Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor

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Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor Page 120

by Rue Allyn

  Members greeted each other with broad smiles and happy hugs. They sought out visitors, pumping hands and slapping backs, and when those gathered raised their voices in song, the rafters echoed with the sound.

  • • •

  Mindy and company exited the church building, saying their goodbyes and good wishes to the preacher and his wife. When they stepped out onto the boardwalk, their hearts filled with exuberance and pride. Red, white, and blue bunting hung from the storefronts all the way down Main Street. Flags were on display in every possible position, with their thirty-eight stars blazing against a canvas of blue.

  Becky spoke the words Mindy was thinking. “It looks good, doesn’t it?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it!” Mindy turned to Becky and grasped both her hands. She was even more excited than Terese! “And to think that we had a part! I’m so excited. What do we do first?”

  “Well, unfortunately, among all the fun, we have work to do. I told Celia that we would volunteer part of the day as helpers. Otherwise, I don’t think she would get a chance to enjoy herself at all. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all! I’m thrilled to take part. We’ve never had anything this size in our little hometown back in Mississippi. Let’s get started!”

  Becky turned to Neville and said, “Last chance. Are you sure you don’t mind watching Terese this morning?”

  “I want you two to go have fun. Work hard, but have fun.” He gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. “Terese will be fine. Between Nonny and me, she’ll be spoiled rotten by noon.” They all laughed and then Neville said, “We’ll see you at lunch.”

  “Well then,” Becky said, with a wide grin, “we’re off to work on parade organizing. Pray for us!”

  Mrs. Boone picked Terri up in her arms, and they both waved gaily as the two women headed up the street to where parade participants were staging. In the middle of a huge crowd of people, they saw the harried Celia Logan.

  “Here we are. Ready to help!” Mindy announced as they walked up.

  Celia turned and visibly relaxed. “Thank heavens! Would one of you please go speak to those confounded cowboys and ask them to move their animals away from this area? We’re already having complaints and the parade hasn’t even started yet! Tell them to congregate over near the cemetery.”

  “Will do,” said Becky, as she marched away.

  “What about me?” Mindy asked.

  “Could you keep an eye out for Ivy Faith? She has the list with the order of procession. And then go speak to the men with the steam coaches and motor buggies, and ask them to move a little farther down the street. We need to keep them separated from everything else — they’re spooking the horses … and some of the people, for that matter.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Mindy headed off toward the strange vehicles, excited to finally see one of the new fuel-driven, internal combustion wagons up close.

  The morning passed in a blur. By the time the event started, the girls barely had time to run and seek a suitable spot from which they could watch the parade. The boardwalks were filled. There were even people perched on top of the buildings! Mindy took it all in with openmouthed wonder.

  Several gaily decorated wagons came first, some promoting local businesses. Mindy and Becky laughed and pointed at a man riding in one of the wagons who was dressed as George Washington.

  Next, the motorcars, with black smoke belching out from behind. The people watched in fascination as these new contraptions moved along at speeds of four to five miles an hour!

  Then followed three wagons, which were decorated with the new bunting that the girls had made. In the first was the mayor of the Tipton, Reuben Lowe; in the second was the esteemed Senator Joseph Watson; in the third was the governor of Kansas, John Pierce St. John. The men looked fine and distinguished in their black cutaway suits and white shirts. The crowd cheered wildly as the gentlemen waved.

  The air rang with the vibrant music of the Tipton General Marching Band, a twenty-piece ensemble that had the heart of a company five times its size. Flutes, trumpets, drums, and cymbals played and crashed along to the tune of John Philips Sousa’s new song, “The Gladiator March.” Every heart swelled with pride and joy.

  The parade also included former soldiers, walking sedately. It was a day made for goodwill, and men who had fought against one other in the recent war now walked alongside each other in respectful dignity.

  The fire brigade came next, and following them were the children on horseback, and then the cowboys. The more daring among them stood on their beasts, or performed tricks like rolling underneath the belly of the horse mid-stride.

  It was a wonderful parade. When the last of it passed, Melinda looked to Becky and was happy to see tears that matched her own.

  Merle Lacy had joined the girls, and the three spent many happy minutes recounting their favorite moments of the parade, before Becky shouted out, “Oh my! The desserts! We have to fetch them to the food site!” She grabbed Mindy by the hand and dragged her down the road and to her house. Inside, they quickly grabbed baskets stacked full of pies and cakes and hurried off again.

  • • •

  As they were setting up tables for the food, Lucas walked up. “I’ve been looking for you all morning, Mindy! I should have known you’d be in the middle of the activity.” He looked her over and smiled. “You look ravishing!”

  Mindy blushed. For once in her life, she did feel pretty. She knew it was partly the contagious mood of the day, but she was enjoying the heady sensation.

  “And you look handsome yourself,” she replied honestly. Lucas wore a blue suit that played against his blond hair and good looks in an altogether pleasing way. “Did you enjoy the parade?”

  “I didn’t watch it. I can’t stand all that noise, and crowds bother me. I slept in this morning! First time I’ve done that in I don’t know how long.”

  Mindy couldn’t imagine how anyone could choose to stay inside on a day like this, but she had to admit, Lucas looked well rested. She remembered with a start that it hadn’t been so long ago that he’d been shot. “You look like you’re feeling well.”

  “I feel great. Let’s do something!”

  Mindy laughed. “Like what?”

  “Let’s go sign up for the games. We can do the egg toss and the frog toss together.”

  “I’d still like to see you sign up for that greased pig contest,” Mindy teased.

  “I’ve already told you, I’m leaving that foolishness to the young people. I am thinking about entering the Old Timer’s race, though.”

  Mindy was puzzled. “But that’s for men over fifty, Luke.”

  “Thanks for the compliment, my girl … I’ll be fifty-three on my next birthday.”

  Mindy swallowed and tried to keep her mouth from dropping open. Fifty-three?

  She said a quick farewell to Becky and then she and Luke headed toward the large open area designated for the games. They put their names on the list for both tosses and Luke paid the entrance fees. “Now what?” he asked.

  “Let’s go get a good seat for the speeches!” Mindy caught the disparaging look on Luke’s face and gently chided, “It’s our duty as citizens of these United States of America to participate in all the events today.” Her tone carried a hint of humor, but she was serious — she wanted to experience it all!

  • • •

  After the speeches, lunch was served. Steven Knight was pounded on the back and thanked repeatedly for donating the meat; he happily stood at a table and carved until every piece of it was eaten.

  Luke and Mindy found a secluded spot near the pond, beneath the shade of a weeping willow tree to share their lunch. As he reclined on the ground afterwards, Lucas asked, “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes!” Mindy exclaimed. “This day has been heaven! I can’t imagine anything that would make it better.” But in her heart she knew there was one thing that might improve on this day … the presence of a certain black-eyed Tormentor. Her eyes had kept u
p a continual perusal of the crowds all morning, hoping that she might spot his familiar face. She sighed, thinking that there was no telling how long his mission would take. Saying another prayer for his safety, she realized Lucas was staring at her. “What is it? Do I have pie on my face?”

  “No. Your face is perfect — just like you, Mindy.” Lucas took her hand and put it to his mouth, gently placing a kiss against her knuckles. The movement made her insides tremble, but not in an altogether good way. She pulled her hand away.

  “What shall we do next?” she asked.

  “The games will begin soon, I’m sure. Until the announcement, I’m enjoying sitting here under this big, blue sky in your company.” Lucas paused. “There are still things we need to talk about, Melinda.”

  “I don’t know, Lucas. It’s still too soon.”

  “It’s been long enough for me to know my feelings. I want you to be my wife.”

  Mindy looked across the pond at the wide sea of people, her thoughts tumbling inside her noggin. Was Lucas her destiny? Was she being silly and immature and horribly fickle to consider passing up the opportunity to marry such a good man? Her heart was torn in two pieces. If only. If only.

  “Is it Boone?” Lucas asked. He stared at Mindy until she met his gaze.

  “I don’t know, Luke. I don’t know,” Mindy said honestly.

  “He’s not for you, Melinda. He’s a rambler and a drifter. He lives a dangerous life, and you’d be miserable, always wondering if he would make it home. You need something much more stable than that, something that I could give you.”

  Mindy looked away. She heard the words, but it sounded like they came from far away.

  “I saw him this morning — ” Lucas began.

  Mindy’s head turned quickly.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you knew. He’s back. This is just another example of what I’m talking about. He should have said something to you.” Lucas took her hand again. “He’s not the man for you, Mindy. I heard he shot and killed an old woman on this trip.”

  Mindy gasped. “No! He wouldn’t!”

  “I don’t know the details. But it’s what I’ve heard.”

  Dropping her head, Mindy felt her spirit fall within her. “He wouldn’t, Lucas. He couldn’t.”

  Lucas shook his head. “It’s time to face the truth, Melinda. He’s not for you.”

  Mindy looked up. Tears were in her eyes. “I can’t discuss this right now, Luke. Give me more time. Please.” Standing, she held out her hand. “Let’s get back to the games, all right?”

  • • •

  Mindy and Lucas watched the games of skill and slowly the excitement of the day eased back into her body. They laughed at the men who chased a greased pig until they thought they might split their sides. One fellow finally held the squirming animal up in his triumphant hands, and then promptly fell — splat! — backside first into a mud puddle.

  The next event was the greased pole. Men paid fifty cents each to try to climb it and remove a small American flag attached to the top. When the crowd had decided that no one could possibly earn the prize, a small, barefoot boy of about nine took a turn. He shinnied up the pole like he had done it every day of his life. The audience roared their approval!

  Lucas and Mindy participated in the frog toss, and she couldn’t help but laugh at the folly of it all. They were each given three “frogs” — small sacks filled with dried beans — and offered the chance to throw them onto the “lily pad” — or a steel hoop — placed several feet away. Neither one ever hit their target, but they laughed themselves silly.

  In the egg toss, they only made it four rounds before their egg slipped between Lucas’s outstretched arms and smashed all over him. Though Mindy could tell he tried to hold his temper, Luke was not pleased to end up with egg on his face — literally. He insisted on taking a break to cool off and clean up.

  • • •

  The rest of the day followed in like manner, with the couple trailing from one event to the next, until after the rodeo, when they found themselves on a makeshift dance floor lit by dozens of oil lamps.

  The band played and couples square danced the evening away. Mindy didn’t know how to square dance and so she and Luke were simply observers, until a waltz played. Lucas coaxed Mindy onto the dance floor, and she was swept away with the beauty of the moment.

  The stars sparkled overhead, and Melinda was in the arms of a dashing and brave man who thought of her as “ravishing.” It had been a wonderful day. Suddenly, she felt eyes upon her. On the next rotation, she searched the crowd of faces at the edges of the dance floor until she found the ones she sought. Boone was back!

  Only it was obvious that his eyes did not hold the same excitement she felt. Boone stared at her with those black eyes, cold as winter and dark as midnight at the moment … then he turned and walked away.

  Mindy’s heart stopped. She did a stutter-step in the middle of the waltz and tripped Lucas up. “Uh … oh … I’m terribly sorry,” she said. “That was foolish of me. I lost the count.”

  “That’s all right, Melinda. It seems I’ve been waiting all night for the right moment, anyway.” He made a movement with his hand toward the bandstand and the music made an awkward stop. All around them the dancers paused, confused. As they looked around for answers, what they saw was Lucas Wilhite drop to one knee before the assemblage. He took Mindy’s two hands in his own, stared into her eyes and said, “Melinda McCorkle, in front of all these witnesses, here on this special day, I beg you to do me the honor of becoming my bride.”

  The world stopped. Mindy stared down at Lucas and her brains turned to mush. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, couldn’t act. In her mind, she played over the things that Lucas had told her about Boone: catching him with another woman, his having shot a woman in cold blood. The fact he hadn’t looked for her today. It seemed she didn’t know the man at all. For just a moment she searched the circle of faces around them. All she saw were smiles and winks. There was no tall man with serious black eyes. In that last moment, she remembered the look Boone had given her just before he had turned and walked away from the dance floor. There was no more time for dreaming.

  She looked at the man waiting before her and said, “Yes, Lucas. I’ll … ” But that was all she could say. Tears trickled from her eyes and clogged her throat.

  Lucas stood and swept her up into his arms, thinking her tears were ones of joy. The people around them cheered and clapped. Inside Mindy, a bit of her began to die.

  And overhead, the fireworks display began.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  July 4, 1880

  Dear Mother,

  I need you so desperately. I have never before known a time when I so need to sink my head upon your breast. I need to feel your comforting arms go ’round me, and hear you say that all things will work out for the best.

  I have news. I am to be wed. But the thought does not fill me with joy. Instead I am filled with a deep despair. I am told all brides-to-be feel this way. Is it so? Did you feel this way with Papa?

  I need you near. I wish that distance did not separate us; that I could put down my pen, walk into the next room and find you there. How I long for your wisdom and advice! Too long have I been away, for I have come to doubt my own mind, my heart, my feelings. Mother, I have promised to wed one man, while I fear I love another. What am I to do?

  I have never been so close to my dream, a home of my own, a husband, and children … oh, but wait. That cannot happen, for he prefers to remain childless. There are so many things to consider!

  I know that by the time this letter finds you, my decision will have been made. How I wish time would fly!

  Above all, I would wish for your prayers. I am humbly in need of them. As always, I remain,

  Your loving daughter,


  • • •

  Mindy could not sleep Sunday night. She tossed and turned, finally giving up. She sat in a wooden chair beside the window of
her hotel room and watched until the first rays of dawn crept past her pale face. She waited until the night had fully turned to day, then she walked to the blacksmith’s shop and secured the use of a horse for the day. By nine o’clock, she found herself riding through town. She rejoiced for a time, finding she could at least try to blame her tears on the wind.

  After a forty-five minute ride, she found herself at the Boone homestead. She pulled up in the yard and tied off her animal. Then she tentatively climbed the front porch steps and knocked on the door. When Mrs. Boone answered, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Why, Mindy! What brings you out at such an early hour?” Mrs. Boone asked, inviting Mindy into her home.

  Mindy couldn’t speak. She stood like an idiot staring at Mrs. Boone until that woman, sensing her distress, opened her arms. Mindy fell into them, sobbing. When she could speak, she apologized profusely, though she never let go or looked up into the kind eyes of the woman she had come to respect so much. The fact that it was Boone’s mother made it all the more difficult.

  “There, there, pet,” Mrs. Boone soothed. “Nothing is as bad as all that. Come with me.” Mrs. Boone walked Mindy into the parlor and sat down on the couch with her. “Now then, look me in the eyes and tell me what has happened to upset you so. When I saw you yesterday, you were in a wonderful state. What — or who — has upset you?”

  “I am … I am … to be wed,” Mindy managed to say.

  The kind lady’s eyebrows rose. “This is a recent development?”

  “Yes … only last night. Lucas asked me to marry him and I accepted. But I can’t decide why I am so broken up about it. Shouldn’t I be leaping with joy? Shouldn’t I be … happy?”

  “To be honest, all brides feel at times like they might be getting into more than they can handle. This may be what you’re feeling.” Mrs. Boone lifted Mindy’s chin. “Or it may be that you have the wrong man by the tail.”


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