His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

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His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3) Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  Remembering those words, Roger moved to give Teresa two rapid fire swats to the lower edge of her right buttock.

  "Ow! Please! Stop! That hurts!"

  Ignoring her rather needless observation, he moved his hand up just a couple of inches and gave her two more. Her feet began kicking after he'd given her another half dozen. He was also prepared for that inevitability. Placing his free leg over both of her own ensured her feet would remain pinned. He wasn't expecting her surge in attempting to roll off his knee, but quickly hauled her back into place, punctuating his displeasure with two more hard swats.

  "Stay still!" he instructed, his hand now peppering all over her rounded mounds without pause.

  "Stop!" she screeched, her hands flying back in an attempt to thwart his aim. He did stop, but only long enough to pin both her wrists in one of his, pinning them to her back.

  "I will stop only when I'm assured that you've learned your lesson," he said, his spanking hand continuing its barrage against her bottom.

  "I've learned it!"

  "No, Teresa, you are only beginning to learn," he countered, taking the opportunity to tilt her a bit further forward, ignoring her squeal at the movement.

  Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! These four were delivered to that sweet spot where the under curve of her bottom met her thighs. Her reaction was instant as her voice rose with another screech and demand to stop.

  "Naughty little girls do not make the decision as to when their punishment is over," he informed her, speaking loudly enough to be heard over the repeated cracks against her posterior. "Naughty little girls accept their spankings to help them learn to be better, well-behaved little ladies."

  "I-I… please don't call me… naughty…"

  "But, sweetie, you were very naughty, weren't you?"

  "I ha… hate that wo… word!"

  "I agree, it's not a very nice word to hear, but it's the truth though, isn't it, Tessa?"

  It took another two hard swats to have her answer that came in the form of wailing, "Yes!"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Yes, sir!"

  "That's my good girl," he said, patting her bottom before continuing. "And, young lady, that's why you are over my knee getting your bottom spanked."

  A faint tinge of pink showed beneath the fabric stretched across her flanks, giving testament to the fact that his hand was making his intended point. Pink was a good start, but not the color her behavior and continued defiance to her discipline had earned. After another dozen swats, she stopped twisting her hips and slumped over his knee. It was the sign he'd been told to expect. With the stilling of her body, she was finally ready to accept his discipline.

  "That's better," he said, though he continued to spank. "Another round to make sure that you will remember not to throw a tantrum."

  She began to sob with the next round, every swat delivered with the purpose of teaching her that he wasn't going to give into such immature behavior.

  "I'm so… sorry!" she sobbed.

  He had no doubt that she was indeed, as he could not only see a red glow appearing beneath the white fabric of her drawers, but could feel the warmth radiating beneath his palm as it slapped down onto the center of her punished bottom. Once he'd covered every inch yet again, he gave her a pat and then stilled his hand.

  "Are you going to fight with your sister again?"

  "No! No, sir!"

  Crack! Crack!

  "Are you going to throw things?"

  "No, sir!"

  Crack! Crack!

  "Oh, please, please…"

  "Are you going to deny your part of the blame?"

  "No, sir!"

  Crack! Crack!

  "Are you going to apologize to Mrs. Kennedy for hitting her with an egg during your tantrum?"

  "What… oh, no. I-I didn't mean to…" It took another swat before she remembered the proper answer. "No, sir! I mean, yes, sir! I'll apologize!"

  Crack! Crack!

  "And you'll apologize to your pa?"

  "Yes, sir! And I'll clean the entire kitchen!"

  He smiled, as she evidently hoped that anticipating his next question would negate the need for those two awful swats delivered before each question. It was a good try, but wouldn't stop his lesson.

  Crack! Crack!

  "That won't be necessary, as I'm sure Barbara is making the same promises." Giving her bottom a final, far gentler pat, he lowered her skirts and then helped her off his lap, once more standing her between his legs. Though her hair was widely disheveled from fighting her spanking, and her cheeks were glistening with tears, she had never looked more beautiful to him. He used his thumbs to wipe away her final tears and then bent and gave her a quick kiss.

  "Go stand in the corner."

  "I… why? I thought you said you'd… you'd hold me."

  "And I will," he said, giving her a smile. "But for now, you need to spend some time thinking about everything that has happened and—"

  "But I thought about it already," she protested. "I don't like standing in the corner!"

  "Do you like being over my knee?"

  "No, sir!" she said, her voice ragged with her tears.

  "Then, young lady, I suggest you stop arguing with me and get to the corner before you find yourself looking at the carpet again." He was barely able to conceal a grin when her eyes widened at that possibility. "Go."

  "Yes, sir." He turned her and sent her on her way with a gentle swat to the back of her skirts. Not only did she need some time in the corner to reflect on her behavior and accept that her future now ensured she'd have a hot bottom each and every time she was naughty, he needed the time to allow his cock to soften. He might have been shocked and appalled discovering this very fact if it had not been for his friends informing him that it would happen and assuring him that it was totally natural. After all, he'd just had the woman he loved more than life itself over his lap, held tight against his stomach, his hand on her bottom… even if over her drawers.

  Watching her in the corner, nose to the wall and her hands behind her back, he knew that once they were wed, this position would be different. Her hands would be holding up her clothing to display her red, spanked bottom, which would be totally bared to his view. With that vision swimming in his head, it took him a few additional moments to get his libido under control.


  This time when she heard her name being called, Teresa turned, her lower lip trembling with her sense of remorse, flying into his arms the moment he opened them wide. She hissed a bit when he sat her on his knee but she didn't wish to be anywhere else. Burying her face in his shirt, she sighed, wondering how she could feel so totally contented when her bottom was burning. Not understanding how she felt, well, loved, didn't keep her from giving him a tremulous smile when he cupped her chin, lifting her face to his.

  When his mouth descended upon hers, she arched into the kiss. It felt as if the fire in her posterior was transferring to her tummy. This kiss felt like none he'd ever given her. It was as if his lips weren't only claiming hers but were claiming her very soul. Her arms lifted to wrap around his neck, her fingers twined in his dark locks. Yes, he'd actually spanked her like a child but this… this was assuring her that he knew she was a grown woman. She gasped when she felt her woman parts, now decidedly damp, clenching. Her face colored, wondering what Roger would think to discover he was holding a woman who was suddenly quite anxious to discover what else he could make her feel once they were wed.

  She gave a soft moan when he pulled away, attempting to pull him down again.

  "I love you, Miss Goldman."

  "Even when I am so… so bad?"

  "Tessa, you are not bad. You were naughty but we've taken care of that with your spanking. You are totally forgiven and your slate is clean."

  "I love you so much. Roger, I'm really sorry. Not only about today but about last week. I-I should have listened to you out on the ice. And I shouldn't have been so disrespectful when all you were doing was taking care of me.
I was just… just awful. I-I was scared that you would decide that you didn't want me."

  "Thank you. Tessa, I'll never stop wanting you. I will never stop loving you."

  Feeling the fear that had been eating at her all week dissipate, she sank against him. "Will you kiss me again?"

  He smiled and gave her a far longer kiss but forced himself to pull away. "I would like nothing more than to sit here and keep kissing you, but you still have some apologizing and cleaning to do."

  "Yes, sir," she said, reluctantly letting him help her up.

  "Hey, give me a smile," he said, taking her hand. "Your pa won't think I'm good enough for you if you are pouting."

  "Oh no, he'll think I'm not good enough for you," she countered, but did manage a bigger smile as they descended the stairs.

  "You are perfect for me," he said, pausing at the bottom landing to pull her to him again. Bending down, he held his mouth only a fraction from hers to whisper, "You fit not only into my heart, you, young lady, fit perfectly across my knee."

  "Oh!" was all she managed before he gave her a last kiss. She was not only smiling, her eyes were sparkling and not with tears this time as they walked into the kitchen.

  "I'm sorry," both sisters said the moment they spied each other. After quick hugs, Teresa turned to her father, who was seated with a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.

  "I'm sorry, Pa."

  "I forgive you," Benjamin said, rising to give his eldest daughter a hug. When he pulled away, she saw his eyes cut to Roger. "It looks like your young man took care of you quite nicely."

  "Um, yes, sir," she managed, wondering if her face was as red as she was positive her bottom was. Not wanting to consider that another second, she said, "Roger asked me to become his wife."

  "Will that make you happy, my dear?"

  "Oh, yes, Pa. It will make me the happiest woman on earth!"

  "Then I couldn't be happier for you. Your Roger is a good man—one who won't let you down in any way, like your pa did."

  "Pa, you've never let me down!" she countered.

  "Yes, Tessie, I have. I've let both my girls down for the past several years but, as I said, that ended today. Both you and Barbara are too important to me to allow you to be unhappy. Even if it takes a warm bottom to remind you how very much you are loved."

  "I love you too, Pa." She paused and then realized there really wasn't a point in trying to hide what exactly had happened upstairs. Shaking her head, she said, "I don't love the warm bottom part, though."

  "Then I'd be sure to be a good girl for your husband-to-be. He has my full approval not only to wed my beautiful daughter but to keep her in line."

  Roger watched his fiancée blush but also saw her soft smile. Benjamin gave her cheek a kiss and then relinquished her to her younger sister, who ran across the room and was far more demonstrative with her shriek of pleasure. The two women clung together again—not fighting but dancing about as they showed their excitement. Roger sank down into another chair and accepted a cup of coffee poured by Ben.

  "Everything good?" Ben asked.

  "Everything is perfect," Roger assured him. The two men didn't need to speak further. Each had no doubt that punishment had been meted out and forgiveness given and accepted by the two beautiful young women who were now busy working together to clean up the mess they'd made.

  Assuring Ben that he'd remain to keep an eye on the women, Roger watched as the older man put on his coat and hat and went out into the cold again. Roger didn't care if the man stayed and visited for a while before bringing Catherine back. He was perfectly content to sit, sip his coffee, and just watch his future bride.

  Chapter Eleven

  While the Goldman girls were being reintroduced to corporal punishment, Catherine visited with her daughter and the other women. They had been pleasantly surprised at her arrival and listened while Catherine and Benjamin held a rather cryptic conversation in the doorway.

  "I'll be back as soon as I've dealt with the situation at home—" Ben began, only to be interrupted by Catherine.

  "I still think I should have started—"

  "The girls will handle the clean-up."

  "But, supper… everyone expects me to have—"

  "Catherine, we've already had this discussion." Seeing her mother's color heighten as she gave a small nod, Agatha felt a visceral reaction to his stern tone. Her ma had lived for the past several years under a tyrant, and Agatha would be damned if she'd allow her to return to that terror.

  She'd just managed to utter the word, "Ma," when Ben continued, his expression softening and his words giving her pause.

  "I want you to relax and have a nice visit. I've allowed my girls to run you ragged and I owe you an apology for not stepping in before. I promise the next time you set foot into your kitchen, it will not only be spotless, you'll find two young ladies anxious to make their apologies." On that rather ambiguous statement, he said his goodbyes and left.

  It didn't take ten seconds once he disappeared before Catherine found her cloak removed and her hostess guiding her to a chair at the table. Agatha sat, her hands twisting together as she tried to think how to address her growing concerns. Harriett was far less reluctant to pry as she pressed a cup of coffee into her guest's hands and asked the first question.

  "What have those girls done now?"

  "Oh, um, they had a little disagreement and…" pausing, Catherine looked around the table and gave a small smile. Sitting back in her chair, she continued. "A disagreement that turned the kitchen into a total mess. Goodness, I think Ben and I walked through less white on the way here than I did wading through the flour and sugar all over the floor. Ben is a very patient man but I think he's finally reached the point where he won't allow such behavior to continue." Her commentary had every woman squirming, giving quick glances at each other, every single one having had personal experience with pushing their own men to the point of no return—well, no return to their wives sitting in comfort for at least a few hours.

  "So Roger might have been wrong," Agatha said. "He told Wyatt that Mr. Goldman took him to task about even suggesting that Teresa needed a… well, a spanking. I'm sure he'll be surprised if Teresa tells him her pa changed his mind."

  "Oh, I'm pretty sure she won't have to tell him," Catherine said with a soft smile.

  "Why, do you think he'll know just by looking at her?" Agatha asked, her brow furrowed as if trying to visualize how that could be.

  "If her pa is as serious as Richard when I've pushed him too far, he'll probably be able to figure it out because she wants to stand instead of sit," Anna said with a giggle.

  Catherine shook her head. "No, I meant that if I understood Ben's intentions, he's leaving Teresa's punishment to Roger. Roger was not only shocked at the girls' behavior, he looked very displeased when Teresa ignored his requests to stop. I'm positive he was quite ready to take care of her tantrum on his own."

  "I thought Roger was with the others, helping out at the Colby farm?" Agatha said.

  "I don't know about that but I do know he was right there in the kitchen when eggs were flying around," Catherine said.

  "Eggs?" Agatha said, her eyes cutting to Anna who had started giggling. At Catherine's questioning look, Agatha shook her head, unable to keep her lips from twitching into a begrudging smile as she explained how she'd received her first spanking after pelting Wyatt with every egg their hens had laid one morning. By the time she finished the story, every woman was laughing.

  After they had calmed a bit, Agatha continued. "It's funny now but, believe me, at the time I wasn't sure who I wanted to strangle more… Wyatt or Mr. Rooster."

  "Yes, but if you think about it, that was the day when you and Wyatt really became husband and wife," Anna said.

  Agatha nodded, turning pensive. "You're right, but I never would have guessed that it would take him turning my bottom as red as that rooster's comb to truly believe he loved me despite all my faults." Shaking her head as if to rid herself of the p
ast memory, she looked around the table as she took a sip of coffee. "I know our intention is to help Teresa, but I'm afraid that she is likely to learn a difficult lesson if Roger is as upset as Wyatt was."

  "You don't suppose Roger will stop courting her?" Charity asked.

  "I don't think so. It's obvious he adores her, and he did promise me that he wouldn't give up on her," Agatha said.

  "You know, a good spanking might be a blessing in disguise," Anna said, shaking her head when the other two young women looked at her in surprise. "Think about it. We all know that it took several weeks for Agatha and Wyatt to find their way, but if Roger makes it known that his adoration and love are accompanied by a tender rear if her behavior warrants, well, their marriage will start out from the beginning with her knowing what will happen if she is naughty."

  "Wait, you really think that Mr. Goldman is going to actually allow Roger to spank his daughter?" Charity asked.

  "From what Catherine said, I believe that's his plan, why?" Anna supplied. "It sounds like she is way overdue for a spanking if you ask me."

  "I don't know," Charity said. "I mean, yes, he admitted that he wanted to spank her that day out at the pond, but they aren't yet promised, much less wed."

  "I'm not sure that matters," Catherine said. "I had the distinct impression that Ben was taking the opportunity to… well, I suppose learn if Roger was going to be able to handle Teresa. She is lovely but you all know she can be rather stubborn. I believe you girls might have an opportunity to share some advice a bit earlier than you planned."

  "I'm not so sure," Agatha said. "I wasn't even thinking about how our first attempt to become friends would be after a punishment. Teresa might be mortified to even see us if she thinks we know Roger spanked her. I know I was embarrassed when Anna knew that Wyatt was taking me home to tan my hide that day."

  "I'd be far more embarrassed by people knowing I was rude and disrespectful than knowing I had a husband who took the time to remind me how to be a better person," Anna said, reaching across the table to give Agatha's hand a squeeze. "Besides, that was the day when we really became friends."


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