Kinetic Energy (Forbidden Love Book 2)

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Kinetic Energy (Forbidden Love Book 2) Page 31

by Hayley Faiman

  Keeping my body still, my dick buried inside of her pulsing pussy, I watch her move. She doesn’t stay still, her hips unable to as she searches for her climax. I watch, my eyes drifting from her clit to her bouncing tits, and then finally to her face. Her eyes are closed, her face is flushed, and her lips are parted as she moves against me.

  She looks absolutely stunning. I almost don’t want her to come, but I can tell she’s close, really fucking close. I pinch her clit, knowing it’s exactly what she needs to fall over the edge. Her head lifts with a gasp and her eyes fly open. Her hand wraps around my wrist that’s between us and she sobs. Her pussy clenches around my cock so hard my own eyes roll in the back of my head.

  Removing my hand from between us, I fall forward a bit, wrapping my fingers around the headboard and I finally thrust inside of my wife. My eyes stay on hers and I pump in and out of her tight body. It doesn’t take me long, I’ve been worked up all fucking day, but when I come, it’s with a roar as I let my head fall back.

  I stay planted inside of Ines’ sweet body as I lower down, careful not to press my stomach against hers. I graze my lips across hers, gently kissing her, then filling her mouth with my tongue. She opens readily, and happily to accept my kiss.

  “I love you, Mrs. Jacobson,” I mutter against her mouth.

  She smiles and places her palm on my cheek. “I love you too, Papi.”

  That is how I spend my wedding night. Inside of my beautiful, pregnant wife. Bringing her to climax as many times as she allows me before we both pass out from exhaustion.




  I walk into the house, and the aroma is the first thing that hits me. I would know that smell anywhere. Chicken Alfredo pasta. My heart starts to hammer in my chest at the concept that could lie behind that particular dish.

  “Daddy,” a little voice calls out.

  Ignoring my desire to bound into the kitchen and start demanding answers, I turn to the little dark-haired girl who is running toward me. Her hair is up in pigtails today, and she’s wearing a pair of thick warm leggings and a mini-sweater dress. I brace myself, leaning down, and scoop her up in my arms.

  My baby girl, Maya, wraps her arms around my neck and presses her lips to my cheek. “I had a great day,” she whispers.

  Turning my head and placing my forehead against hers, I inhale her scent. “Did you, sweet girl?” I ask.

  She nods and then sighs. “I missed you, and Eli was annoying all afternoon,” she states, complaining about her younger brother.

  Maya and Eli are only eighteen months apart and they fight like cats and dogs. They’re loud and rambunctious, but I wouldn’t change them for the entire universe. With Maya still in my arms, I walk into the living room to see Eli playing with his train track. The boy loves trains, and cars, basically anything with motors.

  I place Maya on her feet and sink down to my knees beside her brother. “How was your day, little man?” I ask.

  Eli is much like me unless he’s riled up by his sister. He’s quiet, contemplative and smart as fuck. He lifts his head and his caramel colored eyes look directly at me. They match his mothers to a T, and I’m glad for it. Both of my children carry their mother’s beautiful eyes and features, over my own. Lucky kids.

  “Have you been good to your mama?” I ask.

  Eli’s eyes glance to the side and then return back to me. “A little,” he admits truthfully.

  That’s him, almost four years old and honest to a fault. I kiss the top of his head, trying to hide my laughter, then I tell them to be good, as I stand and head toward my wife.

  The kitchen smells so fucking good that my mouth waters as soon as I enter the space. I glance over at the kitchen table where two little one-year-old twins are eating a snack. They’re shoveling Cheerios in their mouths as quickly as they can.

  Ava and Alexander came as quite a surprise to us a year ago, we’d all but decided that we weren’t going to have any more children. We had a boy and a girl, we were tired, especially with Maya and Eli being so close in age, but God had other plans for us, and He gave Ava and Alexander to us.

  I wouldn’t change a single thing about it either, they are absolutely perfect, and round out our family unit better than I could have ever dreamed possible. However, I know what Chicken Alfredo means, and it has my heart racing.

  Shifting my gaze from the twins, I look at my wife. Her back is to me, her round ass encased in skin-tight jeans and her sweater, also skin-tight and showing off a sliver of her lower back, which means a sliver of her sexy stomach is exposed as well. Closing the distance between us, I press my front against her back and grind my semi-hard cock against her sweet ass.

  “Thomas,” she breathes.

  Pressing my mouth against her neck, I inhale her sweet scent. I spent all day in a lab surrounded by scientists, and nothing smells as good as my Ines. “Do you need to tell me something, sweetheart?” I mutter against her skin.

  She hums, turning around in my arms. When her caramel colored eyes meet mine, they dance, fucking dance. “Apparently, I’m pregnant, again,” she smiles.

  About fifteen thoughts fly through my head, including the urge to sink my cock inside of my wife. However, with a house full of kids ages ranging from one to five, I refrain. Instead, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and gently squeeze before I crash my lips against hers in a bruising kiss.

  “No more after this, angel eyes. Your body needs a rest,” I hum against her lips.

  “Are you mad?” she asks, her voice shaky.

  I lift my face from hers and shake my head once. “Mad? For what, sweetheart? For making my dreams come true? Five babies, you’ve given me four, and now we’re going to have another. I never thought I would have one, and you’re giving me five, how could I ever be mad at that?” I mutter.

  “It’s a lot, and it’s expensive,” she murmurs. I grip the back of her hair with my hand and give her a tug.

  “Who gives a fuck about money? I sure as shit don’t. You can’t put a price tag on happiness.”

  Ines’ eyes water and she tips her lips in a smile. “You’re happy?” she asks.

  “Fuck. Yes.”

  I kiss her again because my body demands it. I need to taste her, my wife. My woman. This creature who has blessed me beyond anything I ever dreamt possible in life.


  We eat dinner almost in silence except for the chatter of the little voices that surround us. I have no desire for conversation. The only desire I have is to bury myself inside of my gorgeous, pregnant wife.

  When dinner is all finished, I clean up the dishes, as Ines gets the kids ready for bed. I move as quickly as I can, then help her with baths, and story time. I want to say that I’m being helpful just because, but I have one thing and one thing on my mind and the faster the kids are asleep, the sooner my mission will be accomplished.


  I watch as Thomas runs around the house like a madman. I can’t help but giggle at the way he’s helping me. Not that he isn’t a helpful husband normally, because he is, but I know what he’s after tonight and I can’t deny that I’m feeling the same way. I want him, I want him inside of me and I want it now.

  Six years and four children later has not diminished my need for my husband. He’s still hot as ever and still knows how to turn me on, and please me any chance he gets. I hurry into the bathroom when he’s reading the last round of princess bedtime stories with the knowledge that I have at least ten minutes to quickly clean up for the night.

  My shower only takes two minutes, because I’m a mother, and I have the routine down pat. I even take a full thirty seconds to shave everything I can. Once I’m clean and fresh, I grab my sexiest nightgown and slip it over my body. It isn’t really sexy, but the cotton is so soft that it makes me feel sexy.

  I glance at myself in the mirror. This was not how I ever imagined my life going, and yet, I can’t even pretend that I don’t like it, becau
se I love it. I’m a twenty-four-year-old mother of four, almost five. I never finished college, and I stay at home with all of my babies. I don’t do nothing though, in fact, I work from home. I work at home as an online stylist.

  It’s actually a dream job. I’ve always loved clothes and fashion, but never thought I could work in the industry without some kind of schooling. Granted I’m not making millions of dollars, but I’m bringing in some income, and I’m having fun while I do it.

  Walking out of the bathroom, my breath hitches at the sight of Thomas lounging in bed. He’s completely naked, his back pressed against the headboard and his blue gaze focused directly on me. “Come over here, angel eyes,” he says, his voice deep and rich.

  My legs shake as they take me directly to him, crawling up the bed and straddling his hips when I do. He wraps his fingers around my waist and holds me still, his eyes never leaving mine. “God, I can’t believe, another one.”

  Tipping my head to the side, I ask him, “Are you sure you aren’t upset?” I ask.

  Thomas’ fingers flex against my waist and he quickly sits up taking me with him, and tossing me onto my back. I feel his hard length pressing against my center and I moan. I didn’t put on panties with my nightgown, knowing they would just get in the way, and I’m so glad of my forward thinking. Thomas’ nose slides alongside mine and his lips hover above my mouth.

  “Never, I could never get mad at you for giving me a beautiful life, Ines. That’s exactly what you’ve given me. Are you going to be okay? Five babies under six by the time this one arrives. Do you need help?” he asks, his eyes going from mine to my lips.

  I lift my hand to his cheek and sigh. “Jade and your father will come when it’s born, and I’m sure Rio and Valerie will make an appearance for a week or so. You’ll be here, too,” I whisper.

  Rio and his gorgeous wife of four years also have a baby on the way and have been looking at moving here to be closer to us. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.

  “I honestly don’t know how you do it,” he breathes.

  I decide I’m tired of talking, I lift my legs and shift so that his cock is pressed against my core. He shifts his hips and slowly sinks down inside of me with a long moan. We don’t talk anymore, our conversation completely finished. He makes love to me, his strokes long and even. He grinds down against my clit on every down stroke and I whimper, my fingernails digging into the skin of his shoulders.

  “Oh shit,” I cry, arching my neck back.

  Thomas sucks on my exposed flesh as his thrusts begin to move, faster and harder. I lift my own hips to meet him, loving the way he fills me, and it sends chills up my spine. “I’m close,” I gasp.

  He shifts one hand around to fist my hair, and he plants the other next to my head as he goes to his knees and he starts to slam inside of me. I widen my legs even more, accepting every brutal pump of his hips and love it, craving it, needing it.

  “Ines, come,” he grunts. I move one of my hands between us, moving to touch my clit. Two strokes with my fingers and I cry out as my orgasm rushes through me. “Fuck, yes, squeeze, sweetheart,” he groans. Then he plants himself deep inside of me with a long, deep rumbling moan as he fills me with his release. “Fuck,” he pants.

  I hum, wrapping my arms and legs around him, holding him inside of me and forcing him down, squishing me beneath his larger body. “You okay today?” I mutter against his neck.

  “Oh shit, I forgot,” he says, lifting his head. “Are you okay?” he asks almost in a demanding tone.

  Today is the six-year anniversary of my car accident, the one where Thomas’ ex-wife tried to kill me. I want to say that I didn’t think about it at all today, but it would be a lie. I thought about it from the moment I woke up until the minute Thomas walked through the door. I can’t deny that my news of our new baby didn’t help distract me, because it did, but the thought never really left.

  “She called me,” I say.

  Thomas quickly rolls off of me and roughly pulls me against his chest. “She did what? And you didn’t contact me? What the fuck, Ines?” he growls.

  I place my hand on his chest and look into his angry blue gaze. “I didn’t even realize it was her. Me and the kids, we were having a dance party and I just answered it while the music was blasting, and they were screaming and giggling,” I admit. I remember the hitch in Danielle’s voice when she heard the background noise.

  “She only said a few words. She said that she was sorry, then she asked me if they were ours.”

  Thomas grunts. “I hope you didn’t tell that bitch a fucking thing.”

  I roll my eyes. “I told her thank you, and yes. Then I hung up the phone and called the police to report it, just in case.” I wink.

  Thomas’ arms hold me to him, tightly. “She almost took you from me. She doesn’t get anything else. She doesn’t get to apologize, and she doesn’t get our acceptance,” he states.

  “I’ve forgiven her, Thomas.”

  He wraps his hand in the back of my hair and tugs my head back slightly. “I’ve forgiven her too, Ines. However, I’ll never forget, and I’ll never accept her apology. She can live the next forty-five years of her sentence thinking I don’t forgive her. I could give a shit.”

  Lifting my hand, I cup his cheek and let my thumb run across his bottom lip. “Okay, Papi,” I murmur.

  “She doesn’t deserve even a glimpse into our happy life, not when she tried to obliterate it before it began.” I nod, leaning in to press my lips against his whispering, okay, against his lips. “Now, sleep,” he grunts.

  “Yes, Papi,” I giggle. His hand releases my hair, but he slaps it against my ass with a grunt.

  I snuggle against my warm husband, falling asleep almost immediately. I love being home with my babies. Being able to work from home with them is wonderful, but I don’t even hide the fact that it’s exhausting. Now that I’m pregnant again, I’ll be even more exhausted, but my happiness and my excitement trumps any amount of tiredness.

  I can’t wait to give Thomas his dream, a house full of his babies, a happy life. We’re only six years in, and he never stops smiling, never. Every time he laughs, I feel like I’m succeeding just that much more. I’m excited to expand our family, our big, loud, perfect family.


  I want to thank all of my readers, always. You babes are seriously so fantastic. I appreciate every single one of you!!!

  I always say a special thank you to my husband, my best friend, and the man who supports me in every single one of my dreams. He is simply—amazing.

  My mom, she’s always supported wholeheartedly everything I have ever decided to take a leap of faith on, including my writing. She’s the kindest, most loving, and most supportive mom in the world. Thank you, Banana Boots.

  Celia, my oldest friend since the git-n-go, thank you for being such an awesome friend for (I won’t say how many) years. Thanks for the laughs, the cupcakes, the brownies, the cruises in the Mustang, and the years together. Now that we’re adults, thanks for the texts, the cocktails and the truest friendship we have.

  Cassy Roop, thank you so much for always making my covers so downright gorgeous, every time I think that one is my favorite you outdo yourself and create something else spectacular! You’re the best and I’m so lucky to have you as a designer and friend!!!

  Crystal Snyder, thank you for loving all of my stories, and taking the time out not only to read them, but to help me! I’m so thankful for a friend like you in my life!!

  Tammy Cole, thank you so much for being a great friend. I don’t know what I would do without you in life! I appreciate everything you do for me. Thank you for loving Thomas and Ines!!

  Ellie McLove, thank you for making this book, clean and pretty! I appreciate your hard work and complete dedication to your craft! You’re truly a treasure!!

  Enticing Journey— Ena and Amanda— I always know that my PR work is safe with you, that you’ll represent my book and me in a way that only you can—T
HE BEST WAY! I truly appreciate all of the hard work you ladies put into everything!

  Hayley’s Asshole Alphas... BABES. Thank you for always bringing a hot guy to my newsfeed and a smile to my face! You’re the best reader group a girl could have!!!

  To all the Blogger babes that have taken a chance on me…

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




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