A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) Page 25

by Matthew Mitchell

  She blushed more and ducked her head.

  "We have accommodations for each of you." She looked at us and smiled, "Although we left the wagons accessible if you would rather sleep there."

  Raven grinned broadly and poked my ribs. I jumped slightly and looked at her questionably She grinned again and poked me. I just shook my head and hugged her.

  "What about the animals?" I asked this since we had not been involved in the loading.

  Suzie grinned, "Well, they are all stowed away. None are really happy about being on board, but they are secured well enough. The goats were no problem."

  We wandered up on the deck of the boat, the swaying underfoot a pleasant reminder of my trip down the river. We sat around and talked about our travels and challenges. Suzie had survived many attacks, her toughness showing through. She was harder, yet retained that happiness I was familiar with from my time on the barge. We shared about our travels to the capital and then after we escaped. Suzie was fascinated by our adventures and all of our stories.

  Finally, high tide was upon us. The ship was a mad house of sailors preparing to cast off and to leave the harbor. Stain walked up beside Raven and myself.

  "I have Tag and Evins floating just behind the ship in their shields. Your spell is working quite well, although a few small craft have bumped into the shields. It was quite funny actually. When we leave the harbor you will have to keep an eye on them so that we know they are being pulled along with us." He turned to Raven, "Amelia will be handling the first stage of directing the wind into our sails. I wish for you to keep her company so that you might learn how she handles it. That way you can take your turn when the time is right." He explained a few more things, mostly about not letting ourselves wear to thin. "One final thing, I talked to Maria and she agreed to allow Suzie and the Captain know of her presence She is staying in your wagon until we reach land. Be sure to take care of her along with our other companions." He turned and climbed up beside the captain.

  "I want to sleep in our wagon. I feel like it is home." Raven said this quietly, almost nervously.

  I smiled, "Then we will sleep in our home my wife. Perhaps we might eat some meals with the crew. I think it would be polite."

  She smiled broadly, "Careful or you might end up helping cook for the crew once more."

  I smiled, "There are worse things that could happen."

  At that moment the ship started moving with the tide. The ship creaked and swayed as the water flowed around her. The sails billowed out and finally stiffened as the wind blew straight forward. The ship lurched forward, racing away from the harbor and out into the ocean proper. Water stretched as far as the eye could perceive Waves crawled across the surface to throw themselves against rocks and cliffs. Birds filled the air, vying for food and land. I looked behind us and could see Tag and Evins bobbing along behind us. At the base of the cliffs large animals, seals I later found out, laid on the rocks. We pulled away from shore at a steady pace, for what seemed to be hours. The shore slowly faded away until it was a smudge on the horizon. No other ships could be seen.

  "How much farther do we have to go out?" I asked Suzie.

  She smiled, "We are having to go around the mountains that stretch out into the ocean. Otherwise it could rip the very hull apart. It takes a full day to get far enough out to be able to sail around the mountains. Even then, we have to go farther because of the way the ocean flows. If we cut in too soon, the waves will drive us backwards. We will almost reach the islands before turning back towards the kingdom. Then we will be fighting the current to reach the kingdom, all the while avoiding the reefs and shoals that come off the mountains." She grinned a dark grin, "All in all it is a wild ride." She walked off and headed below deck.

  "It is almost time for our meal." The captain was talking to Stain, "Bring along your friends and younglings. We shall share a meal and then rest while we travel." He also went below decks.

  Stain stopped and looked at Raven and myself, "Keep your guard up. This ship has a larger crew and we can not know the loyalties of all them. Stay together at all times. Food will be ready in a short time. Meet me at the captain's dining room. We are in for a treat, I think."

  We nodded and continued watching the ocean. It was fascinating. I had never seen such a large body of water. Raven poked me, "Imagine if we had been kidnapped and hidden at the bottom of the ocean. We would have talked much more before rising to the surface."

  I grinned and shook my head, "You ladies always kept me nervous."

  She laughed and tugged on my arm, "I am hungry. Let us go eat."

  Laughing we went below decks and made our way to the Captain's dining room. An opulent room with paintings on the walls.

  "This was once the king's own dining room. Now us lowly men shall dine like the king." The captain motioned for everyone to sit down and the crew brought forward course after course until we were stuffed. "My friends, it has been a long time since I could share a meal with those I call such. I hope that our journey is fruitful and that we shall bring some much needed relief to our kingdom." He toasted our group and then retired for the night.

  "He has been worried so much since we took this ship." Suzie stated this dryly. "His only hope has been that he would find you and bring you to the king."

  "I am glad he was at the harbor. We were trying to figure out how to get to the kingdom when he appeared." Stain smiled.

  Suzie nodded, "That was just the latest time we made anchor there. The pirates accept us as one of their own now. It helps that we have been raiding the invaders and bringing the spoils back to sell." She stood. "War changes people, be aware that my father has changed. He is loyal, but he is tired." She left the room.

  "I worry about our friends. This war is putting a strain upon them." Stain commented. "Keep an eye on things. If anything seems off to you, let me know." With this warning he also left the room to find his berth.


  That night a storm set upon the ship. It blew so hard that even the combined might of all of our magics could not keep it on course. The ship tossed and spun throughout the night. The crew kept the ship intact, Suzie's magic coming to their aid many times. Finally, the storm broke and the sun came through the clouds. We were all exhausted and sought our berths. When Raven and I awoke there was a great commotion on deck. We raced to the deck to discover that the crew was upset and pointing over the side of the ship. A massive island sat in the middle of the ocean. Smoke furled up from the top of the mountain. Massive forests surrounded the base of the mountain and white sand covered the shoreline.

  "Where are we?" Raven asked as she leaned against me.

  "We have been blown farther out to sea than I had hoped." The captain walked up behind us. "That is the Burning Island. Very few ships land here, fewer still return." He pointed off to the side of the island. We looked and saw a massive amount of ships wrecked on the rocks there. "The waters around the island are no friends to sailors. We must be careful of the island, but also of those who live here. They have traveled out to live away from most people, from most kingdoms. They can be dangerous." He walked off and headed to direct his crew.

  "We need water." Stain walked up behind us. "A small crew will go ashore and fill up barrels. Be wary. The captain is right about those who live here. Some have magic, others are simply dangerous." He followed the captain.

  "This should be fun." Suzie leaned against the railing. "The last time we were here some people tried to take the ship. I was forced to use magic to defend the ship." Her tone made it obvious that she felt those people were fools.

  "Do we need to help?" Raven asked.

  Suzie shook her head, "The crew knows what to do. I will be watching over the ship as will my father. I am sure Stain will be keeping him company." She walked off to oversee the loading of a small craft to go ashore.

  We stood at the railing and watched the crew launch the small craft. It rowed into a small bay, one with soft beaches and massive trees marching almost to the w
ater line. Occasionally we could see people looking out from either the forest or down from rocky outcroppings. None seemed to worried about being seen, but also none approached the landing area the craft was aiming towards. A small stream could be seen flowing over rocks and down the beach. The crew shortly pulled up beside the stream and started filling large barrels with fresh water. A few crew could be seen unloading some crates.

  "What is in the crates?" I asked.

  "A peace offering. It will hopefully make the residents of the island peaceful and allow our crew to return safely." The captain had walked up behind us quietly. "I think a few bags of food will keep us safe and I am willing to pay that price." He walked off, heading to the front of the ship.

  Shortly the crew had filled all the barrels and unloaded the crates of food. They returned quickly, straining to pull the craft back out to the ship. We watched as people came down to the beach and hauled off crate after crate of food. Soon the crew was back on board and the barrels were loaded into the hold. The ship weighed anchor and turned away from the island, leaving it behind us on the horizon.

  "We were blown about a week off course. The storm drove us farther out into the ocean than I would ever wish to go under my own power." The captain was explaining at our evening meal. "We will have to be under full wind for at least five days to even get close to the shore. Then we will have to travel back down the coast. The storm not only blew us out but upwards, past where we wanted to land. Which means we will be coming in at a location that is more controlled by the enemy." He looked at Stain. "We have been masquerading as pirates, so the enemy ignores us as long as we do not stay in one location too long. To unload all of your wagons, animals, and people we will have to use a small cove, one that is unknown to most people. If we can unload you quickly then we will continue down the coast, patrolling for ships to plunder. At least to the enemies eyes. Once we get close enough we will have to be prepared to unload quickly and at almost no notice."

  Stain nodded, "We will do what is needed when the time is upon us."

  We all looked around at each other. The table was a somber place that meal.


  The next week passed slowly, each of us helping with various aspects of the ship. Surprisingly, Tag and Evins had stayed attached to the ship. Their ride was a little wilder than ours, but they seemed to be doing okay. Each of us mages took turns driving the wind into the sails, flying forward towards our destination. Raven worked hard on her knife work, but also worked on her herbal work. She wanted to be able to heal if needed. Maria kept Raven and I company most days, as we spent a lot of time in our wagon working with magic or herbs. She told us stories and helped us with our pursuits. Her training as a scout had covered much herb lore and her nature in magic allowed her to help with our magic. Stain and the rest kept themselves busy also. Working to prepare for war. Each wagon was fortified with spells of defense and protection. Magical weapons were made and stored. Stain worked hard to spy out the coast and figure out our best path from the ocean into the kingdom's interior. He kept an eye out for the king at all times, yet never seemed to find him. I scryed my father on occasion, usually finding him training men or resting beside the fire. He would flinch slightly then smile and wave. Knowing he was safe kept me from worrying too much most days.

  "I am sick of the ocean." Raven stated one evening. "There is nothing but water. I want land. I was born to be on land." She huffed and threw her latest knife across the wagon into a target laying there. Maria flew upwards out of the way. Mophar pulled his tail up and around him. Pat looked on and rolled his eyes.

  "Me also. We should be seeing land anytime now. Once we get close enough we can sight where we are and head for that cove." I rubbed her shoulders for a moment, trying to ease her tension.

  "I need to work off this stress." She stood up and grabbed a staff. "We both could do with a little combat practice." With that she ducked out the wagon.

  "You better go. If you keep her waiting she will just beat you worse." Pat commented around a smirk.

  I nodded and grabbed my staff. Outside the wagon she was working to clear a space for combat. I helped for a few moments and then some crew realized what was about to happen. They joined in and soon we had a large area for our practice.

  "Defend yourself husband!" That was all the warning Raven gave before attacking. I barely raised my staff in time and felt the wood shudder from the impact.

  "Careful. I might think you are really trying to kill me." I half heartedly joked.

  "If you can not defend yourself then someone else will. Therefore, I will attack full out." She lunged again, this time sweeping her staff at my knees. I dodged this time and swung my staff in counter. She blocked and stepped back momentarily. We continued on this way until we both dripped sweat.

  "Enough!" Stain's voice called out. We both froze and stepped back. "I imagine you both are hurting, considering how many blows you both have landed. I can appreciate a good weapons practice, but to injure one another is too much."

  I looked at Raven and realized we both had minor cuts and bruises. I smiled and shook my head. She smiled back and started laughing. Soon it was all we could do to stand, we were laughing so hard.

  "What is so funny?" Stain asked, sounding annoyed.

  Raven wiped her face clear, "We fought hard, but neither of us gave any quarter. We fought as if our lives depended on it, yet neither succeeded in doing any real damage. We are both wore out, but we are ready to fight." Raven looked over at Stain, "And we just had a lot of fun doing it."

  Stain rolled his eyes and walked away, muttering something about crazy people.

  Raven set her staff aside and hugged me, "I feel much better my husband. How about we eat something?" She carried her staff into the wagon and I followed her. I could hear the crew talking as we walked off. Some were impressed, others were making comments much like Stain. I just smiled and climbed into the wagon.


  A few days later the call rang out across the ship, land had been sighted. We all rushed to the deck to see for ourselves. Land was indeed in sight. A green coast could be seen just on the horizon.

  "Tonight we will weigh anchor while figuring out where exactly we are along the coast. If we are where I think we are then our destination is less than a day's travel." The captain looked tired. "The mages can rest tonight. Without their help that trip would have taken much longer."

  Stain nodded, "I think we all need a break. Where do you think we are?"

  The captain grimaced, "I think that is the Forest of Fear."

  Stain looked surprised, "Truly?"

  Nodding the captain stated, "With the driving of the storm and the alignment of the stars, I am fairly certain."

  Stain leaned back and considered, "I think we need to talk privately." He rose from his chair and left the room. The captain arose and followed. Their voices carried enough that we heard the captain object to something quite loudly. Finally, Stain entered alone.

  "Tomorrow we make land. Be prepared to unload." He left the room and headed towards the captain's cabin.

  "What was that all about?" Tulip asked.

  Raven answered that one, "It is about the Forest of Fear. It is supposedly a forest protected by magical creatures. They keep all people out through fear. People have supposedly died from the fear."

  Tulip looked at me and I shrugged, "I have never heard of it."

  Tulip shook her head, "I hope your master knows what he is doing. Otherwise he might have something else to fear than a forest." She stood up and marched out of the room.

  I turned to Raven, "Have you ever been in the forest?"

  She shook her head, "Not me. But I knew some who grew up along it's edge. They swore that it was a dangerous place that no people could enter and survive. They told stories of people entering and their bodies being found later at the edge of the forest. Like something had carried them from the woods and left the bodies for someone to gather up." She shivered. "I trust Stain, bu
t this concerns me."

  I nodded, thinking I needed to talk to my master.

  Later that evening I waited in his room, waiting to talk to him. Finally, he entered and smiled wearily.

  "I thought you might be here. Either you or Tulip. You I would rather talk to right now." He sat down and took off his boots. "I am guessing you are wondering about the dangers in the Forest of Fear." He chuckled, "Such a silly name. Little do people realize that there is nothing to fear, as long as the agreement is followed." He stretched and I could hear joints popping. "The group of creatures that reside in that particular area of forest are dangerous, just as many creatures are that you might encounter. Including people. But they are loyal to the kingdom, since we gave them a safe haven to live." He smiled broadly, "That was one of my prouder moments." He looked at me and laughed, "At least you are less worried. Reassure your bride that we will be safe entering the forest. I have unusual access to this area and I will see us through the forest safely." He motioned me to rise and gently pushed me out of the room. "Trust me, Ott. Everything will be fine."


  The Forest of Fear looked just like all other forest. Trees, bushes, and vines all grew along the land. The trees at times dipped right into the water. The ship unloaded us at a beach that once must have been a safe harbor. The stone pilings for a dock still stood against the waves, yet all the wood had rotted off.

  "Everyone get ready to move out soon." Stain called out. "I will be right back." He stepped into the woods and disappeared from view. Suddenly a great howling rang out of the woods. Growls could be heard as well. It sounded like a violent attack, except we could hear Stain's voice calling out in a strange language. Soon the noise died down and Stain's voice faded. We waited nervously for quite some time. Stain finally walked out of the woods with a smile on his face. "Okay, let us get going." He walked up to Tag and patted his head. "Stay on the path and follow our guide." He pointed towards the woods and we looked to see a massive creature standing there. Everyone was shocked, someone even let out a scream. The creature smiled, teeth showing.


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