Thor: Daughter of Asgard

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Thor: Daughter of Asgard Page 3

by Genevieve McCluer

  April tsked, clearly losing a few points of appreciation but hiding it the best she could. Emily didn’t seem to notice. “Of course. I’ll make you some.”

  Emily grinned, turning back to Hannah. “I was a little worried when I didn’t see you in bed.”

  “It’s my bed. It’s not like I’m gonna run off and never come back.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time. Though I suppose I could’ve waited another hour that time. She may have still been too drunk,” Emily said. “Speaking of, thanks for driving. I was definitely in no shape to, and I’m still not quite sure how you were.”

  “I can hold my alcohol.”

  “She can,” Megan stated firmly, nodding. “She won a drinking contest with a bunch of douchey frat boys. They were knocked out, and she was barely stumbling.”

  “It’s a useful skill at parties. Lets me keep an eye on you.”

  “And yet you don’t need to.” Megan rolled her eyes. “I can take care of myself.”

  “You literally threw up in the coat closet at the last house party you went to.”

  “Only because the line for the bathroom was really long,” she replied, grumbling.

  “Yeah and then you passed out in someone’s bed!”

  “One time, someone actually did that in the coat check room at work,” Emily said, coming to Megan’s rescue. “The throw-up part. We’re still not even sure how they could’ve gotten back there, and there was no one there when Jill found it.”

  “You must have so many amazing stories.” April set the pancakes before her. “From what I’ve seen at parties, I can barely imagine some of the horror stories you get when you work at them.”

  “Hmm.” Emily paused as she dug in. “Well, there was this one time, like last week, these two guys showed up in Viking armor and started a bar fight.”

  “Like some overenthusiastic fans after one of our football games?” Hannah asked.

  “Go Vikings,” Megan and April added half-seriously.

  “I guess that could’ve been it, but they actually had swords. It was a little scary.”

  “Oh, babe, I’m sorry,” Hannah said, reaching an arm protectively toward her, then quickly pulling it back. “Wait, can I call you that? Like, what are we?”

  “We can have that conversation when we’re alone and not having breakfast.”

  Megan shot a quick glare but thankfully remained silent.

  Emily gave her own. “I’m gonna say yes, if she’s asking.”

  Hannah blinked, staring in disbelief. “Oh. That makes things way less scary. Want to go have that conversation now?”

  “Let me finish my food first,” Emily said, stabbing her fork into the sizeable fraction still remaining. They really hadn’t given her much time to eat.

  “Okay, but we get to interrogate you later,” Megan stated in a tone that brooked no further discussion.

  “Sure, as long as she’s cooking lunch for it.”

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  Hannah sat on her bed with Emily a few feet away as she nervously cleared her throat, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. “Last night was amazing,” Hannah finally managed.

  “It was,” Emily agreed, staring intently at the gray carpet and letting out a nervous chuckle.

  “So you want to keep doing that then?” she tried, her tone raising with each word as she worked to keep her hopes in check.

  “I would love to. I’m still here, aren’t I?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  She squeezed Hannah’s hand, pulling it into her lap. “You doing anything today?”

  Hannah shrugged. Looking into Emily’s light blue eyes, she could scarcely even remember what day it was. “I don’t think so.”

  “How about I take you out again? Maybe someplace a bit less intoxicating. We could go hit up some food carts or something.”

  “I haven’t gone to the pod on Tenth in a few months. I could go for that. Though I’d rather also get drunk, but with your tolerance, I can see why you’d want to go easy today.” With a taunting wink, she pulled her hand back, beaming, daring Emily to take her up on her challenge.

  “I’ll have you know that my tolerance is just fine. In fact, I’ve been told by more than a few people that it’s quite impressive.” She rose, placing her hands on her hips, staring, clearly ready to put their tolerances to the test despite how badly she would lose. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a girlfriend who could keep up with me when I was really trying.”

  “I’m sure you’re very impressive for a drinker in your league…” She realized the implication of Emily’s last few words. It shouldn’t have been surprising since Emily had all but said that was what she’d wanted over breakfast, but hearing it like that was still something for which she was unprepared. “Wait…girlfriend? Like, that’s what you want me to be? But I mean, we barely know each other.”

  “I know how you taste, and I already know your friends. I figure everything else will come with time. I take it you don’t agree?” Emily asked, looking more nervous by the second, her confident posture fading as she shrunk, trying to meet Hannah’s eyes, probing for an answer.

  “I’m not saying I don’t want it,” Hannah insisted, leaping to her feet and moving to her…that was the question, wasn’t it? “Well, we’re going out today, and you’ve met my friends, so maybe I could meet your friends? I’d just rather at least have done that before we’re official.”

  Emily groaned, her teeth showing in a pained flash. “You’re gonna think I’m so weird.”

  “You don’t have any friends?”

  “No! I do.” The offended look on her face guilted Hannah into taking her hand. “I have friends. My best friend is just my…” She paused, groaning. “My hairdresser.”

  “Wow, and I was worried I was too femme.”

  “There we go.”

  “I’m kidding. Have you seen your hair? I’d be her best friend too. Gotta have my…You.” Hannah gulped. The word was so terrifying, no matter how amazing it sounded. It had just been so long. And Emily was so awesome. “Looking this amazing,” she finished, hoping the hesitation hadn’t made her sound too bad.

  Emily visibly relaxed, tracing her thumb along the back of Hannah’s hand. “It’s them, actually. So you want to meet them?”

  “Like, there’s more than one?”

  “No. I’m so glad we’re having this conversation first. Alys is nonbinary.”


  Emily rolled her eyes. “You know how you’re a girl? And how supposedly some people are guys, but I can’t really understand why anyone would accept that fate.”

  Hannah giggled and nodded. “And some people are neither or both. I’ve heard of it. In orientation. And online. I’ve never met a nonbinary person, though. I’ve always wanted to. At least, I really hope I haven’t met one or else I’ve been really rude to somebody. But her name’s Alice?”

  “Their name.”

  Hannah nearly smacked herself in the forehead, but that always hurt way too much. “Right. Sorry. I know. I’m trying.”

  “It’s okay. I know it’s weird when it’s new, but I promise that you can get used to it. Just try to be respectful. If I’m gonna be showing you to them, then…”

  “I will be,” Hannah insisted, squeezing Emily’s hand a bit harder than intended. “I don’t understand it, but I can be nice. I have to make a good impression with my potential girlfriend’s friends.”

  “Right,” Emily agreed nervously. Hannah hoped that she’d be able to ease those doubts before too long.

  Chapter Four

  Letting out a shaky breath, Hannah followed Emily into the beauty salon. They’d grabbed some shawarma and poutine from some nearby food carts on the way over, and now Hannah was both concerned that she was going to make a fool of herself in front of her not-quite-girlfriend’s best friend and that her breath must smell terrible. “You’ll be fine,” Emily said reassuringly, her hand resting on the small of Hannah’s back.

  “Right.” Sh
e cleared her throat, taking in the little shop with its collection of hair products against the wall and a woman with multi-colored hair rapidly mashing buttons on a computer while finishing a discussion with another woman. A few other women were farther back either cutting hair or getting a haircut. Maybe one of them was Alice? There were a few more milling about in the front reading magazines and playing on their phones. When the colorful-haired woman handed the customer a receipt, she thanked her, and as she turned to leave, the colorful woman’s eyes landed on the newcomers.

  “Emily!” she squealed. Hannah noticed the name tag that said Alys, which had to make this Emily’s friend, and made a note to try to switch her understanding to “person” rather than “woman,” as she initially assumed, as the name was spelled differently than she’d expected, but it made sense with what she’d been told. Alys ran toward Emily to drag her into a hug. Hannah noted the nose ring and the fact that the left side of their head was almost completely shaved. “I haven’t seen you in far too long.”

  “It’s been maybe a week since I came in for a haircut.”

  “Yeah, and then you canceled movie night.”

  “I had to work a party.”

  Guilt panged at the back of Hannah’s neck. “Sorry about that. It was my birthday party, and my sorority rented out the private room and kinda needed a bartender.”

  “Well, at least you chose well.” Alys beamed down at Hannah, making her wonder why everyone she interacted with lately was so damn tall. “So who’s this?”

  Emily glanced at Hannah, biting hard enough on her lip that the impression stayed. “Well, we’re kind of dating, and I thought maybe she should meet my best friend.”

  “Wow, you’re at that point already? When’s the U-Haul?”

  Emily chuckled. “Not until at least tomorrow. This is our second date. We’re taking it slow.”

  “Excuse me?” Hannah asked, staring in shock. She managed to collect herself before she made a bigger deal out of it and tried to turn her consternation into a joke. “I don’t move out of my sorority house for another week, so it can’t be before then.”

  “I’ll put it in my calendar. ‘Move in with that cute redhead from the party,’” Emily said, tapping something on her phone. “June thirtieth work? That’s a little over a week from now, so I figured it was long enough.”

  She swallowed. “Better make it the first of July.”

  “I’m working that day.”

  “Thirtieth it is, then.”

  “I’m Alys, by the way,” they announced, extending their hand. “I have an opening in half an hour if you want a haircut. My treat.”

  “Why?” Hannah asked, still feeling suspicious and a bit behind on what was going on.

  “So I can interrogate you, of course.”

  It seemed it was a requirement that best friends made that joke. “Sure. See if you can do anything with this mess of curls. It doesn’t like cooperating.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage.” They flashed a grin before turning to an older woman sitting in a nearby chair. “Sorry about the holdup, Clarice. I’m ready for you now.”

  “It sounds like we have a half hour to kill,” Emily said, gesturing toward some empty chairs in the corner.

  “Yeah, seems so,” Hannah agreed, following her lead and taking a seat. “So…Um…” She stared at her knees. Obviously, they had been joking. Asking about it would be stupid. But Emily had put it in her calendar. Would she have done that if it was just a joke? This was such a terrible idea. There was no way she’d been serious. “So…We’re not actually moving in together next week, are we?”

  “Oh.” That response didn’t give Hannah much to go with. How badly had she just stuck her foot in her mouth? Should she walk right out the door and accept that she’d ruined everything? “I…”

  “Forget it,” Hannah shouted, way too loudly judging by how many people turned to stare.

  “We could,” Emily finally said.

  Hannah’s jaw dropped.

  “I’m trying really hard to convince myself that I shouldn’t put the offer out ’cause I still barely know you. I’m not sure if we’re even a couple yet, but it does sound really nice. Do you have anyplace else you were planning on moving?”

  “I was gonna move in with Megan, but every place she found is so tiny. Rent in Portland is not cheap, and neither of us has even started getting paid yet.”

  “My rent’s actually really cheap. I live in a basement, and it’s not the best neighborhood, but the place is huge, and it has a washer and dryer and everything.”


  Emily nodded, not quite meeting Hannah’s eyes. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know why I’m so into you.” Emily finally faced her, and she resisted getting lost in those gorgeous blue eyes. “Not that there’s no reason to be into you. Obviously, there is. Are. There are loads of reasons. You’re amazing. I just mean, it’s early.”

  Hannah took a deep breath. “We’re really doing it?”

  “I’m sure there’s a very compelling reason not to, but it seems to be escaping me.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “That’s hardly reassuring.”

  Clasping her hands in hers, Emily leaned in to eye level. “Move in with me.”

  Any rational thoughts fled. “Okay.” Lesbian time was certainly real. That had to be the only explanation for this. Why else would she agree to move in with a girl she just met? But it felt so right.

  “Well…” Emily trailed off, then her expression changed, looking almost awed. “So, I guess this makes us a couple.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Always what you want to hear when you just said you’re together.”

  “No, not that.” Hannah groaned, finally realizing what it was that she was supposed to be doing. The excitement and terror of the day had done a terrific job overshadowing it until now, but that new terror must’ve finally cleared her head and reminded her that she had a final she desperately needed to do well on. “I’m beyond thrilled, but I just remembered I have a test tomorrow. I meant to study today, and well, you’re very distracting.”

  “I don’t want to make you fail your class. Maybe I can help you?”

  “That wouldn’t be, like, the lamest date?”

  “I don’t mind.”

  Despite that not being reassuring, Hannah spent a bit of time getting the site to work on her phone before downloading the study guide the professor had uploaded. “Wanna go over this with me?”

  “All right, but I’m not stripping when you get the answers right.”

  “I guess I’ll live,” she said as she tried to drudge up any elusive art history knowledge she must have absorbed at some point during the semester. “Let’s do this.”

  They spent the next twenty-five minutes going over the guide. At the start, Hannah was having far too much trouble focusing to remember the likely intention of the artist as represented by the iconography of the Standard of Ur or in what ways the lamassu was intended to be viewed, but Emily’s hand holding hers helped her relax enough that she started remembering lessons from earlier in the quarter, and she soon found herself able to answer most of the questions with only a minor hesitation. By the time Alys was ready for her, she felt the slightest bit prepared for her final.

  ✥ ✥ ✥

  “How long have you known Emily?” Hannah asked as Alys checked the water temperature with their hand.

  “Lean back.” They lathered shampoo into her hair, massaging her scalp. “She’s been coming here for around nine years. Though we’ve only been friends for about eight, if that’s what you meant.”

  Emily sat idly in a nearby chair, watching them, looking far more relaxed than Hannah had been in her situation. Her fingers tapped rapidly on her phone before she began sliding through something that Hannah couldn’t see. Emily hadn’t actually even tried to add her on social media yet. It seemed weird to already be moving in together when they weren’t even friends online, no matter how wonderful
the moving in felt. She needed to remember to ask about Facebook soon; then she wouldn’t have any nagging thoughts.

  Her hair thoroughly rinsed, Hannah sat up, stretching the kink out of her neck. “How’d you end up being friends?”

  “Aren’t I supposed to be interrogating you?”

  “You can ask me next.”

  “Get in this chair.” They spun the chair around and wrapped a cape around her. “She mentioned that she was planning on going to pride, and since my former partner and I had broken up about a month before, I didn’t have anyone to go with, so I asked if I could join her.”

  “Were you two…” Hannah trailed off, not wanting to presume.

  “You just won’t let me ask my stuff, will you?”

  “It’s part of the same question.”

  “No, we weren’t. Not really my type.” They snickered, circling once to take a look at her hair. “Just a trim, or do you want me to do anything interesting?”

  “Like, how interesting?” she asked, eyeing them askance.

  “Well, I wasn’t planning on giving you a mohawk or anything.”

  Emily glanced up from her phone, looking Hannah up and down. “I think she could pull it off.”

  “I like being able to do things with my hair,” Hannah grumbled. “It’s really nice being able to throw it up in a bun or braid it or do whatever I feel like. Plus, I play with it a lot.”

  “Short hair would be a lot less work,” Emily offered.

  “Em, you’re not allowed to tell anyone to get short hair. You’ve had your hair down to at least your ass the entire time I’ve known you.”

  “All that means is I know what I’m talking about,” she said, returning to her phone, sounding done with this conversation. “Besides, I was going to have short hair until you talked me out of it,” she added before returning to being done.

  “I stand by my decision.”

  “Just give her something cute.”

  Hannah’s gaze darted between the two of them. She was a little concerned that they might pick a radical hairstyle, and by the time she realized what they were doing, it would already be too late. “Please let me still have long hair?”


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