Paradise Forgotten Trilogy

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Paradise Forgotten Trilogy Page 51

by Mackenzie Morris

  "I don't have time to play games with you. If you have something to say, then you'd better do it before I have you enslaved again."

  "I am Troy Lifestone, son of the late Queen Helen of Athens. I have come here to ask for your help to get my country back. Of course, I know you won't do it for free."

  He raises an eyebrow as he sets a notebook on the table. "Give me one reason why I should even keep you alive after suggesting something as asinine as that. For decades, your family has been incredibly hostile towards me. They even refused to acknowledge Kyro as a sovereign country. Now you come here begging for my help? I don't give a damn what happens to that hell hole of a country."

  "You will have uninhibited free trade with all of Olympus as well as the IGR planets. Kyro will be not only its own country, but a country twice the size it is now. You will control a third of the Eremos Desert. I will even do away with the taxes on your goods entering Athens and the other cities. You can maintain your camel monopoly. I am even throwing in open borders."

  "Hmm. That's certainly tempting. But I have to wonder why you are so desperate. No sane man would be offering this."

  Troy shrugs his shoulders. "Then call me crazy."

  "You're downright insane. Though, I didn't gain the power and wealth I have now by accepting the first offer extended to me. You are missing one very important part of this equation, prince. You haven't told me what I have to do in order to acquire these payments. You're new to this whole negotiating thing, aren't you? Why don't you tell me what you want then we will go from there?"

  "Okay. I need you to temporarily halt all trade with Athens."

  Hector scribbles something in his ledger then taps his pen on his chin. "So you're going for the tried and true starve them out method? Interesting. But you see the imminent issue with this plan, don't you? Athens is nearly self-sufficient. This isn't going to be enough to win this standoff. I can guarantee that much. Though, I do have something that should help . . . if you are willing to pay the steep price."

  "What more could you want?" Troy asks, growing more desperate. "Haven't I offered enough?"

  "Not for this expertise."

  "What do you want, then? Money? Gemstones? Slaves?"

  Hector grins and rubs his black beard. "Not slaves. A slave. A very specific slave."


  "Your firstborn son."

  Troy chokes on his tea. Did he hear him correctly? "My what?"

  "The first male heir to the throne of Olympus will be my slave for life."

  "Are you serious? You want me to sell my future son to you?"

  "Before you completely rule out the suggestion, think about it in every light. If you end up having only daughters, then I won't expect anything. Also, if you don't reclaim your throne, then you don't have to pay me at all. Besides that, what happens if you let Paris have your woman? Everyone knows what happened at that wedding. You won't be having any heirs at all, at least not with Nova. Having me as an ally will prove to be the best strategic move of your political career thus far. I know all about Paris's weaknesses. I can manipulate that boy without blinking an eye. I can have him crawling on his hands and knees, begging like a dog, with one word. You need my special abilities in this situation. So? What do you say, Prince of Athens? Will you sign a contract with me for the life of your firstborn son?"

  Gabriel scoffs and shakes his head. "No way. This is ridiculous."

  "I'll do it."

  They both look at Troy with wide eyes. "Really?"

  Troy runs his finger along the gold rim of the teacup. "Yes. I have to get my revenge. I told myself long ago that I would give up anything to see them pay for what they have done. I meant it."

  "You can't be serious." Gabriel says. "Don't do this. What happened to the Troy who would never side with evil?"

  "I'm not the same man I was six years ago. I have come to realize that no matter what sort of values and morals I try to uphold in the world, there are going to be evil people and good people who are forced to do evil things. Evil is a basic component of our universe. To believe that one man can eradicate it is beyond foolish. If I am forced to embrace that same evilness in order to save the ones I love, then so be it. I swore a vow long ago that I would do anything to save the woman I love. I'll tell you one thing. Troy Lifestone does not break his promises."

  "What are you saying?" Gabriel asks.

  "If I have to embrace darkness in order to destroy an even darker shadow, then I will do it without hesitation. I know that if I let Paris live and continue with his plans, there won't be a universe for my future children, female or male. There isn't anything I can do about the future. I have to do what I can in this moment." Troy holds out his hand to Hector. "You have a deal. I will give you my firstborn son in exchange for your help."

  Hector grins and shakes his hand. "Wonderful. I knew you would come around and see this from my point of view. It will be a week or so before I can come to Athens personally."

  "That's fine. Nothing is going on right now anyway. I believe Paris is still in the planning phase."

  "Or he is actively doing plenty behind closed doors that he doesn't want you to know about. That boy is dangerously intelligent. Paris is too bright to not be constantly calculating and working on things. I will call you in a few days. But first, you have a contract to sign, Prince Troy."

  * * *

  Zodiac pulls against the ropes binding his wrists behind his back as he is forced to watch the guard push Atlas into the coarse sand. They wouldn't actually kill the researcher they have gone through so much trouble to get. There's no way. Unless Atlas already found what they wanted him to find. Could his diligence be his Achilles heel? When the guard pulls out a 10mm pistol and aims it at Atlas, Zodiac knows he has to do something. To his surprise, Dion acts first.

  "Hey!" Dion shouts at the group of guards with rage flashing in his eyes. "Why don't you bastards turn that gun on us over here? Are you really that scared of a weak little scholar? We are the real threats here."

  Orion chimes in, letting his opinions be known in the same brazen crudeness. "You're just scared because he found what you were looking for when you couldn't. Do intelligent people scare you, assholes? You are nothing but unthinking, mindless brutes who can't take a breath without someone higher up giving you permission. Why don't you let him go and come fight someone who will put up a fight? Surely preying on the weak and defenseless isn't fun for you idiots. I'm sure even someone of your diminished intelligence can see that."

  The guards move in closer around them. One of them hits Orion in the back of the head with the butt of his plasma rifle, sending him to the ground. "Shut up or you'll be next."

  Zodiac jumps when the five shots echo in the cold night air. A sea of dark crimson spreads out from under Atlas's body, soaking the grey sand. "No! Atlas!"

  Atlas now does something no one expects. He begins to crawl on his stomach away from the guard who is still pointing the gun at him. His body is trembling violently and blood is drenching him completely, but he reaches out to Zodiac with his pale hand. "Help . . . me."

  When the final shot is fired into Atlas's head and he collapses instantly to the ground, Zodiac watches the last lingering sparks of life drain from his black eyes until there is nothing left but emptiness.

  * * *

  As soon as Troy goes through the doors to the guild hall, he knows that something has happened. It is far too quiet. Where is everyone? They should be back from Barren Void by now. It should have been a simple in and out operation. Zodiac should have been more than enough protection for that. They were going up against what should have been only a few poorly-trained guards. Though, he acknowledges how many variables have been in play with this way of thinking. Still, he has faith in Zodiac's training and skills in combat.

  When Troy enters the kitchen, Mistress is there waiting for him with mascara staining her cheeks. Her eyes are pink and puffy with tears. Troy's heart sinks. What happened?

  "Troy, you're back.
Thank the gods. Where is Gabriel?"

  "He flew off to Friedhof to get some supplies. What's wrong? What happened?"

  "They're gone. I didn't know it would end this way. What have I done? I was the one who gave the orders to go to Barren Void. I had no way of knowing Paris's men were so prepared. Don't hate me."

  "Why would I hate you?" Troy asks. "Where is everyone?"

  "Here." Mistress holds out a folded letter. "This came for you."

  Troy peels off the red wax seal that has the imprint of a cobra. "A letter? Who the hell writes letters in calligraphy with wax seals like this anymore?"

  "Someone who has a very high opinion of himself."

  Troy studies the fancy curly writing.

  To my bestest friend in the whole wide universe. (That means you, Troy!):

  I hereby extend this formal invitation to you, hoping that you will send a prompt and definitive reply. First, I have to thank you for eliminating Samuels and his shrew of a wife. They were starting to get on my nerves. I suppose you are going to take control of the IGR now? I am only speculating, though. I'm sure everything is perfect on your end. That's how you like it, isn't it? Troy the perfectionist. Troy the pure Nymph. Troy the immaculate. Troy the infallible. If I could cut off parts of your body and sew them onto me, I would. Then I could be perfect just like you, best buddy. If I take your brain and stuff it in my head, maybe I could think like you do.

  Anyway, I digress. Back to the more immediately important details. I'm going to send you a message telepathically. Tell me if you get it. Sending it now. There. I'll wait. La la la . . . did you get it? If not, I will go ahead and write everything here. As you probably already know, some of your friends have joined me here in Athens. We're all becoming such great friends! One week from today, I will be hosting a tournament in the arena. They will all be fighting for their lives in specifically designed competitions that best exploit their worst fears and weaknesses.

  This sounds fun, right? But there's a catch. They are all going to die horrifically awful deaths unless you come and fight as well. If you can defeat my champion, then I will spare the lives of your friends.

  By now, you have undoubtedly received your brother's remains. I let my men give him a quick and moderately painless death. I can't make the same promise for the others. Make your choice wisely, Prince Troy. I will be eagerly awaiting your acceptance. It's been so long since I've played a game with you, my favorite little toy.

  With tons and bunches of love,

  King Paris! <3 XOXOXO

  "What does it say?"

  Troy hands it to her as he finds a chair to sit down. What was that about Atlas? It had to be a game. If something has happened to his brother, Mistress surely would have told him by now, right?

  "Troy . . . I guess you know now. We will give him a proper funeral. I'm so sorry. Zodiac, Dion, and Orion tried to save him, but they were overpowered."

  "What about them?" Troy asks, trying to get his mind out of the dark places he can't deal with right now. "Where are they? Don't tell me they met the same fate."

  "Dion and Orion were taken to Athens."

  "And Zodiac?"

  Mistress sighs and tosses the letter on the table. "According to my one agent working undercover with Paris's guards, Zodiac managed to fight back, but he hasn't been heard from again. We know he was wounded and some guards ran off to find him. That's all we know."

  "Where is Atlas's body?"

  "Parts of it are down in the bunker."

  Troy has to take a few breaths to compose himself before he can speak. "Parts?"

  "It appears that his body was dissected and some parts were removed."

  "After he died?"

  "Yes. The mutilation was posthumous. There is comfort in that at least."

  Troy slams his fist on the arm of the chair. "No! How is there any scrap of comfort in this entire thing? He was the only family I had left. Not only did Paris kill him, but he destroyed his corpse? And for what? To mock me? To shove it in my face and show me how in control he is? How is that comforting? Then he sends me that ridiculous letter, no doubt laughing as he wrote it. This is one big demented game to him. He is playing with our lives like toys. I swear on the souls of my family that I will kill Paris Cunningham if it is the last thing I ever do."

  "Do you want more news?"

  "Good or bad? Oh, why do I even ask? Everything happening now is bad. Go ahead. I can handle it."

  "Isidore has been scrapped and his microchip was incinerated. They managed to extract all his files so they didn't need him anymore."

  "I see."

  "So, what is our plan from here?" Mistress asks. "How do we move on from this? At this point, we have me you, and Gabriel."

  "What happened to Clara Lifestone?"

  "Oh, I guess you wouldn't know. She passed away in her sleep last night. At least someone gets to die a natural death around here."

  Troy scoffs. "How brutally morbid."

  "It's true, is it not?"


  "With us and my one agent, there's not much we can do."

  "And you want me to give you a plan?" Troy asks.

  "I have lost any faith I once had in myself or in what I had thought would happen. I have nothing left. For the first time in my life, I'm completely lost. If you are going to be our king, you need to start making decisions and calling the shots. It's in your hands, Troy. Tell me what you want to do and I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

  She wants him to lead everyone? For so long, Troy has had no say and no power. He has been passed around and left places against his will. How is he supposed to pick up these pieces and make a coherent plan of action before it's too late? His insecurities nearly debilitate him, but then he thinks about Nova. Someone has to save her and everyone else. There has to be a way to end Paris's plans. When that realization hits him, he knows that hesitation and indecision will only serve to make things worse. This is his time to act, his time to do what is right, and his time to prove that he can be king.

  "Please do something, Troy."

  "I'm thinking. No, I'm done thinking. It is time to take action. In one week, I will go to Athens and fight in the arena for the lives of my friends."

  "No! You can't. You aren't as strong as you used to be. Your injuries aren't fully healed."

  He stands and paces around the table. "Don't tell me about my own body. I know full well how weak I've become and how much I have been hurting. That isn't what matters here. That shouldn't have even been brought up."

  "You will die."

  "Then at least I will die knowing I did everything I could to save them. Everyone has given so much for me and for this cause. It is far beyond time for me to give them something in return. Being a king is more than just a bloodline birthright. A true king must do what is best for his people and his kingdom. A king without the trust of those who rely on him is no better than a criminal in pilfered gold and glass jewels. All the wealth and false glory mean nothing if they are piled mindlessly on the shoulders of a coward."

  "Well said. However, I can't have you throw your life away to this trap. That's all this is. Paris wants you and he will do anything to accomplish that goal."

  Troy stops and looks out the window to the snow-covered streets that are still empty and piled with rubble and debris. "I'm not stupid, Mistress."

  "Please call me Cleo."

  "Fine. Cleo, listen to me. You asked me for a plan. This is my one and only plan. Everything will end in that arena. So much started there six years ago. Now it is my chance to finish it. I will fight for each of them. When I get a chance to kill Paris, I will take it in a heartbeat. Look at it this way. This plan gets me as close to him as possible. Until then, I believe we have some moving to finish. Has the governor of Pax called to give her consent?"

  "Yes. Everything is finalized and good to go."

  "Perfect. And what about our ship?" Troy asks. "I'm assuming that Zodiac didn't return it."

; "Donnie and their navigator, Seraph, were able to get off of Barren Void unscathed. We are good on that front."

  "Let's get moving and prepare for next week. I want everything to be in order before I hand myself over to Paris and whatever tortures he has waiting for me."

  "Are you absolutely certain this is the way you want to do this?" Mistress asks.

  "One hundred percent."


  "We're here. Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Mistress asks as the ship lands and she drapes the wool coat over Troy's shoulders.

  "I'll never be ready for it, but I have to do it."

  "Here, please at least take one last dose of your medicine."

  Troy pushes the syringe away. "No. I don't need it anymore. I'm doing much better than I was. I've been lifting weights to get some of my muscles back. I was able to swing my gladius like I used to."

  "Swinging that sword won't be enough in the arena. You have to actually hit things."

  "I can be effective with it." He picks his gladius up from the bed and traces the razor edge with his finger. "I have to be. The lives of my friends depend on my abilities. Though I wonder . . . will Paris even let me use this?"

  "There's no way to know for sure."

  "I just hope that I'll get some armor this time. I hated feeling so vulnerable."

  "Would you even remember how to use your power armor?" Mistress asks.

  "You don't understand the kind of intense training all Royal Knights were put through. That armor became more familiar to us than our own skin. We ran in it, we swam in it, we even slept in it. For a year straight, we didn't take it off. Every aspect of our lives was done in that armor. Sure, it was rough to get used to for us recruits, but we soon discovered how much it had become an intimate part of ourselves. That's why all Royal Knights would spend an hour every morning and every night polishing our armor. It was a sign of pride and our most prized possession. Being without my armor still bothers me. A part of myself is missing."

  "Can you use your power armor with those lead studs in your ears to suppress your nanobots?"


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