Lost In Vegas

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Lost In Vegas Page 10

by Ian Jones

  But over the last eighteen months or so things had been changing, and fast. The old guard were out. Back in the day MacMillan could rely on getting his ass covered, but not any longer. The DA had ended up in prison. MacMillan’s own chief had joined him. There was an investigation going on right now into corruption, and there were a lot of very worried senior policemen all over the city that were feeling the heat. MacMillan realized all too well that his name would keep cropping up, although the investigation had bigger fish to fry at this stage and had decided a while ago to call it a day, but had opted to not hand his resignation in immediately to avoid any additional suspicion. But things were getting more and more difficult, the lawyers were demanding blood. There were changes everywhere, he had a new captain now, who had not so tactfully suggested that MacMillan may want to look outside the police force as a career. He had six months at most, and was determined to rake in every cent possible.

  It was MacMillan that dealt with Pablo back in the early days. Francesco had proved impossible to persuade but his son had jumped at the opportunity and had been paying ever since, even when Francesco was still around and Pablo was getting himself into all sorts of trouble. MacMillan didn’t like Pablo at all, but enjoyed the ten grand a month he had been earning as a retainer for the last few years. But there was a problem; the payments had stopped. MacMillan had spoken once only to Pablo about this and delivered a short and concise message; if I don’t get paid, don’t call me. He knew it was only a matter of time, but less than two months since his last payment he was surprised to see the message ‘Home Insurance Calling’ on the phone’s display. Home Insurance, he knew this wouldn’t escape any close investigation but it covered any casual observation when Pablo called. He was tempted to ignore it, but MacMillan had recently bought a luxury holiday home on the north coast of Mexico and his mistress wanted a new car. He also fancied a nice boat to go with his new house. He had plenty of cash stashed in various places, but wanted more. He closed his office door and answered.



  ‘I wondered how long it would take. So what, you sending my money over?’

  ‘Yeah, yeah of course Frank. It’s just been a mix up. Shit happens, you know that. Hey, listen, I got an urgent job for you.’

  MacMillan wasn’t going to let Pablo off the hook that easily.

  ‘OK, well, whatever. Pay me what you owe and we’ll talk.’

  Back in his office Pablo bit his lip to stop himself shouting out. Skinny was back already and standing next to his desk so Pablo shooed him out the room and then adopted a more conversational tone.

  ‘Say Frank, no problem. But this one has a special pay-out for you. Well worth your while I have to say, and it’s not even gonna be difficult I swear.’

  ‘How special?’

  ‘Easy fifty for you.’

  ‘Plus the twenty you owe?’

  Pablo gritted his teeth.

  ‘Yeah Frank, sure. Like I said, it’s just been one of those things, I had some problems with my guys. You know how these things go.’

  MacMillan considered. Seventy grand would be good, save dipping into his extremely substantial savings.

  ‘OK Pablo, give me twenty minutes. I’ll drop in.’

  In the end, it was nearly an hour before MacMillan wandered into Pablo’s office; he did this deliberately to make sure Pablo knew who was in charge. Pablo had spent the time getting increasingly desperate. The presence of Shaun Farley sitting waiting patiently was weighing down heavily now. Skinny had obviously just made the situation even worse when he had gone to talk, and Pablo should have known better than to ask him but he was not only desperate, but trapped in his office.

  Pablo was in a mess. And now he knew it. And he was forced to admit that Stefan leaving was also taking its toll, Pablo had been relying on him for years. Stefan just always understood what to do, he had all the contacts, everybody knew him and he appreciated how things worked. In truth while he had often been hard on the men they had working for them there had really been very little trouble, and Pablo had been well protected from the many people out there looking for money. Now, Stefan was out, Robert and Jimmy were in hospital and it looked like Tony was probably going to join them, there was no news at all where he could be. That only left Skinny, who was there like a bad smell hovering around the office.

  Watching Frank MacMillan belligerently stroll into his office Pablo knew he couldn’t display any of his true feelings. He suddenly became aware of his appearance and affected an air of someone who had been living it up.

  ‘Mac!’ he declared cheerfully.

  MacMillan looked at him carefully, immediately sensing problems. In truth, there were a lot of rumours circulating about Pablo, as usual MacMillan was keen to avoid anything that could be even remotely inconvenient. He noticed the absence of Stefan and made an elaborate show of looking around, completely ignoring Skinny.

  ‘Hey. So where’s Stefan at?’

  Pablo dismissively waved a hand.

  ‘That fucker. Who knows and who cares? I’ve been carrying that loser too long, he’s outta here.’

  This was a real shock to MacMillan. Stefan was the only reason Pablo was still alive and everyone knew it; he was streetwise, smart, cool and capable. Everything Pablo wasn’t.

  ‘So what, you’re running things on your own now?’ MacMillan was incredulous.

  Skinny went to speak but Pablo quietened him patiently.

  ‘Everything is just fine Mac. No problem.’

  ‘Well, I’m hearing things Pablo.’

  ‘Yeah? What things?’ Pablo retorted angrily.

  ‘You’re broke. You got some heavy people on your case. And you got no team left. I’m thinking, no way, not Pablo. But then I ain’t getting paid, and seeing as Stefan is not here, I’m wondering what the real story is. Make no mistake Pablo, I know you got shit going down. Everybody knows.

  ‘Trust me Mac, there’s no problem. And fuck all those other guys, they can say what they want. It’s just jealousy is what it is.’

  Pablo kept the smile on his face, but inside he was in turmoil. Who was talking about him? How many people knew about his money problems, or New York? He couldn’t think of a single person he could turn to other than Mac, and here the policeman was making him feel like trash and bringing up gossip. But he needed the money back, and there was only one way he could think of to make it happen.

  MacMillan sighed and sat down.

  ‘OK, well … I guess I’m here now. Tell me what you need Pablo.’

  Pablo took out the photo of John Smith taken at the immigration desk and laid it out on the desk. MacMillan picked it up and looked at it. He didn’t recognise the man, who at best looked nondescript.


  ‘So I need this guy found. He’s stolen a lot of money from me.’

  ‘Who is he?’

  ‘His name’s John Smith. He’s a Brit. He’s over here to take me down. Today he robbed two of my guys, I got this other guy waiting to get paid, it’s all very fucking boring but I need it dealt with. It’s a respect thing you understand.’

  ‘No, not really. Why would a British guy come over here to get you?’

  ‘There’s a disagreement over some fucking money. I didn’t feel like paying so hey, I didn’t. It’s bullshit.’

  But suddenly a light came on in MacMillan’s mind, something he had been told in the last couple of days that he didn’t really take a lot of notice of, but now rang a loud alarm in his brain. He smiled at Pablo.

  ‘Whoa, wait a second. Hold up. This is the guy right? People are saying he took out that fucking giant Robert at McCarran? This is what I been hearing. This guy? And now he’s stealing off you?’

  ‘Look Mac, yeah OK he’s been giving me some problems. I don’t know, I never met him. From what I found out he’s like some fucking Special Forces martial arts expert or some shit. But I need the fucker found, I need that money back.’

  But MacMillan was weig
hing everything up. He wasn’t sure at all that he wanted any part of this. This guy, whoever he was, had to be trouble. Robert was big. There were bigger out there sure, but Robert had been around, he’d been putting the squeeze on people a long time.

  ‘I don’t know I want to do this Pablo. OK, so why don’t you just go talk to him? Avoid any more problems.’

  ‘We don’t know where he’s staying. He made reservations at half the hotels on the strip, checked in at all of them but from what we know he never stepped foot in any of the rooms.’

  MacMillan shook his head and sat there silently, thinking. He really didn’t like the sound of this at all.

  ‘Pablo, let me give you some advice. You don’t have to listen of course, but I think you should.’

  Pablo sat back and shrugged, as usual never willing to listen to any suggestions and conscious of time passing.

  ‘Look Pablo, just hear me out for Christ’s sakes, there is every chance that this is not just some guy, right? I mean Robert? Come on. And this hotel stunt? I never heard of that before. And now he’s taking on more of your guys? You got any left apart from this fat idiot?’

  Skinny jumped and stared, but MacMillan ignored him.

  ‘Mac, listen …’ Pablo blustered but was interrupted.

  ‘Hear me out. You know what? However this started, get out of it. Just pay the fucking guy! Then forget about it. OK, so you didn’t pay and he’s come after you, but now he’s got the money back right? Maybe with some cream on the top. But I can tell you something and you need to listen to this, you are not looking at a guy you walk away from. Understand what he does. What he is. This is his job, and it sounds like he’s good at it. You got nobody left Pablo. Nobody, even Stefan has bailed.’

  ‘Mac, it’s not that simple. OK, between me and you, I got a minor cashflow problem.’

  Skinny looked surprised, but MacMillan had already worked out all the rumours are true as soon as he came in the room.

  ‘All the more reason Pablo. And by the way, this ain’t a mystery, people are saying you got money problems, and from what I am hearing, it ain’t so minor. Everybody knows you’re broke, everybody. But you got to open your ears; with this John Smith you need to let it go, the guy will just keep coming. To me, it looks like you’re gonna lose, and lose bad.’

  ‘Bullshit Mac. I never lose.’

  MacMillan stood and stared at Pablo, who looked anywhere else. He was a mess.

  ‘You ain’t listening Pablo. Everybody is talking. You’ve been losing a long, long time.’

  Pablo cleared his throat.

  ‘Mac, I need that money back, and I need it today.’

  ‘You’re making a mistake Pablo.’

  ‘I ain’t got any choices any more Mac.’

  MacMillan sighed.

  ‘OK, so what do you want me to do?’

  ‘Simple, find him, take him in, and get my money.’

  ‘It doesn’t sound that simple. This is a big city. What do I arrest him for? Robert ain’t gonna testify and I guess you don’t want this money discussed.’

  ‘Whatever you want. Car theft, he stole one of ours, it’s in the lot. I don’t fucking know, just find him.’

  MacMillan stood still and considered. The cash would be handy, and he would be able to make sure he got it. He should be able to find Smith, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to mobilise a bunch of cops out with the photo. He had to be staying somewhere, someone must have seen him. Start with the strip; it was the most likely place. Pablo looked at him anxiously. MacMillan took out his phone and called the precinct ordering some crime scene guys to come down and fingerprint the car.

  ‘OK. Pay me my twenty right now, and I want a hundred for the job. And don’t try and argue.’

  ‘Deal.’ Pablo replied simply. He sent Skinny off to the cashier’s office. He could replace the money later; Shaun would just have to take two million after all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  John and George had a very late lunch at the country club while discussing the next move. John was keen to hit Honeys and speak to Thomas, but George advised him to leave it until later, there would be nobody there other than some booze hounds until the evening, and if Thomas was working there then it was more likely that he would be around then.

  ‘So where you staying?’ George suddenly asked.

  ‘Venetian,’ John lied automatically.

  ‘Why you really doing this John?’

  ‘I told you, I’m looking for Abby.’

  ‘I get that, but if I had to guess this is your job right? You ain’t just a friend of the family, and if you are then lucky them. You’re just too good at this. You’ve done this before. I got no problem with it, it’s obvious that you know what the hell you’re doing, but I like to know where I stand.’

  John paused and stared at George, who looked back with an interested expression on his face. John shrugged.

  ‘Yeah. I’m getting paid.’

  ‘So this is what you do?’

  ‘Among other things.’

  ‘John, I’m just asking. It ain’t my business. You’re a gun for hire.’

  ‘No, I’m not that.’

  ‘OK, I’ll shut the fuck up.’

  John sighed.

  ‘OK, OK. It’s no problem. Yeah, I find people. I sort out problems. I settle scores; get debts paid, that sort of thing.’

  ‘And I’m guessing you’re real good at it. I watched you my friend, I never seen anyone so calm. You never even broke a sweat. John I got to say you could be very useful, my contacts in New York would be real interested, and it would be very worth your while.’

  John smiled.

  ‘Thanks George, but I’m happy doing what I do. I’m not bothered about money, never have been. And I like where I live.’

  ‘OK. Well, you got a bunch more money sitting in the trunk of my car.’

  Both men laughed.

  ‘That is true George.’

  ‘By the way John, I got a good way to get that cash out the picture. I’d consider it a personal favour if we get it moved like yesterday. The longer it’s around, the more poisonous it could get, and I need to keep it distant. It never existed. And Pablo’s crew, if he’s even got one now, well they are gonna be looking for you.’

  ‘OK, sure, what do we do?’

  ‘Take it to UPS! Seriously, I got a good guy at the airport. It will be all packed up and gone, waiting for you when you get home with no trace anywhere. And far away from here, which is all I care about.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan, thanks George. But you know I’m not worried about them looking for me.’

  ‘The game has changed now. Pablo’s got no choice, he is gonna have to try real hard, he’s got cops on the payroll.’

  ‘Oh yeah? Do you know who?’

  ‘This old sweat lieutenant or whatever Frank MacMillan definitely. He used to pay off the DA and this captain over at Metro, but they got busted over corruption a few years ago. Department is supposedly squeaky clean now but MacMillan is still there, on the take, and not just off Pablo. I don’t know him, never met the guy but he’s been steering things in this city a long time. My guess is Pablo will set the dogs loose, but as I said earlier he’s run out of friends. If you need a wingman with MacMillan let me know, it would be a pleasure.’

  ‘George I got one more question, I read in a file about the FBI investigating, and Eddie mentioned them too. Why didn’t that stick? Rapes, murders, guns, drugs? There must have been a pile of evidence a mile high.’

  ‘I asked myself the same question, and Francesco won’t answer it either. He just won’t talk about it. It must have been a pay-off, someone must have got a slice of the pie.’

  ‘If you’re serious about getting Francesco out, I think you need them to look at it again.’

  ‘Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know. But how in hell am I supposed to get that done? I avoid those guys John, I’ve spent my life doing it. I don’t know about you.’

  ‘Once I find out what h
appened to Abby, either way that comes out I am out of here. But I do know someone, and they owe me. I could give them a call, but I don’t want to bring any heat down on anyone that would cause you a problem if you see what I mean.’

  George said nothing, considering. He made his mind up.

  ‘I can hardly believe I’m talking about this. I’ve never had any direct dealings with those guys, and that’s how I like it. Just say I agree, and I would try anything for Francesco, how well do you know this guy? This could blow wide open, I got a lot of friends with business interests in the Acropolis as you know, and these guys do not like to have their names known believe me.’


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