A Steel Town (A Gateway to Love #3)

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A Steel Town (A Gateway to Love #3) Page 7

by Chloe Barlow

  Trey clearly had tried to keep the fascinating identity of his father a secret. Despite those efforts, she’d figured it out pretty easily. Claudia had a personal understanding for anyone’s yearning to distance their life from their father’s. Yet, she was curious to a fault, which made Trey that much more dangerous. No one had ever sparked her desperate urge for discovery as much as he. After only one day of working with him, she’d found herself sitting in front of her laptop all night, determined to figure out who in the hell Trey really was.

  His whole life, especially the period after he dropped out of Stanford his sophomore year, was a total mystery. Somehow, the more she learned about Trey, the more she found herself longing for him to bite her again.

  What Claudia wanted didn’t matter to Trey, though — which was a far too familiar feeling for her.

  Her mind went to its dark place, the one it visited every time she felt different…broken. Because no matter how hard she took risks to make the most of her life, rejection never sat well with her. It hurt her deep inside to think Trey would just be one more link in a long chain of things she wanted, but would always stay just out of her grasp.

  Trey had been all business since their passionate moment in her kitchen. In fact, he’d barely spoken to her since, and the resulting sense of brutal disappointment it instilled in her came with an almost acidic aftertaste, as though she’d thrown up and brushing her teeth had only made it worse.

  His recent ice-cold behavior had left her deeply confused, because Claudia truly believed Trey wanted her, just as much as she did him.

  She knew he’d probably already been with tons of women. A jolt of jealousy shot through her blood at the idea of how many women Trey had touched, or bitten, or licked before her. Hell, as far as Claudia was concerned, anyone who didn’t want to have sex with Trey had likely just not met him yet.

  None of that mattered now, because Claudia wasn’t going to put up with his crap anymore. He could treat her like a professional, or he could touch her like — well, she didn’t really know…but she was going to make him choose one of those two options.

  What did she have to lose? Claudia had been going into the office every day — reviewing old files and searches, running through Jack Taylor’s flash drive repeatedly. But Trey was practically avoiding her, and he was still refusing to let her use her hacking skills for the investigation. He’d suddenly decided to be a complete angel with her, but she found herself missing the devilish side of him.

  They’d spoken in crisply efficient bursts, but the only real conversation they’d had — about her interviewing David Murphy — had been…unproductive. In fact, Trey had almost lost his shit when she’d proposed the idea of meeting with the man.

  Everything about Pittsburgh and the FBI was feeling like the most oppressive waste of time. Claudia knew she could always join a security company. The demand for her cybersecurity skills in the private sector was high, and the pay was certainly better. But it was never about the money for her. It was about using her brain to help the world — showing the other lonely, scared young diabetics in the world they could accomplish anything they set their mind to do.

  She’d already found out the sheer force of her desire couldn’t overcome everything, though. If it could, she’d be in the Marine Corps instead of being rejected when she’d insisted on serving in combat. Besides, leaving the FBI was also the surest sign of defeat, and Claudia was no quitter.

  “Stop whining, you big baby,” Claudia quietly growled out loud to herself.

  Claudia only knew of one strategy to employ in life — advance until you can’t move forward anymore. It was time to take Trey on and make him deal with her, regardless of the outcome. If she had to knock him on his ass again to whack some sense into him, so be it. Claudia was always more comfortable with blunt force, instead of words, anyway.

  Pushing through the slightly ajar front door, Claudia was immediately greeted by Tea’s sweet, but somehow always sultry sounding, voice.

  “Claude! You made it!” Tea exclaimed, running to her and giving her a quick one-armed hug, leaving her other hand free to hold a glass of wine.

  “Hi, Tea. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Of course! Come on in. Did you end up feeling okay after the last time we saw you?” Tea added quietly, so only Claudia could hear her.

  “Um, oh, great, thanks. About me having to lie down…”

  “No need to explain. We’ve all been there. Jenna said you had a little bug that night. I wish I’d known, or I wouldn’t have forced my crazy fruit concoction down your throat. I’m not really the best bartender. Sorry.”

  “You’re awesome, don’t be silly. Yeah, a bug… I guess you could call it that. But tell me about this house? It’s so beautiful!” Claudia paused to take in the whole effect of the expansive foyer — and to peer around surreptitiously in the hopes of spotting Trey.

  “Thanks! I couldn’t be happier with the renovations. I imagine Jenna told you what a mess it was when we got it. It had been completely neglected for decades, but we could tell it just needed a second chance — like it was waiting for us to come and make it whole again.”

  Tea’s eyes scanned the room, falling on her handsome fiancé. He turned and smiled at her, his deep-set dimples creasing his cheeks. Claudia could almost feel Tea’s heart respond to him. Their obvious connection was touching, though it ran a shot of envy through Claudia, as well.

  “Tea, are you being all dramatic again?” Jenna asked, appearing from behind Tea to give Claudia a kiss.

  “What would I do without Jenna here to keep me from getting all mushy?”

  “It’s a gift,” Jenna answered. “The place really does look awesome, Tea. Please tell me you weren’t in charge of any remodeling. I know how obsessed you get with doing things yourself, no matter how disastrous it can be. Do I need to be scared of turning on any lights?”

  “Don’t worry. Griffen had to hold me back from doing anything to it, so I didn’t hurt myself — or damage the house. He knows I’m a certified spaz.”

  “Is that a technical term?” Claudia teased.

  “It should be when it’s the level of clumsiness Tea has. Hey, girl!” Aubrey grabbed Claudia from behind in a bear hug, which almost knocked her over. Jenna stepped to her other side, giving her arm a quick squeeze. “How does he keep you from trying to become a handy man, Tea? Do tell,” Aubrey continued.

  “Lucky for me, he has several surefire ways of distracting me. And each of them are far more satisfying than any of my DIY urges.”

  “I knew it,” Aubrey exclaimed. “Good thing you have all these rooms now — more private places for you two to break in. Considering how you used to do it in every random place you found while you were keeping the two of you a secret.”

  “This is much better, and more convenient.”

  “Come on, you two. Don’t terrorize Claudia too much. Look at her, she’s blushing,” Jenna chided, pursing her pink lips and narrowing her cornflower blue eyes. Her long, blonde hair was done in lovely waves, accenting her simple formfitting dress, which did wonders for showcasing her Playboy centerfold bosom. As always, she managed to make everything she did look effortless.

  “Oh, no, you guys are great. I love the bad impression you’ve given me. Please don’t change,” Claudia responded quickly, an easy smile stretching over her face for the first time in days. Large crowds always had a way of making Claudia feel uneasy and awkward, but these women took the edge off a little.

  “Good, then we will continue to be on our usual worst behavior. It’s such a shame Tea’s mom, Vivian, couldn’t be here. She’s a blast, and talk about someone who can make you blush!” Aubrey exclaimed.

  “No kidding,” Tea added. “She’s giving a talk in Singapore tomorrow, but Griffen’s mom, Valerie, is going to videotape anything memorable for her,” she explained, with a twinkle of anticipation in her eye.

  “Can you tell Tea is excited, Claude?” Aubrey interjected.

And why shouldn’t she be, right? What do you think? Isn’t this place stunning?” Jenna asked.

  “It’s incredible. I may never leave,” Claudia enthused.

  “We have to thank all those dead-steel magnates, for building so many beautiful homes in the 20s. I’m going to pour out a tumbler of scotch on the yard for Andrew Carnegie later,” Aubrey enthused.

  “She means it,” Jenna added calmly. “Brey’s taken so many pictures of this house, it’s like she’s casing the joint.”

  “Who said I’m not? Griffen’s loaded, I could rob worse…if I were so inclined.”

  “Well, it’s my house, too, and I would rather you not,” Tea declared with a sassy chuckle, but it turned into a delighted squeal when Griffen hugged her from behind. He kissed her neck and whispered something to her, which made her face turn scarlet red. She turned to kiss him so deeply Claudia had to look away.

  Still holding Tea around the waist with one arm, he reached his other hand toward Claudia, “You must be Claudia, I’m so glad you could make it. Trey told me he’s been working with you while he’s consulting for the FBI. He’s really impressed, and that’s saying a lot. Almost nothing impresses Trey.”

  The compliment made warmth crawl from Claudia’s back, all the way up to her neck and cheeks.

  “Wait, you’ve been spending time with our sexy international man of mystery? You have to tell us everything you learn,” Aubrey instructed her.

  “I’m sure I don’t really know anything about him,” she mumbled out, suddenly aware of Jenna’s appraising gaze sear the side of her face. “Is Trey here, yet?” she asked Griffen, trying desperately to keep her tone steady, even as she felt Jenna’s intent gaze practically burning a hole in the side of her head.

  “Yeah, but he’s playing with Johnny in the backyard right now. He should be in any second though, because we have an announcement to make, right, gorgeous?”

  Tea smiled, kissing Griffen on the cheek and nuzzling her nose into one of his dimples. His deep blue eyes sparkled like sun glinting on an ocean.

  “Why yes, we do. And I can’t wait anymore.”

  “Thank you all for joining us in our new home,” Griffen announced to the crowd of guests now gathered in the main room, eager to hear Griffen and Tea’s big news. He held Tea’s hand, drawing her flush against his side. “We’re so excited to share our house with you. You all might know this woman by her nickname, Tea, but to me she will always be Althea — the woman I met my first night back here after so many years away, who quickly turned out to be the best thing that will ever happen to me. Lucky for me, she’s taken a chance on this Pittsburgh boy…a chance on us.”

  Griffen paused briefly to lean down and kiss the top of Tea’s head, smiling when his lips grazed her lush hair.

  “I’d traveled the world, written books and articles, but I didn’t know anything truly important until I met Althea, because she taught me falling in love is the most important thing we do in life. Finding that person, creating a life with them…a family…nothing else will ever measure up.”

  The room filled with a combination of gentle “ahhhs” while a couple guys let out some happy hollers. Griffen and Tea laughed, each wrapping their arms around the other’s waist, eyes locking and smiles matching in a way, which was almost embarrassingly intimate to watch.

  Claudia scanned the room full of numerous unfamiliar faces. Her own nervousness began to take root again, until her glance fell on Trey. He was at the far end of the room and hadn’t spotted her yet, as his eyes were intently focused on his friend. Yet, seeing him made her forget any of the shyness, which usually plagued her when she felt out of place. Instead, all she could think about was the strong lines of his handsome face.

  Griffen’s voice broke through her thoughts, as he continued his speech.

  “To the Pittsburghers who know me from back in the day, you’ll be happy to hear my mom made lots of great food, but sorry, no chipped chopped ham or pierogies, this time. And listen up, if any of yinz get too drunk n’at, there’s a Pittsburgh potty dahn in the basement for ya’ jags to get sick in. Now, for all you non-Pittsburgh natives, such as my beautiful fiancée here, I’ll be happy to translate that part of the speech for yinz later.”

  Tea elbowed him, but she was still beaming with pleasure. She turned to the guests and added, “Now that Griffen is done teaching me some more ‘Pittsburghese,’ we can get on with the big news of the night. What really makes us so happy tonight is knowing you all are the first to hear we have set a date for our wedding!” Tea blurted out rapidly before Griffen twisted her into his arms affectionately. Everyone in the room cheered, raising their glasses with excitement.

  “When is it?” one partygoer asked loudly.

  “August twenty-third. The anniversary of when we first met a little over a year ago. It will be at the Outer Banks, in my home state of North Carolina. So y’all had better bring your bathing suits,” Tea yelled back, a southern drawl invading her husky voice.

  “That’s right, because we’ve decided everyone here is invited!” Griffen boomed as he wrapped Tea in his arms more closely before dipping her slightly. He kissed her passionately, even as some of her long hair got caught in her mouth, muffling her girlish laughter.

  Griffen hugged her once more before placing her back on her feet. Tea laughed, leaning against him before saying, “It’s kind of a chicken and the egg thing, Griffen. They were invited here tonight because we wanted them at the wedding.”

  “Shhh, you cute nerd. Let me act like it’s a crazy, spontaneous thing we’re doing, gorgeous.”

  “I guess you don’t have any crazy things in your life anymore, Griffen,” Tea responded, crinkling her nose.

  “Oh, I do. You’re nuts in all the right ways, lady.”

  Tea giggled uncontrollably until a slow and deliberate clap broke through the din, silencing her. Tea peered toward the front door. Her face suddenly turning a weird shade of pale and her smile twisted into a distressed frown.

  “Althea, what’s wrong?” Griffen inquired, before following her gaze. His face turned red with fury, but the clapping continued, growing louder as its source moved through the crowd toward them.

  A man Claudia didn’t recognize was making his way toward the happy couple from the front door, staggering with each step. He appeared to be about Claudia’s age, and even though he had the expression of someone about to be completely awful, there was no denying the young blonde guy was equal parts disruptive and distractingly handsome. When he made it to Griffen and Tea, he brought his face closer to theirs than was appropriate.

  Several in the crowd gasped and began whispering to each other. Trey’s face turned a hot red before he left Claudia’s line of sight, quickly replaced by various people trying to move closer so as to better eavesdrop on the drama unfolding before them.

  “Don’t stop all the fun on my account,” the intruder slurred at Griffen and Tea, his voice much louder than necessary. “What a pretty goddamn picture you two make…Jack’s wife and Griffen Tate. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  “Baxter, cut the shit, right now…” Griffen growled in warning, but the interloper simply laughed and started clapping again, a bitter smile contorting his face. “Bax. You’re loaded,” Griffen continued, his face mere inches now from Bax’s, “I was patient with you at Carol’s Christmas party out of respect for you and what you’ve been through.”

  “I don’t need your pity, Griffen.”

  “No, you don’t, because you’re acting like a spoiled child and I’m thinking I need to shut you up the hard way,” Griffen threatened. Trey suddenly appeared alongside Griffen, his hands curling into fists. Wyatt made his way through the crowd, pulling Griffen and Trey back. Claudia breathed out in relief. She didn’t know who this Bax guy was, but she was sure Trey didn’y need any more run-ins with the law.

  “Aw, hell no. I can’t believe he pulled this shit again,” Aubrey muttered.

  “Who is that guy?” Claudia whispere
d to Jenna. “And why is he being such an ass?”

  “He’s Jack’s surviving brother. Griffen’s mother just made a run for it…hopefully to go grab Baxter’s mom, Carol, from the kitchen. Hopefully Carol will come through for a change.”

  “Aubrey, be nice,” Jenna chastised.

  “Why start now?” Aubrey inquired.

  “Oh my god, he’s Baxter Taylor,” Claudia thought out loud, amidst the madness. She’d come across the transcript of his FBI interview in one of the Jack Taylor files, but the old student ID hadn’t captured his handsomeness.

  “The one and only,” Aubrey grumbled. “Wouldn’t you know it — just in time for Halloween, Baxter shows up and proceeds to haunt the whole party like some kind of douche bag ghost. I don’t even understand why he came.”

  “He’s gorgeous,” Claudia blurted. Trey’s fire-breathing fury next to Griffen was keeping Claudia pretty distracted, but she wasn’t completely blind to anyone else.

  “Hell yeah, he’s hot as hell. The Taylor gene pool has always been made up of ridiculously sexy males. Too bad Jack was the only Taylor brother to have any class. Jack would be furious if he could see Bax now.”

  “Well, Griffen seems angry enough for the both of them. Why is Baxter being like this?” Jenna fumed.

  “I guess he thinks because Jack and Griffen were best friends growing up, Tea being with Griffen now is the ultimate betrayal. Who knows, though? It’s hard to understand the mind of an ass.” Aubrey interjected.

  “We should get Tea out of here. Come on, Aubrey,” Jenna whispered. Cautiously, they made their way over to Tea, with Claudia following at their heels, unsure what else to do.

  “Tea, sweetie, come on,” Aubrey whispered to Tea, with a sweetness Claudia had not previously seen from the brash brunette.

  “No. I need to handle this,” Tea answered, her hand shaking slightly as she smoothed a lock of hair off her face. Tea breathed slowly, calming herself, before turning to her guests and stating, “We’re sorry for all of this ruckus. Griffen’s mom, Valerie over by the door will show y’all to the living room so you can start eating dinner. In addition to Valerie’s delicious treats, Carol’s restaurant, Viola, has catered tonight’s dinner. Please get started, and we will all meet you in there shortly.”


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