your purchase, Goodreads and/or BookBub, it would mean the world to me.

  Reviews help other readers find and enjoy the book as well.

  Much love,


  More by Persephone Autumn

  The Click Duet

  High school sweethearts torn apart. When fate gives them a second chance, one doesn’t trust they won’t be hurt again. Through the Lens (Click Duet #1) and Time Exposure (Click Duet #2) is an angsty, second chance, friends to lovers romance with all the feels.

  Depths Awakened

  A small town romance which captivates you from the start. Two broken souls have sworn off love. Vowed to never lose anyone else. But their undeniable attraction brings them together and refuses to let go.

  Distorted Devotion

  Swept off her feet by love, life takes a dark, unexpected turn. Now the love of her life may be the cause of her death. Check out this gripping, romantic suspense.

  Undying Devotion

  A long-term couple with a secret life. Their friends envy the bond they share, but remain oblivious to their lifestyle and how deep the bond lies. A turn of events has her wanting to spill every secret.

  Beloved Devotion

  She asks the love of her life to marry her. When her girlfriend hesitates, then says yes, she is determined to learn why. As the pieces start to fall in place, she discovers she doesn’t know her fiancée at all.

  Ink Veins

  Persephone Autumn’s debut collection, Ink Veins, explores topics of depression, love, and self-discovery with a raw, unfiltered voice.

  Sweet Tooth

  Two people with the same rule. No dating. What happens when they bend the rules? A steamy standalone romance with a trigger warning.

  Inked Duet Playlist

  Here are some of the songs from the Inked Duet playlist. You can listen to the entire playlist on Spotify!

  Robbers - The 1975

  Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin

  Say Hello 2 Heaven - Temple Of The Dog

  Pain Told Love - Tribe Society, Kiesza

  Nathalie - Pepita Slappers

  Fallingforyou - The 1975

  Anchor - Novo Amor

  Wrong Direction - Hailee Steinfeld

  I miss you, I’m sorry - Gracie Abrams

  this is how you fall in love - Jeremy Zucker, Chelsea Cutler

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  My family always gets the top spot in my acknowledgments, so here we go!

  To my wife… the last year and a half has been crazy. For both of us. Thank you for rooting me on, for pimping me out to everyone you talk to, for spreading the word about my books whenever possible. You’re the best cheerleader. And thank you for supporting my dream to publish all the voices in my hea
d. Life hasn’t been easy the past 18 months, but we’ve done pretty damn good.

  To my daughter… you are always the light at the end of my tunnel. The one person who motivates me to do better, to be better, because you are beyond brilliant. You’ve accomplished so much and it challenges me to do the same. I love you forever!

  To my dad… no one has championed for me the way you do. I am forever grateful and proud to be your daughter. Thank you for every ounce of love and support, for your pride in what I do. I love you so much.

  To my kick ass editing team, Ellie and Rosa… you ladies rock! Thank you for dealing with all my punctuation frustration and spelling mishaps. Thank you for your amazing feedback and for calling out adjustments. You make my books so much better with your magic fingers.

  To Kat… you make my covers so damn beautiful! Thanks for putting up with my craziness from time to time and letting me know when my cover ideas are meh lol. You’re an awesome human and friend, and I’m so glad I found you.

  To my early readers and promo peeps… thank you for reading my books! Thank you for wanting to read my future books! This author gig isn’t the easiest, but you make it so much better. Much love!

  To my author friends… I look forward to squeezing you all one day. Thank you for any and all support you give. For letting me share my covers and releases in your groups or on your pages. For sharing my books in your newsletters. For answering any questions whenever I bug you. We have to stick together through all this author madness, and I’m glad to have you in my corner.


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