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Brownstone Page 29

by Dean Kutzler

  Jack sat back in his chair, trying to make a correlation, when he saw Miss Trevor eyeballing him over her cat glasses as she crossed the room to Cassie’s desk. Miss Trevor’s countenance was stern as she spoke, motioning in Jack’s direction, as Cassie simply nodded in agreement with a defeated look filling her face. Jack just shook his head and went back to the file. Bullies existed wholeheartedly even in the most unsuspecting places.

  Next up was CONNECTION, of which if there was one, he hadn’t made it, and so he clicked on the folder. Another set of files popped up, this time labeled with different cultures from various parts of the world like the REGIONS folder, but this one listed the different cultures changing names at separate times throughout the generations.

  He clicked on the folder at the top of the list: SUMERIAN. He read through the research and saw very little about the Sumerian’s creation story; probably due to the fact that the Sumerian’s were one of the earliest civilizations discovered on earth and predated the Babylonians. They had only been discovered during the middle of the 19th century, so nothing was found up until then. The Babylonians, who were known greatly through the discovery of the ancient writings from the Egyptians, Hebrews and Greeks, had come in contact with the Sumerians during their lifetime and had adapted and modified the writing, religious, and agricultural systems of the ancient Sumerian’s for use in their own cultures.

  The Sumerian’s story, from what was found on cuneiform tablets, merely told of how the Gods came down from the sky and created people and animals and such and placed them to thrive in the habitat that had come beforehand. It told of a great flood washing away humanity and about a big boat in the storm for seven days and seven nights. Jack noticed the next part of the research was highlighted in italicized and bolded characters. The highlighted part said that tablets from the Sumerian culture were missing from the time of creation to the flood.

  Jack raised his eyebrows. What was the significance? It’s one of the oldest civilizations found to date. There were bound to be a ca-gillion things missing or disintegrated from so long ago.

  He ran down the research that made up the majority of text in the Sumerian folder and focused on the highlighted areas. It talked about two poems. The first poem was called The Huluppu Tree. It was about the female Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility and warfare. Jack noticed her name, Inanna, was not only bolded and italicized, it was also underlined.

  During the creation of earth, a violent storm had uprooted a tree. Inanna saw what had happened and wanted to make a chair and bed out of the tree so that it didn’t go to waste. She saved the uprooted tree and planted it in her sacred grove on earth and waited for it to grow big enough to craft the chair and bed.

  As she waited for the tree to grow, three creatures discovered it and made the tree their home. A snake wound itself around the roots of the tree, something called a Lilitu, which was also underlined like Inanna’s name, made its home inside the trunk of the tree and a bird called an Anzu rested high up in the branches of the tree.

  Jack figured there was a whirlwind of symbolism at hand, but he was failing to see the connection, so he skipped to the next Sumerian poem within the research titled The Epic of Gilgamesh, a great warrior king. As it was stated, this poem was one of the earliest works of Sumerian literature found by archeological discoveries. The story was lengthy and told the tale of Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu, who was sent by the Gods to be Gilgamesh’s equal in order to keep him on a straight and narrow path. In the story, together, they battled the Bull of Heaven sent by Ishtar for spurning her desires of him.

  There it was again.

  Jack noticed the name Ishtar was underlined just like Inanna and the Lilitu. He read on to learn that Ishtar was the Babylonian Goddess of love, sexuality and war. Same Goddess as Inanna, just a different name for a later culture.

  Frustrated, he scrolled down looking for more underlined text and stopped cold. His eyes grew wide as a familiar tingling shot through his loins, causing him to blush. Within the PDF research was a picture of the Babylonian Goddess, Ishtar. The title below the picture read The Burney Relief. It was an exact match to the stone relief hanging on the wall in the temple below his uncle’s brownstone, only this one was lacking the color and it was damaged, a big chip missing from the right side. The caption below said that the relief was currently housed in a British Museum in London. Jack wondered if that stone picture had the same effect on the patrons as the one below the brownstone. Adjusting his pants, somehow he didn’t think so.

  He was finally getting somewhere, but he still didn’t know what that somewhere was. Unlike the other folders, the research in the file named CONNECTION didn’t just mainly focus on stories of creation. He scanned the rest of the text in the Sumerian Connection file but didn’t see any more underlined words, so he backed out and clicked on the next folder within the CONNECTION file titled GREEK.

  Feeling the weight of a stare, Jack looked up from the monitor and saw that the line in front of Cassie’s desk was gone. All the rest of the students that weren’t behind a computer were lined up around the wall, staring at the ones that were, including Jack himself. Too bad, so sad, I got here first. The teenage narrator in his head spoke up.

  Smiling to himself, he continued reading. The CONNECTION GREEK file was about a queen from Libya named Lamia. It sounded like the beginning line of a bad joke. Her name was underlined like Inanna, Ishtar and the Lilitu. Lamia was turned into a child-eating Daemon or a supernatural being somewhere between a God and a human, by the Goddess Hera after she discovered there had been a love affair between Lamia and her husband, the God Zeus. Jack noticed the text somewhere between a God and a human was not just underlined, but the background was highlighted in yellow, too.

  So far, the only connection he saw that was already pointed out in the research, was the underlined women and whatever the Lilitu were. He was guessing they were also women. A big chunk of his uncle’s research had been on women from the ancient past and they hadn’t been portrayed in the best of light. The other highlighted parts were about Noah’s flood and its failure in eradicating all of them, the thing about the DNA finally emerging, missing or altered parts of the Bible and one of the women being something between a God and a human. Then he realized the part about the flood wasn’t just about the failure of eradication, but it was more about another woman. Noah’s wife, Naahma.

  He clicked back to the footnote his uncle had made about Naahma and reread the text. It went on about how, Naahma, had tricked them with a false name and different colored hair. Jack wasn’t a pro when it came to religion, that was clear, but he firmly remembered that the Bible never mentioned the name of Noah’s wife. He was sure because of the controversy among scholars over the issue. It was odd how even the most insignificant people in the Bible were named in great detail; even long passages just named names and relationships and progeny. But not one mention of the second woman of the world after the flood, Noah’s wife. However, his uncle had found her name and verified it in other credible Jewish works of literature. The reference links were solid.

  What was the significance? He reread the footnote again.

  The next part was about the Bible on shelves in bookstores today and how it had been altered or interpreted over and over. No big secret there. Anything that had been translated umpteen times into different languages over thousands of years would put the margin for inaccuracy in the high percentile bracket. But his footnote had suggested it was on purpose. Again, no big secret. Pompous men toting the mantra of doing God’s work had, without a doubt, injected their own selfish views into the translations, only to be twisted yet again into another translation. It was the main reason women had been suppressed and treated as inferior to man throughout history; some sexist clergy decided it had been a bright idea to keep women ‘in their place’.

  The footnote had also said that the main event had been left out, but she was definitely the source, descended from Cain, where it had originated from in t
he beginning. The beginning. Those words rang in his head like a never-ending klaxon. The beginning. The main event. He was on to something.

  He clicked his way back up and out of the CREATION folders and into the ADAM & EVE folder where the text had been completely written in red. It should have dawned on him at that point that the red text meant something important, like an error, like a teacher correcting papers, marking the incorrect answers with the red flip side of their pen. He’s always wanted one of those cool pens ever since he was a kid.

  He skimmed through the red lines of text, making sure he hadn’t missed anything out of the ordinary, looking for more underlined clues. He scrolled all the way down the lengthy file and found another folder at the bottom: TRUE ACCT TRANS

  Bingo! He’d almost missed it.

  Jack remembered the lineage book he’d found in Father Angeli’s office. The names in the beginning of the book had started out in the ancient language of Hebrew and switched as the generations and languages progressed. Even the title etched into the cover began as Hebrew. He was lucky enough to have found an app that could translate the block of shapes or he’d still be wondering about the names.

  The true Bible book he’d found in the temple below the brownstone should have been written in the same language or some similar form that had been handed down and adapted, more than likely from the Sumerian race. Just like the folder with the different cultural stories of creation from different periods of time, depicting how the stories change as a new generation was born and the knowledge passed along. One race or culture picked up elements from its last generation.

  He was sure that the title of this folder, TRUE ACCT TRANS, stood for TRUE ACCOUNT TRANSLATION. This proved that his uncle had opened the true Bible book and must have discovered the power it held. Hopefully this file could enlighten him and, with a click, he opened it.

  The folder contained his uncle’s own personal summation of the translated work. This was almost as good as having the actual book. Almost. The original work, even when translated into English, would have been difficult to read through because of the different semantics thousands of years ago. The modern Bible today was proof of how clunky it read for the twentieth century person.

  Jack may have had the true Bible stolen from him, but this summation was the next best thing to finding out what was in the book. Thanks to his uncle’s hard work, he’d be able to read through the research, maybe even faster than the Bene Elohim could translate the book for themselves. Hopefully the research would tell him what power the book held. Then he would know better as to what he was up against with the Bene Elohim and their intentions.

  Up until now, the footnote aside, the research he’d read had been modified notes taken from cut and pasted Internet articles or text transcribed directly from ancient books. But Jack knew that his uncle’s summation would be written by his own hands, his own words, so he prepared himself as he read his uncle’s work, doing his best to hold in his sentiment.

  The proof is irrefutable. I found the book hidden in an altar in the temple below the basement stairs of the brownstone. I’ve since bricked the wall back up to keep what’s down there hidden for now until I can determine if it is safe or not. The carbon dating on the book tested negative for any trace amounts of C-14 on all three accounts. The true Bible is at least 62,000 years old, but possibly much more. Without another means of testing, I will never know the real age in my lifetime. Which makes me wonder what it’s truly made of or I should say whom. Anthropodermic bibliopegy was popular in the 17th century and earlier, so during that time, wielding a book made from human flesh wasn’t as morbid as it would’ve seemed today. If I were an anthropologist, I would be burning to discover the method used in preserving such a book, but I merely face it in awe, as do I to its power.

  Now there was no question about it. His uncle had discovered the power the book held and yet he chose to brick it back up along with the strange healing tree. A power that Father Alazar claimed to be the most devastating weapon the world would ever see. No matter where all of this was leading, Jack had always known in his heart that his uncle was a good man. This just proved it. No one should wield that kind of power. John Dalberg-Acton once said it best: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Not his uncle.

  Jack shifted in his seat, curiosity threatening to pull apart the very atoms that constructed his existence. He’d held that grotesque book in his hands. How could something like that be so powerful? Then he remembered the impossible tree. Regardless of the temptation to control the most powerful item in the world, Jack needed to know what power the book held. What weapon or power could be more devastating than a hydrogen bomb? He continued reading.

  There are many powerful things in this world that we yet have any inkling of understanding as to their source. A religious man would claim God’s will above any power found here on earth or elsewhere. My understanding of such things is null and irrelevant. Whether this book was handed down from God, I cannot say. But one thing is true. The existence of this book proves, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there were forces far greater than man could imagine before the birth of our kind. So I am forced to treat its content as an actual true account of the events that led up to the world we live in today. I am still undecided as to whether or not light should be shed upon this revelation, for it would surely put the world’s faith on end and with all of the already existing tragedy, I’m not quite sure it could withstand the truths that bear light upon lies we’ve known since the beginning.

  Within the summation that follows this paragraph, I have done my best at recounting the details with the eye of an objective observer. At times, it may read like a legal docket, but that is only due to the content and longevity of my profession. I will point out the difference in the few occasions. As in any case I have delivered, no conclusions have been drawn, only the mere facts based upon the jagged, yet accurate translations. The story is in solid form.

  The account of the first day in Genesis, the creation of Light divided from Dark, is a purposeful deceit. This deceit was created to hide the true account of what happened on the sixth day in Genesis. God did not give Light the name of DAY until it was completed and divided from Darkness. Darkness had already existed, and light was created within that empty black void of chaos and given the name, DAY. The cycle of days did not start until after that creation and the naming of DAY. Therefore, the true first cycle of day and night was after the creation of light. The first day of Genesis was the creation of the firmament God named Heaven.

  This explains why, in the Bible that is matriculated around the world today, Genesis 1:31 (And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day) goes directly into the passage of Genesis 2:1-2 (1-Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2-And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made) with no action or creation happening in between, like the other days of creations. Why not simply end Genesis 1:31 by including Genesis 2:1? Why the need in Genesis 2:2 to add a day of rest? He was finished. Rest should have been imminent. Why the ruse? The true Bible retells the correct account that God the creator, needed to ‘fix’, for lack of a better term.

  God needed to delete a day of the scriptures in order to hide the following account from an entity the book calls the living eternal, as well as from future generations of man. I wonder if this is the conundrum of our calendar not adding up precisely to the solar calendar. After all - didn’t God create both? When you take 52 weeks and multiply that number by the 7 days in a week, you end up with 364 days, not the 365 days found in the Gregorian calendar. Theorize or calculate in a leap year all you want, but I think there is something to this fact. Only my thoughts. This isn’t confirmed in the book or even mentioned. But more importantly, the book only speaks of the entity, the living eternal, as a h
igher power than God. Unfortunately, it does not elaborate. Apparently, the definition of ‘living eternal’ has been twisted in the modern text as well as the account I’m documenting.

  The Genesis of modern day is ambiguous in the fact that it first says in Genesis 1:27 that ‘male & female’ are created. Then later on in Genesis 2:7, it says man or Adam, is created from the earth, followed by Eve, who is created from Adam's rib. An ambiguous fact that has been theorized by thousands of scholars to be interpretational through translations. Why this ambiguity was missed in the incorrect retelling is not stated in the true Bible. My best guess, as you’ll discover as you read on, is that nobody, not the translators, not even God, is perfect. The ambiguity between Genesis 1:27 and 2:7 is because of a mistake.

  God's mistake.

  On the fifth day, God did create male & female (Gen 1:27), the human race that first populated the Earth before Adam (Gen 2:7). Unknowingly in God’s first attempt at creating humans (male & female), He had accidentally woven the powers of the cosmos into them, which then manifested into something more than just human, making them an Angel/Human hybrid. In realizing the magnitude of His mistake, He felt threatened by their power and foresaw that one day through the evolution He’d placed in them, that they would have the ability to rise up collectively against Him and overthrow Him, not from heaven, but the true place that He resides. (God created Heaven and Heaven is where angels and spirits live.) My thoughts here are heading towards the idea of ascension. Again, it isn’t stated, just an idea I cannot deny to myself.


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