A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3)

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A Coursing Passage (A Life of Magic Book 3) Page 27

by Matthew Mitchell

  Stain sat down, "It has been a long time since one of the under-brethren payed me a visit. He looked around at all of us. "Hook up the animals quietly just before the moon rises. We will hope to leave quietly and swiftly."

  Everyone finished eating solemnly and went about preparing the camp for the night that lay ahead.


  A soft knock on the wagon woke us from a light sleep.

  "Strange Wind is here. Time to leave." Stain's voice carried through the shutters.

  Raven stood up and pulled me to my feet. "Time to run again." She hugged me closely.

  I held her close, "Stain knows what he is doing."

  We left the wagon and Raven climbed to the drivers seat. The rest were all prepared to leave.

  "Let us leave this place." Strange Wind stated simply and turned. He walked to the wall of the basin and knocked gently. The sound of stone grinding against stone whispered out into the night air. Soon a dark opening was standing ready for us. Strange Wind walked into the inky depth and disappeared from view.

  Stain waved the wagons through, Tag leading the way. "Ott, stay here with me until they are all in." We stood there and waited while each wagon slowly entered the rocky side. We could hear soft instructions being given as each one entered and faded from view. Raven was the last to enter the entrance. As the wagon entered a cry from the camp went up. "Someone just discovered that our camp was just an illusion." Stain and I stepped close to the wagon. "Be prepared to defend this opening if anyone dares to attack." We walked backwards as the wagon ever so slowly went deeper into the dark. Suddenly a bright light was cast above the camp, a ball of magic that illuminated the entire basin. Men emerged from tents, covering their eyes. The sentry's looked around and a few pointed at Stain and myself. "Here they come!" Stain cried out as we both pushed our shields outwards to halt anyone from coming near. We kept walking backwards, guarding the entrance as it started to close. "We must enter before it seals. It is not a door, but a magical path. If it seals they will be lost to us and we will be left here!" Stain stepped back and pushed me into the opening. I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him after me as the door ground to a close, just shy of a few soldiers hastening to catch us.

  "That was closely done, Hammer of Man." A deep voice wafted from the darkness. "Strange Wind was right to bring you." A spark snapped into life above the head of a massive dwarf. He was my height but easily twice my width. "I am called Ore of Heart, I lead this warren." He turned and led us farther down the tunnel. "Your companions await you at our hall. They are strangers, however I believe you would have them given safe passage under your protection."

  "You would be accurate Ore of Heart." Stain's voice held relief. "Thank you for your timely rescue."

  Ore of Heart nodded, "Our elders called for our intervention. There is much trouble that disturbs the upper reaches. They have even intruded into the under reaches."

  Stain stopped in shock, "Our conflict has entered your warren's?"

  Ore of Heart turned and nodded, "Not only has the battle entered the warren's. Some have taken sides on both sides. Those who can not resist Miner's Bane have gone over to the enemy. We lost three from our warren when Iron City fell." He continued down the path, "Come, our elders would talk with you."

  The path sloped downwards and entered what could only be called a city underground. There were caves that were obviously homes, stores, even places of sports.

  "This is your first time in one of our warren's?" Ore of Heart asked me.

  "Yes sir, it is. I have never had the privilege in meeting one of your brethren or seeing your homes." I answered, thinking respectful might be the best way to answer.

  Ore of Heart stopped and looked at me. "Such a well spoken lad." He looked at Stain, "Not what the stories describe your master as at first." He chuckled and continued leading us through the stone passages.

  Stain grinned and followed. "That was a good answer, Ott. Continue in that manner when talking with any of the brethren." He walked through a large opening and entered what could be considered a courtyard, the wagons lined up to one side.

  "The Hall of Iron. Be welcome all who come in peace!" A voice boomed out across the courtyard.

  Stain stepped forward and called out, "I, Hammer of Man do come to the Hall of Iron in peace. Even peace during times of war. My companions are under my protection of peace and do agree to abide with peace."

  "I, Breaker of Mines, do welcome you as a son of stone and brethren of gems. Be welcome in peace." The voice boomed once more. It was coming from the doorway at the far end of the courtyard. "Come forward and be known."

  Stain stepped forward and pointed out each member of our group, every one of us. Animals and faerie included. "Be known to our group, Breaker of Mines and be at peace."

  A deep laugh rang out and the figure stepped down from the doorway. An even larger dwarf walked towards us. He easily stood as tall as the wagons and was as wide. "It is good to welcome one who is familiar with our ways." He grabbed Stain in the largest bear hug I had ever witnessed. Setting Stain down, slightly breathless, Breaker of Mines turned and surveyed our group. "Mankind is so informal, call me Breaker. I am the elder in this warren. It was my intervention that kept you from your enemy." He turned and led us into the Hall of Iron. "We watched as he deceived you and flattered you. Yet I would share his tale with you." He pointed to a large disk of iron. "Watch and learn."

  The disk started to glow and a story unfolded before our very eyes.


  Sir Gealtaire could be seen in a castle. He stood staring out of the window.

  "So, you will capture Iron City and destroy it?" He asked of a shadow behind him.

  The shadow flickered and swayed, "Yes, you must be there to catch any stragglers." A haunting voice oozed from the shadow. "It will be your responsibility to handle them until I return. If you fail, you will perish. As will all you hold dear."

  Sir Gealtaire nodded, "In return I will be made king?"

  "You will hold the land from the waters to the plains as your kingdom. I have a few other loyal who will hold other sections as kings. You four will control the kingdom as separate entities, but will cooperate in those endeavors I instruct." The shadow moved to the side.

  "Very well, I will do as you ask." Sir Gealtaire turned and bowed to the shadow.

  "I do not ask. I instruct." A bolt of purple energy shot from the shadow and wrapped around Sir Gealtaire. It writhed over his body and sank into his skin. "Do not forget your place." Sir Gealtaire screamed and fell to the floor. Finally, what must have felt like an eternity he laid still and breathed deeply.

  "Very well. I obey your will." Sir Gealtaire groaned out.

  The shadow shimmered and folded sideways, seeming to slip through a crack in the very air. Sir Gealtaire looked around in hate and fear. Seeing that the shadow had left him, he arose and left the room.

  The disk shimmered and another scene appeared.

  Sir Gealtaire stood atop the rise viewing the Iron City. The shadow stood beside him.

  "We have surrounded the city. At the sun's setting we will destroy it to the very foundations." The shadow pointed.

  A massive army of men, beast, and creatures that defied description surrounded the Iron City where flags flew over massive metal walls and buildings.

  "What about those inside the city?" Sir Gealtaire asked.

  "They will be destroyed along with their precious fortress. They imagine a little metal can defeat my master. Their folly will be their death." The shadow shook and pointed off towards where the wash was hidden. "Hide yourselves there. Capture any that escape or arrive too late to be destroyed. After today we march on other locations. More destruction lies ahead." With another twist of the air, the shadow vanished.

  Sir Gealtaire led his men down the path.

  The disk shimmered and it grew darker.

  "Where is your master?" Sir Gealtaire commanded a soldier to answer. The soldier was tied to a post and had obviously b
een beat. Blood ran down his naked back.

  "My king is my master. As is he yours." The soldier replied through a broken mouth.

  "Be rid of this trash. He has no answers." Sir Gealtaire commanded his soldiers and turned to his own tent.

  The disk shimmered once more.

  "The king's mage fled tonight." Sir Gealtaire was scared. "He was helped by some force that I do not understand. They went right through the rock."

  The shadow shook, "The king's mage is in another kingdom! Who was it that you held?" The purple energy wrapped Sir Gealtaire once more, digging and pulling.

  "It was him! I know his face!" Sir Gealtaire cried out as he fell to the floor. "He even had others with him."

  The purple energy withdrew, "What others?", demanded the shadow.

  "A woman blade master covered in weapons, an old woman, a young couple, and a young man. They drove wagons and had beasts with them." Sir Gealtaire took deep breaths, obviously in pain.

  "So, the mage returns with his brat. And brings others to share their fate." The shadow chuckled. "Find them. Until you find them this pain will never leave your body." The purple energy attacked once more, sinking deep into Sir Gealtaire as he screamed and cried. "When they lay at my feet your pain shall leave you and a crown will be yours." The shadow shook and vanished as Sir Gealtaire laid on the floor, shivering with pain.


  "As you see, this Sir Gealtaire has betrayed his oaths and swore to another." Breaker turned. "This is a true telling." He sat in an enormous chair. "Sit, we shall talk."

  We all took seat at the table and waited for Stain's reaction.

  "I am not surprised, yet relieved at your timely intervention." He stated clearly. "However, we must leave. We put the brethren at great risk by being here."

  Breaker nodded, "This is true. You shall depart. Shortly, but not yet. Our elders would have words with you." He stood up and motioned Stain to follow him. "Only one of the brethren might meet with the elders. Hammer of Man was made a brethren long ago, he alone may come with me. Eat, rest, and wait." Breaker and Stain walked through a doorway and massive doors shut behind them.

  "That traitorous slime!" Raven pulled out a knife and started cutting some fruit apart. "I knew something was wrong. I should have killed him when we entered his tent."

  Tulip shook her head, "You did not know he was a traitor and oath breaker. Until you had that knowledge you had no justification to kill him."

  Raven looked over at Tulip and frowned, "That does not make me feel any better."

  Tulip laughed, "Neither should it. It is simply the fact that you are a better person. Life is sacred."

  I took a piece of bread and ate it slowly. "What now?"

  Tulip looked at me, "What do you mean?"

  "Iron City is destroyed. The king was there. Now what do we do?" I looked around at everyone.

  Tulip looked at me sadly, "Maybe the king was there. Even if he was, the kingdom is still at war. We fight. Maybe the king was not there. If he still lives, Stain most likely wants to join him."

  I nodded and ate my bread in silence. We waited a long time. Finally Stain emerged from the doorway.

  "We leave in three days time. The brethren shall provision us and escort us from their warren. From there we are on our own." He turned and looked at me. "We will join with your father and his men. If anyone knows where the king might be, your father would be my best guess."

  Breaker came through the doorway behind Stain. "This youngling is the son of Fletched Stone?"

  Stain smiled, "His only son. We will rejoin him and see if we can not track down this shadow and his master." Stain's voice was like iron.

  Breaker nodded, "I will make sure you get started well. Come, we will dine and then rest." His massive form led the way from the hall.

  The next three days were spent on fixing any problems on the wagons and making sure we had all the provisions we needed. The dwarves provided some unique tools and supplies that were of greater craftsmanship than any I had seen. We traded enchanted gems for all our provisions. Stain spent his time in meetings while the rest of us worked and practiced our magic. The dwarves were entertained by our magic. They seemed to be familiar with magic, yet other than the escape tunnel and disk there was none to be found.

  "Do they do magic?" Raven asked one afternoon.

  Tulip nodded, "I feel strong earth and fire magic all around. I believe they lack the ability to use water or air magic."

  "That is correct my young friend." A massive dwarf commented suddenly. "I am Heart of the Mountain, another elder of this warren."

  Tulip looked at her and bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet such a mage as oneself."

  Heart of the Mountain smiled and bowed gently. "You are correct in both things. The brethren and sisters are creatures of earth and fire. We have no access or need for water or air. Our very nature and history is molded and shaped by earth and fire. Also, you are correct in saying I am a mage. The elder mage of the warren to be exact. I would have words with you and your companions." She stood there, immense and patient.

  Tulip looked around, "Hammer of Man is not here at the moment. If you desire to talk to him he shall be back shortly."

  Heart of the Mountain laughed, "He is meeting with Breaker of Mines at the moment. I would speak with you, the apprentices, and the earth creature that accompanies you."

  Tulip bowed, "Very well, we shall sit and talk." She called the rest of us together. "Ott is Hammer of Man's apprentice, as is Raven. Fiosrach is the earth creature that travels with us."

  "And your name?" Heart of the Mountain asked.

  "I am called Tulip." She stated.

  Heart of the Mountain, "That is what you are called, but that is not the name you claimed. Never the less, I will call you Tulip." She turned and sat down. "I come to talk about magic with you. Your master has given his blessing for this discussion." She leaned back and thought a moment. "We handle magic in a much different manner, but it is the same as your magic. We have it flowing through our bodies from the day we are born. As children we gain mastery over our magic and learn to use it just like any skill. Some are greater, some are more skilled. Others lack more than is needed to survive. See, we are creatures of earth and fire. Our bodies are from earth and fire drives us. When one of us dies the fire falters and our body returns to the earth." She looked at us and smiled, "I tell you this so that you might understand what is next. You all possess some power of earth. You must master this power beyond any of your possible limitations you understand. The war that wages now shall overtake all of the world, both above and below, if you can not defeat your enemy. We of the under places shall lend you aid in times of trouble, yet we can not survive long above ground. Our fire flickers and we grow weak. There is a magic that you have not explored in all of your time. The ability to merge your skill and will behind one being." She turned to me. "You have worked together to work spells, but I am talking about becoming as one as you work a spell. One controlling all the magic at the call of the group. Your young friend here is pure earth magic. He draws his magic from deep in the earth. He will be your power." She pointed at Raven, "This one is a finely honed weapon. Accurate and true. She will provide the discipline you need to execute your combined skill." She turned to Tulip. "You bring age and wisdom. This shall temper the group to actions that are both wise and needed." She finally turned to me. "Young Ott, you are destined to be the hand that wields this weapon. You will be the one that creates and controls. If you falter, you shall all perish."

  She stood up. "Here is all you need to understand what I have told you." She handed a small book to me. "Learn or die. That is your option." She turned and slowly left the room.

  We all sat there and looked at the book. "What do you think she means?" Raven asked quietly.

  Tulip sat there and shook her head. "She means that there will be a point that we will have to meld our powers in such a way that we become one entity working magic together and that if we fail then we
shall all perish." Tears started to fall from her cheeks. "There will be no secrets, no hidden thoughts." She stood up, "I need to talk to Stain. Stay here and continue your work." She slowly walked away, still crying gently.


  "We leave today." Stain stated this simply at breakfast. "Be sure to pack everything. Breaker will be sending us out of the mountains just shy of where Ott's father is camped. We will join up with him and make plans." He stood up and walked off.

  "The big day!" Mophar jumped from the wagon and landed on my shoulder. "I am tired of all this rock."

  I smiled and gave him a piece of fruit. "I am also. I want to feel the breeze in my hair and hear birds again."

  Raven smiled and made a noise like a bird singing.

  "Oh.. I hear a raven." Mophar joked and tossed a seed at Raven.

  She laughed and hugged me. "It will not be long. Today we will feel the grass under our feet." She stood up and started gathering up our scattered belongings.

  "I will be glad to be outdoors once more." Tag's voice rumbled through the cave. "I get tired of being surrounded by rock."

  We all grinned and got to work on packing up camp. By midday we were ready to leave and eating our meal. Stain returned just in time to join us.

  "The guards are ready and waiting on us. As soon as we finish eating we continue on the part of our journey." He seemed excited.

  "How are we leaving the warren?" I asked Stain.

  He grinned, "Why, the same way we came in. Magic and an exit through rock." He grinned more broadly at our faces. "Did you think this warren was under the plains of the Iron City? We are in the mountains next to the plain. The brethren keep watch from outposts. They brought us to the warren, the outpost would barely fit Tag, much less all of us and the wagons."

  I just shook my head and smiled. "Where is my father?"

  Stain frowned, "He seems to have holed up in the forest to the far east. Just beyond the swamps and moors. How he arrived there must be a story. I look forward to hearing it."

  Breaker walked up, "Time is short. Is everyone ready?"


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